Schlaglicht Israel Nr. 23 Aktuelles aus israelischen Tageszeitungen 31. Dezember 2007 – 14. Januar 2008 1. Baldige Veröffentlichung des Winograd – […] The main responsibility for missing out on the Berichts opportunity of 2007 lies with the prime minister. […] Yes, Olmert must resign. But his resignation is Am 30. Januar, nach dem Besuch von US-Präsident not an end in itself. His resignation must signal and George W. Bush wird von der unabhängigen bring about an overall change in concepts and Winograd-Kommission der endgültige Bericht der values. Analyse der militärischen und politischen Fehler In about two weeks from now the Winograd Israels bezüglich des Libanonkrieges im Sommer Committee report will be published. 2006 veröffentlicht werden. Dieser Bericht wird vor […] In a sense, it will be the day of the last chance. allem ein Votum über die Politiker sein. It will give all of us a belated and final opportunity to Premierminister Ehud Olmert stellte schon im internalize what we discovered during the Second Vorfeld klar, dass er nicht zurücktreten werde. Es Lebanon War, and to heal Israel.” wird weiterhin spekuliert, ob der Vorsitzende der Ari Shavit, HAA, 31.12.2007 Arbeitspartei Ehud Barak die Drohung eines Rücktritts aus der Regierungskoalition wahr machen Waiting for a Tsunami wird. “Monday’s vague statement by Labor Chairman One last chance Ehud Barak regarding “the political leadership’s responsibility” for the events of the Lebanon war “In the narrow, immediate sense, the Second sent the sleepy political establishment into frenzy. A Lebanon War was a war of folly; a serious instance large question mark hovered above the Knesset’s of a failure of leadership. The leaders of summer corridors during the afternoon and evening hours. 2006 bear responsibility for the fact that they “What does he mean?” wondered politicians from conducted a national event of crucial importance across the political spectrum, but particularly those with criminal negligence. in the opposition. Is this a hint of what Barak will do Almost all the leaders were forced to take after the publication of the Winograd Commission’s responsibility for their negligence. The division final report? Is he on his way out? Will he do the commander, the head of command, the deputy chief unbelievable and quit the government? of staff, the chief of staff, the defense minister - are For the time being, there is no clear answer for that gone. Only the prime minister remains. If even after question, although the coalition is expected to the Winograd report Ehud Olmert continues to serve survive the report. Yet the truth is that Barak himself in his position, the concept of responsibility will be of does not yet know what he intends do to and what no significance in our lives. will happen upon the report’s publication. […] But 2007 was not a year of healing; on the […] The Labor party chairman is waiting, just like contrary. Neither 6 percent growth nor luxury towers everyone else, for some kind of development, a sign along the Ayalon Highway can conceal that the from above, maybe a great tsunami that would wash situation remains unchanged. Ehud Olmert away from the Prime Minister’s Office. The national leadership is cynical, the central Barak is not alone. Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni is government is emasculated, the army is making an also waiting for the tsunami, and so is Benjamin effort and training, but is still plagued by draft- Netanyahu. Everyone knows that Olmert will not be dodging and mediocrity. The social gaps are going home of his own accord. Netanyahu is unprecedented, solidarity is crumbling. counting on the media and on public opinion. He 1 estimates that Barak won’t quit and that the coalition yardstick, Israel is faring better under Olmert than all won’t collapse. of his predecessors. […] At this time, it appears that the politicians are The economy is booming, terrorism has declined, inclined to handle the publication of the report with the political system enjoys stability, and the IDF is all the required pomp and circumstance, but let it rebuilding its strength under an experienced defense pass in relative quiet. We shall have live broadcasts, minister. Olmert has renewed peace talks with the and dramas, and harsh statements. But the Palestinians, and is acting to freeze settlements - government won’t be toppled. Maybe.” while avoiding internal conflicts. Attila Somfalvi, JED, 1.1.2008 […] "The world" is friendlier to Israel than before, and the president of the United States is on his way And now, survivial to Jerusalem, for the first time in his term. In such a situation, replacing the prime minister "[…] After the fiasco of the Second Lebanon War, would only make noise and put the country in an many people called for [Olmert`s] head, some unnecessary elections campaign whose outcome because he dragged the country into a botched war, would change nothing." and others, mainly from the far right, because he Aluf Benn, HAA, 3.1.2008 intended to continue the momentum of evacuating settlements. 2. Israelische Grenzgebiete unter Beschuss Now the public wants to punish Olmert for letting the army walk over him. He is guilty for believing the Nach dem Abzug der israelischen Streitkräfte aus army, for believing its commanders, for believing the dem Gazastreifen im Sommer 2005 und der general staff and above all, Dan Halutz. Sharon, in Übernahme der Hamas im Gazastreifen befinden his place, would have chosen a quick wallop, if he sich grenznahe Ortschaften in Israel fast täglich chose to respond at all, in keeping with his policy unter Beschuss aus diesem Gebiet. Hier landeten that restraint is also power. im Jahr 2007 1.263 Raketen und 1.511 As a military man, Sharon could shrug off the Mörsergranaten, die zwei Todesopfer forderten. generals. Olmert, as a civilian, blindly trusted the Durch den Einschlag einer Rakete des Typs "Grad" heads of the army, never bothering to consult with mit einer Reichweite von 16 km nördlich der Stadt the National Security Council. He had no idea that Ashkelon bekam die Bedrohung durch den the army was not prepared, or that its equipment Raketenbeschuss aus dem Gazastreifen eine neue was rusty and outdated after years of neglect and Qualität. preoccupation with bullying the Palestinians around. Als Reaktion hierauf haben die israelischen […] Now that Olmert has promised Bush to Streitkräfte in den letzten Wochen ihre Luftangriffe dismantle the unauthorized outposts and discuss the sowie Militäraktionen im Gazastreifen verstärkt. core issues of the conflict, I wouldn't be surprised if Gleichzeitig hat Israel Sanktionen verhängt und die the final report of the Winograd Committee, instead Öl- und Stromversorgung des Gazastreifens of serving justice, propels Netanyahu and the right- gedrosselt, was auch Auswirkungen auf die wing extremists into power." Wasserversorgung hat. Die Option einer Yoel Marcus, HAA, 12.1.2008 Wiederbesetzung des Gazastreifens wurde bisher immer wieder verworfen. Now’s not the time Auch im Norden des Landes gab es einen erneuten “The Winograd Committee's final report on the Raketenangriff, den zweiten seit dem Krieg gegen performance of decision-makers in the Second die Hisbollah-Miliz im Sommer 2006 aus dem Lebanon War has not yet been released, but already Südlibanon. some are calling for Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's resignation. In praise of missile defenses But anger is not a good compass for practical “On Sunday, the security cabinet authorized NIS politics, and the main question is whether removing 811 million for "Iron Dome," a defense system Olmert at this point would be beneficial or against short-range rockets, such as those that have counterproductive for the country. been terrorizing Sderot for the past seven years. If Olmert has achieved impressive success since the produced according to schedule, the system should war with the goal that he had set for himself: be able to start shooting down missiles in about 30 "Focusing on running the country." According to any months. 2 The only shame about this decision is that it was not It’s only the beginning taken years ago. According to Uzi Rubin, the former “A Katyusha rocket lands in the southern town of head of Israel's Arrow missile defense program, the Ashkelon, the Air Force bombs targets in the Gaza system that Raphael hopes to deliver in 2010 could Strip, and we stopped counting the Qassams a long have been deployed in 2003 if a decision to fund the time ago. Every week, another “red line” is crossed program had been made in 2000. The obstacles and without feeling it we are already deep inside an were not technological but judgmental, based on the intensive military confrontation in the Strip. notion that such defenses are "too expensive." By the time the “big” ground operation rolls around it […] Rubin suggests, however, that this is the wrong will no longer be perceived as a dramatic move, but way to calculate cost effectiveness. What matters is rather, a natural phase in the escalation. that the alternatives are either much more expensive […] The space between one phase of escalation or unacceptable: "hardening" entire cities, a massive and another becomes shorter. Last month, the IDF ground incursion into Gaza, evacuating Sderot and killed about 60 Palestinians, most of them armed, other towns, or allowing the status quo to continue. yet this week alone almost 30 Palestinians have […] It simply makes no sense for a country, already been killed. particularly one in Israel's situation, to leave its […] Hamas is doing everything in its power to population literally defenseless against missile produce success stories, even symbolic ones. attack. Missile defenses - combined with other Hitting Ashkelon, as opposed to hitting Sderot, is measures - are critical to making Kassams, Scuds considered a success story with a national and Katyushas obsolete, just as the security fence message, because the town was established on the was to defeating suicide bombers.
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