Mammal Species Native to the USA and Canada for Which the MIL Has an Image (296) 31 July 2021

Mammal Species Native to the USA and Canada for Which the MIL Has an Image (296) 31 July 2021

Mammal species native to the USA and Canada for which the MIL has an image (296) 31 July 2021 ARTIODACTYLA (includes CETACEA) (38) ANTILOCAPRIDAE - pronghorns Antilocapra americana - Pronghorn BALAENIDAE - bowheads and right whales 1. Balaena mysticetus – Bowhead Whale BALAENOPTERIDAE -rorqual whales 1. Balaenoptera acutorostrata – Common Minke Whale 2. Balaenoptera borealis - Sei Whale 3. Balaenoptera brydei - Bryde’s Whale 4. Balaenoptera musculus - Blue Whale 5. Balaenoptera physalus - Fin Whale 6. Eschrichtius robustus - Gray Whale 7. Megaptera novaeangliae - Humpback Whale BOVIDAE - cattle, sheep, goats, and antelopes 1. Bos bison - American Bison 2. Oreamnos americanus - Mountain Goat 3. Ovibos moschatus - Muskox 4. Ovis canadensis - Bighorn Sheep 5. Ovis dalli - Thinhorn Sheep CERVIDAE - deer 1. Alces alces - Moose 2. Cervus canadensis - Wapiti (Elk) 3. Odocoileus hemionus - Mule Deer 4. Odocoileus virginianus - White-tailed Deer 5. Rangifer tarandus -Caribou DELPHINIDAE - ocean dolphins 1. Delphinus delphis - Common Dolphin 2. Globicephala macrorhynchus - Short-finned Pilot Whale 3. Grampus griseus - Risso's Dolphin 4. Lagenorhynchus albirostris - White-beaked Dolphin 5. Lissodelphis borealis - Northern Right-whale Dolphin 6. Orcinus orca - Killer Whale 7. Peponocephala electra - Melon-headed Whale 8. Pseudorca crassidens - False Killer Whale 9. Sagmatias obliquidens - Pacific White-sided Dolphin 10. Stenella coeruleoalba - Striped Dolphin 11. Stenella frontalis – Atlantic Spotted Dolphin 12. Steno bredanensis - Rough-toothed Dolphin 13. Tursiops truncatus - Common Bottlenose Dolphin MONODONTIDAE - narwhals, belugas 1. Delphinapterus leucas - Beluga 2. Monodon monoceros - Narwhal PHOCOENIDAE - porpoises 1. Phocoena phocoena - Harbor Porpoise 2. Phocoenoides dalli - Dall’s Porpoise PHYSETERIDAE - sperm whales Physeter macrocephalus – Sperm Whale TAYASSUIDAE - peccaries Dicotyles tajacu - Collared Peccary CARNIVORA (48) CANIDAE - dogs 1. Canis latrans - Coyote 2. Canis lupus – Gray Wolf 3. Canis rufus - Red Wolf 4. Urocyon cinereoargenteus – Northern Gray Fox 5. Urocyon littoralis – Island Fox 6. Vulpes lagopus - Arctic Fox 7. Vulpes macrotis - Kit Fox 8. Vulpes velox - Swift Fox 9. Vulpes vulpes Red Fox FELIDAE - cats 1. Herpailurus yagouaroundi – Jaguarundi 2. Leopardus pardalis - Ocelot 3. Leopardus wiedii - Margay 4. Lynx canadensis - Canadian Lynx 5. Lynx rufus - Bobcat 6. Panthera onca - Jaguar 7. Puma concolor - Cougar MEPHITIDAE - skunks 1. Mephitis macroura - Hooded Skunk 2. Mephitis mephitis - Striped Skunk 3. Spilogale putorius – Eastern Spotted Skunk MUSTELIDAE - weasels and relatives 1. Enhydra lutris - Sea Otter 2. Gulo gulo - Wolverine 3. Lontra canadensis – North American River Otter 4. Martes caurina - Pacific Marten 5. Mustela erminea - Beringian Ermine 6. Mustela nigripes - Black-footed Ferret 7. Mustela nivalis - Least Weasel 8. Mustela richardsoni - American Ermine 9. Neogale frenata - Long-tailed Weasel 10. Neogale vison – American Mink 11. Pekania pennanti - Fisher 12. Taxidea taxus - American Badger ODOBENIDAE - walruses Odobenus rosmarus - Walrus OTARIIDAE - eared seals 1. Callorhinus ursinus - Northern Fur Seal 2. Eumetopias jubatus – Steller’s Sea Lion 3. Zalophus californianus - California Sea Lion PHOCIDAE - earless seals 1. Erignathus barbatus – Bearded Seal 2. Halichoerus grypus - Gray Seal 3. Mirounga angustirostris - Northern Elephant Seal 4. Neomonachus schauinslandi - Hawaiian Monk Seal 5. Pagophilus groenlandicus - Harp Seal 6. Phoca vitulina - Harbor Seal 7. Pusa hispida - Ringed Seal PROCYONIDAE - raccoons and relatives 1. Bassariscus astutus – Ringtail 2. Nasua narica – White-nosed Coati 3. Procyon lotor – Northern Raccoon URSIDAE - bears 1. Ursus americanus – American Black Bear 2. Ursus arctos - Brown Bear 3. Ursus maritimus - Polar Bear CHIROPTERA (28) MOLOSSIDAE - free-tailed bats 1. Eumops perotis - Western Bonneted Bat 2. Molossus molossus - Pallas’s Mastiff Bat 3. Nyctinomops macrotis - Big Free-tailed Bat 4. Tadarida brasiliensis - Brazilian Free-tailed Bat MORMOOPIDAE - mustached bats Mormoops megalophylla - Peter’s Ghost-faced Bat PHYLLOSTOMIDAE - Neotropical leaf-nosed bats 1. Artibeus jamaicensis - Jamaican Fruit-eating Bat 2. Diphylla ecaudata - Hairy-legged Vampire Bat 3. Leptonycteris yerbabuenae - Lesser Long-nosed Bat VESPERTILIONIDAE - evening bats 1. Antrozous pallidus - Pallid Bat 2. Corynorhinus rafinesquii - Rafinesque's Big-eared Bat 3. Corynorhinus townsendii - Townsend's Big-eared Bat 4. Eptesicus fuscus - Big Brown Bat 5. Euderma maculatum - Spotted Bat 6. Idionycteris phyllotis - Allen’s Big-eared Bat 7. Lasionycteris noctivagans - Silver-haired Bat 8. Lasiurus borealis - Eastern Red Bat 9. Lasiurus cinereus - Northern Hoary Bat 10. Lasiurus ega - Southern Yellow Bat 11. Lasiurus frantzii - Western Red Bat 12. Lasiurus intermedius - Northern Yellow Bat 13. Myotis evotis - Long-eared Myotis 14. Myotis grisescens - Gray Myotis 15. Myotis leibii - Eastern Small-footed Myotis 16. Myotis lucifugus - Little Brown Myotis 17. Myotis septentrionalis - Northern Myotis 18. Myotis sodalis - Indiana Myotis 19. Nycticeius humeralis - North American Evening Bat 20. Perimyotis subflavus - Tricolored Bat CINGULATA: DASYPODIDAE - armadillos (1) Dasypus novemcinctus - Nine-banded Armadillo DIDELPHIMORPHIA - DIDELPHIDAE - opossums (1) Didelphis virginiana - Virginia Opossum EULIPOTYPHLA (17) SORICIDAE - shrews 1. Blarina brevicauda - Northern Short-tailed Shrew 2. Blarina carolinensis - Southern Short-tailed Shrew 3. Cryptotis parvus - North American Least Shrew 4. Notiosorex crawfordi - Desert Gray Shrew 5. Sorex arcticus - Arctic Shrew 6. Sorex cinereus - Masked Shrew 7. Sorex fumeus - Smoky Shrew 8. Sorex hoyi - Eastern Pygmy Shrew 9. Sorex navigator - Western Water Shrew 10. Sorex tenellus - Inyo Shrew 11. Sorex trowbridgii - Trowbridge's Shrew 12. Sorex vagrans - Vagrant Shrew TALPIDAE - moles 1. Condylura cristata - Star-nosed Mole 2. Neurotrichus gibbsii - American Shrew-mole 3. Parascalops breweri - Hairy-tailed Mole 4. Scalopus aquaticus - Eastern Mole 5. Scapanus orarius - Coast Mole LAGOMORPHA (17) LEPORIDAE - rabbits and hares 1. Brachylagus idahoensis - Pygmy Rabbit 2. Lepus alleni - Antelope Jackrabbit 3. Lepus americanus - Snowshoe Hare 4. Lepus arcticus - Arctic Hare 5. Lepus californicus - Black-tailed Jackrabbit 6. Lepus callotis - White-sided Jackrabbit 7. Lepus townsendii - White-tailed Jackrabbit 8. Sylvilagus aquaticus - Swamp Rabbit 9. Sylvilagus audubonii - Desert Cottontail 10. Sylvilagus bachmani - Brush Rabbit 11. Sylvilagus floridanus - Eastern Cottontail 12. Sylvilagus nuttallii - Mountain Cottontail 13. Sylvilagus obscurus - Appalachian Cottontail 14. Sylvilagus palustris - Marsh Rabbit 15. Sylvilagus transitionalis - New England Cottontail OCHOTONIDAE - pikas 1. Ochotona collaris - Collared Pika 2. Ochotona princeps - American Pika RODENTIA (144) APLODONTIDAE - sewellels Aplodontia rufa - Mountain Beaver CASTORIDAE - beavers Castor canadensis - American Beaver CRICETIDAE - hamsters, New World rats and mice, voles 1. Alexandromys oeconomus - Root Vole 2. Baiomys taylori - Northern Pygmy Mouse 3. Clethrionomys gapperi - Southern Red-backed Vole 4. Clethrionomys rutilus - Northern Red-backed Vole 5. Dicrostonyx groenlandicus - Nearctic Collared Lemming 6. Lemmiscus curtatus - Sagebrush Vole 7. Microtus chrotorrhinus - Rock Vole 8. Microtus drummondi - Western Meadow Vole 9. Microtus longicaudus - Long-tailed Vole 10. Microtus mexicanus - Mexican Vole 11. Microtus ochrogaster - Prairie Vole 12. Microtus oregoni - Creeping Vole 13. Microtus pennsylvanicus - Eastern Meadow Vole 14. Microtus richardsoni - North American Water Vole 15. Neotoma albigula - White-throated Woodrat 16. Neotoma cinerea - Bushy-tailed Woodrat 17. Neotoma floridana - Eastern Woodrat 18. Neotoma lepida - Desert Woodrat 19. Neotoma macrotis - Big-eared Woodrat 20. Neotoma magister - Allegheny Woodrat 21. Neotoma mexicana - Mexican Woodrat 22. Neotoma micropus - Southern Plains Woodrat 23. Ochrotomys nuttalli - Golden Mouse 24. Ondatra zibethicus - Common Muskrat 25. Onychomys arenicola - Chihuahuan Grasshopper Mouse 26. Onychomys leucogaster - Northern Grasshopper Mouse 27. Onychomys torridus - Southern Grasshopper Mouse 28. Oryzomys couesi - Coues’s Marsh Rice Rat 29. Oryzomys texensis - Texas Marsh Rice Rat 30. Peromyscus boylii - Brush Deermouse 31. Peromyscus californicus - California Deermouse 32. Peromyscus eremicus - Cactus Deermouse 33. Peromyscus gossypinus - Cotton Deermouse 34. Peromyscus keeni - Northwestern Deermouse 35. Peromyscus leucopus - White-footed Deermouse 36. Peromyscus maniculatus - Eastern Deermouse 37. Peromyscus nasutus - Northern Rock Deermouse 38. Peromyscus sonoriensis - Western Deermouse 39. Peromyscus truei - Pinyon Deermouse 40. Podomys floridanus - Florida Deermouse 41. Reithrodontomys fulvescens - Fulvous Harvest Mouse 42. Reithrodontomys humulis - Eastern Harvest Mouse 43. Reithrodontomys megalotis - Western Harvest Mouse 44. Reithrodontomys raviventris - Salt-marsh Harvest Mouse 45. Sigmodon fulviventer - Tawny-bellied Cotton Rat 46. Sigmodon hispidus - Hispid Cotton Rat 47. Sigmodon ochrognathus - Yellow-nosed Cotton Rat 48. Synaptomys cooperi - Southern Bog Lemming ERETHIZONTIDAE - New World porcupines Erethizon dorsatum - North American Porcupine GEOMYIDAE - pocket gophers 1. Cratogeomys castanops - Yellow-faced Pocket Gopher 2. Geomys attwateri – Attwater’s Pocket Gopher 3. Geomys breviceps - Baird's Pocket Gopher 4. Geomys bursarius

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