JOURNAL AND LEGISLATIVE RECORD - HOUSE, April 18, 2018 ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-EIGHTH LEGISLATURE ABSENT - Frey, Grohman, Malaby, Sherman, Ward. SECOND REGULAR SESSION Yes, 76; No, 70; Absent, 5; Excused, 0. 37th Legislative Day 76 having voted in the affirmative and 70 voted in the Wednesday, April 18, 2018 negative, with 5 being absent, and accordingly the Bill was TABLED pending FURTHER CONSIDERATION and later The House met according to adjournment and was called today assigned. to order by the Speaker. _________________________________ Prayer by Reverend Kenneth I. Lewis, Green Memorial African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, Portland. Non-Concurrent Matter National Anthem by Amy Peet, Norway. Bill "An Act To Replace the Educational Opportunity Tax Pledge of Allegiance. Credit with the Student Loan Repayment Credit for Maine Doctor of the day, Kenneth Christian, M.D., Holden. Residents" The Journal of yesterday was read and approved. (H.P. 1057) (L.D. 1537) _________________________________ PASSED TO BE ENGROSSED AS AMENDED BY COMMITTEE AMENDMENT "A" (H-710) AND HOUSE SENATE PAPERS AMENDMENT "A" (H-721) in the House on April 5, 2018. Non-Concurrent Matter Came from the Senate PASSED TO BE ENGROSSED AS Bill "An Act To Prohibit the Practice of Female Genital AMENDED BY COMMITTEE AMENDMENT "A" (H-710) AS Mutilation of a Minor" AMENDED BY SENATE AMENDMENT "A" (S-478) thereto (S.P. 732) (L.D. 1904) AND HOUSE AMENDMENT "A" (H-721) in NON- PASSED TO BE ENGROSSED AS AMENDED BY CONCURRENCE. COMMITTEE AMENDMENT "A" (S-446) AS AMENDED BY Representative HERBIG of Belfast moved that the Bill be HOUSE AMENDMENT "C" (H-755) thereto AND SENATE TABLED until later in today's session pending FURTHER AMENDMENT "A" (S-454) in the House on April 12, 2018. CONSIDERATION. Came from the Senate with that Body having ADHERED to Representative ESPLING of New Gloucester REQUESTED its former action whereby the Bill was PASSED TO BE a roll call on the motion to TABLE until later in today's session ENGROSSED AS AMENDED BY SENATE AMENDMENT pending FURTHER CONSIDERATION. "A" (S-454) in NON-CONCURRENCE. More than one-fifth of the members present expressed a Representative HERBIG of Belfast moved that the Bill be desire for a roll call which was ordered. TABLED until later in today's session pending FURTHER The SPEAKER: A roll call has been ordered. The pending CONSIDERATION. question before the House is to Table until later in today's Representative FREDETTE of Newport REQUESTED a roll session pending Further Consideration. All those in favor will call on the motion to TABLE until later in today's session vote yes, those opposed will vote no. pending FURTHER CONSIDERATION. ROLL CALL NO. 612 More than one-fifth of the members present expressed a YEA - Ackley, Alley, Austin B, Babbidge, Bailey, Bates, desire for a roll call which was ordered. Battle, Beebe-Center, Berry, Blume, Brooks, Bryant, Cardone, The SPEAKER: A roll call has been ordered. The pending Chapman, Collings, Cooper, Daughtry, DeChant, Denno, question before the House is to Table until later in today's Devin, Doore, Duchesne, Dunphy, Farnsworth, Fay, Fecteau, session pending Further Consideration. All those in favor will Fuller, Gattine, Golden, Grant, Hamann, Handy, Harlow, vote yes, those opposed will vote no. Herbig, Hickman, Hogan, Hubbell, Hymanson, Jorgensen, ROLL CALL NO. 611 Kornfield, Kumiega, Lawrence, Longstaff, Luchini, Madigan C, YEA - Ackley, Alley, Austin B, Babbidge, Bailey, Bates, Madigan J, Martin J, Martin R, Mastraccio, McCrea, McCreight, Beebe-Center, Berry, Blume, Brooks, Bryant, Cardone, McLean, Melaragno, Monaghan, Moonen, Nadeau, O'Neil, Chapman, Collings, Cooper, Daughtry, DeChant, Denno, Parker, Perry, Pierce T, Reckitt, Riley, Rykerson, Sanborn, Devin, Doore, Duchesne, Dunphy, Farnsworth, Fay, Fecteau, Schneck, Sheats, Spear, Stanley, Sylvester, Talbot Ross, Fuller, Gattine, Golden, Grant, Hamann, Handy, Harlow, Tepler, Terry, Tipping, Tucker, Warren, Zeigler, Madam Herbig, Hickman, Hogan, Hubbell, Hymanson, Jorgensen, Speaker. Kornfield, Kumiega, Lawrence, Longstaff, Luchini, Madigan C, NAY - Austin S, Bickford, Black, Bradstreet, Campbell, Madigan J, Martin J, Martin R, Mastraccio, McCrea, McCreight, Casas, Cebra, Chace, Corey, Craig, Dillingham, Espling, McLean, Melaragno, Monaghan, Moonen, Nadeau, O'Neil, Farrin, Foley, Fredette, Gerrish, Gillway, Ginzler, Grignon, Parker, Perry, Pierce T, Reckitt, Riley, Rykerson, Sanborn, Guerin, Haggan, Hanington, Hanley, Harrington, Harvell, Schneck, Sheats, Spear, Stanley, Sylvester, Talbot Ross, Hawke, Head, Herrick, Higgins, Hilliard, Johansen, Kinney J, Tepler, Terry, Tipping, Tucker, Warren, Zeigler, Madam Kinney M, Lockman, Lyford, Marean, Mason, McElwee, Speaker. O'Connor, Ordway, Parry, Perkins, Picchiotti, Pickett, Pierce J, NAY - Austin S, Battle, Bickford, Black, Bradstreet, Pouliot, Prescott, Reed, Sampson, Sanderson, Seavey, Campbell, Casas, Cebra, Chace, Corey, Craig, Dillingham, Simmons, Sirocki, Skolfield, Stearns, Stetkis, Stewart, Strom, Espling, Farrin, Foley, Fredette, Gerrish, Gillway, Ginzler, Sutton, Theriault, Timberlake, Tuell, Turner, Vachon, Grignon, Guerin, Haggan, Hanington, Hanley, Harrington, Wadsworth, Wallace, White, Winsor, Wood. Harvell, Hawke, Head, Herrick, Higgins, Hilliard, Johansen, ABSENT - Frey, Grohman, Malaby, Sherman, Ward. Kinney J, Kinney M, Lockman, Lyford, Marean, Mason, Yes, 77; No, 69; Absent, 5; Excused, 0. McElwee, O'Connor, Ordway, Parry, Perkins, Picchiotti, 77 having voted in the affirmative and 69 voted in the Pickett, Pierce J, Pouliot, Prescott, Reed, Sampson, negative, with 5 being absent, and accordingly the Bill was Sanderson, Seavey, Simmons, Sirocki, Skolfield, Stearns, TABLED pending FURTHER CONSIDERATION and later Stetkis, Stewart, Strom, Sutton, Theriault, Timberlake, Tuell, today assigned. Turner, Vachon, Wadsworth, Wallace, White, Winsor, Wood. _________________________________ H-1670 JOURNAL AND LEGISLATIVE RECORD - HOUSE, April 18, 2018 brief annual report with information that should be able to be Non-Concurrent Matter generated at the press of a button. Resolve, To Implement Certain Recommendations of the To boil it down to its most basic components, we're talking Computer Science Education Task Force about some simple information we're asking for with regard to (H.P. 1296) (L.D. 1861) our federal block grants. How much money did we have PASSED TO BE ENGROSSED AS AMENDED BY coming in last year? How much money do we plan to spend COMMITTEE AMENDMENT "A" (H-757) in the House on April this year? How much money do we expect to have left over? 12, 2018. And, finally, are we planning any major changes in how the Came from the Senate PASSED TO BE ENGROSSED AS funds are going to be used. That's the core of this bill. It AMENDED BY COMMITTEE AMENDMENT "A" (H-757) AS doesn't give the Legislature veto or approval power over any AMENDED BY SENATE AMENDMENT "A" (S-475) thereto in expenditures. It's merely a neutral report. I don't think anyone NON-CONCURRENCE. can argue that this is anything other than a reasonable The House voted to RECEDE AND CONCUR. oversight provision which is, after all, what the Legislature's _________________________________ primary job is. In a nutshell, here's why I think this matters. First, it helps COMMUNICATIONS assure that we have clear, once-annual communication The Following Communication: (H.C. 509) between the Legislature and the Department. This information STATE OF MAINE has not always been easy to get, and I've heard frustration OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR from members on both sides of the aisle on the Committee, 1 STATE HOUSE STATION from members of the legislative staff, from our Committee, and AUGUSTA, MAINE 04333-0001 others. These block grants amount to more than a hundred April 17, 2018 million dollars of taxpayer funds every year, and if the Federal The 128th Legislature of the State of Maine Government's expressed interests in expanding block granting State House in the future proves correct, I don't think we're going to be -- Augusta, Maine we'll probably be having more of these, and I don't think it's Dear Honorable Members of the 128th Legislature: asking too much to have a predictable, simple system of Under the authority vested in me by Article IV, Part Third, keeping tabs on how this money is being used. Section 2 of the Constitution of the State of Maine, I am hereby Secondly, I just want to say that this is absolutely intended vetoing LD 1435, "An Act to Ensure Transparency in the -- or, it's absolutely not intended as a comment on this Distribution of Federal Block Grant Funds." administration or this DHHS. This doesn't go into effect until The Executive Branch is committed to providing all federal we have a different administration, and I really think that's block grant information that may be requested by the important. And, finally, I just say this is a reflection of the fact Legislature, and fully supports transparency regarding the that the state has, for decades now, relied, I think very distribution of federal funds. However, legislatively mandating effectively, on a system that designates social services to burdensome reporting requirements, as well as allowing private organizations contracting with the state. Most of committees to circumvent the legislative process to reverse DHHS's work is now done by hundreds of private contractors, distributions or micromanage block grant funds for special who do everything from providing visiting nurse services to interests, limits the necessary flexibility intended
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