•• THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. it[taught to read Greek and Latin I two close friends who "bullied”,i , | from the William Green Me- B-21 WEDNESDAY. ATKBL 17, 1987 byt her scholarly father at the 1'her into writing “the Greek Cathedral Windows > morial Fund, and the third is age of 7. Soon she was reading 1 Way,” a widely admired study JHoward U. Choir to Sing from the Philip Murray Memo- "for pleasure.' Today she holds ( of the golden age of Greece. A; To Honor Gompers, r rial Fund. a unique position in the world I few years latter she was "driven” The gifts come at the end of Edith Hamilton, Nearing of the classics. by her publishers into follow-iIn Boys Club Benefit Green, Murray the first year of union between typical of the the AFL the A expression ing up with “the Roman Way.”j American labor leaders Sam- _ and CIO and also | high regard in which she is The Howard University Chqir been underway since April 1. The during the 50th anniversary Her next was “Mythology,” a ; uel Gompers, William Green i 90, Feted by Friends [held was voiced some years ago will sing a benefit concert on concert will end the drive. 1 year of the Cathedral. |: by Brown, classic in its field. and Philip Murray will be John Mason the emi- April 27 for the Columbia The Columbia Heights Boys hon- They memorialize a Protes- Miss Edith Hamilton, the grand old lady of Washington : lecturer author, the After translating three Greek the nent and on Club to December, ored by memorial windows to tant (Green), a Catholic <Mur- literary scene, was a beloved guest of honor at a gathering of she ‘took to the Scrip- Heights Boys Clyb. was founded t i occasion of htr rvceplt of the plays be placed in Washington Ca- . ray) and a Jew (Gompersi. “particularly close friends’’ here last night to mark the im- Chi Omega which resulted in a -uie! concert Is scheduled for 1954, after Metropolitan Police Award for Achieve- tures.” The “Thus gift pending completion of her 90th year. ment. jofiChrist called “Wi'ness to the Boys Club No. 10 moved out of thedral, the very Rev. Francis 5 the theme of the 8:30 p.m. at All Souls Unitarian; is that of unity within the labor The renown scholar of the classics, spritely and white-haired, “She Is the last of great Truth.” a study of the prophets the church: The Police Boys Club B. Sayre, jr.. Cathedral dean, the Church. Sixteenth and Harvard ' movement and between religions will reach her 90th birthday on : Greeks,” he declared, “the most called "Spokesmen for God," and had refused several requests today. boys’ announced in a common service under God August 12. the classics can give to peopla persuasive emissary ever sent others. Finally there was “The streets N.W. The club oc- from begin the church to inte- Two of the windows are gifts as symbolized by this great Some 18 to 20 acquaintances of the atomic age. out of Greece.” Latin Way.” cupies quarters In the basement grating Its membership. s ca- : thedral,” Dean Sayre said. attended a small party at 2448 Among those listening were In 1955. Miss Hamilton and Seemingly inexhaustable, she of the church. The new club was open to all Massachusetts N.W., Republican Senator Catton, “Echo of The design of the avenue and Mrs. Bruce the noted his- is still at work. Her “first boys. It now has about 200 ductor, and the Howard Univer- windows highly regarded of Vermont, torian, lifetime Greece,” Announced as the an- will epitomize labor's where the auth- Flanders Mr. and were named to in which she draws benefit concert,” affair members, aged 14 and under. sity Choir are donating theirr role In lives. jMrs. Hunting Cairns, and Mrs. memberships nual the the religious life of the Nation. cress | in the National i parallels, between the United Is designed to raise money for The first year it was financed by services for the concert. All Souls 5 As might have been foreseen, Boyd, , . When completed, the 20 by 9 John a close friend of Institute of Arts and Letters, a States and Athens on the eve of operation of the club dur- a grant from the national Uni- Church is furnishing its audi- she, her friends, Henry Cairns grant-giving organization, decline, the j feet windows will be placed rather than did the late James. Mr. which Us is a current Book-of-{ ing the coming year. A fund tarian Service Committee. Last torium. Tickets are priced at $3 in the entertaining . secretary-treasurei gen- j the Cathedral nave. is and restricts its membership to 250 ipie-Month Club selection. drive with a goal of $12,000 has year the club committee raised and the sponsors hope to sell all I Although her somewhat ad- eral counsel of the National Gal- persons. The unpublished work, which more than half of the $12,000 900 seats. Gompers (1850-1924) was vanced age has affected her hear- lery of Art. Miss Doris Reid, the Miss Hamilton began writing she presented informally last budget from local contributions. The program will include : president of the AFL from 1886 ing, it in no way detracted from friend with whom the authoress! at the age of 60, after retiring night will be unveiled officially in New York City. The topic of This year, it is hoped that all I Mendelssohn’s “Hymn of Praise,” 'to 1924. Green <IB7O-1952) was her remarkable reading of hei' lives, was hostess Jas headmistress of Bryn Mawi-[ when she reads it next week at the meeting will be “Classics and or most of the $12,000 can be Howard Hanson's new “Song off AFL heafl from 1924 to 1952, and latest, still untitled work, which j Miss Hamilton, born in Ger- School for Girls In Baltimore. a meeting of the Classical As- the Related Disciplines in Amer- raised locally. IDemocracy' and a group off Murray (1886-1952) was CIO diseusses the aid a knowledge oFmany of American parents, was She got started, she says, by sociation of the Atlantic States ican Education." Dr. Warner Lawson, the con- spirituals. president from 1940 to 1952. El% '* * »> • 1* 0 r I lw>tl lair'feskffi ' In \arious Shapes and Sizes IIBESsST-.:'*.”.overflowing with goody-goody I ® I¦¦ (* eggs and other favorite treats. Just • Rich, superb quality fruit and KUO nut eggs with smooth, thick 11; I odd o few colored, hard boiled eggs I II I ond you'll have a bosket to delight any I ||), chocolate coating. They “ octord,n9 'w rw z | crr:n ds^^, '°-. i All perfect for filling yourself this Easter! I Presto ond irtsfrue- V%r yh Poes. Detailed 1 , {¦; ¦ K r S tions. ¦/ % KA B HITS anil HEN'S OF PL'RE ¦ H H Delicious old fashioned I• ¦ (-KLLO rl'by’s dyes Hollow Chocolate 1 GRASS 1 E*c I ‘ cold water 1 ' j to _ . ,„ and have ex- I ,„ . , ..... cellophane in Easter , baskets Shredded colors Mogic dip t Egg beautifully In ¦ | A must every Sitting Easter colors thot work Wt . for Easter bosket! ¦M ... r* * °^ in green, cold woter. Contents will color 75 eggs in brilliant ra S^eS 0r u ¦ ond jtondmg rabbits in different sizes or a dress up the baskets. Comes p if; ,0 wllv 11 2«> I color combinations. Complete with Egg Holder. J Wi enjoy nibbling.* I hen on nest. Mode of pure milk chocolotc. J Jwj purple, pink and yellow. F & G STS. BETWEEN 14th ST. N.W. UFa' MT ts iBKI ARLINGTON. VA. SILVER SPRING, MD. 12th and 13th N.W. # 3126 14th ST. N.W. II UHBk 3000 W,LSON BLVO, 8239 GEORG,A AVEI UIV* Open Thutudnyt, Open Hurry Mghl Wk fIA wl W >ll\l"1 & Open Man.. Thun, and Fri. Open Thunulay. Friday and % SEVENTH ST. N.W. 3314 WISCONSIN AVE. EASTOVER HILLCREST HEIGHTS ALEXANDRIA, VA. ROCKVILLE. MD. 810 7th ST. N.W. Ncor th. McLean Cardan* SHOPPING CENTER SHOPPING CENTER 616 KING ST. 214 MONTGOMERY ST. Open Thuruiav and >aturda\ Open Ffery \ighl 4845 Indian Haad Rood 2300 Ivarton Street Open 7 Sunday and t ridav Open Iridav and 9:30 AM. til H:00 PM. ’HI t:M PM. Open Fiery Might ’HI t:SO PM. Open Fiery Mg/it 'nl 8:30 PM. 9:30 AM. to » : im PM. Saturday Ntfhti ‘id H:iS ¦ 1,1 “ * • . .. ¦ I¦ l 11 * U.
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