gtL6Z BurloreC r.llnos'0rnqa6uer6 'cNluorlerod.ro3 "oi} e;0ue1r1 -loorvclrn or.ll ? fuerprsqng SCIN\/H HNC,TT, EI HHANO rB: a" "'kt\t *.- l\= \-.\:-z^_:GI _ sG' -F, liliji.ilj:. all:.:.!:rr,. tr: :a:fj:,;t ,t;:il,:r ':,::li1rt{l:. TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS Al the new UTICA plont in Orongeburg, South Corolino, odvonced design ond monufocluring copobilities ore blended wilh modern engineering ond produclion equipmenl to produce lools ol the finest quolity. This exceptionolly high quolity is now ovoiloble in more tools lhon ever before. As you use this cotolog you will nolice thot the UTICA line hos been greotly exponded lo meel on ever-growing demond. Distribution throughoul the United Sloles ond Conodo hos been improved, loo. Slock worehouses estoblished ot key poinls from coosl lo coosl provide you with the ulmosi in convenience, service ond cooperolion. Also ovoiloble from UTICA ore lhe services of o new Cuslom Tool Shop which speciolizes in the design ond monulocture of speciol lools for o wide ronge ol pur- poses ond opplicolions. - 8?1"' " sralldasoNtolj t "" "'lorfads'saqslulJ 9t '"''' '"'sralldaruel '' alqolsnlPV'saq)uoriA zz ' lz '07, '61 ' ' slool lruorpall tz?9t' " " sraddlrls arll zc T rt '0t '62 z "" ' ' uorlJ arnlDej PiDPuols t,l'Zl'lt'''''''sralldlouooolo v sra!ld rol s6u!rds vz\ zz ' sralld lllng uotsnJ 8Z sollluarM Jauurds , "' ' 'arnloaj looir{I uorqsn] ' 'salPuoH L lo!trads z "' ' ' lrorlf aJnloaJ uorlDurquol 9t?9r '''' sdrus ,l '' ''''''srarld 6urq:1ar1gq1o;3 9t '' " ' srarld 6urg doug 62"' 'slasrql 9T9"' "'sralldlulor-drls 9t ' ' se^!uX 6urddrql Bt "' s;oolpa6o1:o3-u115 '6'8 ' sra!ld asoN u!oqJ . 0t Ol'6'g'l'9. sralld 6uUnJ apts 9t " ' sJalld 6uu1n3 alqo3 yg 822 9Z'92 sra^lrPAarrs ?l sra!ld asoN Punou 9 '" " sra1;3fua11o9 9T9' ' 'sralld ,lurof-qrdu tz" saqruarlA alqolsnlpy 'op a6o6 'o11 a6o6 xroNr 3dAl H)Nlu/h oNV uilld 0t.... rluorpall tt 08r Zt. " " |otrad5 "" " "69t " " 'ot-M I 10 tt 9rt tt t7t tt "" ' ' '8-/v1 lt "' ' 9-M 62 "' " 'Z-U 62"" " 'r:u ze "" ""2-t 0t "" '8t-H 62"" "'lt-H sAvldstq 82"" " ""00288-n IN:tWlUOSSV ONV AVtdsto ulAtuo/(tuls 92 "" ""'18r06-n 92 "" " ""98t06-n 92 " " "98106-n SSlAlUC/v\:lU35 llSllO 82 "' I1uo,,71 s'llluc uvrs tz '00906-n 'vt I """' 'tt SUVS HfNId I "',' " "92 vt '''' ' ' " "rz . , , LZ 80906-n 8 .tz I ZZ SISS 1:lAlU 0t " " " ,IZ t """ '02 tz ' '' ''''' 10906-n I' 'il I '''''''''''6 sutlsns ilAtu I " "" "'8 9 " " " " "'t lZ " raluaS I '''' ''''''9 lz "' "')Ptrd lz " l'!Jc SlHlNlU/v\ llSVISnlCv tz"" "'Pltos aNv sdlnd 'o11 a6o7 'oN lool 'op a6o3 'oN lool xtoNt ]v)tutwnN For the convenience of our customers we hove listed the most frequently ordered tools with vorious feoiures. SIilIOIRD [TTIllR[ CIIIRI C0l'lBllltil0ll tEtIURt ClltRI UTICA TETTER CODED STANDARD AND SPECIAI. FEATURES OLD NEW I Old Letter Codr c D F G H K N o R s TETTER NO. Old Tool No. fNe* M:aA; to 40 32 33 34 35 36 37 30 38 3I 39 CODE CODE 20-4" c Ath" t * T * * * * zu-t" o o I * * r t * i CD 50 2l-4" t 4t/"" * * I * * t * * I :t CF l2 z2-4" o 4t/2" {472 5p. Hole Std.) * * I * * * * CFGS 52 22-5" o 6" V * II ! * * * CFGRS 58 23-4" o4t/2" I c5" * * * * CFHS 62 zJ-6" I I V I I * CFHRS 68 3r -8" V * * * I * * * 34-6" I I rt I CFRS 48 3E-4" t/ * I * cFs 22 39-/" .4O-/" o 4l-5" o 6' * t * * * CG t3 4t-4" * * l/ CGS ,a 42-4'. * r * * 4J-5" . 6 ' t i * * CH t4 oo V * I cHs 24 45-6 V * * I * t CJ l5 46-4" * ** V V cJs 25 V I * * CN t7 48-6" t 7' V * t I -o t * I t CNS 27 50-4" . 5" .6rr . 7rr .8rr t/ * I CR l8 ,z-o a/" a6" !t r CRS 2A a o4-4 I I V cs I 65-4'/2" o 5" t/ V * * E2-4" I * * I * * * CST 29 64-6" I rt I V * * CI l9 85-51/2" * * I ** GR 43 u6-6" i I i I * * GS 53 a/-/" ** I * * * * l4l-5" .6 t/ * I * ( HS 54 I46-4 r I I JN 65 t 5y-y" * I JS 55 225-6t/t" r * I NS 57 226-6'/2" V i t * * * ST 59 tu _6,/2 ' t/ * * i * I -C o J'lr'' a O' * I * t-J'/2 . O V * * * )4-6t/2 * * a V V WHEN ORDERING COMBINATIONS at a6 ( I 260-6" . / oE' * rt * OF FEATURES NOT TISTED ABOVE 261-4t/2" ( * II PTEASE SPECIFY ON ORDER. 2OZ-Jt/2 * t65-5" I I t 296-6t/2" * I 44 t -2'/2 V * * I I 4/ U-5 V * I 622-5" V * * I * * V SPECIII. TilTURES 650-6 V * * t * * 654-5fz * I * O54-O . / t/ t I * ( "C" (10) Cushion Hondle -c'/1 I I * T * t * I "D" (40) Full Polish ond Ni. Chrome / / 5-5f2 t * * I !t t/ / / 6-6" rt I t "F" (32) Full Polish 777-6' V ** I * * * "G" {33) Ploin, Unscored Jows t78-61/2" V * * * I * *. /9-6" V * * I * "H" (34) Fine Serroled Jows 6ta-/" V * "J" (35) Flush Edses 6UU-O V * * * I rt * 6v6-6" V * I * "K" (36) Semi-Flush Edges 9t6-by2 t * t * '/ (37) vJt-5" oy6z-u" * :t ! "N" Cushion Throqt lO00-E" o 10" ! "O" (30) Ni. Chrome Plole r 033-s1/2 * * * T * * r UJJ-o,, a / "R" (38) Rodius on Jows t I rt T ** V IJUU-O ad". tU" t rt I t "S" (31) Sprins IYSU-6 . / .6' I ,cu-o a/" au' I I "T" (39) Ribbed Cushion Throqt rTI STANDARD FEATURES fI-I FEATURES AVAILAELE FROM SIOCK r-t SPEC|AL _ DELtVERY (30_45 DAYS) -I NOT AVAILAETE SEE UTICA PRICE IIST FOR DEIAIT CODE DESCRIPIION <r2 -t .a.t 'a6rDqf, louollrppo oN 'Gt-f t,9lnl H,,V-ZZ 'a6.roqr louog!ppD oN '(te-9 lS9 t-n) e ,,9-9g 'e'! Jaqtunu 1oo1 o1 (7g) ,,H,, rallol ppo rapJo ol requrnu lool ol (tt) ,,g,, rollal ppo rapJo oI s/nvr olrvuuts lNtJ srnvf o]uo)sNn Ntvld (surna) SUIIIEJJflS InB[ * g996 l-n 'oN - ,,9 lgg6l n.oN - ,,, 'paa1uo.ron6lou anlDn f,rJlralerC 9996 t-n 'oN - ,,9 ' ,,8',,1',,9 :saz!S r,'uo uteql rauuoq lsnlr, ' ' parlddo {;lsol 'se6uoqr elnlo.redurel eularlxe lepun dn puols 1;1ar ,(eql 'ealsoldxa-uou puo 6ugulnq-uoy 'dr.r6 alqolrorurol lnq a,r111sod o .ro1 6ur;.rnu1 daap ql!/v\ selpuor.l rrlso;d pa5 NO-dlls 'pealuo.ronB lou anloA rlJl)ela!O '(Ot-St le (3,,9-tt 'a.!) Jequnu ol l-n) .6u;por loof (O l) ,,),, Jalal ppD Japro ol ro, pbsn eq uD) 6rolo) 1uarefl!C 'qruoJr .ro s.ral;d {uo o1 l.rogrol eq1 1o palgddy 'suo1lorg;ddo lorlrtrala puD sou!l l;quras -so uo elllrega I1.ro;nr;;.ro6 .o)!Ares 6uo; o.l1xa puo Uoruor o.r;xe aag6 salpuDq r11so;d peloq puo padd;q ,,dluc NolHsnf,,, solpuBrl lelcods '(or-sE re r-n) Q ,,9-9? 'o'r Jaqunu lool of (67) ,,q,, re11a1 '(Oe-Sf tg l-n) 'o'! Joqurnu loot ol (00) ,,O,, ppo repJo oI ('auo.rqr lapru puo qsrlod 1;n3) rellel ppDrep.ro o1 ('qs1u11 propuols .raao pa1o16) oilvrd-orHsnod lwouHS-r]))tN 'lzt'vtss t-n)l ,,7- tz 'e'r raqunu pool o1 (7g) ,,1,, rollol ppo .repro ol olHst]od IlnJ rlsrlod llnt (Ze-AeSSt-n) B-tt pe+or+snlll 'per;rrads aq lsntu PUD ProPuDls +ou ero seqsrurl aseql '/ oleq Palsrlso saqsrur, snolroA r1l!/r\ PaP!^oJd eq uor sra;1d y3111 'u.raq+ 6u!.rlnbar suorlorrlddo ro3 sorl$ull IvHOdS special optional FEATURES Convenience ond sofety device for pliers used for cutting electricol ond spring wire . holds short end of wire during ond ofter cutting. Cushion throat (UTICA PATENT) RIBBED CUSHION THROAT Plostisol cushion is held secu rely ond permonently with milled serrotions. To order odd letter "T" (39) to tool nu mber. Avoiloble only on following tools: 39-7"I (u-l 3l 37-39), 40-7"1 lU-13447 -391, 41 -4"T (U-l 3l I 4-39), 4l-5"T (U-l3t I5-39), 4t-6" T (U-l3t I6-39), 44-5"r (U- I 3145-39), 46-4"r (U-t 321 4-39). PTAIN CUSHION THROAT Without milled grooves, opplicoble to most UTICA Diog- onol or Side Cutting Pliers. To order odd letier " N" (37) to tool nu mber - i.e. 4l -6" N (U-l 3l l6-37). * cutting edges FTUSH EDGES SEMI.FI.USH EDGES To order odd letter "J" (35) to tool number i.e. To order odd letter "K" (36) to tool number 44-5" J (U-13145-35). 4l -6" K (U-t 3t l6-36). Coil spring Eosily removoble coil spring guoronteed ogoinst breokoge. lt won't pinch the fin.- gers. Permits eosy use of slip-on hondles ond con be opplied to olmosl ony plier. To order odd letter "S" (3.l) to tool nu m- ber (i.e. 4l -5"S) (U-l 3l l5-31 ). When ordering, pleose use new tool number. e4 'roq!.unu loo+ /r ou esn asoeld '6ug.rep.ro ueq6 71 e6o6 's6uraorO lotrluoq)aW o1 ralar 'suolsueulp o1 6urulolted uorloulolu! Jaqlo lol :lloN 000'z 6?' gZL'e 000'z o[t' 6tz' 88 t'l t to't ,,9 906' 'rql 'Da 'll f, 'u!o g 'ulo Y'u!o 99 t,' ZlL', 090't ,,9- r r 'sql 'o.'t/ f 'u!o I'u!o v'u!o ',,e)4r7 ouyado nol 'xoy7 'plopuols 'g .lItS ssolf'll ed^I 'Z .)eds .pol aro salpuDq losllsDld 's6urllu auortlr PuD ssorq ioj saol tloous qlll1 q tl?00-d-CCC auoJti) srarld Palold Puo P3qsrlod o,,lulor-qlu,, o 8O9'oN sralld uolloulquo] asoN urrll 'oN ^lllln - tulor-drls o 1l ytttt 000'z Lt?' 9Z l'0 000'z + ft 1,,?t-tos ttt' 5LZ' 88 l'1 e le't 'rql 'oa'u )'ulo g'ulo v'ulo oN a.N I oN pto lql 'oa'll^ f,'u!o g'u!o v'u!o ',,9/tLT, ouyado mol unulxoytT 'prDPuols aJo salPuDq losllsDld , Patold aurorq) Puo Paqsrlod 'cN lulor-drls uortoulquro) asoN uil..ll fuaft o 'oN sJelld &llltn @,,1u!of-q!U.
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