Armour and Hoyt Tie at 77 for Qualifying Medal in Engineers' Club Golf Tournament Course Proves Football at Home Tedious for a To Be Filled By BRIGGS Plenty of Hard Test for Pastime.Waiting Prescription To-morrowfor New York Fan» _____-1.-1 100 PUA« ISA A C\ ST SrSYS LeArOS AGA»rv»£T' GLAMC6S IM"3HO*aJ Dec i De a must suvn Starters it w.u. Take aboot 5MÔW CASE Thinking CASE AT ATTRACTIv/e RAZOR. BLADES <3LAD Penn State-Tech, Ford- MIMUTC3 and Focfi PiVf£ OF rMOT,Hlt-JG IM DISPLAY OF TOILET he-. Thought op «t. Columbia- Pershing Van Meek Jr. Finishes in PARTICULAR. JOST articles, PeRFUMeà, ham-Boston, To Watch Big Game Third Place, Five Strokes M«J(->OeRllMG 5" MINUTES «OftPS, ETC Williams on Local Card Behind Tied Leaders TITARSHAL FOC H and General By Ray McCarthy ""¦* Pershing will attend the deor» Thomas D. Armour, of Scotland, and Football fans, the majority at least gia Tech-Penn State football game Frank II. Hoyt, of the home club, fin¬ who inhabit this fair city and who gen¬ at the Polo Grounds to-momnr ac¬ ished in a tie for the qualifying medal erally go away over the week end to companied by Mayors Hylan of New :n the invitation tournament at the En¬ New Haven, to Princeton or to some York and Key of Atlanta, and the gineers' Country Club yesterday. Both other college town for their gridiron presidents of the rirai Institutions, Colfers returned 77. and they were the entertainment, will remain In the me¬ according to announcement made anly two to make the round better tropolis this Saturday. For New York here last night. tfian 80 out of a field of more than a will have the best attraction» this A telegram waa forwarded to hundred starters. week. K. of up Scores leaned to the high side yes¬ President G. Matheson Georgia Wanning forto-m<* terday, and the Engineers' layout justi- The big show, of coarse, will be the Tech by Mayor Hylan Informing him row's Game! àed its reputation of being a most se- Penn State-Georgia Tech struggle at of the plans. A large number of Warmer rcre test. There was a hiatus of five the Polo Grounds. Those who enjoy Atlantans and members of the «ro¬ underwear. strokes between the leaders and the good as it was last year, when it cleaned Warmest ulsters» third man, C. E. Van Vleck jr., of Pine game. State, one of the best elevens dent body accompanied the Tech Valley, who had 82. here in the East, will put up a mighty team on the way North, Wool socks. Hoyt didn't start out as though he battle to retain its prestige, while Tech, J jxpected to finish under 85 or there¬ known as the Golden Tornado, will en¬ Spats. abouts, taking 6's at the seventh and deavor to prove its worth to this no¬ 42 to the turn. Power Boat Solons Bro.gues. linth holes and Coming READS apteps. wa»t op menclature. back, however, the former Boston man FEva; QUlPS Decioas To mav/gt CHECK DlSPEMiSR half But there are two other games which Scotch-knit a 3 at the tenth AroP «JOKES IK» ICE CREAeA hour Pharmacist be jackets. played steadily, getting -SODAk . FILLING PRESCRvPTlOM. will well worth attending. One is Make Modification Sweaters. hole and a fine 2 at the much-talkcd-of Alnvamac CLERK IM^SlSTS returns #. ¿Avt-s we are the Boston fracas at nine OKI College-Fordham fourteenth. He made the inward purchase op Check HAvJit«j<S feWELL. UJEATHER Ebbcts Field; the other the Columbia- Mufflers. holes in 35. por Th,*s Time of Yea,r Williams tilt at South Field. In Amateur Armour, on the other hand, had noth¬ Boston College, coached by the ag¬ Ruling Sheep-lined coats. ing remarkable in the way of scoring, S£V£.rJTeEKS CSWTS gressive Frank Cavanaugh, is not so sev¬ coats. taking 5's" .at the second, fourth, good as it was last year when it cleaned Change Adopted by the Na¬ Fur enth and ninth holes going out. To up here in the East, as it is practically ?Scotch Mists. that point his score totaled 40, and he a green eleven. But that doesn't mean tional Association to Stim¬ also had a 2 at the fourteenth. Ar¬ the Bostonians are a down-trodden lot ulate Interest in Steamer rugs. mour's card was unusual, in so far as it who can be subdued easily. They still Sport showed nothing but 4's and 5's with the retain all of their native fighting spirit Motor lunch kits. exception of the 2 at the fourteenth. and are rapidly developing into a for¬ Several changes were made in the Four-in-hands in The leading cards: midable crew. rules of the American Power Boat As- Varsity Thomas Armour. Scotlan-1 : Better for Detroit and school Dut.. ..454544 5 4 5.40 Trimming sociation, which held Its annual meet¬ prep stripes. In ....*... 45462 4 45 4.37.77 Detroit trimrnqd the New Englanders ing in the Waldorf-Astoria yesterday. 'Frank II. Hoyt, Engineers: a rather score last «.42 by large week just Two of the most and far- .)ut. 5 5444464 after had returned from a important a 3 4 4 4 2 6 4 6 4.35.77 they strenu¬ You'll see lot of Nor- In. ous to Texas. But one reaching concerned a change in the is out trip Detroit has Armour, incidentally, trying of the best teams in the country this rule defining an amateur and the other folks with knickers. a putter, which if used on year. That defeat will new-fangled would make the Bay affects the Gold Cup races, the power Smart ! Comfortable! the other side of the Atlantic Staters a better team than ever to-day. cause all sorts of legislation. It served Fordham. under the oi boat classic. was tutelage Braw homespuns, tweeds its purpose, however, as the Scot Brickley, Dumoe and Sullivan, has In recent years many ardent yachts¬ down putts all the way from shown and cheviots. rolling after splendid improvement since the men interested in power boats «were five to twenty "feet on green start of the season and is figuring on o in green. victory to-morrow. However, in ordei barred from competing as amateurs Down-to-date price Provision has been made for four to win the Bronx students will because they had in the romte in the first have tc past and up-to-date in style! sixteens, with beaten eights play good football and will have tc raced for a small cash prize or per¬ and second divisions. *^yrH>», «ti...«f¿ TTttHrt»--!-«.»,' fight from the start. The clash should mitted their craft to race for a cash were as folows: be most The scores interesting. prize. This is changed with the elimi¬ soft hats add an FIRST SIXTEEN Since its game with Dartmouth ai nation of the following clause from the *Solight Out.In.Tot. i-. Hanover, N. H., last Saturday we have rules: individual touch! t>. Armour, Scotland... 40 37 77 learned.not from Shape Thomas 35 77 Columbia Coaches Harvard to Start Columbia men. "Who shall after 1912 have raced Frank H. Hoyt. Engineers'.42 that Columbia did not do so K. Van Vleck jr., Pine Valley.41 41 82 Syracuse Captain Miss Leitch to badly ai for a cash or 'em any way you like! C. 38 83 Play all and that the score of 31 to 7 does prize, who shail have al¬ A. W. Brand, Garden City.45«- lowed his boat to race for a cash E. M. Barnes, Nassau.40 44 84 Work Four Teams Hurt in Substitutes not indicate the closeness of the strug- Their felt is so smooth, F. B. Porter, Forest Hill.43 41 84 Scrimmage Many Two Matches prize after 1913, or who enters a To-day Our informant told us with S. Worthington, Siwanoy.44 41 85 gle. that race are soft and ,1. 4 85. any kind of breaks the locals where cash prizes offered." pliable. Roy Webb, Englewood.4 41 After Dark Oct. In Centre Contest woulc Cocoa brown, turf, teal and olive. Palmer Black. Nassau.45 40 85 Long 27..Captain interesting exhibitions have made a real contest of the meet¬ Vessels of the hydroplane type in Woodmere.44 42 86 SYRACUSE,of the Syracuse Univer¬ np\VO golf recent ha«/e hal little or no com¬ A. Leopold, 46 86 Gclick, ing. years The stockier felts on F. M. Kerr, Monlmac Valley-40 suffered a will take place at the Pelham Columbia to-morrow in the Gold races, because the A. M. Brown, National.42 44 86 sity football squad, Buell To Be Crim¬ will lino uj: petition Cup Garden City-48 39 87 Punting Practice, Scrim¬ Among Country Club to-day. This morning against Williams, which is of their unusual speed. Power boats other hand have the advan¬ Don M. Parker, 43 8. wrenched leg: in scrimmage this beinj II. A. Hill, Engineers'.44 and Drill son Who Will Miss Cecil Leitch, woman champion coached by Percy Wendell. William; of the older type have been handi¬ Morton I.. Feary. Garden City..47 42 89 mage Signal afternoon. The injury, it is said, Players Yale did well. in the which has of the I* 43 8 9 of will meet the former against very Wendel' capped past greatly tage staying put way W. Hicks, Nas-au.^...46 Are Part of may prevent him playing in the Watch Princeton in Action England, has himself a coach anc detracted from the interest of the ban¬ SECOND SIXTEEN Program United States Miss Alexa proved good you first crease 'em! 45 89 game with Washington and Jeffer¬ titleholder, has developed a very speedy little ner event of the power boat world.
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