建屋為民 BUILDING for the COMMUNITY 2014/15 年度年報 Annual Report 香港房屋委員會 香港九龍何文田佛光街33號 Hong Kong Housing Authority 33 Fat Kwong Street, Ho Man Tin, Kowloon, Hong Kong www.housingauthority.gov.hk 2014/15 年度年報 Annual Report 建屋為民 Building for the Community 說起「建屋」,市民自然聯想到香港房屋 “Building” is something that is readily associated with the Hong 委員會(房委會)。房委會建造的公共租住 Kong Housing Authority (HA). Our public rental housing (PRH) 房屋(公屋)大廈遍布全港,為約200萬 blocks across Hong Kong, which together accommodate around 市民提供居所;這正是房委會為建設 2 million residents, are tangible reminders of the HA’s construction 香港付出努力的最佳明證。公屋需求日增; efforts on behalf of the wider community. The community needs more 房委會是本港的主要建屋機構,為市民 housing, and as Hong Kong’s main provider of affordable housing, our 提供可負擔的居所,現正全力加快建屋 efforts to increase the pace and efficiency of our PRH construction in 步伐,提高施工效率,以配合未來十年 order to meet the next decade’s needs are in full swing. 巿民的住屋需求。 This year’s theme “Building for the Community” does not 本年度的年報以「建屋為民」為主題,內容 focus simply on the quantity of our construction work, 不只聚焦於建屋量,而是質量並重。房委會 however. In terms of quality, we also build for the community 明白巿民期望更佳的生活,因此在建築、 by tailoring our construction, maintenance and renovation 維修和翻新工程方面,精益求精,切合居民 activities to our community’s aspirations for better living. To 所需。不論新發展項目,還是現有屋邨的 meet these aspirations, we incorporate values of sustainability, 翻新維修工程,均貫徹可持續發展、環保和 environmental friendliness and social responsibility into all our new 社會責任的理念。 developments, as well as making these values core aspects of our renovation and maintenance work at existing estates. 「建屋為民」還別具更深層的意義。我們 推行各項房屋計劃和措施,凝聚公屋居民, There is a further sense in which we are building for the 建設團結共融的社區。我們的建築團隊 community, too. That is by developing programmes and initiatives 深入社區,聽取各方意見,在設計樓宇和 that foster the development of genuine, close-knit local PRH 屋邨時引入嶄新構思。我們舉辦屋邨管理 communities. Our project teams reach out to the community 活動,讓居民聚首一堂,促進睦鄰關係; in order to obtain input from stakeholders into new designs for 又安排社區活動和推行多項措施,凝聚 buildings and estates. Our estate management activities generate 區內公屋居民,建立關懷互助的文化。 community spirit and give local residents many opportunities to work together, helping nurture harmonious neighbourhoods. And 對房委會來說,「建屋為民」是多元而全面 our social campaigns and initiatives bring together local PRH 的目標,從施工效率以至團結社區,兼收 communities in a process of mutual care and engagement. 並蓄。這個目標高瞻遠矚,不僅為應付目前 社會的需要,更為下一代建設家園。 For the HA, “Building for the Community” is a multi-faceted goal, embracing everything from construction efficiency to social cohesion. It is also a forward-looking process, as we build not only to serve today’s community, but Hong Kong’s next generations too. 機構理想 Corporate Vision VISION To help low-income families with housing need gain access to affordable housing. 理想 協助有住屋需要的低收入家庭入住能力可以負擔的 MISSION 居所。 • To provide affordable quality housing, management, maintenance and other housing related services to 工作目標 meet the needs of our customers in a proactive and caring manner. • 以積極進取、體恤關懷的態度,提供市民所能負擔 的優質房屋,包括優良的管理、妥善的保養維修, • To ensure cost-effective and rational use of public 以及其他有關房屋的服務,以切合顧客的需要。 resources in service delivery and allocation of housing assistance in an open and equitable • 本着開明的態度、公允持平的立場,提供服務及 manner. 房屋資助,確保公屋資源得到合理的運用,符合 成本效益。 • To maintain a competent, dedicated and performance-oriented team. • 繼續建立一支能幹盡責、講求效率的工作隊伍。 基本信念 CORE VALUES Caring, Customer-focused, Creative, Committed. 關懷為本、顧客為本、創新為本、盡心為本。 香港房屋委員會 Hong Kong Housing Authority 香港房屋委員會(房委會)是於1973年 The Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA) is a statutory body 4月根據《房屋條例》成立的法定機構, established in April 1973 under the Housing Ordinance. It 負責制定和推行公營房屋計劃,以期 develops and implements a public housing programme which 達致政府的政策目標,為不能負擔 seeks to achieve the Government’s policy objective of meeting 私人樓宇的低收入家庭解決住屋需要。 the housing needs of low-income families that cannot afford private accommodation. 房委會負責規劃、興建、管理和維修保養 各類公共租住房屋,包括出租公屋、中轉 The HA plans, builds, manages and maintains different types 房屋和臨時收容中心。此外,房委會也 of public housing, including rental housing, interim housing 擁有和經營一些分層工廠大廈,以及 and transit centres. In addition, the HA owns and operates a 附屬商業設施和其他非住宅設施。行政 number of flatted factories and ancillary commercial and other 長官在《二零一一至一二年施政報告》中 non-domestic facilities. As announced by the Chief Executive 宣布,由房委會負責推展新居者有其屋 in his 2011-12 Policy Address, the HA has been tasked to 計劃。 implement the New Home Ownership Scheme. 截至2015年3月,房委會成員包括4名官方 As at March 2015, the HA has 4 official members and 委員及26名非官方委員,全部由行政長官 26 non-official members. Appointments are made by 委任。 the Chief Executive. 運輸及房屋局局長獲委任為房委會主席, The Secretary for Transport and Housing was appointed 房委會副主席則由房屋署署長擔任。 Chairman of the HA. The Director of Housing serves as the Vice-chairman. 房委會轄下設有六個常務小組委員會, 並按需要設立附屬小組委員會和專責小組 Six standing committees have been formed under the HA to 委員會,負責制定和實施不同範疇的政策, formulate, administer and oversee policies in specified areas. 並監督推行情況。房屋署是房委會的執行 Sub-committees and ad hoc committees are also formed 機構。運輸及房屋局常任秘書長(房屋) on a need basis. The Housing Department acts as the HA’s 同時兼任房屋署署長一職,掌管房屋署。 executive arm and is headed by the Permanent Secretary for Transport and Housing (Housing), who also assumes the office of Director of Housing. 目錄 CONTENTS 04 年度大事紀要 2014/15 Major Developments 06 主席的話 Chairman’s Message 11 業務回顧 Business Review 12 規劃為民 開拓新猷 Planning for the Community 20 建設發展 以民為本 Building through a Community-centred Approach 46 優質社區 與民共建 Enriching Community Life on Estates 66 民生所需 一應俱全 Meeting Daily Community Needs 72 竭誠用心 為民服務 Serving our Community from the Heart 85 財務回顧 Financial Review 90 香港房屋委員會及其小組委員會 The Hong Kong Housing Authority and its Committees 111 附錄 Appendices 2014/15年度大事紀要 Major Developments 2014/15 年度大事紀要 04 2014/15 Major Developments 2014.06 香港房屋委員會(房委會)推售大嶼山天利苑及天水圍 2014.06 天頌苑的居者有其屋計劃(居屋)單位。 為進一步提升服務質素,房委會三條 The Hong Kong Housing Authority (HA) launched the 電話查詢熱線提供全日24小時專人 Sale of Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) flats in Tin Lee 接聽服務。 Court, Lantau Island, and Tin Chung Court, Tin Shui Wai. To further enhance the quality of its enquiry services, three HA telephone enquiry hotlines were set up to provide a daily 24-hour personal answering service. 2014.07 為出售天利苑及天頌苑居屋 單位進行攪珠。 Ballots were drawn for the Sale of HOS flats in Tin Lee Court and Tin Chung Court. 2014.12 房委會推出「出售 居者有其屋計劃單位 2014」。運輸及 房屋局局長張炳良 教授陪同行政長官 2014.11 梁振英前往房委會 資助房屋小組委員會決定在 位於油塘的商場 2015年下半年推出新一輪擴展 「大本型」,參觀兩個 居屋第二市場至白表買家的 無改動的示範單位。 臨時計劃,提供2 500個配額。 該兩個示範單位是 The SHC agreed to implement 今次發售的居屋單位中最普遍的單位類型。 one further round of the Interim The HA launched the Sale of HOS Flats 2014. The Chief Executive, Mr C Y Scheme to Extend the HOS Leung, accompanied by the Secretary for Transport and Housing, Professor Secondary Market to White Form Anthony Cheung Bing-leung, paid a visit to the HA’s Domain shopping Buyers in the second half of 2015, centre in Yau Tong, to view two unmodified show flats on display illustrating with a quota of 2 500. the main flat type being offered for sale. 05 2014.11 2014.11 房委會資助房屋小組委員會通過白表申請者的 房委會主動採取務實措施,優化 入息和資產限額,以及「出售居者有其屋計劃 住戶的居住環境。房委會決定在 2014.08 單位2014」的定價和銷售安排。第一批推售的 2015/16年度展開為期五年的 政府代大約73萬個公共 新居屋共2 160個單位,實用面積由34.5至47.5 計劃,更換轄下公共屋邨和租者 租住房屋(公屋)租戶 平方米不等,分布於五個發展項目,即沙田 置其屋計劃屋邨未出售單位的 繳交租金,此安排屬 美盈苑和美柏苑、荃灣尚翠苑、青衣青俊苑, 無掩板舊式摺閘,涉及約 《二零一四至一五財政 以及元朗宏富苑。 176 300道摺閘,預算費用為 億元。 年度財政預算案》公布 The HA’s Subsidised Housing Committee (SHC) 6.07 的紓緩措施之一。 approved the income and asset limits for White In a proactive initiative to enhance the living standard of tenants, Around 730 000 public Form applicants, as well as the pricing and sales the HA announced it would rental housing (PRH) arrangements for the Sale of HOS Flats 2014. replace some 176 300 old see- tenants benefited from The first batch of new HOS flats put up for sale through type collapsible gates in one of the relief measures comprises 2 160 flats with a saleable area of PRH estates and unsold units announced in the between 34.5 and 47.5 square metres in five of Tenants Purchase Scheme 2014/15 Budget, under developments, namely Mei Ying Court and Mei estates in a five-year programme which the Government Pak Court in Sha Tin, Sheung Chui Court in starting in 2015/16, at an paid their rent for the Tsuen Wan, Ching Chun Court in Tsing Yi, and estimated cost of $607 million. month. Wang Fu Court in Yuen Long. 2015.03 資助房屋小組委員會主席黃遠輝(右)主持「出售居者有其屋 計劃單位2014」攪珠儀式。 The SHC Chairman, Mr Stanley Wong (right), officiated at the ballot drawing for the Sale of HOS Flats 2014. 2015.03 資助房屋小組委員會通過2015/16年度公屋 入息及資產限額,與2014/15年度比較,平均 增幅分別為5.8%和7.0%。 The SHC endorsed the PRH income and asset limits for 2015/16, which were increased by an average of 5.8% and 7.0% respectively over those for 2014/15. 主席的話 A community-centred approach to construction 06 主席的話 2014/15年度年報 以「建屋為民」作主題 以助本港中低收入的市民踏上房屋階梯;第一批 單位已於2014年底推售。雖然已定長遠房屋供應 2014/15年度年報以「建屋為民」作主題,凸顯 目標,但推展過程仍挑戰重重,建屋進度不時受阻。 香港房屋委員會(房委會)的所有工作均以民 為本,並緊繫着全港巿民的未來福祉。目前, 「建屋為民」的目標不單針對「量」的增加,也講究 近200萬市民以房委會所建的公共租住屋邨 「質」的改善,以求實而不華。現今,香港市民 (公共屋邨)單位為家,可見房委會的工作實在與 心目中的居所不再只是「有瓦遮頭」;所以我們所建 巿民的生活息息相關。而房委會的基本信念是︰ 的房屋,在建築設計和建造工程方面着眼未來, 「關懷為本、顧客為本、創新為本、盡心為本」。 考慮對環境的影響,以符合可持續發展的原則。 我們不斷推陳出新,採用嶄新的設計策略和原則 — 在「建屋為民」的前提下,興建公共房屋是房委會 碳排放估算、「順應自然」的設計、微氣候研究和 一直以來所肩負的重任。為配合日後的發展, ISO 50001能源估算等,已成為我們新設計的標準 香港得多建房屋,特別是為負擔能力有限的 規範。 人士提供適切居所。要達到這個目標,既要增建 房屋,也須善用現有的公屋資源,防止濫用。 新建樓宇也加入多項可持續發展的元素,例如 再造物料、節能照明系統、能源循環和可再生 2014年12月,政府公佈《長遠房屋策略》,訂下 能源應用。房委會注重綠化環境,所有新建屋邨的 進取的目標,在未來十年增建公營房屋,當中包括 規劃均已採用至少兩成的綠化比率;至於佔地 20萬個出租單位。房委會正物色新用地、引入符合 兩公頃以上的大型用地,目標綠化比率為三成; 成本效益和可持續發展的房屋設計,以及加快建屋 植樹率則為每15個單位不少於一棵。這些標準 進度、提高施工效率。同時,按政府政策,房委會 讓居民享有舒適健康的居住環境的同時,又可
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