T4-3 19-22 ."*'. 26-14 - C T AROIWA P^^^-* 34-14 %-ii, i^ll •% T 17-6 .83, 0mm, 27-21 MICH.STATE 3-2 J JC=1«2 FOOTBALL REV/EW 27-0 DECEMBER 5. 1952 rni^^^sM^mmi THE DU PONT m:\ DIGEST •^HWI^ WWIJWL \ vuOuuuuOv aWHAu ^^wvuwuu>• vuvju- ' AM<Vt^\ VblUVLPWU^ Scale mode! of a part of the plant where adi­ ponitrile is made from furfural. timers were devised for operation of the Plant and Equipment valves controlling production and re­ generation cycles. X 2. Design of high-pressure agitated autoclaves for the hydrogenation of furan to tetrahydrofuran. 3. Selection of corrosion-resistant equipment for the hydrochlorination of \. tetrahydrofuran to dichlorobutane at and the Engineer high temperatures. 4. Design of a unique five-step distil­ lation train to obtain high-grade adi­ At Du Pont, men with many types of training trans­ ponitrile without trace impurities. late laboratory developments into full-scale production Although most of these problems involve a great deal of chemical en­ gineering, also needed on the design­ ing team were mechanical, electrical, civil, metallurgical and industrial en­ gineers. Thus design work at Du Pont is open to men with many types of training, and there is abundant op­ portunity for all. Roger Jones, B.S. in Chem., Haverford College '52 {right), and operator check temperature control in the conversion of furfural to furan. E. W. Griffin, B.S. in M.E., Duke; M.S. in Among the most interesting fields for In this conversion, these steps are in­ Ind. Mgt., Georgia Tech '52 {right), instruct-; volved: operator in handling of vapor-tight horizontal engineers at Du Pont is the design of vacuum filter used in separating adiponitrile plaiits and equipment. from sodium chloride. It takes ingenuity of a liigh order C4H30CHO "®°' . ^ C4H4O to translate a small-scale laboratory furfural catalyst *"™" operation into all-out commerical 2H2 NEW BOOK. Send for "Chemical Engi­ C4H8O neers at Du Pont," just off the press. production. Design engineers cannot tetrahydrofuran Explains opportunities in research, de­ always use purchasable equipment 2Ha velopment, production, sales, adminis­ to scale up research findings, even a(CH2)4 CI tration and management. Address: 2521 with considerable adaption. About dichlorobutane Nemours Bldg., Wilmington, Del. half of the time at Du Pont, entirely 2NaCN NC(CH2)4 CN new equipment must be designed be­ adiponitrile cause of the novelty of the process 4H2 developed by research. H2N(CH2)6 NH2 hexamethylenediamine For example, a niunber of imusual problems were involved in designing Here are some of the special problems that •W.U.S PATO*' the equipment and plant for a process were encountered: in which hexamethylenediamine, one 1. Design of equipment with close BETTER THINGS FOR BETTER LIVING of the intermediates for nylon, is temperature control for converting fur­ ... THROUGH CHEMiSTIlY made from furfural, derived from fural to furan. The design finally settled such agricultural by-products as on employs a large number of tubes con­ Listen to "Cavalcade of America," Tuesday Nights on corncobs and hulls of cottonseed, taining a catalyst, with a coolant circu­ NBC—See It Every Other Wednesday on NBC TV oats and rice. lated around them. Special sequence WHAT d ^^Qtui Man leli AwUUefi,"? A Buy your GIFTS GILBERT'S 813-817 S. Michigan Take the Michigan Street Bus Open Every Evening Till 9 Dec. 5, 1952 Shoe Rebuilding Zipper Service 12-Day All-Expense Football Tour Wosliington Notre Dame vs. Slioe Siiop Righf Away Service 116 W. Washington Ave. Southern California South Bend Hat Cleaning Shoe Dyeing SATURDAY. NOV. 28, 1953 at Los Angeles Take Care of Your Leave Nov. 22. 1953 — Return Dec. 3. 1953 Christmas Buying through the 4-Day Tour to Oklahoma — Sept. 24-27, 1953 Notre Dame Marlieting Club For Full Particulars on Both Trips Write .. and EARL J. (Pete) REDDEN WESTWARD HO TRAVEL BUREAU TkefEATJfER. Shop. 1671 Lincoln Way East South Bend, Ind. Ul Between Joer's and The Blarney Congratulations to the 1952 Fighting Irish irom the NATIONAL MILK COMPANY 921 Louise Street South Bend, Indiana 4 The Scholastic Your Headquarters in South Bend for Notre Dame Games • Hoffman • La Salle • Oliver SOUTH BEND HOTEL ASSOCIATION South Bend, Indiana The Huddle Congratulates the 1952 Notre Dame football squad. Sfop of the HUDDLE for fhaf lifffe snack between classes. Dec. 5, 1952 W^fH€i.wis PARKER- \- Our special new value enables us to See this give an extra pair of pants with every custom-made suit. GIANT inonis Famovs Shirts by J- I i Be sure to stop in Wyman's Men's Shop and ask about our Span Shirt Contest—1st prize, 12 shirts; 2nd prize, 6 shirts. BOYNTON We have been given a 20% discount by our wholesaler so we pass this great saving right along to you. PARKER- WINTERROWD 115/2 North Main Phone 3-6318 aited AIR LIMES The Scholastic Hgve You Selected Your Christmos Cords? Since 1942 we have dis­ played and sold Christmas cards with designs reverent­ ly executed by some of the best Christian Artists. We invite you to come in and make your selection from South Bend's only FOR A LONG TIME we've suspected fads and screwball styles. But he Catholic shopping center. that today's college man would does go for smartness, good work­ no longer "gladly die for dear manship ... and above all, value. old Siwash." Neither does he play That is why we believe you'll like ukuleles and sing "Alma Mater" the new selection of sportshirts by AQUINAS LIBRARY at the drop of a beanie. Manhattan*. For they have all these We believe, too, that when it qualities, plus a distinctive air that & BOOK SHOP comes to sportshirts the college sets them above the ordinary shirt. man is no different from his older So ask for Manhattan... tke 110 E. LoSalie brother in town. He doesn't go for college man's sportshirt. JS!^ There are always five expert barbers ready Shirts, neckwear, underwear, pajamas, to serve you at Cyr's sportshirts, beachwear and Barber Shop. handkerchiefs You can save time by calling for an appoint­ ment. Phone 3-0678. CYR'S BARBER SHOP rn-fn'^'nf^ » f'^ m I'f* • if 1, •!<.• iM .Ml .^*fin South Bend's Leading Barber Shop 100-102 S. Main St. T- 3 W. E. Cyr. Prop. Dec. 5, 1952 7/uAAtu2ituHe The biggest wlieels on campus Vol. 94 December 5, 1952 No. 10 Disce Quasi Semper Victurus Vive Quasi Cras Moriturus Founded 1867 Entered as second class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage. Section 1101, October 3, 1917. Authorized June 23. 1918. Editor ROBERT G. FINNEY Associate Editors DONALD J. CARBONE THOMAS E. FOOTE PATRICK C. CARRICO News PETER K. CONNOLLY ...Assistant News LAWRENCE J. BREHL .. .Assistant News ROBERT E. HAINE Features JOHN F. SAND Sports WILLIAM F. NOONAN .. .Ass't. Sports THOMAS C. MURPHY Advertising WILLIAM KERWIN Circulation wear Arrow Shirts! JOHN P. DEFANT ....Faculty Moderator FOOTBALL REVIEW STAFF Arrow White Shirts. Arrow Solid Color Shirts, Arrow REVIEW EDITOR: Don Carbc.nc. Stripes ...all in your favorite collar styles... §3.95 up GAMES: Bill Londo, Bill Noonan. Pal Cirrico. Bob Finney. Krn Murphy. Bob Frolichor. Tom Foote, Jack S'and, Tom Welly. Bob Haine. FEATURES: Bob Haine, Tom Foolc, Ray Ken­ nedy, Jack Sand. BIOGRAPHIES: Phil Bolin, Bob Frolichcr. Jack ARROW Sand. Pat Carrico. Ed Giacomini. Bill Noonan. »»- Ed Milota. STATISTICS: Jack Sand. ! SKIRTS • TIES • UNDERWEAR • HANDKERCHIEFS • SPORTS SHIRTS { MAKE-UP: Don Carbonc, Bob Finney. Tom Foote. PHOTOGRAPHY: Bob Huddleston, Bill DeCrick. Don Carbone. Scotty Sullivan. Gordon DiRenzo. Jerry Shcchan. Bagby Studio. South Bend Tribune. Associated Press, United Press. ART: Bob Swanson. Make GILBERT'S ADVERTISING: Tom Murphy. Jerry Baier. Member of Catholic School Press Association, As­ your VAN HEUSEN headquarters sociated Collegiate Press. Represented for national advertising by National Advertising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Avenue, New York City. THE SCHOLASTIC is published wieekly during the school year, except during vacation and examina­ tion periods at the University of Notre Dame. Ad­ dress all manuscripts to the Editor, Box 185, Notre Dame, Indiana. GILBERT'S COVER: Notre Dame on the march — through its toughest season, through 813-817 MICHIGAN STREET ten hard and well-fought games, the Open evenings until 9 o'clock Fighting Irish emerge as ever with a record — and a spirit — that is typ­ ically . Notre Dame. The Scholastic football Kemw... '^^fmrn- JW-v**^*- Dec. 5, 1952 I don't want a man to go in there to die gamely—I want a man to go in there fighting to live!—Knute Rockne. Contents The staff 8 The Season 12-24 The Team 25 The Roster 28 The Players .29-36 The Coaches 37-38 Behind the Scenes 39-40 Statistics ..41 Freshman Football 42 Band & Cheerleaders .43 W/ HEN you have boys who will never quit under even the most adverse circumstances, you know that you will be proud of them regardless of the score. —Frank Leahy. ^^E shall always want Notre Dame men to play to win so long as there is a Notre Dame ... to win cleanly according to the rules. Because Notre Dame men are reared here on the campus in this spirit, and because they exemplify this spirit all over the world, they are the envy of the nation.—Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, C.S.C. THE spirit of Notre Dame is legend. You will find it in the indom­ itable spirit that dreamed of a great university where only a deep wilderness had been for centuries. For this spirit will not say die, will count no odds too great while there remains a will to win.
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