Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 159 (2016) 209–216 A new mirine plant bug genus (Heteroptera: Miridae: Mirinae: Mirini), with two confirmed species from Nepal and Taiwan Tomohide Yasunaga A new mirine plant bug genus Gotoshinomiris is proposed to accommodate two Asian representatives, G. formosacolus, herein described from Taiwan as new to science, and G. ptilophallus (Yasunaga & Duwal) known from Nepal and transferred from Mahania Poppius as a new combination. This intriguing new genus, at first reminiscent of Mahania, appears most closely related to Orientocapsus Yasunaga & Schwartz based on the genitalic structures. A hypothesis is presented that places Gotoshinomiris in an intermediate phylogenetic position between the Orientocapsus lineage (including Philostephanus Distant) and the Mahania lineage (with Castanopsides Yasunaga and Liocapsus Poppius). A key is provided to aid in identification of the six related genera. Keywords: Heteroptera; Miridae; new genus; new species; new combination; Nepal; Taiwan Tomohide Yasunaga, Research Associate, Division of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY 10024, USA. [email protected] Introduction Material and methods The present paper documents the finding of a plant Type specimens are deposited in the American Mu- bug from Taiwan, which represents a new genus seum of Natural History, New York, USA (AMNH); and species, Gotoshinomiris formosacolus, in the tribe the National Institute of Agro-Environmental Sci- Mirini of the subfamily Mirinae. This intriguing ences, Tsukuba, Japan (NIAES); the National Muse- genus is presumed to occupy an intermediate phylo- um of Natural Science, Taichung, Taiwan (NMNS); genetic position between Orientocapsus Yasunaga & and the T. Yasunaga Collection, Nagasaki, Japan Schwartz and Mahania Poppius, based on the char- (TYCN). acters of the male and female genitalia. A matrix code label was attached to the holotype The new species G. formosacolus was found within specimen of the new species; these labels uniquely the central montane zone dominated by decidu- identify each specimen, and are referred to as ‘unique ous broadleaf forests in Taiwan. A second species specimen identifiers’ (USIs). The USI codes [e.g., described from Nepal, Mahania ptilophalla Ya- AMNH_PBI 000123] comprise an institution and sunaga & Duwal, was confirmed as a member of project code (AMNH_PBI) and a unique number Gotoshinomiris . A key is also provided to distinguish (000123). These data were digitized on the Arthro- Gotoshinomiris and five additional related genera, pod Easy Capture (formerly the Planetary Biodiver- all of which were not treated in the latest compre- sity Inventory) database maintained by the AMNH hensive work on the Mirini by Chérot & Malipatil (http://research.amnh.org/pbi/) and are also search- (2016). able on the ‘Heteroptera Species Pages’ (http:// research.amnh.org/pbi/heteropteraspeciespage/). Tijdschrift voor Entomologie 159: 209–216, Table 1, Figs 1–21. [ISSN 0040-7496]. brill.com/tve © Nederlandse Entomologische Vereniging. Published by Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden. Published 30 December 2016. DOI 10.1163/22119434-15903002 Downloaded from Brill.com09/25/2021 11:37:38PM via free access <UN> 210 Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, volume 159, 2016 All measurements are in millimeters (mm). Termi- narrowly keeled along apical margin (Fig. 10). nology of the genitalia principally follows Yasunaga Endosoma (Figs 11–14, 17) heavily sclerotized, & Duwal (2008) and Yasunaga & Schwartz (2007). with apical sclerite bearing bundle of hair-like spines Abbreviations used to indicate the male and female (APS, sensu AS by Yasunaga & Schwartz 2007), genitalic structures (Figs 8–21 below) correspond to spatula-shaped lobal sclerite extending from ven- those mentioned in the generic description. tral secondary gonopore (SLS), and membranous, apically spinulate secondary lobe (MSL); secondar y gonopore (SGP) small, thick-rimmed, situated at Taxonomy middle. Female genitalia (Figs 18–21, Table 1): Gotoshinomiris Yasunaga, gen. n. Basically symmetrical and similar to Orientocap- Diagnosis. Distinguished from the related mirine sus in general shape. Bursa copulatrix (Figs 18, 19) genera, Castanopsides Yasunaga, Mahania Poppius, with combined structure of vermiform gland and Orientomiris Yasunaga & Schwartz, and Philo- roof of genital chamber partly sclerotized, dorsally stephanus Distant (and some superficially similar with perimeter surrounded by sclerotization (SPGC: Macrolygus Yasunaga and Tricholygus Poppius, see sclerotized perimeter of combined vermiform gland Chérot & Malipatil 2016), by the following com- and dorsal wall of genital chamber, sensu Yasunaga bination of characters: moderate to relatively large & Schwartz 2007) and ventrally with paired inner size (6.40–7.70 mm total length); castaneous to lateral projections (MPGC: medial process project- chocolate brown general coloration; brown simple ing into genital chamber from sclerotized portion of setae uniformly distributed on pronotum, scutel- posterolateral margin of combined vermiform gland lum and hemelytron; smooth head without mesal and roof of genital chamber, loc. cit.); genital cham- sulcus or basal carina; almost linear antennal seg- ber dorsally with a pair of medial keels (MEK, loc. ment II much longer than basal width of prono- cit.) dividing each lateral oviduct. Sclerotized ring tum; short, slender labium, not exceeding apex of (SCR) enlarged, elliptical, narrowed inward; dorsal mesocoxa; and shape of the male and female geni- labiate plate (DLP) rather widened. Posterior wall of talia. The key below will help distinguish Gotoshi- bursa copulatrix (Fig. 20) with bilobate, spinulate, nomiris from these similar-appearing taxa (see also symmetrical dorsal structure (DSS); interramal lobe Table 1). (IRL) developed, slender, densely spinulate; lateral Description. Body generally brown-castaneous, lobe (LLB) well-sclerotized, long, horn-like, tapered elongate, subparallel-sided, moderate to large in size apically. (6.40−7.70 mm); dorsal surface rather shining, with uniformly distributed, brown or pale brown, semi- Type species. Gotoshinomiris formosacolus erect or reclining, simple setae. Head shiny brown, Yasunaga, n. sp. almost smooth, with sparsely distributed, silky, short Etymology. Named after the late Mr. Shin Goto setae, without a median sulcus or basal carina; head (or Gotoh), a naturalist, who collected most of the across eyes subequal in length to antennal segment I, specimens of the type species of this new genus, about half as wide as base of pronotum; vertex rather combined with the generic name Miris Fabricius; wide. Antenna relatively long; segment I about as masculine. thick as II; segment II almost linear, much longer Distribution. Nepal and Taiwan. than basal width of pronotum; segments III and IV Discussion. The most consistent features of this filiform. Labium short, slender, not exceeding apex new genus are exhibited predominantly in the male of mesocoxa. Pronotum shining, finely and shallow- and female genitalia as described above and listed in ly punctate, with silky, reclining setae; calli weakly Table 1. Most of the external characters are shared by swollen; collar narrow, about as thick as base of an- the related genera, Castanopsides, Liocapsus, Maha- tennal segment II; scutellum flat. Hemelytron largely nia, Orientocapsus and Philostephanus (see Yasunaga chocolate brown, shining but weakly shagreened or 1998a; Yasunaga & Schwartz 2007; and Yasunaga & roughened, with uniformly distributed, brown, Duwal 2008 for detailed information on these taxa). simple, semierect or reclining setae; cuneus concol- Gotoshinomiris is also reminiscent of certain mem- orous without pale base. Legs long; tibial spines pale bers of Creontiades-Megacoelum-Orientomiris group; brown; short; meta-tarsomere I subequal in length however, the similarity is only superficial (cf. Yasu- to II, shorter than III. Male genitalia (Figs 7–17, naga 1998b; Chérot & Malipatil 2016). Table 1): Parameres as in Figs 8, 9, 15, 16; right The present careful evaluation of characters sug- paramere slender and elongate, with moderately gests that Gotoshinomiris is posited to be sister to (not strongly) flattened inner surface (Figs 9, 16); Mahania or Orientocapsus and constitutes a com- left paramere with a prominent, ‘dorsobasal projec- pact Asian genus including two Oriental elements, tion (DBP)’ on sensory lobe and apically hooked G. ­formosacolus n. sp. from Taiwan and G. ­ptilophallus hypophysis (Figs 8, 15). Phallotheca almost smooth, (Yasunaga & Duwal) from Nepal. The distribution Downloaded from Brill.com09/25/2021 11:37:38PM via free access <UN> Yasunaga: New mirine genus Gotoshinomiris 211 Table 1. Principal characters in the genitalia for six related mirine genera. Characters Castanopsides Mahania Gotoshinomiris Orientocapsus Philostephanus Liocapsus 1 Dorso-basal moderate moderate prominent absent absent weak projection of left paramere 2 Process at apex of present weak weak present present present phallotheca 3 Spicule on endosoma present present absent absent absent present 4 Apical sclerite absent simple apex with bundle simple but simple but absent of spines modified modified 5 Inner elongate absent absent absent present absent absent sclerite 6 Gonoporal sclerite moderate moderate prominent (SLS) moderate variable absent 7 Female genital symmetrical symmetrical weakly weakly strongly weakly chamber asymmetrical asymmetrical asynmetrical asymmetrical 8 MPGC absent absent present
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