
508 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. JANU.ARY 12; and from thence to the place of burial; and the guests of the President in the State of South Carolina, transmitted by the Senate will retire in the reverse order of their entrance. Secretary of State; which was laid on the table. The casket was borne from the Chamber, attended by the com­ mittee of arrangements, the family of the deceased Senator, the ADDITIONAL QUARANTINE POWERS. clergymen, and the committee of the Legislature of West Vir­ The SPEAKER also laid before the House a bill (S. 2707) ginia. granting additional quarantine -powers and imposing additional The invited guests having retired from the Chamber, duties upon the Secretary of the Treasury and the Marine Hos­ Mr. ALLISON. I move that the Senate do now adjourn. pital Service, and for other purposes. Tlie motion·was agreed to; and (at 1 o'clock and 48 minutes p. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Maryland [Mr. RAY­ m.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Friday, January 13, NER], who is unable to be present to-day, requests that this bill 1893, at 12 o'clock m. be laid temporarily_ upon the Speaker's table, and if there be no objection it will be so ordered. There was no objection, and it was so ordered. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. YUMA PUMPING IRRIGATION COMPANY. The SPEAKER also laid before the House a bill (S. 3195) THURSDAY, January 12, 1893. granting to the YumaPumping Irrigation Companythe right of The House met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. way for two ditches across that part of the Yuma Indian Reser­ WILLIAM H. MILBURN, D. D. vation lying in Arizona. The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and ap­ Mr. PEEL. Mr. Speaker, a bill identical with that has been proved. reported· from the House Committee on Indian Affairs, and I SITE FOR APPRAISER'S WAREHOUSE, NEW YORK. ask unanimous consent for the present consideration of the Sen­ ate bill. The matter is a very simple one. The SPEAKER laid before the House a communication from The SPEAKER. The b:Il will be read, after which the Chair the Secretary of the Treasury relating to the site for the ap­ will ask if there be objection. praiser's warehouse in the city and State of New York; which The bill was read, as follows: was referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. Be it enacted, e;c., That there is h~eby granted unto the Yuma Pumping ­ Irrigation Company, incorporated undel' the laws of Arizona, it~ successors ADDITIONAL LABORERS, INSPECTOR-GENERAL'S OFFICE. and assigns, a right or way 100 feet wide, the center line of which right of way shall commence on the bank of the Colorado River, 300 feet west of the The SPEAKER also laid before the House a letter from the east line of the Yuma Indian ReservatiOn, in Arizona (formerly the Fort Secretary of"the Treasury, transmitting an estimate of appro­ Yuma mUitary reservation) ; thence running westerly along said bank to the center of the angle or the flume or said comnany: thence following the priation submitted by the Secretary of War for two laborers in center of the ditch of said company to the boundary line of the said reserva­ the office of the Inspector-General for the current fiscal year; tion. Also, there is hereby granted unto said corporation, its successors which was referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and and assigns, a right of way 200 feet wide across said reservation in Arizona, the center line of which shall commence at low water of the Colorado River, ordered to be printed. 150 feet westerly of the east line or the said reservation; thence running in ?!-1AIL MESSENGER, TREASURY DEPARTMENT. a southerly direction to and crossing the west line of said reservation 150 feet, more or less, north of the southwest corner of said reservation: Pro­ The SPEAKER also laid before the House a letter from the vided, Tha.t for the distance of 2.50 feet from the point of beginning on said Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting for favorable action a river said right of way shall be 300 feet in width. The plats of the ditches of said company through said reservation shall be subject to the approval of request from the chief of the division of mail and files request­ the Secretary of the Interior, and such ditches shall not be so located or the ing that the falary of the mail messenger be increased; which rights of way herein granted so used as to in any manner interfere with any I • was r aferred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered permanent building upon said reservation, except wlth the express assent of said Secretary of the Interior. to be printed. SEc. 2. That the rights herein granted are upon the express condition OFFICE ASSISTANT TREASURER, ST. LOIDS. that the grantee or grantees thereof sha.ll, at all times during the continu­ ance thereof, furnish the Indian occupants of the lands situated south of and The SPEAKER also laid before the House a letter from the under either of said ditches, and wlthin said reservation as now bounded. Secreta~· y of the Treasury, transmitting for favor~ble considera­ water sumcient for all domestic and agricultural purposes. and purposes of irrigation, on such terms and under such rules and regulations as shall be t,ion a communication from the assistant treasurer of the prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior. United States at St. Louis, submitting certain increases in the SEc. 3. That this act shall take etrect and be in force from and after its force and compensation of the employes in his office; which was passage, but the right to amend or reveal it at any time is hereby reserved referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be to Congress. printed. · The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gen­ ' OFFICE ASSISTANT TREASURER, NEW ORLEANS. tleman from Arkansas that this Sanat3 bill be now considered? The SPEAKER also laid before the House a letter from the Mr. TAYLORofillinois. Mr. Speaker, is this agrantofaright Seoretary of the Treasury, transmitting a communication from of way through an Indian r eservation? the assistant treasurer of the United States at New Orleans, sub­ Mr. PEEL. I will state to the gentleman that this irrigating mitting certain increases in the force and compensation of em­ company established ditc~s through this reservation under the ployes in his office; which was referred to the Committee on Ap- impression that it was a military reservation which had been propriations, and ordered to be printed. · . abandoned and which they had a right to pass through under the act of Congress; but upon examination of the matter and LIFE-SAVING STATION, LONG BRANCH. reference to the Attorney-General it was found that inasmuch The SPEAKER also laid before the House a letter from the as by an Executive order this land had been added to the Yuma Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy of a communica· Reservation, it did not come under the act of Congress author­ tion from the General Superintendent of the Life-Saving Service, izing irrigating companies to cross Government reservations, so stating the necessity for an additional appropriation for the pur­ that this legislation is necessary. I have examined the matter chase of a site for the Long Branch life-saving station; which very thoroughly; there are only a few acre'3 involved, and the was referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered bill ought to pass. to be printed. Mr. TAYLOR of Illinois. The only question about it in my JUDGMENTS AGAINST THE UNITED STATES IN CIRCIDT AND mind is this: If this is an Indian reservation the bill does not DISTRICT COURTS. provide fm: obtaining the consent of the Indians. The SPEAKER also laid before the House a letter from the At­ Mr. PEEL. The Indians do not occupy this land, but the bill torney-General, transmitting areportof the judgments rendered provides that the company shall furnish the Indians all the in the circuit and district courts of the United States received water they need, and the plan of the irrigating ditches can not since July 12, 1892; which was referred to the Committee on be carried out tmtil it is first approved by the Secretary of the Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. Interior. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the re ::J_ueat of the gen- FINDINGS OF COURT OF CLAIMS. tleman from Arkamas? ' The SPEAKER also laid before the House copies of the find­ There was no objection. ings of the Court of Claims in the following-n·amed cases; which The bill wa<J ordered to a third reading· and it was accord­ were referred to the Committee on War Claims: ingly read the third time, and passed. John Waldron, deceased, vs. The United States. Catherine Murchison vs. The United States. FUNERAL SERVICES OF SENATOR KENNA. Peter Cook vs. The United States. Mr. WILSON of West Virginia offered the following resolu­ C. F. F. Rosenthal and J. T. Jenkins vs: The United States. tion; which was read, considered, and adopted: ELECTORAL VOTE. R esolved, That at 12 o 'clock and 55 minutes p. m. to-day, the House proceed to the Senate Chamber to attend the funeral services of the late Senator The SP,EA KER also laid before the House certified copy ol Kenna, and upon the conclubion of such services the House return to its the final ascertainment of electors for President and Vice- Chamber a.nd re~>ume its session for the day.
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