BUILDING STONE QUARRY PROJECT M/s. CHELAKKARA GRANITE ,KILLIMANGALAM , THRISSUR DIST. KERALA BIODIVERSITY IMPACT ASSESMENT REPORT NOT APPLICABLE “THE PROPOSAL IS NOT FOR INVESTIGATION/SURVEY AND ALSO DOESNOT INVOLVES USE OF MORE THAN 50HECTARE NP/WLS. THEREFORE BIODIVERSITY IMPACT ASSESMENT REPORT NOT APPLICABLE.” However a summary of Environment & Biodiversity Baseline study, Impact Assesssment & Control Measures discussed below CHAPTER- I ENVIRONMENTAL BASELINE STUDY 1.0Air Environment The drilling , blasting and dislodging activities certainly capable of generating the respirable and non respirable dust during operation. To assess the ambient air quality status , monitoring stations were identified on the basis of Meteorology in the upwind and downwind direction as well as to represent the cross sectional scenario of the project site. Based on the production activity, the parameters chosen for assessment of air quality are Particulate Matter (PM in & PM2.5). Sulphur dioxide (SO2), and oxides of Nitrogen (NO,). Analysis of Baseline Concentrations ( Air) The Ambient Air Quality data were collected in the month of June-2019 from the four corners of the project site i.e., Nortern side boundary, Eastern side boundary, Southern side boundary & Westernside boundary.The data have been collected on 8 hourly basis for parameters of PM 10, PM2.5, SO2, Nox and the results area furnished below and also enclosed with this report. SI LIMITS RESULTS NO. PARAMETER as per NAAQS NORTH SOUTH EAST WEST 1. PM 10 100 µg/m3 49.7 µg/m3 50.8 µg/m3 50.8 µg/m3 48.8 µg/m3 2. PM2.5 60 µg/m3 27.4 µg/m3 30.3 µg/m3 24.6 µg/m3 23.5 µg/m3 3 3 3 3 3. SO2 80 µg/m3 8.2 µg/m 6.6 µg/m 6.6 µg/m 6.4 µg/m 3 3 3 3 4. Nox 80 µg/m3 6.5 µg/m 4.6 µg/m 4.4 µg/m 5.5 µg/m BUILDING STONE QUARRY PROJECT M/s. CHELAKKARA GRANITE ,KILLIMANGALAM , THRISSUR DIST. KERALA 1.1 Water & Hydrogeology Environment The main source of water to the Killimangalam Village is from groundwater (open wells and bore wells) and rain water sources. The southwest monsoon is very active in Kerala during June to September and it is followed by NE monsoon commencing from October to December. Thrissur district receives an annual rainfall between 2180 mm and 3480 mm. The hard rock and lateritic aquifers constitute the major aquifers system of the district. Ground water occurs under phreatic semi-confined to confined conditions in the weathered and fractured portions of the crystalline formations. The studies carried out by CGWB indicate that the intersection of fractures are the most potential locations for ground water in the fractured crystalline rocks. The depth to water level in pre-monsoon period ranges from 1.4 to 12.9 m below ground level and in post- monsoon period between 0.59 m to 10.86 m below ground level. Generally this area has a relatively shallow ground water table. The chemical quality of ground water is generally good in both phreatic as well as deeper fractured rock aquifers (CGWD Report. 2007). The ground water level measured from the nearest well is about 12 m below the ground level. The ultimate depth of the working of the quarry is 40m MSL. Since the working is much above the general ground water table, it does not affect the ground water. Analysis of Baseline Concentrations ( Water) Ground water sample were collected from quarry pond water,Surface water- East side, Open well water- SW side & open well water — NE side for the analysis of physical, Chemical and biological parameters. A detailed Analysis report is enclosed. The analysis results of ground water are well within the guidelines of IS-10500 standards except for coli form bacteria and MPN coli form count. The analysis of parameters like Iron, Chloride, Sulphate, Nitrate and other parameters of the open well (Near quarry), open well water (South side), quarry water and surface water are found to be well within the prescribed limits. 1.2 Noise Environment The exposure to aggregate by mechanical stripping of soil and rock, extraction by digging, transportation of materials around the site and processing are likely sources of noise. This Noise generated from quarry activity and vibrations can seriously affect people in noise sensitive locations and interfere with their ability to relax, sleep or communicate, causing stress and annoyance. However, the survey was carried out at the North, South, East and West direction of the project site. The base line ambient noise quality at the project site and the surrounding areas where monitored which was recorded. In daytime, the noise level was measured BUILDING STONE QUARRY PROJECT M/s. CHELAKKARA GRANITE ,KILLIMANGALAM , THRISSUR DIST. KERALA at 4 locations, including Quarry / project site on during JUN-2019, the noise levels so observed were within the prescribed limits / standards with regard to CPCB Standards. The results of above Noise level are enclosed. 1.3 Biological Environment (A) Executive Summary Biodiversity is the shortened form of two words "biological" and "diversity." It refers to all the variety of life that can be found on Earth (plants. animals, fungi and micro-organisms) as well as to the communities that they form and the habitats in which they live. Biodiversity assessment of the area around M/s. Chelakkara Granite has been carried out with appropriate methodology. An observation in the land use show that the area was mainly covered by rubber plantation (Ilevea brasiliensis).Rubber tree dominated the plantations and other species dominated are Acacia (Acacia mangium) & Kashu mavu /Anacardium occidentale). Faunal diversity is observed to be not very rich with the occurrence of some common birds. amphibians, mammals and reptiles. The mining activity does not seem to have any deleterious effect on the biodiversity of the region. (B) Aim of this report The assessment is conducted to develop a database on the floral and the faunal characteristic of the M/s. Chelakkara Granite. The report gives information regarding plants and animals around the mining site. The report also gives a rough idea about the abundance of flora and fauna around the mining site. Methodology For the preliminary data collection field survey in the site was conducted. Species list is developed after proper identification of the samples collected/ photographs taken and consulting relevant taxonomic literature. The assessment was focused on all taxonomic groups, such as plants. birds, fishes amphibians, insects, reptiles. (i) Flora: A detailed survey was carried out in the study area. Only a few number of flora were observed. Interviews were carried out with local people to collect information about the flora. Based on this a detailed list is prepared. (ii) Fauna: Mammals: The mammals in the study area were listed along the frequency of occurrence for sighting, calls, scats / fecal matter, track marks or other indirect signs transects as well as quadrant. Birds: The birds on the area were studied by frequency of occurrence for sighting. calls as well as other indirect signs and road kills along the sector. BUILDING STONE QUARRY PROJECT M/s. CHELAKKARA GRANITE ,KILLIMANGALAM , THRISSUR DIST. KERALA Reptiles and Amphibians: The reptiles and amphibians were studied by direct sighting and indirect signs like molt as transect as well as quadrants. ( C) Biodiversity of the Study Area The site is fringed with by rubber plantation (Hevea brasiliensis), Acacia (Acacia mangium) & Kashu mavu (Anacardium occidentale). Butterflies, dragon flies and other insects 'were observed from the region. however their occurrence was sparse. Endemic Species A total of 32 plant species were identified in the study area. The identification of endemics is based on available literature (Ramesh et al., 1998, Ahmedullah and Nayar (1987) and Nayar et.al., 1996). There is no endemic species found in the study area. Table 1. List of plants recorded from the core and buffer zone. BUILDING STONE QUARRY PROJECT M/s. CHELAKKARA GRANITE ,KILLIMANGALAM , THRISSUR DIST. KERALA FAUNA DAMSELFLY AND DRAGONFLY BUTTERFLIES The main butterflies present in the study area given in the table below: BIRDS Birds diversity in this region is very less compared to other parts of Kerala, it may be due to the blasting in this area and also rubber plantation (Hevea Brasiliensis) does not provide food & shelter to the Birds. Some of the common birds in the study area are given in the table below. REPTILES On the basis of field survey and communication with the local people, some of the common reptiles in this area are given below. BUILDING STONE QUARRY PROJECT M/s. CHELAKKARA GRANITE ,KILLIMANGALAM , THRISSUR DIST. KERALA MAMMALS On the basis of field survey and communication with the local people, some of the common Mammals in this area are given below. (D) Socio Economics The major occupation of the Thrissur and adjacent Palakkad district is Cultivation, Household activity, Livestock, Forestry, Mining & Quarrying activities. The quarrying activity will benefit local villages in both directly and in-directly. Direct beneficiary will be those who get employed in Quarry as skilled and unskilled workers. a. Addressing concerns of local inhabitants like health, water, employment, resettlement / rehabilitation Proponent shall provide required Medical facility to all the employees at the quarry such as first aid, regular checkup, ambulance etc. In addition proponent also provides the medical checkup camps to the local villagers, supply of drinking water, and contribution of funds for social and cultural program. The proposed lease area extends over an area of 4.2649 Ha. There are no settlements within the lease hold area, hence there is no resettlement or rehabilitation of the same. b. Compensation for loss of land, crops and other adverse impacts on account of mining.
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