publication. and NOVEMBER 26, 1953 reuse for 1 required Permission DFMS. / Church Episcopal the of Archives 2020. Copyright ST. ANDREW'S, FT. THOMAS, KENTUCKY A LARGE class of confirmands receive con­ gratulations following the service which climaxed a highly successful preaching mission by Bishop Moody. The large class was pre­ pared by the rector, the Rev. Allen Person. The Pastoral Letter Of The Bishops SERVICES The WITNESS SERVICES In Leading Churches In Leading Churches For Christ and His Church NEW YORK CATHEDRAL CHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL CSt. J ohn the Divine) EDITORIAL BOARD Main & Church Sts., Hartford, Conn. 112th & Amsterdam, NYC Sunday: 8 and 10:10 a.m., Holy Com­ Sundays: II. C, 7:30, 8, 9, 9:30 and WILLIAM B. SroFFORD, Managing Editor; munion; 9:30, Church School; 11 a.m. Sermon; 11, M. P., H. C. and Sermon. 4, Morning Prayer; 8 p.m., Evening Prayer. Evensong and Sermon. Weekdays: H. C, ALGER L. ADAMS, KENNETH It. FORBES, CORDON C. GRAHAM, ROBERT HAMP­ Weekdays: Holy Communion, Mon. 12 7:30. 8:30 Choral Matins (followed on noon; Tues., Fri. and Sat., 8; Wed., 11; Holy Days bv Choral Eucharist). 10, SHIRE, GEORGE II. MACMURRAY, PAUL Thurs., 9; Wed. Noonday Service, 12:15. *H. C. (Wed.) 4, Evensong. MOORE JR., JOSEPH II. TITUS, Columnists; CLIXTON J. KEW, Religion and the Mind; CHRIST CHURCH THE HEAVENLY REST, NEW YORK MASSEV II. SHEPHERD JR., Living Liturgy. Cambridge, Mass. Fifth Avenue at 90th Street Rev. Gardiner M. Day, Rector Rev. John Ellis Large, D.D. Rev. Frederic B. Kellosz, Chaplain Sundays: Holy Communion, 8 and 9:30 CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: Fredrick C. Grant, Sunday Services: 8, 9, 10 and 11 a.m. a.m.; Morning Service and Sermon, 11 F. O. Avres Jr., L. W. Barton, D. II. Weekdays: Wednesday, 8 and 11 a.m. a.m. Thursdays and Holy Days; Holy Drown Jr., R. S. M. Emrich, T. P. Ferris, Thursdavs, 7:30 a.m. publication. J. F. Fletcher, C. K. Gilbert, C. L. Glenn, Com in un ion, 12 noon. ST. JOHN'S CATHEDRAL Wednesdays: Healing Sen-ice, 12 noon. G. I. lliller, A. C. Liclitenberger, C. S. Denver, Colorado and Martin, R. C. Miller, E. L. Parsons, J. A. Very Rev. rani Roberts, Dean ST. BARTHOLOMEW'S CHURCH Paul, Paul Roberts, V. D. Scudder, W. M. Rev. Harry Watts, Canon Park Avenue and 51st Street Sharp, W. B. Spcrrv, W. B. Spofford Jr., Sundays: 7:30, 8':30, 9:30 and II. reuse Rev. Anson Phelps Stokes, Jr., Rector J. \V. Surer, S. E.' Sweet, S. A. Temple, 4:30 p.m. recitals. \V. N. Welsh. for 8 and 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion. Weekdays: IIolv Communion, Wednes­ 9:30 and IIa.m. Church School. day, 7: i 5; Thursday, 10:30. II u.m. Morning Service and Sermon. IIolv Davs: IIolv Communion, 10:j0. THE WITNESS is published weekly from 4 p.m. Evensong. Special Music. September 15ih to June 15th inclusive, CHRIST CHURCH required Weekday: Holy Communion Tuesday at with the exception of the first week in Indianapolis, Ind. 10:30 a.m.; Wednesdays and Saints January and semimonthly from June 15th Monument Circle, Downtown Days at 8 a.m.; Thursdays at 12:10 to September 15th by the Episcopal Church Rev. lohn P. Craine, D.D., Rector p.m. Organ Recitals, Fridays, 1210. Publishing Co. on behalf of the Witness Her. Messrs. F. P. Williams, 1 he Church is open daily for prayer. Advisorv Hoard. E. I.. Co:r*er Sun.: II. C. 8, 12:15; 11, 1st S. Family Permission ST. JAMES' CHURCH 9:30; M. P. and Scr., 11. Madison Ave. at 71st St., New York The subscription price is S4.00 a year; in Weekdays: II. C. daily 8 ex Wed. and V,er. Aithur L. Kinsolviug, D.D., Rector bundles for sale in parishes the magazine Fri. 7; II. 1). 12:05. Noonday Sunday: 8 a.m., Holv Communion; 9:30 sells for 10c a copv, we will bill quarterly Prayers 12:05. DFMS. / a.m., Church School; 1 1 a.m., Morning at 7c a copv. Entered as Second Class Ojlice hours daily by appointment. Matter, August 5, 1948, at the Post office Service and Sermon; 4 p.m., Evening TRINITY CHURCH Service and Sermon. at Tunkhannock, Pa., under the act of March 3, 1879. Miami, Fla. Wednesday 7:45 a.m. and Thursday 12 Church Rev. G. Irvine lliller, S.T.D., Rector noon, 1 Ioly Communion. Sunday Services: 8, 9:30 and 1 I a.m. THE CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION SERVICES TRINITY CHURCH 5th Ave. and 10th St., New York Rroad and Third Streets Rev. Roscoe I hor>Hon loust, D.D., Rector In Leading Churches Columbus, Ohio Episcopal Sundays 8 a.m., Holy Communion; II Rev. Robert IV. Fay, D.D. a.m., Morning leaver and Sermon; S the ST. STEPHENS CHURCH Rev A. freeman Traverse, Ass'r p.m., Service of M".dc (1st Sunday in "I entfa Street, above Chestnut of Sun. 8 HC: II MP; 1st Sun. 1IC; Fri. month). Philadelphia, Penna- 12 N HC; Evening, Weekday, Lenten Daily: Holy Communion, 8 a.m. The Rev. Alfred W. Price. D.D., R*»cror Noon Day, Special services announced. 5:30 Vespers, Tuesday through Friday. Rep. A. Aite:ihowugh, B.D., Ass't. Rector This Church is open all day and all I lie Rev. Gustav C. Meckiing, B.D., CHRIST CHURCH Archives nitfht. Minister to the Hard of Hearing Nashville, Tennessee 11. Alexander Matthews, Mus.D., Rev. Peyton Randolph Williams ST. MARY I HE \ IR( IN Organist 46ih Sheet. East of Time* Square 7:30 n.m , Holy Communion; 10 a.m., 2020. Sunday: 9 and 11 a.m., 7:30 p.m. New York City Family Service and Church School; II Weekdays: Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri., a.m., Morning Prayer and Sermon; Hie Rev. Grieg Vaher 12:30-12:55 p.m. 5:30 p m., Young People's Meeting. Sunday Masses: 7, 8, 9, 10, II (High). Services of Spiritual Healing, Thurs., Thursdays and Saints' Days: IIC 10 a.m. Evensong and Benediction, 8. 12.30 and 5:30 p.m. Copyright CHURCH OF ST. MICHAEL AND CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY CHRIST CHURCH IN PHILADELPHIA ST. GEORGE 316 East 88th Street Saint Louis, Missouri New York City 2nd Street above Market Where the Protestant Episcopal Church The Rev. 7. Francis Sant, Rector The Rev. James A. Paul, Rector The Rev. William Baxter Sundays: Holy Communion, 8; Church was Founded Rev. E. A. de Bordenave, Rector Minister of Education School, 9:30; Morning Service, II; Eve­ Sunday: 8, 9:25, 11a.m. High School, ning Prayer, 5. Rev. William Eckman, Assistant Sunday Sen-ices 9 and 11. 5:45 p.m.; Canterbury Club, 6:30 p.m. PRO CATHEDRAL OF THE HOLY Noonday Pra\ ers Weekdays. Church Open Daily 9 to 5. ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL TRINITY Shelton Square Paris, France 23, Avenue George V ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL Buffalo, New York Services: 8:30, 10:30 (S.S.), 10:45 Oklahoma, Citv, Okla. Very Rev. l'lulip t. McNairy, D.D., Dean Boulevard Ras^a-l Very Rev. John S. Willey, Dean Canon Leslie D. Hallett Student and Artists Center Sunday: H. C. 8, II first S.; Church Canon Mitchell lladdad The Rt. Rev. J. I. Blair Lamed, Bishop School', 10:50; M. P. II. Sunday Services: 8, 9:30 and 11. The Very Rev. Sturgis Lee Riddle, Dean \ Weekday: Thurs. 10. Other services as Daily:'H.C., 12:05 noon; also 7:30 a.m. "A Church for All Americans" announced. lues. Healing Service, 12 noon, Wed. NOVEMBER 26, 1958 VOL. 41, NO. 10 The WITNESS FOR CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH Editorial and Publication Office, Eaton Read, Tunkhannock, Pa. STORY OF THE WEEK In the United States racial Pastoral Of House Of Bishops issues also have aroused bit­ terness and prejudices "which Asks Renewal Of Faith have posed difficulties in amaz­ ing proportions." NOMINAL MEMBERSHIP CITED AS A DIFFICULTY But besides "foes without" THAT CHURCH FACES EVERYWHERE the Church, there are problems * Only a renewal of faith In this connection the pas- "within," the bishops said. publication. can ultimately solve the toral referred to a statement They named nominal church and troubles and tragedies of this made earlier by Henry Knox membership as one of the chief confused world, the bishops Sherrill, Presiding Bishop, difficulties the Church must reuse said in a pastoral letter issued which was unanimously adopt- face everywhere. for at the close of a meeting in ed by the House of Bishops. "This," they continued, "is Williamsburg, Va., reported The statement, denouncing reflected in irregular church here last week. both Communism and creeping attendance, infrequent com­ required ,.XT . , , nn Fascism, was reported in lull munions, in perfunctory giv­ No peace can be had, no ' ing, and in worldly living. concord established, until men Nearly one-half the people of come to accept the truth of the The bishops also deplored "the suspicion in many areas the United States do not have Permission Gospel. The burden of evan­ so much as a nominal relation­ gelism has never been laid that Christianity is a creature of western imperialism." ship to any religious body." more heavily upon the con­ Another concern, the pas­ DFMS. "Winds of revolution have / science of the Church. A sus­ toral said, "is the morals of picious, disillusioned, and be- been blowing brisky in all the world in our generation," they cur people." v ildered age must be made to "Corruption appears in high Church said.
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