University of Central Florida STARS Retrospective Theses and Dissertations 1976 A Study of Differences in Vertical Phosphorus Profiles Within the Sediments of Selected Florida Lakes as Related to Trophic Dynamics Edgar Allen Stewart III University of Central Florida, [email protected] Part of the Engineering Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/rtd University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Masters Thesis (Open Access) is brought to you for free and open access by STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Retrospective Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Stewart, Edgar Allen III, "A Study of Differences in Vertical Phosphorus Profiles Within the Sediments of Selected Florida Lakes as Related to Trophic Dynamics" (1976). Retrospective Theses and Dissertations. 258. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/rtd/258 • A STUDY OF DIFFEREilCES IN VERTICAL PHOSPHORUS PRO FILES WliHIN THE SEDIMENTS OF SELECTED FLORIUA LAKES AS [{ELATED TO °fROPfiiC DYNArHCS BY EDGAR ALLE N STEHART III B.S., University of Florida, 1971 THESIS SubmHted o'n partial fulfiliment of the requirements for the degree of Mdster of Science °in the Graduate Studies Program of the Co 11 eye of Engi neer i ng of Florida Technological University , Or l ando, Florida 1976 • A STUDY OF DIFFERENCES IN VERTICAL PHOSPHOROUS PROFILES WITHIN THE SEDIMENTS OF SELECTED FLORIDA LAKES AS RELATED TO TROPHIC DYNAMICS BY E. ALLEIJ STEWART I II \ ABSTRACT Seve"a 1 Flori da 1akes with different docu'llcnted traphi c sta te indi ces were se lected for sediment analysis . '1e,·tical sections of Li1~ sedin,,;~ nt were taken at dept hs of .1, .5 , 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 and l~ centimcnters belml the surface of the sediment-water intzrface. Tota, P:losJjhorus analysis \'Ias done on each section. The profile p:'e"\:l~ted was t.:,en eval'Joted Jnd was fo~nd that the profiles best fit the equ,·'.tl·or, Y. = t' +X BX' wi l€ r e \, is. th. e Pho sp I10 ru S \,.-0' :, c en triJt',l ..d, 1n P:"n. i il.nd X i<. the sediment depth in cm. Correlation between the tr~rh' c state dnd the pl~ofi1ES chara cteristh:s are presented. A hypothesis as to ho., the sediment profile changes as the l ake experiences increa~ed Phosphorus loading i s presenteti, and 'is used to evaluate the lakE studied Thb discussion expresses phospliorlls dynami cs wi thi n the sed imen ts i!l teY1il~ of dds(wption , chemi ca 1 chCl.nges, bio'logical activity, and ,"olecular .nd eddy diffus;on . Di rectol' of Research iv • TABLE OF CONTENTS ACK~OWLEDGMENTS • vi LIS T 0 F TABLES • vii LIST OF ,ILLUSTRATIONS • . vi i i Chapter I. INTRODUCTION 1 Scope and Objectives II. LITERATURE REVIEH ... 4 Ecosystems Succession of Aquatic Systems Energy F10l'/ and Succession Nutrient Loading and Succession Predictive Models Phosphorus Regulation by Bottom Sediment Phosphorus Transfer Sed iment Characteristics Phosphorus Distribution Through Sediments Florida Lakes Research Needs III. FI ELD INVESTIGATIONS AND LABORATORY PROCEDURES. 48 Description of Study Areas Sampling Procedures IV. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS . · · . · . 58 SalOp 1e Des c"i pti on and field Data Laboratory Results Statistical Analysis V. DISCUSSION . · · . · . 83 Phosphorus-Sediment Depth Relationships Patterns of Phosphorus Distribution in Lakes Oligotrophic-Ideotrophic Lakes Cultural Eutrophication of Lakes v Chapt.er Phosphorus Profil es and Trophi e Dynami es VI. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOW1ENDATIONS 102 Conelus"ions Recommenda ti ons IDS REFERENCES CITED \ vi • ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank all of the instructors at Florida Tech­ nological University who have made this a learning experience of considerable value. In particular, I would like to thank the professors on my graduate committee, Dr. W. M. McLellon, Dr. M. P. Wanielista, and Dr. Y. A. Yousef. I must certainly express great respect for Dr. Yousef' s pa ti ence and unders tand i ng, whi ch fortunately was usually to form "idable an adversary for my stubborness and naivity. There is no doubt that this study would not have been possible if it had not been for the help in the field, in the laboratory, and on the drawing board by my good friend Herb Zebuth. To him I want to give my special thanks. I would also like to thank Ted Penland for his help in designing field sampling devices. To my wife Glennda, and my six year old son Tommy, I want to express my thanks for tolerating someone who at times was something less than tolerable. vi i • LIST OF TABLES 1. Differences in North Temperature and Semitropical lakes Which May Bear on Eutrophication Process 43 2. Precision of Phosphorus Determination For Sediment Samples Using the Ascorbic Acid Method. 56 3. Analysi s of Sediment Core Samples Collected From Selected Florida lakes . ..... 63 4. Correlation Between Phosphorus Concentration with Sediment Depth for Core Samples From Se 1ected Flori da la kes ...... 75 5. Hypothetical Zones Estimated for Each Data Set from Sedin~nt Cores for Selected Florida lakes 7B 6. Correlation Between Slopes of linear Interchange Segments and Trophic State Index for the lakes 79 7. Ratio of the Maximum Phosphorus Migratory Value to the Minimum Concentration in the Interchange Zone .. 81 8. Categorization of lakes Studied According to the Phosphorus Profiles Through the Sediment. 101 viii • LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 1. Generalized Lacustrine Food Cycle Relationship 6 2. Lake Succession Showing the Eutrophic State Equilibrium ........ 9 3. Trends in Ecological Succession 9 4. Energy Flows in Lacustrine Systems 12 5. Orthophosphate Concentrations in Runoff From Various Land Uses in the U. S. .... 16 6. Total Phosphorus Concentration in Runoff From Vari ous Land Uses in the U. S. .... 16 7. The Vollenweider Relationship Applied to a Number of Eastern U. S. Lakes and Reservoirs Samp 1ed by EPA . 18 8. The Dillon Relationship Applied to a Number of Eastern U. S. Lakes and Resevoirs Sampled by EPA. .......... 20 9. The Larsen-Mercier Relationship Applied to a Number of Eastern U. S. Lakes and Resevoirs Sampled by EPA ........... ... 21 10. Sample Locations and General Sediment Characteristics of Lake Ontario 30 11. Samp le Locations and General Sediment Characteristics of Lake Erie 31 12. Sample Locations and General Sediment Cha racteri s tics of Lake Huron · · · · · · · · · · · 32 13. Changes in Total Phosphorus Versus Approximate Time of Deposition (Lakes Ontario. Erie and Huron) . · · · · · · · · · · · 33 14. Effects of Iron on Phosphorus Sorption in Lake Sediments . · · · · · · · · · · · 37 ix Figure 15. Phosphorus Addition to and Movement within an Idealized Sediment Column. 37 16. Phosphate Taken up or Released by Sediments After Equilibrium with Solution of Varying Initial Phosphate Concentrations versus Final Phosphate Concentrations. 39 17. Variations with Depth of Forms of P in an Idealized Great Lakes Core, Assuming Uniform Conditions Throughout the Period of Accumulation . 41 18. Transformation of P within Great Lakes Sediments 42 19. Sediment Core Sampler Developed for Collecting Vertical Sections 52 20. Field Crucible Carrier 54 21. Total Phosphorus Standard Curve 57 22. Sediment - Phosphorus Profi 1es Lake Claire 70 23. Sediment - Phosphorus Profil es Lake Apopka 71 24. Sediment - Phosphorus Profiles Lake Swain, Eola and Wauberg 72 25. Sediment - Phosphorus Profiles Lake Weir, Griffin, Altho, Geneva 73 26. Schematic Representation of Phosphorus Dynamics in Lake Sediments .... 87 27. Schematic Representation of Phosphorus Dynamics in Lake Sediments 88 28. Redox Potential at Various Depths in Sediments of Lake Jessup and Monroe ..... 90 29. Hypothetical Phosphorus Loading from Lake Sediment ....... 92 30. Hypothesized Reaction of Phenomenon Involved in Sediment Dynamics to increased Phosphosur loading. 94 1 • CHAPTER I Introduction Increased awareness of the need for good water quality manage­ ment has recently stimulated research towards understanding the dynamics of the eutrophication process. From these efforts have emerged certain indices that correlate pollutant loading to accelerated maturation of aquatic systems. To date, all of these indices are related to phyto­ plankton activity, which is a representation of the trophic state of the lake. Because the assessment of trophic state is somewhat subjective, there has been consid,'rable confusion in some of the environmental sciences as to how such terms as eutrophic, oligotrophic, mesotroph ·ic, and succession should be defined. In Florida for example, the rate of primary production in an "01 igotrophic" lake may be greater than that of an lIeutrophic ll Northern lake. The reason, of course, is that there is a great variabil ity in the factors that deter·mine the rate of photo­ synthesis. In this case, the great variability in the temperature and solar influx may be held responsible for the differences in produc­ tivity. It is apparent then that perhaps a new parameter which assesses the efficiency of energy utilization within lake systen5 is needed to replace or supplement those parameters such as Chlorophyll, Nutrient concentrations and rate of primary production which are actually 2 related to the rate of Carbon fixation into organic molecules and tell very little about the total energy flow within all energy levels of the ecosystem. To date. the only studies that attempt to determine the energy flows within aquatic systems are extensive "budget" investigations that are not always practical as they require considerable time and effort. The mechanisms of nutrient transfer between bottom sediments and the overlying water may prove to be of considerable value in evaluating the trophic state of the lake. since sediments playa significant role in regulating energy flow within lacustrine systems. If lake systems are to be viewed macroscopically. it can be seen that certain biological. chemical and physical phenomenon serve to maintain relatively uniform conditions within the lake and its related water­ shed.
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