NOVEMBER 1985 NUMBER 11 1111111mm. What �th.8iV- AreDolng To Your Kids -· I . "Derasraung" ror oun ir,I ....oe p 1Dds 0 � aocta1�• . ::., ' l 1¢ ;': ... � ki.. I"' _.... _..«I So • wasa ..,_ . I� When l - .- ,.vo- 'I,\)-· EBP-DA | www.eastbaypunkda.com November 1985 LOOKOUT! Page 2 MARIJUANA HARVEST COMPLETELY WIPED OUT; "But what I'm ·really hoping for," MASSIVE CULTURE SHOCK IN MENDOCINO she confided, with her soft, blue eyes beginning to mist over a bit, "is to find a good man to Representatives of the Campaign marry and make a good Christian home for my Against Marijuana Planting (CAMP) and the Drug kids, I"ve joined a church, and my pastor tells Enforcement Agency (DEA) announced in late Oc­ me there's a lot of men who come to services tober that they had eliminated half of this there who have jobs at the mill. He says a year's marijuana crop with their commando-style pretty girl like me," --Ms. Grimsby blushed raids that so·.greatly enlivened life in rural shyly-- "shouldn't have any trouble at all Mendocino County beginning last JUly, finding a husband." But the real story is even bigger The Rev. Spacy Sturgeon, a Layton­ than that being told by the bureaucrats, the ville religious leader, confirmed that many for­ LOOKOUT has learned, Exclusive interviews with mer hippies and marijuana grovers were returning the LOOKOtn''s many sources in the rural under­ to the church. "Why, we've got so many people ground reveal that the CAMP raiders in fact have turning up for Sunday services that we can bare­ succeeded in wiping out virtually every mari­ ly cram them all inside the building," Rev. juana plant in Mendocino County. Sturgeon excitedly told the LOOKOUT. "In fact, Since marijuana has for some years we're negotiating with Sheila Larson to take be�n.the backbone of the County's economy, its over Boomer's Bar to use for our new church, elimination can be expected to cause far-reaching because apparently her·.. busines• has fallen off repercussions, both financial and cUltural, A to.practically nothing now that all the dope recently completed LOOKOUT investigation found grovers don't have so much money to waste on major changes already taking place in the day drinking and carrying on." to day life of Mendocino.,! "I believe in my heart," said Rev. One surprise is that the county's Sturgeon, "that the brave men from CAMP have welfare rolls have not been overwhelmed by des­ been doing the work of the Lord. Why, some of titute marijuana grovers as had been predicted the young people who've been living the hippie by some observers. In fact, the welfare case life up in the hills and who've now returned to load has been substantially reduced. Gladys the church have told me tales that you coUldn't Frumpet, a claims supervisor at the Ukiah office, even print in a family newspaper like the attributes the change to the many "hippie-types" LOOKOUT." who, deprived of the marijuana that had been "Between the marijuana and the rendering them incapable,:of prodactive labor, other drugs they'd been using every day and are returning �o the work force in massive the rock music they were constantly listening numbers. "Some of these people have been sit­ to, it's no wonder that they got involved in ting up in the hills for the past 10 years just all sorts of satanic cults and devil worship. smoking their pot and collecting their welfare And the orgies and sexual perversion..... Rev. checks," Ms, Frumpet told the LOOKOUT. "Nov Sturgeon's voice trailed off. "But Praise God," that they haven't got their dope anymore, they're he perked up again, "the Lord gave us the means starting to realize how much more satisfying it to save our young people before it was too late. can be to have a good, honest job," Left unresolved, however, was the Ms, Frumpet•s observation was con­ question of where all the former marijuana firmed by Helen Grimsby, a neatly dressed young growers will be able to find employment given woman who was one of 300 people waiting to line the long-depressed state of Mendocino's trad­ to apply for two minimum-wage jobs at the Willi ts itional economy. Rev. Sturgeon had some ideas McDonald•s. Ms. Grimsby, who formerly vent by on that subject, too. "With the church ex­ the name of Harvest M:>onbeam while living on a panding so rapidly, there'll be a number of rural commune and having six children by a jobs opening up, both in the ministry and in variety of fathers, none of whose identities the more mundane fields such as construction were known to her, has been on welfare since of new facilities. And for the young people, 1974, "It's really a neat feeling to be part I'm recommending that they seriously consider of society again," she told a LOOKOUT reporter. joining the armed services, where there are all "You never realize while you•re on it just how sorts of opportunities not only for career ad­ much marijuana is messing up your brain. I vancement, but to help in the work of the Lord feel like I've just awakened from a long night- mare." here on earth--for example, to bring the kind of blessings to other countries that CAMP has "When it dawned on me that I'd been brought to us here in Mendocino," more or less a parasite living off the work of Another positive development in the decent people who'd been paying taxes all economic field came last weekend as U.S. Con­ these years, I was so ashamed," Ms. Grimsby gressman N,G, Bosco· tcilld a cheering erowd of continued. I·decided that I should get right coast residents that he was virtually certain out and get a job �nd start pulling my own of obtaining federal funds to construct a nerve weight again." gas factory and condominium complex on the as Asked how she expected to support yet undevel.oped Mendocino headlands. "Here we her six children on her salary from the notor­ have a prime piece of real estate that has been iously low-paying McDonald's, Ms, Grimsby ac­ sitting idle all these years, not contributing knowledged that her family would have to make a dime to county coffers, and now we're going some sacrifices. "I know we won't be able to to be creating hundreds of new jobs and new tax­ have the same cushy life that we had on welfare," payers," Bosco told his audience. "And this is she said, "I'm hoping that the McDonald's people no fly-by-night development, either. People are will let me take home leftovers to feed my bab­ always going to need places to live, and they're ies, and the older kids (Ms. Grimsby's children always going to need nerve gas," Frank Creasy, range from 2 to 12 years old) will be getting recently elected mayor of the newly-created jobs, too," village of Mendocino, concurred. EBP-DA | www.eastbaypunkda.com November 1985 LOOKOUT! Page 3 "Now that the local folks have got And so, all ac-ross Mendocino County, their heads out of the clouds of marijuana the LOOKOUT has found a new mood, a change in smoke," Creasy told the LOOKOUT, "they've come the political and cultural climate so drastic to their senses about the need for development that it dwarfs that said to have taken place and how important it is to allow the free enter­ when Ronald Reagan ascended to the Presidency, prise system to do its jeb •.Some exciting things In fact, Mendocino might even be said to be are going to be happening here in Mendocino. leading the way, shoving us a promising picture We'll be modernizing the whole town, and I've of what a wholly drug-free America could be just signed a contract with a Southern California like. While the LOOKOUT has in the past had its corporation to construct a three-block long reservations about the goals and tactics of the shopping mall on Main Street, Just imagine how CAMP program, it•s impossible to argue with the much that's going to mean for local business, positive results that have been achieved, One for people to be able to do all their shopping might even borrow from the President's own cam­ indoors during our long, rainy winters," paign slogan to declare, "It•s morning in Mendocino," i,n: ,111(HOOL NOW, CLASS, WHO CA� 'TEL.L. ME. THE PURPOSE. OF I.IMAT WE MAVE L.E.ARNED TODA-:,? C2 TO IIE6Mo -i11ose WMo ME C'lf'�e.)T II)""' MPtC.IOIV �fl Coo.l11!:Mf'T . .,-00� WE L&AlblEO se "TI-4& INIPOl:rTi'WCE OF AND i'O 000D C.ITl'I&i.)'iH1P, D6v1ous C.1\IIC. PRIOI:, l,.ITl"'L� A�O w:EEPu,IG L.>E1'SE.1.<;. OUl2.i,esi::,; TIO�. from LOVE IS HELL by Matt Groening, P.O. Box 36E64, Los Angeles, CA 90036, S6.95 + 52 postage & handling. EBP-DA | www.eastbaypunkda.com November 1985 LOOKOUTl Page 4 LETTERS TO THE LOOKOUT A Valentine's Day QUESTIONNAIRE from The Church of Heresies Answer these questions in your mind. Feel free to use another mind if you run out of room. 1. Think for a minute about your first love. 2. Did it seem joyous to you? Hopeless? .
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