Odonatological Abstract Service published by the INTERNATIONAL DRAGONFLY FUND (IDF) in cooperation with the WORLDWIDE DRAGONFLY ASSOCIATION (WDA) Editors: Dr. Martin Lindeboom, Landhausstr. 10, D-72074 Tübingen, Germany. Tel. ++49 (0)7071 552928; E-mail: [email protected] and Martin Schorr, Schulstr. 7B D-54314 Zerf, Germany. Tel. ++49 (0)6587 1025; E-mail: martinschorr @onlinehome.de Published in Rheinfelden, Germany and printed in Tübingen, Germany. ISSN 1438-0269 lues for pests are: 3.38, 0.92 (Nephotettix spp.), 6.28, 1997 1.00 (Nilaparvata lugens), 1.37, 0.72 (Cnaphalocrocis medinalis- Pyralidae), 2.42, 0.90 (Recilia dorsalis), 3.81, 0.97 (Sogatella furcifera), and for predators are: 4181. Haarstad, J. (1997): The dragonflies of selected 3.89, 0.98 (Cyrtorhinus sp.), 2.39, 0.85 (Anatrichus eastern Minnesota rivers. Report submitted to the Min- pygmaeus- Diptera), 2.02, 0.82 (Odonata), 1.65, 0.81 nesota Department of Natural Resources: 83 pp. (in (Casnoidea lividipennis.), 1.61, 0.64 (Authaor) (Paede- English). ["During the summer of 1992 I visited 25 rivers rus fuscipes), and 1.60, 0.69 (spiders). P(I) is signifi- and streams in eastern Minnesota collecting dragonfly cantly (P<0.001) affected by arthropod category and exuviae and adults. Streams visited in the Northeast growth stage of the crop. The observed P(I) indicated were the Gooseberry (1 site), Baptism (3 sites), Mani- high fits (most r2>0.90) to clumped- and Poisson-based tou (1 site), Temperance (4 sites), Cascade (2 sites), distribution models."] Address: Hassan, S.T.S., Jabatan Stony (1 site), Kawishiwi (1 site), and St. Louis (3 sites). Biologi, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM, Ser- Streams visited in Eastcentral Minnesota were the St. dang, Selangor, Malaysia Croix (12 sites), Kettle (5 sites), Snake (7 sites), Croo- ked Creek (1 site), Little Sand (1 site), Sand (2 sites), 4183. Kneitz, G. (Projektleitung); Zumkowski-Xylan- Rock Creek (1 site), Sunrise (1 site), Groundhouse (1 der, H.; Oerter, K. (Koord.) (1997): "Minimierung der site), Ann (1 site), and Rum (2 sites). Streams visited in Zerschneidungseffekte von Straßenbauten am Beispiel the Southeast were the Cannon (4 sites), Zumbro (5 si- von Fließgewässerquerungen bzw. Brückenöffnungen". tes), Whitewater (2 sites), Root (8 sites) and Mississippi Endbericht zum Forschungsvorhaben FE 02.158.G 94 (5 sites). A total of 33 species of riverine dragonflies L der Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen: 313pp. + An- were collected. Species of Gomphidae included Hage- hang- (in German). [The effect of bridges as barriers for nius brevistylus, Dromogomphus spinosus, Ophio- dispersing animals was surveyed at 20 running waters gomphus earolus, O. colubrinus, O. howei, O. rupinsu- arcross Germany. Dispersion ability of Anisoptera is lensis, x O. sabrinus, Hylogomphus adelphus, H. viri- nearly uneffected by bridges, while Zygoptera are in- difrons, Gomphurus externus, G. fraternus, G. linea- fluenced by barriere effects. Minimum width of 2.5 m tifrons, G. vastus, G. ventricosus, Gomphus exilis, G. enable Anisoptera and Calopteryx spec. to cross brig- graslinellus, G. lividus, G. quadricolor, G. spicatus, Ari- des following the running water. Serious effects are gomphus cornutus, Stylurus amnicola, S. notatus, and caused bei car traffic, especially by heavy goods vehic- S. spiniceps. Species of Aeshnidae included Anax juni- les. Heavy air motion caused by these cars results in a us, Aeshna umbrosa, Basiaeshna janata, Boyeria grafi- sideways drift of the specimens and increased the risk ana, and B. vinosa. Species of Cordulegastridae inclu- of colissions. Dispersal of Zygoptera was effected by air ded Cordulegaster maculata and C. obliqua. Species of motion caused by a tunnel effect due to suction or hea- Macromiidae included Didymops transversa and Mac- vy headwind.] Address: Bundesanstalt für Straßenwe- romia illinoiensis. Species of Corduliidae included Cor- sen (BASt), Brüderstraße 53, D-51427 Bergisch Glad- dulia shurtleffi, Epicordulia princeps, Epitheca canis, E. bach, Germany. E-mail: [email protected] spinigera, Neurocordulia yamaskenensis, Somatochlora minor, and S. elongata. Libellulidae (primarily Plathemis 4184. Ziemba, M. (1997): Ehemalige Tonabgrabun- lydia, Libellula pulchella, L. luctuosa) were noted but gen im Ravensberger Hügelland: erhaltenswerte Se- generally not collected since most occur abundantly at kundärbiotope mit hohem ökologischen Wert - ein wei- ponds and marshes. Also noted was the presence of teres Beispiel. Ber. naturwiss. Ver. Bielefeld und Um- the damselflies Calopteryx aequabills, C. maculata, and gebung 38: 293-312. (in German). [A few water bodies Hetaerina americana." (Author)] Address: http://files. located in a former clay pit have been surveyed for O- dnr.state.mn.us/ecologicalservices/nongame/proje donata. The list of species includes some red-listed cts/consgrantreports/1997Haarstadsign.pdf Odonata of the Federal State Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany).] Address: Ziemba, M., Biologische Station 4182. Hassan, S.T.S. (1997): Action thresholds of wet Gütersloh / Bielefeld e.V., Niederheide 63, D-33659 paddy arthropods for pest management decision- Bielefeld, Germany making in Malaysia. Pertanika J. Trop. Agric. Sci. 20(1): 65-74. (in English). ["Action thresholds to aid pest popu- lation management decision-making of 11 categories of wet paddy arthropods are suggested in terms of mean population density per hill and proportion of infestation (P(I) of the field sampling units. [...] The respective va- Odonat. Abstr. Service 15 (January 2005) - page 1 1998 ny; a total of 36 odonate species resulting from collecti- on made between 1970 to 1995 is documented in a table and briefly discussed.] Address: Lotzing, K., Am Hollschen Bruch 4c, D.39435 Unseburg, Germany 4185. Kosterin, O.E. (1998): Important findings of the dragonfly (Odonata) fauna of the Dahurian Nature Re- 4187. Resetarits, W.J. (1998): Differential vulnerability serve and its environs. Problems of Entomology in of Hyla chrysoscelis eggs and hatchlings to larval insect Russian. Theses for XI Congress of Russian Entomolo- predators. Journal of Herpetology. 32(3): 440-443. (in gical Society, Sanct-Petersburg, 1998 - Vol. 1): 210- English). [Analysis of variance revealed a highly signifi- 211. (in Russian). [Verbatim: "Until recently the odona- cant effect of treatments on the survival of Hyla tadpo- tofauna of the steppen Transbaikalia was insufficiently les. Mean tadpole survival was 97.5% in the predator- studied. (Gorb et al., 1996) reported on a finding of 17 free controls, but was reduced to 62.5% with dragonfly species in the Dahurian Nature Reserve (an extreme naiads (Pachydiplax longipennis) and to 0.84% with dy- south of the Chita Province), of which Aeshna serrata tiscid larvae (Ilybius sp.). Tukey's procedure showed Hag. found much more esterly of its previous estern- that both the dragonfly and dytiscid treatments were most finding on the Baikal longitude. In summer 1995- significantly different from the controls, and that the dy- 1996 in the same region we managed to find 30 spe- tiscid treatment was significantly different from the dra- cies. Two localities were studied: the Onon River valley gonfly treatment. Dragonfly naiads and dytiscid larvae in the environs of the village Nizhnii Tsasuchei (the were both significant predators of newly hatched Hyla steppen zone but with an unique pine forest) and Torei tadpoles in the experiment, but the predation rate by Lakes (the dry steppe zone). In both localities 19 spe- dytiscid larvae was much greater than that of dragonfly cies were found: Lestes dryas, L. sponsa., Sympecma naiads. There was also a highly significant effect of paedisca, Coenagrion armatum, C. ecornutum, C. lan- treatments on the survival of Hyla eggs. Mean egg sur- ceolatum, C. lunulatum, Erythromma najas, Enallagma vival was 97% in the controls and 89% in the dragonfly cyathigerum risi Schmidt, Ischnura elegans, Aeshna treatment, but was reduced to only 16% in the presence mixta, A. serrata, Pantala flavescens, Leucorrhinia in- of dytiscid larvae. In contrast to the results for tadpoles, termedia, Libellula quadrimaculata, Sympetrum danae, the control and dragonfly treatments were not signifi- S. flaveolum, S. (vulgatum) imitans., S. pedemontanum. cantly different from each other, but the dytiscid treat- 10 species were found only in the Onon valley: Cercion ment was significantly different from both the dragonfly v-nigrum, Coenagrion glaciale, Aeshna crenata, A. jun- treatment and the control. Therefore, only dystiscid lar- cea, Ophiogomphus spinicornis, Anisogomphus maa- vae were important predators on the eggs of H. chry- cki, Stylurus flavipes, Epitheca bimaculata, Somatoch- soscelis.] Address: Resetarits, W.J., Jr., Cent. Aquatic lora graeseri, S. (metallica) exuberata. Only one spe- Ecol., Illinois Nat. History Survey, 607 E. Peabody Dr., cies, Anax parthenope, was recorded in the Torei Lakes Champaign, IL 61820, USA. depression (lake Nizhnii Mukei); besides, Sympetrum depressiusculum was reported for this depression 4188. Wilson, K. (1998): New Hong Kong dragonfly. (Gorb et al., 1996) but not found by us. The odonato- Porcupine 17: 9. (in English). [Verbatim: Macrodiplax fauna of the Onon valley is much more rich thanks to a cora, a dragonfly newly recorded for Hong Kong in May diversity of intrazonal biotopes and the river presence 1997 (see Porcupine! 16: 5), is a widespread species while the Torei Lakes depression, bearing only more or found in three zoogeographical areas - the Ethiopian,
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