| Hao Wanata Maria Del Mal a Man Un Cont E

| Hao Wanata Maria Del Mal a Man Un Cont E

|HAO WANATA MARIAUS009797895B2 DEL MALA MAN UN CONT E (12 ) United States Patent ( 10 ) Patent No. : US 9 , 797 ,895 B2 Margraf et al. (45 ) Date of Patent: Oct . 24 , 2017 ( 54 ) STABILIZING COMPOSITIONS FOR 2001/ 0049361 A1* 12 /2001 Yamashita .. .. A61K 9 / 0019 514 /54 IMMOBILIZED BIOMOLECULES 2001/ 0055617 Al* 12/ 2001 Mattern A61K 38 / 1816 424 /489 (75 ) Inventors : Stefan Margraf, Frankfurt (DE ) ; Anja 2003/ 0031584 Al * 2 / 2003 Burgess A61L 2 /0011 Breuer , Babenhausen (DE ) ; Martin 422 / 22 Scholz , Oberursel (DE ) ; Jens 2003 /0118598 A1* 6 / 2003 Hunt . .. .. .. .. A61K 9 /0019 424 / 184 . 1 Altrichter, Kavelstorf (DE ) 2003/ 0138402 A1 * 7 /2003 Yamashita .. A61K 9 / 146 424 / 85 . 4 ( 73 ) Assignee : Leukocare AG , Munich (DE ) 2003 /0138437 A1 * 7 /2003 Hunt .. .. .. .. .. .. 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