1 1 :! 1 1 ,1 I 1 " '~~~~I ~ ~~~~~~ ____________________________________________ __________________ 1 Vol. LI, No. 21 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D.C. Thursday, May 2, 1968 ICollege May Admit Girls; ; S~~h~e~to the all-male College~_~d of Arts ~of Directors. ~o ifu~n~~y~a~lUdi~~a~~n~! controversy, he remarked, "In no and Sciences come September of According to the Rev. Thomas sense are we going to say, 'This 1969. The College's faculty has in- R. Fitzgerald, S.J., academic vice is what we've done.''' He added formally agreed to the proposal, president, "a reasonable amount, "We will also have the alumni to but students and alumni are yet not just a handful" of girls would cope with." to be consulted. If reaction is be admitted to the Class of '73, The Rev. Royden B. Davis, S.J., favorable, a study will be con- perhaps 50 to 100. He noted that College dean, indicated that he ducted during the summer to as- discussion is being taken up at and Fr. Fitzgerald had discussed , certain the effect of an increased this point so that the admissions the possibility of College coeds for College enrollment On classroom office would have ample time in some time. Fr. Davis brought up and dormitory space and student- which to process applications. Fr. the question to his executive teacher ratios. The College's exe- Fitzgerald emphasized the role of faculty last Thursday. The execu­ cutive faculty will then formally present College students in reach- tive faculty, while agreeing in pass upon the proposal and for- ing a final decision. Possibly al- principle, preferred not to take formal action until the entire Col­ lege faculty had been consulted. Faculty members, at a general Controversy Erupting meeting last Monday in Copley Lounge, also informally 'agreed to the idea in principle. This morning in Gaston Hall, Over E. C. Elections Fr. Davis will seek the opinions of . College freshmen at their class by Joanne Peartree ough's preliminary expense report meeting. He will continue to probe "Steve Sanders The Tree marked the Hoyas' favorite meeting place until a storm and Thursday, April 4, the day be­ since Wednesday morning. individual and group reactions of The evidence used i n Joe students "because they are my dead roots began its demise to the Stump ana finally the Hole. The fore Walsh Area elections, Joe Mc­ McDonough's disqualification was chief concern." The proposal will CoJIegiate Club began the process all over again when it planted a Donough, one of the candidates, presented by Andy Grimstad. He be forwarded to the Board of Di­ new Tree last week. for treasurer of the East Campus questioned the cost of the first rectors for a final decision, how- council, was disqualified for mis­ (Continued on Page 10) ever, only if the College's execu­ tive faculty approves. And while representation of campaign ex­ all may agree in principle to coeds Dean I(lein Defends penses, then reinstated, and later in the College, classroom and disqualified for over-spending. dormitory space and stu den t­ The manner in which the elec­ teacher ratios must be considered. tion committee, composed of Sue Fr. Davis states, "We can't realis­ tically do it without knowing what Drug Investigations Mooney, M i c h a e I Campilongo, John Dagnon, William Clin ton, the implications are." Andrew Grimstad, Michael Osaj- Fr. Fitzgerald states that class­ by George E. Condon secret that serious doubts exist , da, John Spotila, and Peter Ryan, room space will be available in Concern is being expressed this and a score of rumors are spring­ disqualified McDonough and the Healy by September of 1969 since week as to the possible ethical ing up on campus. Expressing con­ validity of the committee's the library will have since been ramifications of the 48-day old cern on the issue were Dan Hur­ charges were questioned by many. moved to its new quarters. In an drug investigation currently being son, Yard president-elect; Tom Numerous stUdents were dissatis­ address to the Walsh Area Stu­ conducted on campus by the Stu­ Kelly, president of the Philodemic fied with the decision-since 41 dent Council last December (in dent Personnel Office. Society; and Rich Banchoff, presi­ which he stated, "Any assumption percent of the students voting Three students connected with dent of the College senior class. either wrote in Joe McDonough's that the College is 'stag' is ana­ Dean of Men Edward R. Klein, chronistic."), Fr. Fitzgerald noted the investiga tion have already de­ name or simply refused to vote for parted from Georgetown. A fourth Jr., dismissed the criticism as a Dave O'Neill that a new women's dormitory the office of treasurer. Several student has been ousted but his by-product of a HOYA story April members of the newly-elected stu­ JOE McDONOUGH (Continued on Page 17) case is under appeal this week. 4. He said the story "hurt the in­ dent council which includes Vice­ But the important result of the vestigation and was filled with President Tom Kuna, Secretary probe thus far has been a new quasi-evidence that we were not Carol Kilkenny, Treasurer Dennis realization by the authorities of being very ethical." He said the Curley, SFS Academic Rep. Fran­ GU Students Support the extent of drug use on campus. probe was being conducted with ces Ficara, and SBA Academic One-third is the figure currently the highest ethical standards in Rep. Robert Sailer, have voiced being bandied about as the per­ mind at all times. Mr. Klein warned the student their dissatisfaction with McDon­ centage of Hoyas smoking mari­ Poor People's March body that drugs were an increas­ ough's ouster from the campaign. juana. That figure was reported' ingly bad situation on campus and There is no evidence that A group of Georgetown Univer­ the raise, 12 scholarships for recently over radio. said "unless students are really McDonough's disqualification was sity students and faculty mem­ Washington students each year for A veil of secrecy surrounding concerned about this I don't think in any way a planned plot by any bers has requested a $45 tuition a total of 48 to be granted over the proceedings of the Discipline the University can rid itself of this • group on campus. However, as increase for all students. The or­ a four-year period, and $280,000 Board has prohibited an open air­ McDonough states, "Once the elec­ ganization, formed under the title for a $30 per hour raise for each problem." ing of comments concerning the He decried the fact that stu­ tion committee did .have an op­ of the Georgetown University (Continued on Page 8) drug investigation, but it is no portunity to get me they were Committee in Support of the dents "just don't seem to be con­ very happy to have it." Poor People's Campaign, an­ cerned." Thursday morning H a r old nounces its aims as raising money, "If someone knows something, Snider, Party for Student Action food, and resources for the Poor his refusal to answer means he candidate for treasurer, and out­ People's Campaign itself; supply­ knows what is going on and he going President Terry Modglin ing 12 scholarships for poor peo­ doesn't want to do something to submitted a letter to the election ple from the District of Columbia; combat it," he continued. committee de man din g t hat and increasing the wages of non­ He blamed the HOYA in part for McDonough be disqualified be­ academic workers. the "we-they" attitUde he has run cause he had overspent by the into. He said that students don't amount of $135. There were many A member of the committee, seem to want to trust him with alleged errors in this accusation: Joe Gerson, stated that "We be­ information on drugs and fear 1) the letter cited an impossibly lieve that wages and benefits at what he will do with it. He said he large amount of campaign mate­ Georgetown are inadequate. We was not a policeman and was try­ rial, 2) Modglin and Snider re­ believe the educational oppor­ ing only to help the students. He ferred to signs that never existed, tunity extended to the poor by expressed a desire that some stu­ 3) they stated that offset printing Georgetown is inadequate." He dents would "start telling the of McDonough's platform cost continued by saying that examina­ truth in this investigation." $125, when it was actually mimeo­ tion will bear out the group's "Maybe I'm expecting a lot to graphed for $31.40. contention that the figure of $24,- expect a stUdent to tell the truth. Sue Mooney called a meeting of 000 represents the median, rather I hope not, but I guess I am," he the election committee to con­ than average, income of George­ said. "1 just find it difficult to be­ sider charges against McDonough town families. lieve that when two people are for misrepresentation of campaign According to information sup- Steve Sanders good friends and one smokes mari­ funds. The meeting was not called plied by the committee, the $45 While ROTC cadets marched in military fashion on Kehoe Field last juana the other knows nothing until four p.m. on Thursday, the per stUdent would be broken down Friday, others lounged in civilian fashion on Copley Lawn. And while about it." day before the elections, even into $22,000 for 490 grants to G.U. the cadets watched a mock Viet Cong ambush, these watched a demon­ Mr.
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