JULY 15, 2021 BOOK YOUR POST IT Call Your Advertising Rep TTHEHE BBEEACONACON HHILLILL TTIMESIMES (781)485-0588 THERE ARE NO TIMES LIKE THESE TIMES EAST COAST IVY BOUTIQUE Boncore confirms candidacy for OPENS AT 88 CHARLES ST. position at Mass Biotech Council Special to the Times State Sen. Joseph Boncore con- firmed Wednesday that he is a finalist for a position with the Mas- sachusetts Biotechnology Council. Boncore said he has had “a few meetings” with the Council. “I am still the state senator for Suffolk and Middlesex represent- ing the cities that I’ve grown to love over the past five years in the State Senate,” Boncore told the Beacon Hill Times. “I am a finalist for a job with the Massachusetts Biotechnology Council and pur- State Sen. Joseph Boncore is suing that and having discussions pictured with Assistant Speaker with them. That’s really the extent Katherine Clark at an event of what I can discuss today, but if Wednesday morning in Revere anything changes in my situation, where a $4 million Community the people in my district will be the Project Funding request made first to know.” by Clark was announced for the Asked if there were a timetable future Wonderland Commuter East Coast Ivy Boutique, specializing in women’s clothing, accessories and jewelry, held its grand opening for his decision, Boncore replied, Rail and Multimodal Connector. on Saturday, July 10, at 88 Charles St. Its owner, Greta Belsole, a Pennsylvania native who now lives on Newbury Street, launched the boutique as an online business last May after she graduated from the College “I’ve made the decision to pursue of Charleston, in Charleston, S.C., which proved so successful that it allowed her to open her first brick-and- this job and have discussions with cillor Lydia Edwards, State Rep. mortar shop. As for why she settled on Charles Street, Belsole said that Beacon Hill’s historic feel reminds Mass Biotech. We’ll take it a day Adrian Madaro, Revere Coun- her very much of Charleston. To learn more, visit www.eastcoastivy.com; follow East Coast Ivy Boutique on at a time and see where that takes cillor-at-Large Steven Morabito, us.” Facebook, or Instagram @eastcoastivy on; or call the boutique at 717-364-6842. Revere School Committee member Boncore has served as state Anthony D’Ambrosio, and Demo- senator for the district since 2016 when he won a special election for cratic State Committeeman Juan Beacon Hill Civic Association Community Corner the seat previously held by Antho- Pablo Jaramillo. Come Celebrate a Summer Evening at Otis House! known to be some of the best hosts in late eigh- ny Petruccelli. Boston District 8 Councillor On July 28, from 6-8 p.m., come enjoy wine, light teenth-century Boston. Tour Otis House (built circa Among the candidates report- Kenzie Bok and State Rep. Jay Liv- food, and the warmth of summer at Otis House. 1796) and see Harry Otis’ famous punch bowl, and edly considering a run for the ingstone said they will not run for Harrison Gray and Sally Foster Otis, with the sup- learn how, in the century that followed, the increas- seat are Boston District 1 Coun- the senate seat. port of a skilled and dedicated staff of servants, were ing popularity of boarding house life changed the way nineteenth-century Bostonians lived, socialized, and entertained. This event, as always, is hosted in Santiago ends mayoral campaign collaboration with Historic New England. Advance tickets are required. BHCA and HNE member price By Seth Daniel with optimism, energy, and a sin- is $25, and non-member price is $30. cere desire to serve the people and When: Wednesday, July 28, 6 - 8 p.m. Though he has a gleaming families I see every day across our Where: Otis House, 141 Cambridge Street, Bos- resume for the job of mayor, South city,” he said. “Today, I announced ton, Mass. End State Rep. Jon Santiago’s cam- that I am ending my mayoral cam- Please call Historic New England at 617-994- paign never took a strong foothold paign. But my intention to serve 5959 or the BHCA at 617-227-1922 for more infor- citywide and never caught the remains as strong as ever. Service mation and for member discount promo code. momentum needed to show strong has taught me so much about life, Join a Committee! in September, and as a result he Boston, and myself. That drive to Each year, the BHCA publishes an Annual Report ended his campaign for mayor on give back led me to serve my coun- which highlights the work done by the BHCA Board Tuesday morning. try in the Army and as a Peace and Committees over that past year. His move to end the campaign Corps volunteer. It gave me an EVENTS COMMITTEE leaves four announced major can- opportunity to provide medical The Events Committee supports the Beacon Hill didates still in the race. care for patients in the most dif- Civic Association’s mission by hosting events that Santiago has had a great run as ficult of times. And it inspired me encourage dialogue, friendship, civic engagement, a state representative in the South to represent my community as a and new membership. We host a variety of activities, End, and was a natural fit when he state representative in the Massa- ranging from historic preservation roundtables to announced for mayor. However, chusetts Legislature. These experi- community gatherings and open forums. This year, polls continued to indicate that he ences in service are what drove me despite the challenges of the pandemic, we managed was running too far behind other to launch my campaign for mayor. candidates to likely catch up. “When I announced my cam- Summer Evening at Otis House, June 2018. (BHCA Pg. 3) (SANTIAGO Pg. 3) paign for Boston Mayor, it was PAGE 2 THE BEACON HILL TIMES JULY 15, 2021 editorial SORRY FOLKS -- BUT THE GUEST OP-ED PANDEMIC IS FAR FROM OVER Financial suicide is not necessary We in Massachusetts are living in a bit of a pandemic bubble right now, both literally and figuratively. Dr. Glenn Mollette lasted three months. He spent had been closed and his rent and $30,000 a month for three months overhead were cheap. He went to The high vaccination rate in our state, as well as in neighboring states There is some risk to all of life. in a cookie franchise before he was work making the best hamburger throughout New England, has contributed to a dramatic drop in the A friend and his wife had a able to get out of the venture. in town. For 16 years his burger number of COVID-19 infections, deaths, and hospitalizations in our house paid for and a substantial Neither of the prior persons business netted him an annual sal- part of the country. savings account. At the age of had any prior business ownership ary of over $300,000. He retired 65 he was retired and bored and The successful reopening of our economy serves as a testament to the experience. well. bemoaned he had never been a value of having a highly-vaccinated -- and highly-educated -- population. Life is filled with lessons. Edu- Sometimes we simply need to be business owner. He was aware of cation is often very expensive. You content with what we have. If you It’s as if our region of the U.S. is equivalent to an island nation such a family who had recently closed must decide if you are still young need to work, consider what you a business so he offered to buy it as New Zealand, where COVID-19 has not made a dent in economic or enough or too old to take on such know, what you have and how from them and even employed a other activity since the beginning of the pandemic because its prime min- a business venture. This is especial- you can make it work for you. It family member to run it. He knew ly true if you could end up losing could require a minimal amount ister, Jacinda Ardern, sealed off its borders to foreigners from the very nothing about the business but all your investment and further of advertising. Or, it might sim- beginning of the pandemic. was confident all would be well. financially obligating yourself. ply require letting acquaintances However, New England is not an island. Millions of our own citizens The cost of the investment, his lack If you want or need something know what kind of work you are are traveling to other places and returning, and millions of non-residents of understanding the business and the monthly outgo spelled disaster. to do, then get into something doing and building your business are coming here to visit this summer. Within two years he had lost his that you can afford and know by word of mouth. You may be The Delta variant of COVID-19 is now the dominant strain of the house and his entire retirement something about. Being informed able to use space or land that is sit- virus both in this country and throughout the world. The troubling savings trying to make his dream and applying as much research to ting dormant and can be rented or any endeavor is crucial. If you can bought reasonably. aspects of Delta are that it is much more highly-transmissible than the business endeavor sustainable. afford a large franchise fee, other Life’s pursuits can be, and original, it is more lethal, and the vaccines are slightly less-efficacious Another acquaintance had worked hard at an auto plant investment costs and you can should be, approached with rea- against it compared to the original strain of the virus for which the vac- for twelve years but retired and make the business successful, then sonable caution.
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