An Associated Collegiate Press Pacen1aker Award Winner THE Shakespearean dramatist Men' ba ketball explores the art of acting, victoriou over Drexel , Bl BS 250 University Center University of Delaware Newark, DE 19716 Tuesday & Friday • • FREE Yolumc 130. ls:'uc 34 · ~ · . H'H'lLrel"ieu:uder'etfu \ l.11~·h ~- .'tHI-l Newark may expand curbside recycling B'l BRI \ '\ DO\\ '\E) '\,~ '' drk d1stnbuted 6.500 sun cy:-o to \\t:Cb. Lapo1ntc. hO\\ e\ er. sa1d he do..::-. ~en ICC, he "aid. \ I res1dcnh \\ 1th thc1r elcctnclt\ bills ask.­ ·'\\'c ,m: planmng on •no\ mg tl.)r­ not sec the protect taktn!! otT e.\.trcmch "You real!;. nccd cntiLal ma~s to A Iter rcccl\ 1ng posJli\ c responses ing Lhcm about their' ie'' s or~ rcc~ cling. '' ard '' llh the projt:Ct as long .1s '' 1.: fast. because 1i 1s 'oluntar. - make th1ng~ \\ Mk. .. :\the~ ~a1d "\\ ell from partictpants 111 the curb~1de rccy­ .\lore than 400 Of' those ~lll'\ C).; ha\l: the Cljuipm~:nt and m~:n ... ht: ~a1d "It's kind of carl\ to- alh\\Cr hm' O\ cr half of the re~rdents returned the clm~ pre cct 111 the :"\c\\ ,trk ,trca. the \\ere returned. mdrcatin~ that rcstdcnb "It's not_1ust somcthmg \\C nrc ;:n111g tu \\Cll1t is doing so far..; he sard. "It's just sun C). so l am optim1strc '' ith th1s first Dela\,arc '>oltd \\'a,tc Authonty hopes suppo11ed the recycling ,;roJCd. he satd. ~wr .. getlinl! started. but I ha\ en 't heard am ''a\ e. to e-;pand th1s type of program through­ The proJect fir t began in mrd­ In tho.: future. \'on ';tctton sa1d he ~ompGints." - The program ''ill take a fe\\ years out C\\ Castle Count) Fcbruar). \"on Stctton said. and after plans to ~pn.:ad the '' ord and qpand the Cm Councrlman Da' rd t\the\. 4th to real!\ take off and 1\:e,\ark 1~ a fairh Rrch Yon Stctton. manal!cr of rec\­ three \\ ccks res1dcnts satd they \\en.. project Ill all of. 'e\\ Ca•alc (\lUllt). Distr11.:t: '' ho usc:. curbs1dc rcc~ Llinl! small c;t~ . .\they satd - cling for the DS\\'A. satd the-purpose ~)f still plcascd '' 1th the proJect. R1chard Lapomtc, the cit~ ·s prnje..:t and is plt:a-.ed \\ rth 11. said rcC\ cim!! i~ ''The mone' is not there for the c1tv the proJect rs not onl) tll m.tkc 1t cas1er \\.nh the current success ,md posl­ m.m.l!!cr fnr the curbside rcC\ elm!! :\e\\ark has bcen an hsue for ~cars~ In to do it." he said. "I feel the state should - for ~e,,ark rcs1denh to rccycle but to trn: fco..:dback the~ arc rccel\ ing. he ~aid proJc:t. ~ard :\c\\ ark is tho.: first Cit~ 1~ thc mid I '-N(h. rcse:Jrch done b\ the step up or rc-,idcnts . hould push the encourage others to do so a:-. well. he plans to c\.pand the proJeCt further Dela\\ar..: to h<.I\C th1s t)pe ofpmjcct. Con~cn at ion Ad' 1~or: Comm (,~ion bsuc more. For So a month or '72 a \car. hc r\pproxunatel) 15.000 addlll(lllal r\ pdtlt program '' tb nnplcmcntcd concluded that :"\e\\ ark had a rec\ d11H! Currently. ::!70 :"\e,, ark rc,1denb sard the DS \\A \\ill ptck up rCC)~clables. sun c; s ,,·ere mailed to '\C\\ ark ,1rca last year Ill the Brand~\\ me llundrcd prnhlcm - - particrpate 111 the curhsidc rcc:clmg sa\ mg rc 1denb the drl\ c to therr local rt:sidcnts, and \on . tctton estimates .1rca. he sa1d, and after a fc,, '' L'Cb the\ Approxrmatel) 6,000 rc~idenh project. recycling center that '00 to XOO more residents \\ rll decided to expand the proJect t~1 alrcad) ha,·e trash rcmo,al and fC\\ arc ln December. \'on ":Jtetton ~a1d. bcgm to participate in the upcommg '-:t:\\ ark due to 1ts succcs~. '' J!lmg to pa) for addnional rec:d111g Motiva reports Performance chemica/leak troupe pays at Del. City homage to B'l .JOCEU '\ .JO'\ES C. or d•t womenS hair H1ghl~ tlJ.mmahlc Lhcmical gases escaped from the ;'\.lotl\a Enterpnse~ oil refinery ne.1r Dela\\are Cit) Feb. ::!-+when a pipe began to leak. B'l AARTI ' 1 \ liT \ , I :VIclmda ( arl. spokes\\ oman for the DeJa,, are Department St~lTt p,., "t of '\'atura I Rc~ources and Em ironmental Control s1id the unau­ \lore than ~00 people gathered in \l!tchcll Hall thontcd rLkasL of prop,' 11J propylene.'' htch rs u~ed to make Saturday L \ e111ng to \\ atch the l'rhan Bush \\\1men \ pcr­ pctrochemical produch. ''as a sign1ficant inc1dent. tormance of "Hatr ~tont:s. \\hlch c\plorcd thc rdl!a of ·It \\ ,ts a potcnt1all;. L\.plosr\ c situation.'· she said. napp~ barr 111 relation to beaut~ .md pe1 0naht;.. prros \!anita\ uws sp,)kcsman for \1oti\ a. said the plant's Thc Urban Bush \\"omen bk nded C\prcssi\ c dance. ons1te f1re dcpartmcnt rcsplHlded and a tier 90 m11n. tcs \\as able mu~1c. \ideo clrp~. te\.t. rap and encrg) 1nhl ih pnfonnancc. to Isolate and stop the leak, thc cause of'' h1ch 1s strll unknO\\ n. The performance group Jctincd and dcbatl!d the tcnn Dda\\<.rc Crt;. Firc Compan) ,,·as on standb) but d1d not "napp) .. as "lightly. kmk;. cotled hair.'' rcfcrred to as a pos- partic1patc. he satd 111\e .md ncgatJ\C 1mage. The p1ecc ... hO\\Cd the proccss A ftcr the .:;as le<tk w .. s drscm crcd. :Vlantza\ 1110s sa1d. ) oung \\'Omen ha\ c to cxpcncncc because of thc1r ha1r ;\loll\ a dccrc<tscd thc ratc ot production. and a \\ atcr curtam The group an1culatcd humor m1xcd \\ rth sadness to dis­ helped Ill knock do\\ n c-.capm!; 'apors. play the h1ghs and low.., l)f ''hat 1s ll hkc for ''omen \\·ith Air monrtoring ''as conducted do\\ 11\\ md after the lcak to napp~ hair test for propane and prop~ lenc in the atr. but neither ''as detect­ Audience mteraL110n \\a~ used to ndd en erg;. to the per­ ed. he sa1d. THL RE 'IE\\ IBoh Thurlo'~ form<Jncc. a~ ''ell as to allO\\ the lUdrcncc to feel as 1f the\ Ra\ 1 Rangan. cm 1ronmental cngmeer for D?\REC. said an Students spend the day outside when the first hints '' erc a pari of thc shO\\ - '5cmor Jamnc Jelks-Scalc s.ud she sa\\ the Lrban Bush em rronmcntal protectiOn officer was on thc pen meter of the of spring weather hit Newark this weekend. refincf) and agreed thcrc did not seem to be an) serious c1n i­ \\'omcn perform 1n a prc\ 1ous exh1btt10n and \\ antcd to see ronmcntal unpacts. them again. \\ cathcr may ha,·e played an important factor as well, he "It reall) lut homc ... she satd. "\1) f;.l\ orite part \\ · a~ the sa1d tender-headed barr.,. "'It \\as rainmg that da~. so that helped ... Rangan sat d. ( hanelc Jones, an employee at the Center for Black· Jerr) LJe,,eJlyn. state toxicologist for the Dt\ 1sion of Public Culture. s~lld although Harr \\.cekcnd is not an annual e\ cnt. Health. sa1d both chem1cals ha\ c lO\\ -Je, el health cffccts but sig­ the) dtd antic1patc a h1gh attendance because the group is mficant flammabl11~ Issues. '' ell-kno'' n. Potcntral health rhks 111lght includc C) c anc JO~e Irritation "l he) \\Crl! \\ell recommended and dtscuss Issues rclat­ as \\ell as a;.phy xtat1on. he said mg to the communll) ... she s<11d. Although propy lcne is a precursor for plastics and propane Rhea Pattcrsnn. a member of the L rban Bu;,h \\'omen. is used •·o, barbequcs and hcatmg home . it \\'as the large s..ml although th1~ • \\ as her tirst tunc pcrfonnmg at the um­ amounts produced at the rclincr;. that made the gases potcntiall: \Cfo,ll). the group had pcrfonncd 111 'cptcmbcr and tra\eb to many Lllll\ ersiucs around the naunn. dan~erous. Llc\\ elh n sa1d. -Da\ id Stcrnhcrg. spokesman for the Em 1ronmental She sa1d \\ htle they ha\ e bccn pcrformmg for an C\.tcn­ Protect ron A gene). sa1d propane and prop) lcne arc both haz­ SI\ c penod of lime \\ ith pract1ces a~ long as se\ en hours a day, the~ \\ere a In tic shaky pnor to the pcrfonnance. ardous sub~ta11Les undcr the C lean Air Act. Although :Vtoll\ a did not ha\ c to report the mctdent to the "It takcs a" bile to get into the grom c.'' Patterson satd. '\ational Response (enter. he sa1d. they '' Jll ha\ e to report 11 1n '·but b\ thc m1ddle \\'e \YCrc fcelm!! 1t." 1ts ) earl) Toxic Release lm cntory as well as abtdc by requests Si1e sa1d she cnjm s <tud1en:c 1:1tcraction durin£! the from thc EPA. shO\\ and sccmg aud1~nces · happ) cxprcssJOlh. - "'\\'e ha\ e a number of orders w1th the ~loti\ a facrllly Chnstal Brown. a member of the Lrban Bush \\'omen, rcqutring them to take actions to 1mpro' e the factl1ty and to bring sa1d she could best c\.plam the group using a fe,\ term:. "[It's an] elaborate. intricate \\ ea\ ing of theater. dance. it 11110 compliance'' 1th 'anous em ironmental laws.'' he sa rd. Carl said :\loti\ a has 30 days to file a report\\ ith D"iREC. song mo,cmcnt \\ith tcxtmto a cultural thrcad of life." she "After we asses: the rcport and do our O\\ n 111\ esttgat1on. '' e said. '' Jll take any appropriate actions," she said.
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