American Association of Teachers of French NATIONAL BULLETIN VOLUME 31, NO. 1 SEPTEMBER 2005 FROM THE PRESIDENT in the exhibit area, in the elevators, and at interests in linguistics, language acquisi- the receptions and meal functions. tion, society and culture, pedagogy, curricu- AATF in Milwaukee lum, articulation, standards and assess- With the same enthusiasm that I antici- ment, literature, music, promotion, advo- pated the Quebec convention, I am now cacy, French for business and international looking forward to the AATF Convention in purposes, and professional development. Milwaukee, July 5-8, 2006. Located on Lake Sessions address the needs and interests Michigan’s western shore, about 90 min- of our entire membership, regardless of utes north of Chicago, Milwaukee is posi- teaching assignment, and for both retirees tioned in the southeast corner of Wiscon- and for practicing colleagues. The call for sin, a state enriched by its French past. proposals will be available on the AATF Web Milwaukee will be hosting Summerfest, site beginning October 1, and submissions called the largest music festival in the world, will be accepted through December 15, during our meeting. Summerfest, held for 2005. ten nights on festival grounds on the lake, Michèle Bissière (University of North Margot M. Steinhart culminates every evening with fireworks. Carolina–Charlotte) announces in this is- Launching a New School Year Our organizing committee in Milwaukee has sue (see page 35) the AATF Book Club se- For teachers, fall has the feeling of reju- already planned an evening reception with lection for 2006: Literature and Cinema. venation, anticipation, and pleasure asso- visits to the galleries in the Milwaukee Mu- One of the three selections is Azouz Begag’s ciated with carrying out what we love doing: seum of Art. The MMA’s architectural addi- book Le Gone du Chaâba. In addition, the working with students and introducing all tion in 2001 is a work of art itself: the May 2006 issue of The French Review will of the materials that we have collected or Quadracci Pavilion, the first Santiago be devoted to cinema. created over the summer. The poets and Calatrava-designed building in the U.S., Welcome to Student Members and New crooners may talk about the delights of features a 90-foot-high glass-walled recep- Teachers spring as the time for awakening of emo- tion hall enclosed by the Burke Brise Soleil, One of our association’s missions is to tions and for delighting in thoughts of the a sunscreen that can be raised or lowered support our new colleagues and those pre- ensuing season, but we have all of that creating a unique moving sculpture. One when we return to our classrooms in Au- special exhibit, “Géricault to Cézanne: Nine- gust or in September. teenth-Century French Prints,” will be on Inside this issue Page AATF in Quebec display during our convention. For those Message from President Bush .............. 4 Inspiration for our year ahead can come with enthusiasm for markets, why not start AATF Sessions at ACTFL ........................ 4 from what we absorb during conferences, Saturday morning at the East Town Farm Highlights of the Quebec Convention . 5-6 such as the AATF convention in Quebec City Market in historic Cathedral Square Park The AATF Works to Preserve Choice ...... 7 in July. The advantage of a summer con- where fresh produce, potted plants, artists, Société honoraire de français .......... 7, 41 vention is that most attendees have the crafts people, food vendors, and children’s JNCL-NCLIS Executive Summary .......... 8 luxury of more time after the convention to entertainment along with free jazz concerts, AATF Executive Council .......................... 9 pursue ideas presented during workshops abound? Chapter Checklist ................................. 13 and sessions or even during informal time Literature and Cinema in 2006 AATF Pen Pal Bureau ........................... 16 spent with other French-teaching attendees One of the prominent themes of the 2006 Mots chassés ........................................ 17 before they head back to the classroom. AATF Convention is Francophone cinema. 2006 Milwaukee Convention .......... 19, 28 Did any congressiste return home without Azouz Begag, author of 20 books, perhaps Salut les jeunes! .............................. 23-24 purchasing any books, movies, or music best known for his autobiographical work, National French Week Contests .......... 24 while in Quebec? So many possibilities Le Gone du Chaâba, which became a film Classroom Activity: Candide ................ 25 emerged effortlessly during conference in 1997, will be a featured speaker at the AATF Advocacy Workshop in Baltimore 28 times–ideas for introducing Francophone Milwaukee convention. Begag, born in AATF-Sponsored Administrator Awards 29 literature, music, and culture, for teaching France of Algerian parents, was recently ISE Year of Languages Award Winner . 31 strategies, for promoting and advocating for appointed Ministre délégué à la Promotion AATF Commissions ............................. 32 French and foreign languages, for connect- de l’égalité des chances by French Prime AATF Small Grants ............................... 33 ing to other colleagues with similar inter- Minister Dominique de Villepin. Begag will Tete-à-Tete Update ............................... 33 ests and concerns, and opportunities for address participants on his work in this post AATF Book Club .................................... 35 more professional involvement. All 850+ as well as on his literary contributions. We AATF Materials Center .......................... 38 attendees at the Quebec convention left will hold round tables on cinema and film Journal d’un assistant américain en with a buoyancy and with a renewed confi- studies in addition to sessions that address France ........................................ 39-41 dence in teaching French that was palpable Placement Bureau ............................... 43 paring for a career as teachers of French. communities? Designing curriculum and concept of the purity of the French language At the request of a graduate student, Tina assessment that address the cultural, lin- and asserts that the Golden Age of French Hargaden, Portland State University (OR), guistic, research, security, and economic did not reflect the French spoken by three we organized a breakfast for graduate stu- needs of our population? Articulating cur- quarters of the population in France. Their dents and for new teachers in Quebec to riculum that creates a seamless progres- research on the evolution of the French lan- discuss topics of interest and opportuni- sion of skills and content knowledge in the guage to be published soon as The Story ties that the AATF can offer this cohort. This K-16 sequence with appropriate assess- of French (L’Aventure de la langue meeting marks the beginning of a concerted ment? Developing leaders to advance the française) suggests that teachers of French effort to provide a supportive locus for these profession during the next 30 years? Yes, and Francophiles should not be pessimis- colleagues. One of our challenges is to all of these, and many more challenges and tic about the future of French in the world, reach students in undergraduate and opportunities face us in 2006. As an asso- but should realize that la Francophonie is graduate programs while they are still in a ciation, through our collaborative work with following some of the same patterns that post-secondary setting. We encourage our other professional associations and have made English such a dominant lan- members who teach at the post-secondary through the projects of our commissions, guage today. We should, therefore, not be level, whether or not they are involved with AATF is striving to help French teachers be discouraged by the challenges that face our teacher education, to familiarize their stu- more effective and efficient in providing re- profession, but we should take hope. If we dents with the AATF and the valuable re- sponses. are to embrace the theme of the 2005 AATF sources that it offers. Cooperating teach- French Is Not in Decline but Is Changing Convention “Le Français, langue de la ers for student teachers in the K-12 levels One of the observations made by Jean- diversité,” our mission should be one of also have an important role to play. Post- Benoît Nadeau and Julie Barlow, co-authors acquainting our various publics with the lin- secondary students are eligible to apply for of Sixty Million Frenchmen Can’t Be Wrong, guistic diversity apparent in the French- the Walter Jensen Scholarship for study during the key note address of the conven- speaking world and with the need of Ameri- during the academic year in a Francoph- tion in Quebec was that French is not in cans to view the French language in a much one country. (See the AATF Web site for ad- decline but it is changing. (See the text of broader context than they typically have ditional information: [www.frenchteachers. the speech on the AATF Web site and their done. Is this one strategy for addressing org]) We will again offer one year compli- interview published in the April 2005 issue some of the issues that face our profes- mentary membership to students whose of the AATF National Bulletin.) They offer sion now? proposals are accepted for the 2006 AATF examples of French as a language that I wish all members a productive and Convention in Milwaukee. As the result of a does not automatically pass through Paris satisfying year. We have contributions to competitive evaluation, three of these pre- for its legitimacy but that has its own au- make, and solidarity is our vehicle for reach- senters will be reimbursed for their con- thority in various parts of the world. The pres- ing those goals. vention registration. The sessions in which ence of la Francophonie expands the frame they participate may be proposed solo or of reference and confirms a standing for with a university professor or a K-12 coop- French in its various linguistic and cultural erating teacher. (This year’s winners will be forms that have their own value and vitality.
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