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U.S. Patent Mar. 26, 2013 Sheet 2 of 2 US 8,407,013 B2 FIG. 2 INPUT 1, SEQUENCE OF REGION 202 2, LENGTH OF SUBSEQUENCE (L) 3. LENGTH OFFSETBETWEEN SUBSEQUENCES PROGRAMABINTO.PL. 204 CREATES A SET OF INDIVIDUAL SUBSEQUENCES COVERING REGION FOR GENOME COMPARISIONS SCRIPTWUBL (INPUT FROM ABINITIO.PL). suiciences 1. GENOME COMPARISON WITH WU-BLASTN 206 HAVE BEEN 2. PROGRAMBLASTPARSE:FILTER AND ANALYZED CONDENSE OUTPUT TO HIT LIST BASED ON EMPRICALLY DERVED CRITERA PROGRAM COUNTHITS, PLTAKES THE OUTPUT FROM BLASTPARSE.PL. 1. DISTILL HIT LIST FOREACHINTERVAL TO A COPY NUMBER 208 2. SORT BY SEQUENCE COORDINATE 3. IDENTIFY INTERVALS WITH MULTIPLE HITS (THESE CONTAIN REPEATELEMENTS) 4. RECORD SINGLE COPY INTERVALSAS SETA 210 1. GROUP ADJACENT SINGLE COPY INTERVALS INTO CONTIGS (L1...}, WHICHARE MEMBERS OF THE SETA 2. FOREACH CONTIG, CREATEA SERIES OF SUBSEQUENCES WITHSMALL OFFSETUPTOL FROM BEGINNING AND END OF CONTIG WITH PROGRAM SUBSEQ SPAWN INDEPENDENT THREADS UPSTREAMBOUNDARY (U) DOWNSTREAMBOUNDARY (D) UNTIL COUNTHITS CALL PROGRAMS. PRODUCES. HIT COUNT 1. SCRIPT WUBL >1 (DEFINESSINGLE COPY 2. PROGRAMBLASTPARSE BOUNDARY) 3. PROGRAMCOUNTHTS 1. FOREACH CONTIG, RECORD COORDINATES OF SINGLE COPY INTERVALBOUNDARIES (U.D) 2. COMBINE WITH ADJACENT SINGLE COPY CONTIG TO DEFINE COMPLETE INTERVAL (A-UA+D) US 8,407,013 B2 1. 2 AB INTO GENERATION OF SINGLE COPY blocking their hybridization, or by deducing the single copy GENOMIC PROBES sequences by comparisons of known genomic reference sequences with comprehensive databases of consensus CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED sequences that are representative of established repetitive APPLICATIONS sequence families and subfamilies (Jurka, Curr Opin Struct Biol. 1998, 8(3):333-7). This continuation-in-part application claims the benefit of Cot-1 DNA is often used to attempt to suppress cross U.S. Ser. No. 60/687,945, filed Jun. 7, 2005, non-provisional hybridization of repetitive sequences to probes. The problem application U.S. Ser. No. 1 1/324,102 filed on Dec. 30, 2005 with attempting to suppress repeat hybridization with Cot-1 and now U.S. Pat. No. 7,734,424 issued Jun. 8, 2010, and 10 DNA is that it can result in enhanced non-specific hybridiza continuation application U.S. Ser. No. 12/794,933 filed on tion between probes and genomic targets. Specifically, it has Jun. 7, 2010, also publication number US 2010-024.0880A1.
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