Plant Protection Quarterly Vol.12(2) 1997 57 static at around 200–300 ha (Agriculture Protection Board of Western Australia St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) in Western 1988). Australia In recent years there has been little spread of the weed. Only one new infesta- A B tion was reported between 1988 and 1992. Jonathan Dodd and John K. Scott The lack of spread may partly be because A Weed Science, Agriculture Western Australia, Baron-Hay Court, South Perth, there is little agricultural activity in in- Western Australia 6151, Australia. fested areas that could lead to dispersal of B CRC Weed Management Systems, CSIRO Division of Entomology, Private Bag, rhizomes by cultivation etc., or the spread PO, Wembley, Western Australia 6014, Australia. of seeds in contaminated hay or via stock movement. Abstract neglected small-holdings located within Early control activities St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) forested country. The first weed control trials were in 1936. is a minor localized weed in south-west The initial extent of St. John’s wort in- Salt was used extensively in the early trials Australia where its distribution and festation in 1935 was 70 acres (28 ha) be- (Hamilton 1946). After a decade of control abundance have been stable in recent tween Margaret River and Augusta (cen- attempts, Hamilton (1946) concluded that years. Factors significantly contributing tred on Karridale, Figure 1), with smaller eradication would be difficult. In 1950 St. to the weed’s status may include: infestations later reported over the range John’s wort was declared a noxious weed i. noxious weed legislation that ensured currently occupied (Figure 1) (Hamilton under the new Agriculture and Related regular inspection and chemical con- 1946). In recent years the average area re- Resources Protection Act. It was noted trol activities, ported each year to be infested by St. that maintaining a dense pasture, espe- ii. the successfully established biological John’s wort in Western Australia is about cially one containing subterranean clover control agent, Chrysolina quadrigemina 44 ha on 11 properties (Table 1). While and kikuyu grass, helped suppress the and these data reflect the resources and effort weed (Meadly 1956). Also, the new, cheap, iii.climate. made in inspecting the weed, they do rep- easily-applied herbicides (such as 2,4-D These factors should form the basis for resent the minimum levels of infestation. ester) appeared in the early 1950s and future research activities in Western Aus- The actual area is estimated to be relatively their application resulted in a substantial tralia before the introduction of further biological control agents is considered. Introduction St. John’s wort was first collected in West- ern Australia by C.A. Gardner in 1934 (Hamilton 1946) and was identified as H. perforatum var. angustifolium (Clusiaceae). The weed is believed to have been intro- duced late last century, or early this cen- tury, with fodder imported for horses and oxen involved with the timber industry. Hamilton (1946) noted that ‘prolific growth’ was not reported until 1935. St. John’s wort has not achieved the prominence in Western Australia that it has attained elsewhere in Mediterranean- type climates of the world, for example in California. Nevertheless, the plant has been subjected to control activities since its discovery in the State. In this note we summarize what is known about St. John’s wort and its control in Western Australia. Distribution St. John’s wort is restricted to high rainfall areas of south-western Western Australia. It occurs mainly as scattered small populations, with the greatest densities being found from Dwellingup, Bodding- ton, Balingup, Greenbushes, Nannup, Manjimup, Karridale to Pemberton (Fig- ure 1). Recorded populations near Perth, Northam and Narrogin (Figure 1) are not thought to be extant. Only a few popula- tions occur in pastures. Most major infes- Figure 1. Distribution of St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) in Western tations are found along roadsides and Australia. Dots indicate localities where plants have been recorded either as on the sites of former timber camps, herbarium specimens or in the records of Agriculture Western Australia. former milling towns (e.g. Holyoake) and Isohytes indicate average annual rainfall in mm. 58 Plant Protection Quarterly Vol.12(2) 1997 reduction in the extent of St. John’s wort agents in eastern Australia (Campbell et al. recent removal of St. John’s wort from (Meadly 1956). 1995), but have not been released in West- noxious weed lists leads to a change in its ern Australia. This is presumably due to abundance and distribution. In South Af- Biological control the minor nature of the weed problem in rica, St. John’s wort occurs in a similar cli- Four colonies of the biological control Western Australia. mate to south-west Australia and is now agents, Chrysolina quadrigemina (Sufrian) regarded as under satisfactory biological and Chrysolina hyperici (Forster) (these Current status and control measures control mainly due to C. quadrigemina. were originally identified as Chrysomela Between 1986 and 1992, the Agricultural Gordon and Kluge (1991) conclude that gemellata (Rossi) and Chrysomela hyperici Protection Board of Western Australia other factors such as climate, unsuitable (Forster)) were sent from Bright, Victoria treated an average of 56 ha of St. John’s habitats and lack of dispersal agents may to Western Australia by the Council for wort infestations by herbicide each year have contributed to containing the weed Scientific and Industrial Research and re- (Table 1). In 1989 the declaration of St. and these factors may also be relevant to leased in November 1948 at Holyoake, John’s wort under the Agriculture and Re- the situation in south-west Australia. Mornington Mills and Karridale in West- lated Resources Act was cancelled in As is unfortunately often the case, the ern Australia (Figure 1). It was estimated south-west areas (Agriculture Protection biological control attempts in Western that about 100 000 beetles (presumably Board of Western Australia 1989). In other Australia have not been subjected to criti- adults) were released (Western Australia areas of the State, where the plant is pres- cal assessment that measures their impact Department of Agriculture 1948). A fur- ently absent, it remains a declared plant in on St. John’s wort. Huffaker’s (1967) infer- ther consignment was received from Vic- the P1 (plants which must not be intro- ence that biological control had been suc- toria in November 1949 and released in duced to the State) and P2 (plants which cessful in Western Australia may be valid the Karridale district (Western Australia must be eradicated) categories. because the ability of the weed to recover Department of Agriculture 1950). Estab- Current recommended chemical con- from C. quadrigemina attack is known to be lishment of the beetles and destruction of trol measures are to use 2,4-D amine or increased by summer rainfall and variabil- one small outbreak of the weed was re- ester for spot applications and boom- ity in winter rainfall in south-eastern Aus- ported the following year. spraying. Diuron can also be used for tralia (Huffaker 1967, Julien 1992), but In 1952 G.R.W. Meadly wrote ‘Some spot-treatment of small infestations and these factors are both negligible in south- encouraging results have been obtained glyphosate is used for non-selective con- west Australia. The chrysomelid–St. John’s [by the chrysomelids], but this method trol (Peirce and Smith 1994). wort interaction may be the best example cannot be regarded as highly reliable’. It is of successful biological control in Western likely that the beneficial aspects of biologi- Discussion Australia, so successful that the weed is cal control were eclipsed by the arrival of Five Clusiaceae species occur in Western now comparatively insignificant and its the modern herbicides that were easy to Australian flora; three native species, biological control agent almost forgotten. apply, cheap and gave readily observable Calophyllum sil Lauterb., Hypericum Clarification of the weed’s identification results. By 1956 the familiar pattern of bee- gramineum G. Forster, H. japonicum Thunb. and an assessment of the potential spread tles controlling plants in pasture, but not in and the introduced H. androsaemum L. and and impact of existing biological control shaded areas, had been observed (Meadly H. perforatum L. (Green 1985, Keighery agents would provide a basis for further 1956). 1995). However, there has been no critical biological control releases. Some of the Huffaker, a leading biological control reassessment of the taxonomy of these available agents (e.g. the aphid Aphis entomologist from California, visited Aus- species. Detailed identification of the Hy- chloris) would be relatively simple to re- tralia in 1963 to examine St. John’s wort. pericum populations in Western Australia lease in Western Australia. However, it He reported that the control of St. John’s may be important to ensure correct appears that the weed is under successful wort in Western Australia was potentially matching of biological control agents (e.g. biological control by the chrysomelids in similar to the situation in California where the mite, Aculus hyperici Liro) to their host open or pasture areas and future control high levels of persistent control occurred plant. attempts should be directed at the plant in (Huffaker 1967). He stated that ‘very ef- Gordon and Kluge (1991) comment on shaded or forested areas. fective, well synchronized attack [by the the lack of invasion by St. John’s wort into chrysomelid] that resulted in a high degree fynbos (native heath) vegetation in south- Conclusions of death of the defoliated plants observed west South Africa. However, St. John’s The availability of additional agents opens was obvious in West Australia’. wort is regarded as a major environmen- the opportunity for further releases in Chrysolina quadrigemina adults were tal weed in eastern Australia (this work- Western Australia.
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