110 I II T he St . AUgllStille L odge, No. 600. Christ"h"" cl, RaillOay Rowing Club. TRADES AND CALLING S. W.M., C. W. Bishop; P.M., James Grant; S.' V., President , G.H olmes, E sq.; Vice-Presidents, E. J oshua Cuff; J.W., G. H. Tribe ; S.D ., - Sha ckle­ Richardson and W. Reeves, Esqrs, ; H on, Secretary ClIRISTCRURCH. ton; J.D., -W oodforde; I .G., - Brooker; Secre­ and Treasurer, R. P. Crosbie. tary, F. C. Tribe ; ~!. C . , G. H. W ilson; Stewa rd, •I, C. Brooke; Tyler, W. G. Dorsett. Uegular Christchurch. G,ymnasi"," A ssociat ion• AUCTIONEERS. BANKERS. BO OK SELLERS AKD Chairm an, W. Wilson, E sq. : J.Ollivier, G. Bird, STATIONERS. meetings, W ednesday nearest to each full moon, at Colombo street-s- H ereford street- the )lasonic H all, Christchurch. w. S. Moorhouse, w. K. McLean, C. M. O ll i vie~ R . E. Alport -St. Quenti n, G. Sale, G. Turner, Crosbie Ward; Union Bank of Australia, J . Colombo street- Luck and Cook Palmer, Manager :NelC Zealand L odge of Ullanimit!!, N o. 604. Treasurer, E . C.Stevens ; R on. Sec. R. P. Crosbie. Benjamin and Co. J . Younghusband Bank of New South Wales, ' Theeler mid Son D.P.G.M., W. )!., Will iam Donald; P .lI!. and Cobb and Co.'s Telegl'aph Line of R ogal Mail Higl' str eet- J. Hill, lIIana::;er Coaches. Aikman and Wilson Mrs. P ope Treasur er, J ohn Smith ' Villeox; S.'V., George Savin gs Bank, at . Ieehanies' A. T. W. Bradwell Tayler; J.W., John Thomas Rouse ; S.D., Thomas L. E . Na than and Co. Institu te, F. E. Wrigh t, Proprietors, L. G. Cole and ce., offices, High. T. B. Craig H igh street- Preece; J .D., Henry Laurance; I.G., J ames D. street, next. Birdsey's British Rotel. Coaches of "'-lanager S. Easton Graha m ; Secretary, Charles 1I100n Igglesden. Ollivier and SOil Cashel str eet- tbis line leave regularly three tim es a week for J. P . Raphael A. J. Ste....ens W eeden's, Selwyn, Rakaia, Ashburton, Rangitata, Bank of Au str3.llIsia, W. C'<sltel street- South ,,'" Cross L odge, No . 760. Wm. Robertson L. Hawkins, Manager Orari, Timar u, Pareora, Waimati, 'Vaitaki, Oamaru, Cashel street-s- Charl es Bonnington W.II., J ohn F uller; P. M., J. Day ; S.'V., w. L. Moeraki, Palmerston, Waikouati, and Duncdin. Bank of New Zealancl, J . J ohn Hugh es W. D. Barnard L. Coster, Manager Pow ell; J.'V., II. Hinge ; Secretary, W. Gilkison ; In winter the journey to Timaru is completed in Hereford street-s- J. G. Baker H.D., J. L. Collins; J.D., J . H urst ; J .G., J. two days, and durin~ th e summer in one day. Burnell, Bennett and Sprot Coaches also leave dai ly for W oodend, Saltwater Neilson; Tyler, lL Rniney ; Treasurer, J. H oy­ T. M . Hassal BARRISTERS.AT.LAW . wood. Meetings first Thursday of the month. Creek, Leithfield (K owai), Waipara, 'Veka Pass, G. D. Lockhart BOOKBINDERS, &c. and Hastie's IIotel, Hurunui. Threo tim es a Gloucester street- Ancient Order of Fo resters. day coaches run betw een Christchurch and K aiapoi. ARCHITECTS AND SUR ­ A. R. Louis-Louis, Travers, Uambr idqe TeI'j'ace east­ Coaches also run regul arly three times a day be. and Hanmer R J ones Court" Star of Can terb ury ," No. 2309, Foresters' VEYORS. H iglt stj'eet- Hall, Oxford terrace east, 'Christehureh: C.R, J. tween Chr istchurch and Lyttelton. At Lyttelton Cashel st reet-s- th e company have th eir office at Fairhurst' s, Queen's Colombo street- C. J. F oster -F oster and S. Easton Foley ; S.C.R , H Hanger; I'.C.R , and Tr easu rer, H otel, where an agent resides, who attends on all Lu ck and Clark H. Crooks; ' V.C.R , and Secreta ry, w, Ness; S.' V., H elmore the steamers and sbips; he makes arr angements E . J. Sanders Cathedral Square- P. W . Foley; J. W. , J. M. Thompson; S.B., T. for pa ssengers' lugg age, par cels, &e., &e We do Gloucester st reet-s­ BOOT AND SHOEAIAKERS. H obbs ; .LB., ,V. B. H obbs. Court" Queen of W. S. Moorh ouse not give the hours of the various arrivals and Bury and Mountfor t G. Macfarlane the I sles," No. 2703, Odd Fellows' Hall, Lytt elton: departures of th e se....eral coaches, as th ey are often Liehjield street-s- Colombo stl'eet­ Secretary, J. ' Villeox. Court " Foresters' Retreat," altered to meet various circumstances; bu t aU Farr and Cuff J. At kin son G. Fisher N o. 3117,1I1eddings' Hotel, P ap anui : Secretary, alte ra tions arc advertised, and all inform ati on can be C. E. Fooks BATHS. "T.Judge. Court"Albion," No. --, Exchange Cathedj'al sqltare- T. Yat es H otel, Kaiapoi : R W oodford. obtained at the booking office, which is open all day. Colombo stree t-s- Samuel Goodma n c.n. T. D. Triphook The City, Professor Ayers Ly ttelton Colonists' Society. Robt. Speeehley, M.R.I.B.A., W. A.P earce Cricke t Clubs. H i,qh street­ P residen t, F. E. Wrigh t ; Yice-President, J .S. Cathedral Commission. Albion : President, J . Ollivier ;Secret an ', G. Al'magh street-s­ B. H all Willcox; Secretary, Mr. Keogh ; Members of Com. BILLIARD.ROO",-lS. W . R aines Turner ; H on. Treasurer, J. Bailey. Canterbury . mittel.', -'Iessrs. D'Oyly, Mill s, Rayner, Inglis, C.Dane Hon. Secretaries, E . C. J. Stevens and J.•H. Ben­ St. Asaph. street­ Oxford Terra ce-s- G. and 1'. W. J ones J enkins, Grange,Renshaw, Dunsford, Carder, G. Wilczynski nett ; Treasurer, G. )Iiles. Un ion : Hon.Secretary, En ~lan d , Geo. Nathan Royal ITotel, J. Cuff "'-lilson, Godfrey, Graham, Preece, S. Cashei street toest­ 1'. M. Ollivicr ;Tr easu rer, H . G. Corke . Christ's '''righ t, Fy fe, J ohnstone, and the R eV". F. Knowles. Kilmm'e street­ H iglt street- Collcge : Hon. Secretary, H. D udley : Treasurer, A. Thos. Price lVbite H ar t H otel, R. J ones J oseph Suckling J. Cott erill. Lyttelto n Municipal Council, Dunedin Club H otel, Morton Charles M'N iehol Chairman, William Donald , RM.; Councillors BAKERS. and Robert son Cluste>' street- Cltristchurch F oot-Ball Club. Colombo street- G. Ramsgar :Messrs. Fyfe, Willcox, Grubb, Preece, and Casl..l street-s­ W hatele,yRoad­ Genet. Surveyor, C. ~!. Igglesden; Town Clerk, Central H otel, Moil' and President , G. "'-riles; Vice-Presidents, th e Rev, George Inwood Campb ell J ohn Caygil l C. Bowen and IIIark Sprott ; Committee, A. F.N. ,V. Godfrey ; Inspector of Nuisances, J. H odgson, S. Gibbons Tu am. street- Blakiston, II. 1'. Crosbie, A. Cuff, F. M. Ollivier, T. Colombostreet- L,lltt eltOll Fo resters' Court. T. Pring G. Packe, I{. Ross, F. Strouts, and G. Turner; James Sipthorp Rawley BLACKSMITHS AJ.'\"D Oxford Terrace-s- Hon, Secreta ry and Treasurer, C. M. Ollivier, Court Queen of th e Isles, No, 2,703 : C.R., Andrew Ritchie FARRIERS. D. JII'Clannan Thomas Sutt on; S.C., It R Forbes; Treasurer, Jameson and Hicks Gloucester street­ Mlls ic-Canterbur!! jlIll sical Societs), 'V. Uayner; S.W. , George Auttay; J.'V., J. John Aulsebrook Arma.q" street­ l 'hos. Cary President, Rev, J. 'Vilson; Vice-President, ,,,. Chaney ; Secretary, J . S. Willcox. T. Gee Geeson and Ball Durham street­ Colombo street- Stringer; Treasurer, G. Miles; Secretary, It. Davis ; BOWLING ALLEY. Leader and Conduc tor, C. Bonnington; Librarian, Lyttelton SavinfJs Bank. Quine and Cain A. Wilson .J. B. Stansell. Tuam street­ Hel'~fOl'd stre et-s­ President, His Excellency the Governor ; Vice­ James Walker Thos. Anderson Colombo street- President, J. Hamilton, Esq.; Trustee s, Messrs. Central ITotel, :Moir and H eathcote R egatia Club. "r. E. H. Banks Man cltester street­ E. D . Byrne, I,'. Banks, J. L. Coster, E. Ivens, 'V. High street-s­ W . Armstrong Campbell Patron, Hi s lIonor th e Superintendent ,Com­ Reeves, Thom as Ritchie, J. 1'. Rou se, R Syming­ Robert Gilkes Montreal street­ modore, S.Moorh ouse, E sq.; Vice-Commodore, ton, C. F. Beeby, George Buckley, F. N. Campbell, ,Y. Glollcest.,· street­ John Johnston BRICK AND TILE MAKEHS. George H olme" E sq. Committee : Chairman, w. Donald, E. A. Hargreaves, R Latter, H. S. T. Wilson J. Williams .John . Olli,-ier, .Esq.; Treas ure r, W. ~golDery, M'Kellar and th e Rev. F. Knowles. Trustees of C~tehureh Ozford Terrace­ Cashel street- Ferr!! Road­ J':'q.; Secret ary, 1'. " ' . Moor e, E sq.; Committee, the District Branch : Messrs. IT. E. -Allen John Anderson G. Jackson Messrs. J. 1'. I'eaeoek, R P. Crosbie, A. F. N. Alport, .T. Bealey, Edward Bishop, G. Gould, Manchester street­ Papanui Road- Hereford street Blakiston, - Kissling, A. M'Kellar. Grosvenor Miles, C. W. Turner, and W. D. W ood. \ A. Thiele R . Wagstaff G. Reynolds.
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