<p> 222/2019 Imperial Rooms Mayor 2019-2020 Imperial Road Councillor David Hughes Matlock 07711 898080 <a href="/tags/Derbyshire/" rel="tag">Derbyshire</a> DE4 3NL </p><p>Town Clerk Telephone 01629 583042 Email [email protected] Susan Smith </p><p>Website www.matlock.gov.uk </p><p>Minutes of a meeting of the Corporate Committee of Matlock Town Council held on Monday 4 November 2019 at 7.00pm in the Imperial Rooms, Matlock </p><p>Present: In the Chair: Cllr Steve Flitter Councillors: Sue Burfoot, Brian Smith, Paul Cruise Ex Officio: Cllr David Hughes </p><p>In Attendance: Kim Launert, Manager Susan Smith, Town Clerk </p><p>1 minutes silence was held to mark the passing of David Barker, a long standing Matlock Town Council and District Councillor who retired in 2015. </p><p>CC351/19 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE </p><p>Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Helen Legood and Michael Crapper, both declared a personal commitment. </p><p>It was moved by Cllr Steve Flitter, seconded by Cllr Paul Cruise and </p><p>RESOLVED: To note the apologies received (Unanimously) </p><p>CC352/19 VARIATION OF ORDER OF BUSINESS </p><p>There were no variations to the proposed order of business </p><p>CC353/19 DECLARATION OF MEMBERS INTEREST </p><p>There were no declarations </p><p>CC354/19 REQUESTS FOR DISPENSATION </p><p>No requests for dispensation had been received </p><p>CC355/19 PUBLIC SPEAKING – Members of the Public </p><p>There were no members of the public present </p><p>1 </p><p> g-Corporate Committee Mtg 04.11.19 223/2019 </p><p>CC356/19 MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING </p><p>It was moved by Cllr Sue Burfoot, seconded by Cllr Brian Smith and </p><p>RESOLVED: To approve the minutes of the Corporate Committee meeting of Matlock (Unanimously) Town Council held on Monday 2 September 2019 </p><p>CC357/19 WORKING PARTY NOTES Appendix 1 </p><p>It was moved by Cllr Brian Smith, seconded by Cllr Paul Cruise and </p><p>RESOLVED: To approve the notes and recommendations from the following working (Unanimously) parties: </p><p>Joint Christmas Committee – 16 September 2019 Matlock Town Show Liaison Group – 16 September 2019 Maps and Interpretation Working Group – 16 September 2019 Climate Change Working Party - 9 October 2019 Town Map and Interpretation Panels Working Group – 22 October 2019 Climate Change Working Party – 25 October 2019 </p><p>CC358/19 ISSUES ARISING FROM LEAD MEMBERS – Corporate – Cllr Steve Flitter </p><p>Cllr Steve Flitter had spoken to the Chief Executive of Derbyshire Dales District Council regarding the funding for the Public Conveniences. He had been informed that an interim payment of £3,000 would be made, however the remainder of the funds would be transferred on completion of the lease. </p><p>It was moved by Cllr Sue Burfoot, seconded by Cllr Brian Smith and </p><p>RESOLVED: To note the report (Unanimously) </p><p>CC359/19 ISSUES ARISING FROM LEAD MEMBERS – Finance – Cllr Michael Crapper </p><p>Cllr Michael Crapper was not present. Cllr Steve Flitter told the committee that fundraising for the poppy appeal was going well with significant amounts being collected at the Matlock Bath Illuminations and the recent Cromford Fireworks. </p><p>It was moved by Cllr Steve Flitter, seconded by Cllr Brian Smith and </p><p>RESOLVED: To note the report (Unanimously) </p><p>CC360/19 ISSUES ARISING FROM LEAD MEMBERS – Environment – Cllr David Hughes </p><p>Council staff had investigated the possibility of repair to the planter at Firs Parade. Advice has been received that it may be more cost effective to replace the planter rather than repair it. 2 </p><p> g-Corporate Committee Mtg 04.11.19 224/2019 </p><p>It was moved by Cllr Steve Flitter, seconded by Cllr Sue Burfoot and </p><p>RESOLVED: 1. That the planter should be repaired in house if at all possible. (Unanimously) 2. That Cllr David Hughes take the lead on the project. 3. Should it not be possible to repair the planter, quotations be sought for its replacement. </p><p>CC361/19 ISSUES ARISING FROM LEAD MEMBERS – Events – Cllr Helen Legood </p><p>Councillor Steve Flitter asked the staff to ensure that the flags in town were unfurled from the flagpoles prior to the Remembrance Parade and Services on Sunday 10 November 2019. Thanks should be passed to the team for their work in erecting the flags. </p><p>It was moved by Cllr Brian Smith, seconded by Cllr Sue Burfoot and </p><p>RESOLVED: To note the report (Unanimously) </p><p>CC362/19 ISSUES ARISING FROM LEAD MEMBERS – Imperial Rooms – Cllr Sue Burfoot </p><p>The Town Council staff were asked to chase the contractors regarding the repair to the roof in the Tower. </p><p>The floodlights to the tower had been turned off since the summer. The Clerk asked whether Committee members wished them to be turned on again for the winter. </p><p>It was moved by Cllr Paul Cruise, seconded by Cllr Sue Burfoot and </p><p>RESOLVED: That as the lighting at the front of the building was sufficient for health and (Unanimously) safety purposes, the floodlights remain off for the time being. </p><p>CC363/19 ISSUES ARISING FROM LEAD MEMBERS – Allotments – Cllr Brian Smith </p><p>The Clerk told Council members that the Chair of the Wellfield Allotment Society had contacted the Council regarding the Council’s decision to ban fireworks on the site. </p><p>Cllrs Sue Burfoot and Brian Smith had each received a visit from the Chair recently. </p><p>It was moved by Cllr Steve Flitter, seconded by Cllr Paul Cruise and </p><p>RESOLVED: 1. That liaison with the Wellfield Allotment Society continue as at present. (Unanimously) 2. That the Clerk does not respond to recent correspondence as Council members were now dealing with the matter direct. 3. That Cllr Steve Flitter seek advice as to what statement to include in the tenancy agreement in April. 4. That it should be explored whether the Tenancy agreement issued in April 2020 will apply to the year 2020-21 or 2021-22. 3 </p><p> g-Corporate Committee Mtg 04.11.19 225/2019 </p><p>CC364/19 GROUNDWORK GREATER NOTTINGHAM – SLA REPORT </p><p>It was moved by Cllr Steve Flitter, seconded by Cllr Brian Smith and </p><p>RESOLVED: To receive the SLA report of the Groundwork Project Officer on activities over (Unanimously) the last quarter. </p><p>CC365/19 AMENDMENT TO THE DEFINITIVE MAP AND STATEMENT FOR DERBYSHIRE </p><p>Derbyshire County Council invited comments regarding the proposal to add a restricted byway from Restricted Byway No 59 to Littlemoor Lane, Matlock. Deadline for response to Derbyshire County Council: 11 November 2019. </p><p>It was moved by Cllr Sue Burfoot, seconded by Cllr Paul Cruise and </p><p>RESOLVED: Not to object to the proposal to add a restricted byway from Restricted (Unanimously) Byway No 59 to Littlemoor Lane, Matlock. </p><p>CC366/19 THE BUDGET AND PRECEPT </p><p>It was moved by Cllr Steve Flitter, seconded by Cllr Sue Burfoot and </p><p>RESOLVED: 1. That in order to reach agreement of the budget this year, the Leader, (Unanimously) Deputy Leader, the Mayor and Deputy Mayor meet to put together budget proposals for consideration by Council. 2. Recommendations from the working party to be submitted to the Clerk prior to Monday 9 December for inclusion on the Council agenda. 3. Should the deadline not be met, an extraordinary meeting to be called shortly after the Christmas break. </p><p>CC367/19 NEW WEBSITE </p><p>It was moved by Cllr Paul Cruise, seconded by Cllr Sue Burfoot and </p><p>RESOLVED: 1. That approval be given for the new style logo. It should be explored as to (Unanimously) whether this new logo is suitable for use on social media. 2. That the style provided as option C be approved as the homepage 3. That staff take the matter forward, keeping Council informed as necessary 4. That once complete, members of the public be asked to comment on the proposals for the site with any received being taken into account prior to it ‘going live’. </p><p>Cllrs Steve Flitter and Brian Smith left the meeting at 20:10 and returned at 20:15 </p><p>CC368/19 I T SYSTEM – PAPERLESS MEETINGS AND DOMAIN CONTROL </p><p>A report from the Clerk was considered. </p><p>4 g-Corporate Committee Mtg 04.11.19 226/2019 </p><p>It was moved by Cllr Steve Flitter, seconded by Cllr Paul Cruise and </p><p>RESOLVED: 1. To purchase 12 tablet computers, cases and keyboards as recommended. (Unanimously) 2. To move our domain name etc. to 123Reg as per recommendation. 3. The Town Council’s I T contractor to be used to configure the new equipment and provide advice throughout the transition. 4. The Council to be informed should there be any additional costs. These should be incorporated into the budget for 2020-21. 5. To offer training to all Council members once everything was ready to move to paperless meetings. </p><p>Cllr Brian Smith left the meeting at 20:30 </p><p>CC369/19 NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN </p><p>It was moved by Cllr Paul Cruise, seconded by Cllr Steve Flitter and </p><p>RESOLVED: That the full Council to be asked to consider whether they need a feasibility (Unanimously) study to assess the need for a Neighbourhood Plan. </p><p>CC370/19 MATLOCK’S GREEN SPACES </p><p>It was not thought feasible for Matlock Town Council to take on all green spaces in the Town. Hall Leys Park and High Tor were large open spaces and would require additional resources and it was unlikely that the District Council would hand these over to the Town Council. </p><p>It was moved by Cllr Steve Flitter, seconded by Cllr Sue Burfoot and </p><p>RESOLVED: To suggest to both Derbyshire Dales District Council and Derbyshire County (Unanimously) Council that all green spaces should be managed sustainably, thus encouraging wildlife and helping achieve their climate change goals. </p><p>CC371/19 LONE WORKING - update </p><p>It was moved by Cllr Steve Flitter, seconded by Cllr Paul Cruise and </p><p>RESOLVED: To provide the update to full Council at their next meeting (Unanimously) </p><p>CC372/19 GROUNDWORK GREATER NOTTINGHAM – AGREEMENT 2020-2023 </p><p>The Town Council’s current agreement with Groundwork expires in March 2020. </p><p>It was moved by Cllr Steve Flitter, seconded by Cllr Paul Cruise and </p><p>RESOLVED: 1. To extend the contract for a further 3 years. (Unanimously) 2. The Clerk and Manager review the document, amending it as necessary 3. A copy of the amended document to be sent to Corporate Committee members for information prior to it being signed. 5 g-Corporate Committee Mtg 04.11.19 227/2019 </p><p>CC373/19 EVENTS 2020 </p><p>Members reviewed the document provided by the Manager. </p><p>Cllr Paul Cruise left the meeting at 20:55 </p><p>As the meeting was now not quorate the following actions will be ratified at the next meeting with the exception of Agenda item 20, Proposed new Council Structure, which will be considered by full Council at their next meeting. </p><p>In response to the suggested events for 2020, it was suggested that: </p><p> Bank Concerts remain weekly VE Day – remove the Tea Dance Pond Dipping – move event from a Saturday to a weekday thus enabling schools to participate. Parliament Week – no longer support </p><p>Recommend that the remaining event programme be approved with the above amendments. </p><p>CC374/19 MATLOCK PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE YEAR 2020 </p><p>It was recommended that the theme for 2020 be ‘Derbyshire Wildlife’ </p><p>CC375/19 PROPOSED NEW COUNCIL STRUCTURE </p><p>Recommend that, starting in January 2020, the Council forms a new Committee to manage its events and facilities and that the Lead Councillor for Events, if willing, Chair the meetings. The Corporate Committee meeting will then meet bi-monthly, alternating with the new Committee. The new Committee would then manage the working parties associated with it’s activities. </p><p>The Clerk will prepare the Terms of Reference, Calendar and revised structure plan for the new Committee and submit to full Council for approval and implementation. </p><p>CC376/19 WEBSITE AND SOCIAL MEDIA </p><p>There was nothing to report as there had been no issues identified. </p><p>CC377/19 NEWS RELEASES </p><p>It was discussed whether a news release should be issued regarding the passing of David Barker, however it was thought this to be inappropriate at this time. As he had been a long-standing Town Councillor, standing on the Town Council from its inception in 1983 until 2015, it was decided to recommend that a plaque be purchased and placed on one of the Town Council’s seats at Park Head, where he could be found regularly, and that the flag on the Imperial Rooms should be flown at half mast on the day of his funeral. A news release could be made when the plaque was installed. </p><p>6 g-Corporate Committee Mtg 04.11.19 228/2019 </p><p>CC378/19 CONFIDENTIAL – STAFFING REVIEW </p><p>Discussion of the confidential item was deferred as this meeting was no longer quorate. A salary review is undertaken as part of the budget setting process and the document can be considered at this time. Full Council will then consider any recommendations at a later date. </p><p>The meeting closed at 21:23 </p><p>Susan Smith Town Clerk </p><p>Chairperson: Dated: </p><p>7 </p><p> g-Corporate Committee Mtg 04.11.19 229/2019 </p><p>APPENDIX 1 Date: Monday 16th September 2019 </p><p>Meeting VICTORIAN MATLOCK CHRISTMAS WEEKEND – JOINT CHRISTMAS COMMITTEE </p><p>Location SMALL HALL, IMPERIAL ROOMS, MATLOCK </p><p>Time 6pm </p><p>Attendees: Apologies: Geoff Stevens (Chair) Matlock Business Group Steve Flitter Matlock Town Council Steve Wain Matlock Town Council Phil Pegg Matlock Rotary Margaret Elsworth Matlock Town Council Judith Hamilton BHPSS Mick Titley Volunteer John Proctor Funfair Jacquie Stevens Matlock Business Group Paul Henshall Matlock Bath David Elsworth Matlock Town Council Boatbuilders David Hughes Matlock Town Council Pete Hartshorn Matlock Bath Colin Turnbull Matlock Derwent Valley Boatbuilders Lions Club </p><p>Paul Friar Matlock Rotary In attendance: Christine Dence Matlock Bath Boatbuilders Kim Launert Manager, Matlock David Gregory Matlock Bath Boatbuilders Town Council James Fletcher Buxton and High Peak Susan Smith Town Clerk, Matlock Security Services Town Council Brian Smith Matlock Town Council Glenda Ward St John Ambulance Carol Thomas St John Ambulance Helen Legood Matlock Town Council </p><p>ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION/ACTION: 1 Progress to date 1. Documentation. All relevant Licences, Permissions and required documents i.e. Risk Assessment, Emergency Plan, Site Layouts etc. are almost complete. Under the new DDDC conditions the licence will only be issued once all the required documents are completed. Site Layout had to be completed in the early part of the year, this has to include all large structures and their precise positions on the site. Therefore a new site plan was prepared in the Spring and contains measurements of the areas of land that are to be occupied and the measurements of any structures and large Fairground Rides and their exact measurements including any associated equipment. The Park has been booked from Monday 25th November until Thursday 12th December to allow time for all Structures and Equipment to be installed and dismantled. g-Corporate Committee Mtg 04.11.19 230/2019 </p><p>2. Publicity Our PR Company started work for us in late spring this year to deal with the promotion of the event on social media which has now become our principle way of promoting the event through Facebook and Twitter etc. Derbyshire Dales are assisting by promoting the event on their Car Parks, Public Toilets and a recorded promo advert is played every Saturday and Sunday of the season at the Matlock Bath Illuminations. Derwent Valley Community Rail Partnership are going to promote the event on the Railway Stations on the Line. We now have all our Brochures and Posters printed and they are in the process of being distributed. Many of the principle Hotels and other holiday establishments have received their first supply. Smooth Radio are still looking into trying to help us with some modest help and talks are ongoing. 3. Entertainment The Entertainment Programme is much the same as in previous years, but we have a change in band on Saturday for the Parade. We will have the Thorsby Colliery Band one of the top Brass Bands in the East Midlands. The Lights Switch on ceremony will be performed by Shannon Flynn who has been a CBBC presenter and has appeared in Coronation St. Shannon is playing Cinderella in the Pantomime of the same name at the Buxton Opera House. Also joining the parade will be some of the Boat models from the Illuminations, and possibly Star Wars characters. 4. Stalls Inside and Out We have now sold completely out of our stall space. 5. Security & First Aid Several Meetings have been held with Security and First Aid and all the arrangements are in place including The Park traffic management Plan including the new parking restrictions in the Park. 6. Portaloo Toilets Will be the same place as last year. 7. Rotary Mulled Wine It has been agreed that they will be in the same positon as previous years and all the profits from the stall will be given to local charity. 8. The Lions Santa’s Grotto Will be operated in the Park Café Building as in previous years and all their profits will be given to charity. 9. Fairground Meetings have been held throughout the year with John Proctor who will be providing the fair on the sites that have been agreed. 2 Updates from different groups and organisations Matlock Bath Boat Builders </p><p> Several boats will be available, possibly 3 or 4 Dragon is coming! Security- BHPSS </p><p> Nothing to report Suggestion made to give out wrist bands to children where they can write their emergency contact numbers on. Will be supplied with the risk assessments and site plans shortly. Derwent Valley Lions </p><p> Café are happy with arrangements for Santa this year. However, due to restrictions with vehicle movements they are going to see if they can drop their presents etc. off on the Thursday instead. Otherwise if arrival is needed on Friday, security will need to be notified in advance. Requested 4 Vehicle Permits for the park, as usual. </p><p> g-Corporate Committee Mtg 04.11.19 231/2019 </p><p>Rotary </p><p> In the usual place, stocking up on wine now. Have agreed they will hold loud hailers for use in an emergency this year. St John Ambulance </p><p> Same position as last year. Will be arriving on Friday morning, need to ensure vehicle access. Will be supplied with the risk assessments and site plans shortly. Councillors Rota </p><p> Rota will be sent out in the next week or so. Second Tennis Court </p><p> Matlock Town Council Site Office will be there. Facepainter/glitter tattoo artist will be there this year. Illegal Street Sellers </p><p> Need to monitor and can report anything to local police. Dogs </p><p> Will be allowed in the marquees this year, but not in the food marquee. </p><p>MEETING CLOSED: 6.50pm TIME OF NEXT MEETING: 6pm </p><p>DATE OF NEXT MEETING: VENUE: SMALL HALL, IMPERIAL ROOMS, MATLOCK MONDAY 17TH FEBRUARY 2020 </p><p>NOTES RECORDED BY: Kim Launert </p><p> g-Corporate Committee Mtg 04.11.19 232/2019 </p><p>Matlock Show Working Group Meeting </p><p>Monday 16 September 2019 </p><p>5pm at The Imperial Rooms </p><p>Review of 2019 Matlock Show – Agenda </p><p>Present: </p><p> o Dave Goodridge, Helen Bishop, Cllr Helen Legood, Cllr Brian Smith, Cllr Dave Hughes (ex- officio) o WFAS Liaison Group Members: Martin Burfoot, Cllr Sue Burfoot </p><p>Apologies: </p><p> o Cllr Matt Buckler </p><p>Review of 2019 Matlock Show – what went well / even better if...... </p><p>Use of Imperial Rooms – layout etc. </p><p> o All fine, no issues. Worked very well having access to the Small Hall on the Friday. </p><p>Timing / format of event </p><p> o It was felt there was a big gap between the morning and afternoon sections, so the afternoon public section could be brought forward to possibly 12.30pm next year. o The event had been very busy in the morning, quiet at around 1.30pm but very busy at 3pm. </p><p>Staffing / Volunteers </p><p> o All worked well, no issues. </p><p>Entries – number and categories </p><p> o 60 entrants this year, 28 of whom where allotment holders and 25 of whom entered for the first time. o Still need to attract more entries. o Perhaps target other allotments in the local area, like Darley Bridge, with posters. o WFAS to produce some friendly guidance for fruit and vegetables for people to encourage them to enter and reinforce that it’s not too formal. o Biscuit category didn’t work well this year. o WI and Floral Arts entered categories this year. </p><p>Raffle </p><p> o Went well, generous gift donated by Robert Young. </p><p>Participating Organisations </p><p>WI- Very happy with their position in the Small Hall with the additional seating, worked really well. </p><p>Peak Cottage Plants- Really enjoyed it, positive feedback and sales made. Will come back next year. Need to consider layout of other vehicles at the front of the building so as not to block the view of the stall and the banner. </p><p> g-Corporate Committee Mtg 04.11.19 233/2019 </p><p>Madame Zucchini- Worked well, considered good value for money. Would like to invite her to come again next year and perhaps do more. Could run a veg workshop with kids in the morning and then they could be entered into the competition. </p><p>Groundworks- Worked well, good position and good feedback. </p><p>Highfields School- Artwork was well received and looked good. </p><p>St Joseph’s School- Enjoyed working on the show, WFAS hoping to do more work with them in 2020. </p><p> o Clashed with Starkholmes and Dethick, Lea and Holloway Shows this year. o All Saints School didn’t take part this year but are set to do so next year. o Want to increase the work with schools including St Joseph’s and Castle View, possibly helping them to grow things. o Need to promote the Show earlier, in Spring, to encourage people to start growing. o Possibly invite other organisations like the U3A next year to encourage a broader range of people to enter. </p><p>Exhibiting Organisations </p><p>WI- See above </p><p>Needlecraft Group- Happy with how it went, good feedback. </p><p>Wolds Brewery- Enjoy supporting the event and want to come back next year. </p><p>Matlock Art Group- Attractive display, some cards sold but artwork didn’t as it was quite expensive. </p><p>Judging and Judges </p><p> o Went very well, judges took it seriously. </p><p>Advertising/promotion materials and distribution </p><p> o Event was well publicised. Next year more posters needed and fewer flyers. Posters and flyers to be out earlier and sent to schools before the end of the summer term. </p><p>Monies made and donation to Mayor’s Charities </p><p> o Event made £200 for the Mayor’s charities in total. Action: KL to email Kris to ask for the cheque to be sent. </p><p>Date of 2020 Matlock Show </p><p> o Confirmed as Saturday 5th September 2020. The Small Hall is booked for the afternoon before too. o Starkholmes Show will be on Saturday 12th September 2020. </p><p> g-Corporate Committee Mtg 04.11.19 234/2019 </p><p>Town Map and Interpretation Panels Working Group meeting minutes - 16/9/2019 </p><p>Present: Cllr Steve Wain, Cllr David Elsworth, Cllr Helen Legood, Kim Launert and Joanna Hill </p><p> The terms of reference for the group were agreed Cllr Helen Legood was elected as chair An update was given by JH and KL on the work to date on the project </p><p>Scope of project </p><p> The area to be covered by a new map was discussed – it was agreed that the group needed to look at a digital map of the area plus landmarks/features to include before the next meeting – JH to circulate There was discussion around whether to include those areas not in Matlock but of interest locally, such as Lumsdale. It was felt it was more appropriate to ‘signpost’ to these areas on any mapping rather than include detail. HL pointed out sensitivities in Lumsdale around parking that the group should be aware of Denefields and Hurst Farm also have plans for interpretation panels and should be considered/consulted. Some funding has already been secured for Denefields </p><p>Funding </p><p> HL agreed to lead on funding options and summarise what may be available </p><p>Consultation </p><p> It was agreed to approach ‘Visit Peak District’ to see whether they have any plans to improve their current town map – JH All other interested parties/potential stakeholders would not be approached until after the next meeting </p><p>Next steps </p><p> The group agreed to pursue further costings from those companies who have already quoted for the consultation required to produce a map, a digital map and 5/8 boards – JH to report to next meeting </p><p>Date of next meeting agreed as: </p><p>Monday 7th October – 2.30pm </p><p> g-Corporate Committee Mtg 04.11.19 235/2019 </p><p>Climate Change Working Party Meeting </p><p>Wednesday 9th October 2019 </p><p>Attendees: Cllr Matt Buckler, Cllr David Hughes, Cllr Brian Smith, Cllr Paul Cruise, Laura Stevens (part of meeting) Apologies: None In Attendance: Jo Hill </p><p>1. National Lottery Climate Action Fund </p><p>MB outlined the scheme – ‘The Climate Action Fund will support communities in the UK to take local action on climate change. These communities will stand as beacons of what is possible when people take the lead on climate change’ The fund is suitable for Community-led partnerships of voluntary, private and public sector organisations. There is a total of £100 million available, which will be divided between 10-15 beacon communities. The scheme does not open fully for funding applications until Autumn 2019. </p><p>The group discussed how we could how this fund could be used in Matlock and agreed that we should make initial contact by the deadline of 5pm Friday 11 October – MB </p><p>LS left the meeting </p><p>2. ‘Matlock looks at Climate Change’ event – feedback </p><p>- The group looked at the feedback from the event (see Appendix 1) and agreed it should be shared in its current raw form with the participants – JH to circulate - The group agreed that each member would take 1-2 of the identified areas and perform a short ‘who, what, when’ type analysis on these by Monday 14th October – MB to circulate document for editing - In the next meeting the group will work through the areas with a view to forming an Action Plan. It is intended to have this Action Plan in place by January </p><p>3. Update on MTC direct action </p><p> g-Corporate Committee Mtg 04.11.19 236/2019 </p><p>- The 3 companies that had written feasibility reports in 2012 for Solar PV at the Imperial Rooms are all dissolved - Several local companies have been approached to quote for Solar but none seem to be true experts. Group agreed to contact Robin Greenwood and Helen Legood for potential contacts for Solar companies and Wendy Bullar (Derbyshire Climate Coalition) for Community Energy Projects – JH </p><p>4. Press and communication </p><p>- It was agreed that the group would release monthly snippets of green advice/info via social media with each member taking responsibility for a month, programme agreed as follows. Content to be sent to JH for publication. </p><p>October – Bank Road Hill Climb 26th October on Zepnat E Bike – MB (JH to advertise beforehand on social media) November – PC December – DH January – BS </p><p>5. Letter received from Robin Greenwood – see Appendix 2 </p><p>- Respond to RG and invite him to the next meeting of the group - JH </p><p>6. Future meetings </p><p>- Date for the next meeting Friday 25th October 5pm. JH to book Imperial Rooms - The group agreed to invite 2/3 Derbyshire Climate Coalition representatives, Robin Greenwood and representatives from the Friends of Hurst Farm - JH </p><p>Appendix 1 Feedback from Climate Change Event – 14/9/19 </p><p>Area for consideration Public response </p><p>Carbon capture g-Corporate Committee Mtg 04.11.19 237/2019 </p><p> Rewilding of land not used fully </p><p> Trees, trees, trees! </p><p> Restoration of degraded peatlands to achieve Carbon capture </p><p> Solar panels mandatory on new builds in Peak Park </p><p>Gardens </p><p> Roof gardens </p><p> Stop tarmac of gardens </p><p> Gardening courses – involve schools and community groups (also has the benefit of reducing social isolation) </p><p>Low or zero Carbon electricity Solar Panels </p><p> Increase solar panel use – on community buildings (schools, hospitals) or car parks </p><p> Grants for low income households to fit solar panels </p><p> Community Energy England – for local funding of solar panels </p><p> Community Energy Project </p><p> Hydro/wind/geothermal power – Crowd Fund to give local control </p><p> Hydropower – Derwent Mill. Help to reinstate water powered hydro generator </p><p> Wind power – we have many hills! In association with DDDC </p><p>Agriculture and Food Education </p><p> Promote ‘meat free Mondays’ in schools </p><p> Reduce food miles – encourage people to buy local. Label food miles – pay the real cost </p><p> Permaculture courses </p><p> School and community care home meals – all locally sourced. </p><p> More emphasis on meal planning and home cooking in schools </p><p> Encourage/raise profile of adult education with focus on cooking meals using local/in season produce. Reducing reliance on take outs/ready meals </p><p> Put simple veggie/vegan websites on website </p><p> g-Corporate Committee Mtg 04.11.19 238/2019 </p><p>Businesses/lobbying </p><p> Offer market stalls to eco businesses cheaply </p><p> Request an area in Sainsbury’s where we can leave the plastic packaging after paying but before leaving </p><p> Mandate every supermarket to have a local aisle </p><p> Create a large indoor market for eco businesses (ex – Market Harborough indoor market) </p><p> Public money for public goods – funding directed to environment (ELMS) </p><p> Milk refill stations </p><p> Vegan options in public places </p><p> Encourage/support a zero waste shop in Matlock </p><p> Promote packaging free e.g. veg box schemes more widely </p><p> Campaign to local supermarkets to reduce or reject plastic packaging </p><p> Recommendation of ‘Peak Organics’ delivered to your door – no plastic and organic </p><p> Plan for breakdown of supply chains – can we feed people locally if needed? </p><p>Environment </p><p> Get rid/reduce weed killer in parks/public spaces </p><p> More trees – to feed insects/bees </p><p> Community orchards/gardens/tubs with veg throughout towns </p><p> More allotments </p><p>Flexible management of More information on low demand times and tariffs e.g. Economy electricity demand (Storage) 10 </p><p> App for when grid Carbon is lowest. Variable cost to incentivise using electricity during maximum renewable/low Carbon generation </p><p> Incentive schemes for micro hydro units – lots of rivers and brooks in Derbyshire </p><p> Local battery storage with solar, wind and hydro feed in managed by a community interest company g-Corporate Committee Mtg 04.11.19 239/2019 </p><p> Joined up planning – Preston model </p><p>Decarbonisation of heating </p><p> Subsidise conversions to ground source heat pumps or similar </p><p> Solar </p><p> Insulation </p><p> Incentives and grants for homes to make improvements </p><p> Centralised heat generation – community heating scheme </p><p> Build new social housing/public buildings that need little or no heating </p><p> Consider older properties </p><p> Consider impact of particulate matter from biomass </p><p> Passive houses </p><p>Reduction in energy demand Fabric first buildings using natural insulation </p><p> Grants for low income households to insulate </p><p> Buy local </p><p> Advocate for affordable bus routes </p><p> Electric buses? </p><p> Insulation - need advice relevant to stone buildings and accredited suppliers </p><p> Recommendation of Sun Stone Therapy for plastic free packaging </p><p> Reduce street lighting, reinstate walking routes e.g. Denefields </p><p> Victorian Christmas market – eco-friendly? </p><p> Recycling bins in Hall Leys Park? </p><p> Get conservation planners and Peak Park on board so they allow solar/other renewables </p><p> Get Audley (<a href="/tags/Darley_Dale/" rel="tag">Darley Dale</a>) to reduce their heating/lighting or make them pay a surcharge </p><p>Transport Cycling </p><p> More/better cycle lanes </p><p> g-Corporate Committee Mtg 04.11.19 240/2019 </p><p> Offer funding/support/advise to Derwent Valley Cycle Scheme (Derby to Belper and then Matlock) </p><p>Public transport </p><p> Tram up Bank Road </p><p> Create incentive schemes for visitors to use public transport </p><p> Works with local businesses e.g. free cup of tea with a bus ticket </p><p> More capacity for bikes on public transport </p><p> Electric transport </p><p> Improve infrastructure to reduce number of long journeys </p><p> Improve bus services – subsidises? Free? </p><p> Free public bus on market days e.g. <a href="/tags/Bakewell/" rel="tag">Bakewell</a> on a Monday. Make sure bus runs on that day from all villages. Produce a poster listing all local markets by day and the bus services to them. Include whether the market has fresh fruit/veg. </p><p>Local employers </p><p> Encourage Councillors to set an example by travelling in green ways </p><p> Park and Ride for council workers </p><p> Council vehicles? </p><p> Air quality monitoring – what are we doing? Where can we see this info? </p><p> Support provision of local shops in communities/refill facilities </p><p> Improve footpaths </p><p> Car and bike charging points </p><p> Stop parents dropping kids off at school </p><p> Subsidise rates for local shops offering plastic free </p><p>BUILDING AND PLANNING Straw bale social housing </p><p> Clear regulatory environment for insulating buildings </p><p> Self-build community housing </p><p> Consideration in conservation areas and with listed buildings to </p><p> g-Corporate Committee Mtg 04.11.19 241/2019 </p><p> allow more eco-friendly changes e.g. renewables </p><p> New housing developments to have trees/fruits trees as well as energy sufficiency </p><p> Embed green requirements in planning policy – statutory not advisory. All new housing to have environmentally sustainable elements </p><p> No new developments without traffic free cycle and walk ways into local town centres </p><p> No new development that don’t meet energy efficiency standards e.g. in code for sustainable homes (level 6) </p><p> Insist new houses/extensions must install a water butt </p><p> Preston model </p><p> Advice on energy proofing old stone houses </p><p> Council to facilitate community energy projects e.g. insulation, switching to a green energy supplier, solar panels </p><p> Passive house standards </p><p> ‘Tesla’ walls </p><p> Free household energy audits with no tie ins </p><p> ‘Green mark’ for houses and businesses – reduction in council tax </p><p>ADVOCACY AND EDUCATION Community group energy audit </p><p> Encourage everyone to make small changes </p><p> Set up a community group to support the climate emergency </p><p> Support young people and the community facing climate emergency anxiety </p><p> Create an audit tool to be used by organisations/businesses/schools which support them to work towards best practice </p><p> Increase participatory democracy at a local level so people feel like active citizens </p><p> Business energy efficiency/carbon reduction grants for Derby/Derbyshire SME businesses 40% grant up to 20k from Nov – contact [email protected] </p><p> g-Corporate Committee Mtg 04.11.19 242/2019 </p><p>Appendix 2 Letter from Robin Greenwood </p><p> fledged proposal to your next meeting. </p><p> g-Corporate Committee Mtg 04.11.19 243/2019 </p><p>Town Map and Interpretation Panels Working Group meeting minutes – 22/10/19 </p><p>Present: Cllr Steve Wain, Cllr Helen Legood, Joanna Hill, Jerry Drew (MCA), Hilary Essen (MCA) and Geoff Stevens (MCA) </p><p>Apologies: Marie Schmidt (was present at the beginning of the meeting via phone) </p><p>Update from MS </p><p> Explanation of status of Heritage Lottery Fund proposed application, see notes of previous meeting MS has spoken to Jim Fearn (Marketing Officer DDDC) – no current vision for new signage in Matlock. They are looking to improve and simplify the signage in Hall Leys Park. SW had also spoken to Jim and believed the new signs planned for the park would be instructional rather than informative/interpretive MS has also spoken to Giles Dunn (Tourism – DDDC). Cannot offer any direct staff involvement in the group but would like to receive feedback </p><p>Development of vision for mapping/signage in Matlock </p><p> The group discussed current signage and the vision for improvement It was agreed that there needs to be a staged approach, which does not depend entirely on the success of the HLF application but can be extended easily The group proposed the following as a first stage of the project: </p><p>1. To produce a new town map which can be both printed and shared on line 2. To use the map on interpretation panels in the following areas. Each board to include a ‘focussed map’ plus information about places of interest around the board/that can be seen from the board e.g. <a href="/tags/Riber/" rel="tag">Riber</a> – </p><p> a) Railway station approach b) Wall of Robert Young florists c) Existing location in Hall Leys Park – play area end d) Bank Road – end of car park on grass bank e) Derwent Gardens Sensory Gardens </p><p>See attachment for scope of map and boards </p><p>3. To explore the idea of producing a series of historical ‘story boards’ which could be displayed in the old tram shelter in the park </p><p>Date of next meeting agreed as: </p><p>Tuesday 26th November 2.30pm – Small Hall, Imperial Rooms </p><p> g-Corporate Committee Mtg 04.11.19 244/2019 </p><p>Climate Change Working Party Meeting </p><p>Friday 25th October 2019 </p><p>Attendees: Cllr Matt Buckler, Cllr David Hughes, Cllr Brian Smith, Laura Stevens, Shelia Evans, Lor Bird and Jamie Bird (Derbyshire Climate Coalition), Robin Greenwood (Resident and Humanity Party member) Apologies: None In Attendance: Jo Hill </p><p>- MB introduced the purpose of the meeting, to take feedback from the Green Event in September and develop an action plan - The group went through the ‘Areas for Consideration’ generated from the Green Event with the following actions: </p><p>Carbon capture </p><p>- To advocate for restoration of degraded peatlands (Matlock Moor) to achieve Carbon Capture – (Natural England) MB - To continue to investigate the development of a Neighbourhood Plan and extend influence at DDDC (Local Plan review in 18 months) so that climate change becomes a key consideration in decision making – DH Low or zero Carbon electricity </p><p>- The group agreed they needed to know more about Community Energy Projects and their scope. As this is such a large, complex area it was agreed that DH and RG would form a community ‘sub group’ to look into this. JH to provide all contacts/information received on this so far with a view to getting an expert in to talk to the group Agriculture and Food (Education) </p><p>- To advocate for ‘meat free Mondays’ in local schools. Do all primaries/secondary schools in Matlock still use DCC catering – JH to query this. Letter to be drafted to DCC but this would be more valuable coming from the Eco Councils in schools – SE to liaise with schools - Approach Matlock Mercury to see whether we could have a regular slot to promote green initiatives – JH - Explore whether the Eco Centre or similar could deliver permaculture courses – LB/BS to discuss options with WFAS </p><p> g-Corporate Committee Mtg 04.11.19 </p>
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