5150 THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 26, 1858. 13 Vic. caps. 33 and 34; 13 and 14 Vic., cap. Sands, Poulton Bare and Torrisholme, Skerton, 24 ; 14 and 15 Vic. cap. 88 ; 16 and 17 Vic. cap. and Lancaster, or some of them. 164 ; 18 and 19 Vic. cap. 188 ; 19 aud 20 Vic. A railway to commence by a junction with the cap. 120 ; 20 and 21 Vic. cap. 136 ; and 21 and first-mentioned intended railway at the south- 22 Vic. caps. 58, 67, 89, and 101. western termination thereof, and to terminate on the Local and personal Acts relating to the Charing shore of Morecambe Bay, near to the house com- Cross Bridge Company, viz. 6 and 7 Win. IV. cap. monly known as Victoria-terrace, or the Herring- 133; 6 Vic. cap. 19; 8 and 9 Vic. cap. 62; 12 house, in Poulton, and to pass from, in, through, or and 13 Vic. cap. 51; and 14 and 15 Vic. cap. 144. into the several parishes, townships, and extra- Local and personal Acts relating to the Hunger- parochial places of Bare, Poulton, Poulton-le- ford Market Company, viz. 11 Geo. IV. and 1 Wm. Sands, Poulton Bare and Torrisholme, and Lan- IV. cap. 70 ; and 6 and 7 Wm. IV. cap. 68. caster, or some of them. Local and personal Acts relating to the South- A pier or jetty, with railways and tramways wark Bridge Company, viz. 51 Qeo. III. cap. 166; thereon, extending from the terminus of the last- 53 Geo. III. cap. 87; 56 Geo. III. cap. 11; 58 mentioned intended railway in a north-westerly Geo. III. cap. 68 ; 1 Geo. IV. cap. 49 ; 4 Geo. direction into the Bay of Morecambe for a length of IV. cap. 96 ; and 5 Geo. IV. cap. 155. about 450 yards, which said pier or jetty and works Local and personal Act, 20 and 21 Vic. cap. will be situate in the parish, township, and extra- 115. parochial, or other places of Foulton, Poulton-le- And also the Acts 18 and 19 Vic. cap. 120; 19 Sands, Poulton Bare and Torrisholme, Shore or and 20 Vic. cap. 112 ; and 21 and 22 Viet. cap. Foreshore of Morecambe Bay, and Lancaster, or 104. some of them. And notice is hereby further given, that on or And also to enable the Company to make a devia- before the 23rd day of December, 1858, printed tion in their existing railway, commencing by a copies of the said intended Act will be deposited in junction with such railway in the parish of St. the Private Bill Office of the House of Commons. Cuthbert, Carlisle, near to the post on the said Dated this twelfth day of November, 1858. railway denoting 69£ miles from the junction of H. and W. Tooyood, the Lancaster and Carlisle. Railway with the Lan- 16, Parliament Street, London. caater and Preston Junction Railway, near Lan- caster, and terminating by a junction with the Lancaster and Carlisle Railway, about 10 chains to the south of the junction of the Maryport and Car- lisle Railway with that railway in the township of Lancaster and Carlisle Railway. Botchardgate, otherwise Botchergate, and parish of (Construction of New Railways from Hest Bank St. Cuthbert Carlisle, within the Citadel Station, in to Morecambe'and Pier, Deviation Line, and aban- Carlisle, and passing from, in, through, or into the donment of portion of Main Line near Carlisle, several parishes, townships, and extra parochial and alteration of Road, use of North Western places of Low Blackball, High Blackball, Low Railway and Docks, Pier, and Harbour at More- Blackwell, High Blackwell, Blackball, Blackwell, cambe ; power to enter into agreements with the Upperby, Botchardgate, otherwise Botchergate, North Western Railway Companies; further Harraby, St. Cuthbert Carlisle, St. Cuthbert powers in relation to the Lancaster and Preston Without Carlisle, St. Cuthbert Within Carlisle, all Junction, and Kendal and Windermere Com- in the county of Cumberland, and to discontinue panies ; Amendment of Acts.) as a public railway so much of their existing line OTICE is hereby given, that application is of railway in the said township of Bochardgate, N intended to be made to Parliament in the otherwise Bochergate, and parish of St. Cuthbert next session for an Act for all or some of the Carlisle, as lies between the proposed points of powers following, that is to say : To empower the junction of the said intended deviation line of rail- Lancaster and Carlisle Railway Company (herein- way with the said Lancaster and Carlisle Railway, after called the Company) to make and maintain or some part thereof. Also to alter the line and the railways and pier hereinafter mentioned, or levels of so much of the public highway leading some or one of them, with all proper stations, from Carlisle to Upperby and Blackwell, as lies approaches, works, and conveniences connected between the point where the Newcastle and Carlisle therewith respectively, all in the county of Lan- Railway crosses the said highway on the level, in caster, that is to say : the township of Botchardgate, otherwise Botcher- A railway to commence by a junction with the gate, and parish of St. Cuthbert Carlisle, and a Lancaster and Carlisle railway, about half a mile to point on the said highway, about 200 yards to the the south of the Hest Bank station, and to termi- westward of the said Newcastle and Carlisle Rail- nate in a field belonging to Richard Barton way, in the said township and parish, for the pur- Robinson, clerk, and Margaret, his wife, and their pose of carrying the said road, by means of a bridge, trustees, and occupied by James Page, in the over the proposed railway of the Company, which township of Poulton, otherwise Poulton-le-Sands, said alteration of road will be in the several otherwise Poulton Bare and Torrisholme, about 50 parishes, townships and. places of Upperby, Botch- yards westward of Bare-land, and to pass from, in, ardgate, otherwise Botchergate, St. Cuthbert Car- through, or into the several parishes, townships, lisle, St. Cuthbert Without Carlisle, or some of and extra-parochial or other places of Slyne with them, all in the said county of Cumberland. Hest, Bolton-le-Sands, Skerton, Lancaster, Torris- And it' is also intended by such Act to take holme, Barej Poulton, Poulton-le-Sands, Poulton powers to stop up, alter, or divert, whether tempo- Bare and Torrisholme, or some of them. rarily or permanently, all turnpike and other roads " A railway to commence by a junction with the and highways, railways, tramways, aqueducts, last mentioned intended railway, at the south-western canals, streams, rivers, sewers, mains, and pipes termination thereof, and to terminate by a junction which it may be necessary to stop up, alter, or with the North Western Railway at Poulton, a divert, for the purpose of the construction of the short distance westward of the milepost on that said intended railways, pier, or jetty and works, or railway, in Poulton aforesaid, indicating three miles any of them. from Lancaster, to pass from, in, through, or into And to take powers for purchasing or taking the several parishes, townships, an I extra-parochial lands and buildings by compulsion or agreement for places -of Torrisholme, Bare, Poulton, Poulton-le- the purposes of the said intended Act, and to alter,.
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