[DISTRIBUTED TO THE Official No. : 1931. MEMBERS OF THE LEAGUE.] C. 478. M. 204. L e a g u e o f N a t io n s G e n e v a , August 4th, 1931. S ubject L ist N o. 123 OF DOCUMENTS DISTRIBUTED TO THE MEMBERS OF THE LEAGUE DURING JULY 1931. (Prepared by the Distribution Branch.) Key to Signs. § Distributed previously. K ey to Abbreviations. A * Assembly Jan. January A. and A.P. Allied and Associated Powers L. of N. League of Nations Add. Addendum, Addenda Memo. Memorandum Addit. Additional Mtg. * Meeting Adv. Advisory Min. Minutes Agrt. Agreement Nov. November Ann. Annex Observ. Observation App. Appendix Oct. October Arb. and Sec. Cttee. Arbitration and Security Committee O.J. Official Journal Arrgt. Arrangement Org. Organisation Art. Article P- Page Ass. Assembly P.A. and A.P. Principal Allied and Associated Aug. August Powers C. * Council Para. Paragraph Chapt. Chapter Perm. Permanent Cl. Council Pet. Petition C.L. * Circular Letter Plen. Mtgs. Plenary Meetings C.M. * Council and Members Prelim. Preliminary Comm. Commission Prep. Preparatory Conf. Conference Pres. President Consult. Consultative Prov. Provisional Conv. Convention Pt. Part C.P.J.I. * Permanent Court of International Recomm. Recommendation J ustice Redist. Redistributed Cttee. Committee Rep. Report Dec. December Rep res. Representative Del. Delegation Resol. Resolution Disc. Discussion Sec.-Gen. Sc ;retary-General Dist. Distribution and Distributed Secret. Secretariat Doc. Document Sect. Section Eng. ** English Sept. September Err. Erratum, Errata Sess. Session • Extraord. Extraordin ary Spec. Special Feb. February Supp. Supplement Fr, ** French Techn. Technical Govt. Government Tel. Telegram I.L.O. International Labour Office Temp. Temporary Int. Lab. Conf. International Labour Conference U.S.A. United States of America Int. Lab. Org. International Labour Organisation U.S.S.R. Union of Soviet Socialist T ell. Co-op. Cttee. Intellectual Co-operation Committee Republics ntell. Co-op. Insti- Intellectual Co-operation Institute Vol. Volume . Us'd for numbering only. s™ lor language only. * Used for numbering only. S d' N. 185 (F.) + 140 (A.) 9/31. _ Imp. s 0nor 5 . A. Covenant, League Amendments to bring Covenant into harmony with Pact of Paris of Aug. 27, 1928 for renunciation of war Letter Nov. 20, 1930 from the Sec.-Gen. to all Members of the League submitting the reps, of March 1930 and Oct. 1930 of Cttee. of Eleven and Armaments, Reduction of of 1st Cttee. respectively and requesting observs. Position of armaments in the various countries before June 1, 1931 (C. L. 304. 1930. V) Letters (2) Feb. 17, 1931 from Sec.-Gen. to all Replies from the following countries Members and non-Members of the League re­ Estonia A. 11 (a). 1931. V questing particulars regarding (C. L. 23 and 23 (a). I9 3 1- IX ) Japan A. 11 (a). 1931. V Replies from the following countries Latvia A. 11 (a). 1931, V Belgium C. 436. M. 183. 1931. IX Norway A. 11 (a). 1931. V France C. 287. M. 135. 1931. IX § and C. 440. M. 187. 1931. IX Crime Collaboration between police forces against Year-Book of data mentioned in the Covenant, Art. 8 Letter July 8, 1931 from Sec.-Gen. to all Members of Vol. (7th) (1930-1931) the League and to those non-Members represented C. 1. M. 1. 1931. IX at Conf. of Central Offices for the Repression of Counterfeiting of Currency or referred to in Cls. resol. of Sept. 9, 1930 quoting and drawing attention to recomms. of Conf. of M arch 1931 of Central Offices for the Repression of Counter­ feiting of Currency and requesting to be informed of their observs. thereon before May I, 1932 Cinematograph C. L. 149. 1931. II. A Abolition of customs barriers against educational films Recomm. March 1931 by Conf. of Central Offices Conv. (Draft) and Protocol April 1930 by Prof. for the Repression of Counterfeiting of Currency V. V. Pella containing amendments introduced recommending Cl. to study possibility of drawing Dec. 1929 by Cttee. of Experts and Jan. 1930 by up a Conv. for the establishment of an official Perm. Executive Cttee. of Int. Institute for police information bureau and for Educational Cinematograph (C. 212. M. 100. 1930. XII) C. 193. M. 76. 1931. II. A, App. 3 § C. L. 149. 1931. II. A Memo. May 25, 1931 by Sec.-Gen. summarising O. J., XII, No. 5, p. 875 § or communicating observs. received from Govts, since his memo, of Feb. 15, 1931 Extradition and communication of letters of request O. J., X II, No. 6, p. 1012 Letter July 8, 1931 from Sec.-Gen. to all Members of the League and to those non-Members represented Belgium * O. J., X II, No. 6, p. 1012 at Conf. of Central Offices for Repression of Coun­ terfeiting of Currency at referred to inCl.'s resol, France ** O. J., XII, No. 6, p. T012 of Sept. 9, 1930, quoting and drawing attention to recomms. of Conf. of March 1931 of Central Hungary O. J., X II, No. 3, p. 608 ** § Offices for the Repression of Counterfeiting of and O. J., X II, No. 6, p. 1013 * Currency and requesting to be informed of their observs. thereon before May 1, 1932 Italy ** O. J., X II, No. 6, p. 1012 C. L. 149. 1931. II. A Netherlands * O. J., XII, No. 6, p. 1013 Recomm. adopted March 1931 by Conf. of Central Offices for the Repression of Counterfeiting of Norway ** O. J., XII, No. 6, p. 1012 Currency recommending conclusion of multilateral Convs. and judicial Co-operation pending unifi­ Persia ** O. J., X II, No. 6, p. 1012 cation of rules for South Africa * O. J., X II, No. 6, p. 1013 C. 193. M. 76. 1931. II. A, App. 3 § C. L. 149. 1931- H- A Sweden ** O. J., X II, No. 6, p. 1012 O. J., XII, No. 5, P- s 75 § Switzerland * O. J., X II, No. 6, p. 1013 U.S.S.R. ** O. J., XII, No. 6, p. 1012 Council, League Danzig, Free City ol Rep. (Annual) June 1, 1931 by the Sec.-Gen. on the Financial situation of measures taken to execute the decisions of the Ass. Loan, 1925, Municipal on the work of Secret, and on work of Trustee for A. 6. 1931 Reps., Annual, ot No. 6 (March 15, 1930, March 15, I9 3 1) 63rd Sess., May 1931, Geneva C. 230. M. 98. 1931. II- A ! Summary May 1931 by Secret. (Information Sect.) O. J., XII, No. 6, p. < of work of Monthly Summary, Vol. XI, No. 5 Dispute between Denmark and Norway See : GREENLAND, EASTERN * Summary only. ** Summary in the Sec.-Gen.’s note only. Status, Legal, of certain portions of — 3 — Disputes, International Pacific settlement of Act, General, adopted Sept. 26, 1928 by Ass. on (C. 537. M. 164. 1928 and Err.) Accession by Canada to Economies and Finance Reservations July 1, 1931 by British Govt, Action, Concerted, Economic on behalf of Canada made at time of 2nd Conf., on C. L. 169. 1931. VII 1st Sess., Nov. 1930, Geneva Cttee. on Agricultural questions, of Note July 29, 1931 from the Sec.-Gen. to all Members of the League and those Mins, of (C. 149. M. 48. 1931. II. B) non-Members to which Cl. has communi­ Index to cated this Act announcing deposit of C. 149. M. 48. 1931. II. B. Index instrument of this accession by British Govt, on behalf of Canada subject to Cttee. for disc, of British proposal, of C. L. 169. 1931. VII Mins, of (C. 149. M. 48. 1931. II. B) Index to Conv., General, to strengthen means of preventing C. 149. M. 48. 1931. II. B. Index war Cttee., Spec., to study Meetings, Plen. of Meeting, May 1931, Geneva Mins, of (C. 149. M. 48. 1931. II. B) Cttee., Drafting, to Index to C. 149. M. 48. 1931. II. B. Index Mins, of A. 14. 1931. VII Proceedings of (C. 149. M. 48. 1931. II. B) Conv. (Draft) drawn up Index to See : DISPUTES, INTERNATIONAL C. 149. M. 48. 1931. II. B. Index Pacific settlement of 2nd Sess., March 1931, Geneva Conv., General, to strengthen means, etc. Rep. May 3, 1931 by Pres. (M. Colijn) of this sess., to Comm, of Enquiring for European Text (Draft) May 1931, etc. Union on results of Mins, of A. 14. 1931. VII C. 272. M. 125. 1931. VII § Rep. May 1931, of C. 395. M. 158. 1931. VII, Ann. 16 See : DISPUTES, INTERNATIONAL Agriculture Pacific settlement of Credits, Agricultural Conv., General, to strengthen mears, Company, Int. Mortgage, Credit etc. Charter, Constituent of Rep., May 1931, etc. See : ECONOMICS AND FINANCE Observs. by following countries Agriculture Austria A. 14. 1931. VII, Ann. 3 Credits, Agricultural Chili A. 14. 1931. VII, Ann. 3 Company, etc. Conv., Constituent Charter and Denmark A. 14. 1931. VII, Ann. 3 Statutes, etc. and C. 375. M. 149. 1930. IX, Ann. 2 § Finland A. 14. 1931. VII, Ann. 3 Conv., Constituent Charter and Statutes ap­ Irish Free State A. 14. 1931. VII, Ann. 3 proved May 21, 1931 by Cl., and signed on same date creating Sweden A. 14. 1931. VII, Ann. 3 C. 375. M. 155. 1931. II. A § Proposal May 11, 1931 by Polish Govt, for Arts. 2, C. 434. M. 181. 1931. II. A C. 305. M. 158. 1931, VII, Ann. 17(b) 3 and 3 bis a . 14. 1931. Ann. 4 Amendments proposed May 1931 by Sub. Rep. (Extract) Sept. 1930 by 3rd Cttee. (M. Lange) Cttee. on agricultural credits of Comm, on A. 14. 1931. VII, Ann. 2 of Enquiry for European Union to text A.
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