THE LONDON GAZETTE, JUNE 1, 1866. 3305 Thomas Darwin, formerly of Barrow-in-Furness, in the bankrupt (in forma pauperis), on the 23rd day of March, county of Lancaster, Beerhouse Keeper and Carter, and 1866. An Order of Discharge was granted by the County afterwards of Warton, in the said county, Carter, and now Court of Warwickshire, holden at Warwick, on the 24th or late of the Coach and .Horses Inn, in Yealand Conyers, day of May, 1866. in the said county, Innkeeper and Carter, adjudicated Charles John Riland Bedford, late of Great Malvern, in bankrupt on the 23rd day of March, 1866. An Order of the county of Worcester, previously of Leamington Priors, Discharge was granted by the County Court of Lancashire, in the county of Warwick, out of business and employment, holden at Lancaster, on the 18th day of May, 1866. adjudicated bankrupt on the 8th day of December, 1865. Richard Uttley, formerly of No. 28, Saint James'-s'.rcet, An Order of Discharge was granted by the County Court Burnley, in the county of Lancaster, Bread Baker and Pro- of Warwickshire, holden at Warwick, on the 24th day of vision Dealer, afterwards in lodgings with one James May, 1866. Shackleton Parker, of Marlborough-terrace, within the borough of Burnley aforesaid, out of business, and after- Michael O'Hare, of Stratford-upon-Avon, in the county wards and now of No. 6, Wellington-buildings, Harrow- of Warwick, Travelling Draper, adjudicated bankrupt on- road, Kensall-green, in the county of Middlesex, Night the 28th day of March, 1866. An Order of Discharge Watchman, adjudicated bankrupt; on the 2nd day of April, was granted by the County Court of Warwickshire, holden 1866. An Order of Discharge was granted by the County at Stratfbrd-ou-Avon, on the 26th day of May, 1866. Court of Lancashire, holden at Burnley, on the 24th day William Tripp Fox, of High-street, Dunstable, in the of May, 1866. county of Bedford, Saddler, Harness Maker, and R-ipe James Greenwood, living in lodgings at No. 21, Parson- Maker, adjudicated bankrupt on the 16th day of February, age-street, in Burnley, in the county of Lancaster, Journey- 1866. An Order of Discharge was granted by the County man Tallow Chandler, adjudicated bankrupt on the 26th Court of Bedfordshire, holden at Luton, on the 24th day day of April, 1866. An Order of Discharge was granted of May, 1866. by the County Court of Lancashire, holden at Burnley, on Stephen Allen, of Midhurst, in the county of Sussex, the 24th day of May, 1866. Harness Maker, adjudicated bankrupt on the 20th day of John Wbitaker, in lodgings at No. 31, Rodney-street, in March, 1866. An Order of Discharge was granted by the Burnley, in the county of Lancaster, Labourer, formerly of County Court of Sussex, holden at Midhurst, on the 24th the Griffin Inn, in Huncoat^ in the said county, Inn- day of May, 1866. keeper, adjudicated bankrupt on the 9th day of April, Charles Ay 1 win, of Didling, near Midhurst, in the county 1866. An Order of Discharge was granted by the County of Sussex, Farmer, adjudicated bankrupt on the 4th day Court of Lancashire, holden at Burnley, on the 24ih of April, 1866. An Order of Discharge was granted by day of May, 1866. the County Court of Sussex, holden at Midhurst, on the Peter Pritchard Duncan, of No. 6, Brunswick-street, 24th day of May, 1866. Leeds, In the county of York, Lodging-house Keeper, previously of Leeds aforesaid, Butler, adjudicated bankrupt HIS is to give notice, that the Court acting in the on the 5th day of February, 1866. An Order of Dis- T prosecutio'n of a Petition for adjudication of Bank- charge was granted by the County Court of Yorkshire, ruptcy, filed in the Birmingham District Court of Bank- holden at Leeds, on the 28th day of May, 1866. ruptcy, at Birmingham, on the 17th day of January, 1866, John Peake, of Bank-street, Tunstall, in the county of by Thomas Chapman Browne, of the borough of Leicester, Stafford, Joiner and Builder, adjudicated bankrupt on the in the county of Leicester, Bookseller, Printer, and Sta- 12th day of February, 1866. An Order of Discharge tioner, did, on the 17th day of April, 1866, grant the was granted by the County Court of Staffordshire, holden Discharge of the said Thomas Chapman Browne; and that at Hanley, Burslem, and Tunstall, on the 18th day of such Discharge will be delivered to the bankrupt, unless an May, 1866. appeal be duly entered against the judgment of the Court, and notice thereof be given to the Court. William Burwill, late of East Cliff, Dover, late Victualler, and late a Prisoner for Debt in Maidstone Goal, adjudicated HIS is to give notice, that the Court acting in the bankrupt (in forma pauperis) on the 19th day of March, T prosecution of a Petition for adjudication of Bank- 1866. An Order of Discharge was granted by the County ruptcy, filed on the 31st day of March, 1866, in Her Court of Kent, holden at Dover, on the 9th day of May, Majesty's Court of Bankruptcy for the Leeds District, 1PC6. against Thomas Grice, of Middlesborougb, in the county of York, Circus Proprietor, did, on the 29th day of May, 1866, Alexander Ash, of No. 37, William-street, in the borough on the application of the said bankrupt for an Order of of Plymouth, in the county of Devon, Labourer, before that Discharge, adjudge the said bankrupt entitled to such Order of the Cobourg Inn, situate at No. 78, Cobourg-street, and of Discharge, and the same was allowed and granted No. 45, James-street, in the borough of Plymouth aforesaid, accordingly. Licensed Victualler, adjudicated bankrupt on the 14th day of April, 1866. An Order of Discharge was granted by HIS is to give notice, that the Court acting in the the County Court of Devonshire, holden at East Sionebouse, T prosecution of a Petition for adjudication of Bank- on the 23rd day of May, 1866. ruptcy, filed on the 26th day of February, 1866, in Her Majesty's Court of Bankruptcy for the Leeds District, Walter Easton, of Cawston, in the county of Norfolk, - gainst Edward Brown, of Scarborough, in the county of Harness Maker, adjudicated bankrupt on the 20th day• ork, Wine and Sprit Merchant, did, on the 29th day of of March, 1866. An Order of Discharge was granted by May, 1866, on the application of the said bankrupt the County Court of Norfolk, holden at Aylsham, on the for an Order of Discharge, '.adjudge the said bankrupt 28th day of May, 1866. entitled to such Order of Discharge, and the same was George Parker, of East Rudham, in the county of allowed and granted accordingly. Norfolk, Well Sinker, Carter, Farmer, Machine Owner, UHS is to give notice, that the Court acting in the pro- and Licensed to Retail Beer and Tobacco, adjudicated secution of a Petition for adjudication of Bankruptcy, bankrupt on the 23rd day of February, 1866. An Order filed on the 17th day of November, 1863, in Her Majesty's of Discharge was granted by the County Court of Norfolk, Court of Bankruptcy for the Leeds District, by William holden at Little Walsiogham, on the 26th day of May, Kay, of Bradford, in the county of York, trading under the 1866. style or firm of William Kay and Company, Machine Wool- Robert Leeder Newson, of Wells, in the county of Nor- comber, did, on the 29th day of May, 1866, on the applica- folk, Carpenter and Confectioner, adjudicated bankrupt on tion of the said bankrupt for an Order of Discharge the 30th day of November, 1865. An Order of Discharge adjudge the said bankrupt entitled to such Order of Dis • was granted by the County Court of Norfolk, holden at charge, and the same was allowed aud granted accordingly. Little Walsingham, on the 26th day of May, 1866. OTICE is hereby given, that Henry James Perry, John Topping, formerly of Saint Cuihbert's-lane, in the N Esq., the Commissioner offHer Majesty's Court of city of Carlisle, in the county of Cumberland, Innkeeper Bankruptcy for the Liverpool District, did, oc the 28t.li day and Joiner, and now of Church-hill, near Wigton, in: the of May, 1866, grant an Order of Discharge to William said county of Cumberland, Innkeeper and Joiner, adju- Loveli, of No. 28, Elliott-street, Liverpool, in the county of dicated bankrupt on the 22nd day of March, 1S66. An Lancaster, Licensed Victualler, who was adjudged bankrupt Order of Discharge was granted by the County Court of under a Petition for adjudication, filed by him in the said Cumberland, holden at Wigton, on the 29 ih day of May, Court, on the 16th day of April, 1866, and that such OrJer 1866. of Discharge will be drawn up and delivered to the said • Henry Ballard, late of the Angel Hotel, Leamington William Loveli, unless an appeal be duly entered within Priors, in the county of Warwick, Hotel Manager, adjudi- thirty days from the said 28th day of May, 1866. cated bankrupt (in forma pauperis) on ^the 23rd day of OTICE is hereby given, that Henry James Perry, March, 1866. An Order of Discharge was granted by N Esq., the Commissioner of Her Majesty's Court the County Court of Warwickshire, holdeii at Warwick, of Bankruptcy for the Liverpool District, did, on the 25th on the 24th day of May, 1866. day of May, 1866, grant an Order of Discharge to Richard George Peyton, of Tavistock-street, Leamington Priors, Silvester, now of the Swan Inn, Grinfield-street, Edge-hill, in the county of Warwick, Cabinet Maker, adjudicated Liverpool, in the county of Lancaster, out of business, and H 2.
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