Racing NSW Annual Report 09 Vision Mission Statement Provide committed, user-friendly, professional and cost effective administration which uses best To establish a dynamic business practice in serving all aspects of the NSW “ Thoroughbred Racing Industry. NSW thoroughbred Provide Leadership and Strategic Direction to industry which advances ensure the NSW Thoroughbred Racing Industry achieves revenue growth, profitability and greater participation, ensures Returns to Owners and Industry Participants. integrity and delivers Provide a Racing Product which appeals to all demographics, and takes all actions necessary to quality racing at all guarantee integrity and confidence in the sport. levels. Maximise betting turnover on NSW Thoroughbred ” meetings by accommodating punters’ needs and desires, and work with Tabcorp to promote new wagering products, which reflect changes in demand. Functions of the Board Under section 13 (1) of the Thoroughbred Racing Act (NSW) 1996, the Board has the following functions: a. all the functions of the principal club for New South Wales and committee of the principal club Contents for New South Wales under the Australian Rules of Racing, Chairman’s Report 2 Chief Executive’s Report 3 b. to control, supervise and regulate horse racing in Industry 8 the State, Regulatory 11 Integrity 16 c. to initiate, develop and implement policies Veterinary Services 18 considered conducive to the promotion, strategic Laboratory 20 development and welfare of the horse racing Industry Training 21 industry in the State and the protection of the Marketing & Public Relations 22 public interest as it relates to the horse racing BOBS 23 industry, Group & Listed Winners 24 Insurance 26 d. functions with respect to the insuring of Appeals 28 participants in the horse racing industry, being Annual Trends 29 functions of the kind exercised by the AJC on the Financial Statements 30 commencement of this section, and such other functions with respect to insurance in the horse racing industry as may be prescribed by the regulations, e. such functions as may be conferred or imposed on the Board by or under the Australian Rules of Racing or any other Act, f. such functions with respect to horse racing in New South Wales as may be prescribed by the Front cover: Sydney’s reigning champions for the regulations. 2008-09 racing season (clockwise from top left) – Hugh Bowman, Gai Waterhouse, Theseo and apprentice Daniel Ganderton M E M CURRENT BOARD A F Brown (Alan) A R Bell (Alan) B CHAIRMAN DEPUTY CHAIRMAN Appointed 19 December 2008 Appointed 19 December 2008 E Attended 9 meetings Attended 8 meetings R K M Brown AM (Ken) K E Harding (Kim) Appointed 19 December 2008 Appointed 19 December 2008 S Attended 9 meetings Attended 9 meetings O A A Inglis (Arthur) P N V’landys (Peter) Appointed 19 December 2008 Racing NSW Chief Executive F Attended 9 meetings Appointed 23 February 2004 Attended 15 meetings T H BOARD (from 1 July 2008 to 19 December 2008) G M Pemberton AC (Gary) G A Lindley (Gordon) CHAIRMAN E Nominated by Racing NSW Independent Chairman Country appointed by the Board Retired 19 December 2008 Retired 2 July 2008 Attended 6 meetings B Attended 1 meeting O D P R Esplin (Phillip) B J Reardon (Brian) Nominated by eligible industry Nominated by the Provincial bodies which represent the Association of NSW A interests of licensed persons and Retired 19 December 2008 race club employees Attended 6 meetings Retired 19 December 2008 R Attended 6 meetings D R A Ferguson (Rob) W A Picken (Bill) Independent additional Board Nominated by the Sydney Turf Member appointed by the Club Board in accordance with Retired 19 December 2008 section 6(4) of the Thoroughbred Attended 6 meetings Racing Act 1996 Retired 19 December 2008 Attended 5 meetings N F Bracks (Noel) T R Lobb (Trevor) Nominated by the Australian Nominated by eligible industry Jockey Club bodies which represent the Retired 19 December 2008 owners and breeders of Attended 6 meetings thoroughbred racehorses. Retired 19 December 2008 Attended 4 meetings [ 1 ] C H The Board is also well advanced with the development of A minimum venue standards for all NSW racecourses and racetracks. Again these standards are being developed with I considerable input from race clubs, RICG and other industry stakeholders. R To date minimum standards have been developed for: G Racing and Training Surfaces; G Water Reticulation; M G Rails and Fences; G Crossings and Gaps; G Grounds; Alan Brown A G Chairman Raceday Equipment, Other Equipment and Training Infrastructure; N The Hon Kevin Greene MP G Maintenance and Staff Facilties; Minister for Gaming and Racing G Safety Standards for Buildings including Public Facilities and NSW Parliament House Food Premises; ’ Macquarie Street G OH&S and Environmental; Sydney NSW 2000 G Staff Safety, Policies and Procedures, and G Reporting. S Dear Minister, During the year Racing NSW had the honour of being chosen to In accordance with Section 29 of the Thoroughbred Racing Act host the 33rd Asian Racing Conference to be held in Sydney in 1996 I submit to you the 13th Annual Report of Racing NSW April 2010. covering the period 1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009. The theme of the conference is “Racing into the Future” and this R As you are aware Messrs Alan Bell, Ken Brown AM and Arthur will include addresses on a wide array of important topics by an Inglis, Ms Kim Harding and I were appointed to the Board on 19 exceptional panel of Australian and international speakers. December 2008 following the enactment of the Thoroughbred The Conference is being held simultaneously with the 2010 Sydney E Racing Amendment Act 2008 and the Thoroughbred Racing Autumn Racing Carnival which will allow us to showcase Sydney (Further Amendment) Act 2008. racing to the 800 delegates and guests who are expected to P During the reporting period the Board met on 15 occasions (6 attend from Australia and around the world. under the former Board and 9 under the present Board) and I Importantly, the Conference will be self-funding and will require no acknowledge the application, commitment, dedication and financial contribution from the NSW Thoroughbred Racing Industry. O expertise demonstrated and provided by all Board members. Racing NSW is currently defending two cases in the Federal Court Upon its appointment the Board immediately sought to address regarding the constitutionality of the Race Fields Legislation and R those matters which were prescribed in the amending legislation, the manner in which it is being applied. The outcome of those including: proceedings will have a major bearing on the future financial G T The development of a Code of Conduct for the Board and health of the NSW Thoroughbred Racing Industry. Officers of Racing NSW; Finally, on behalf of my Board I thank and acknowledge the G The development of a new Strategic Plan for the industry, outstanding dedication and achievements of the Chief Executive, and Peter V’landys and his entire staff at Racing NSW. Their G A review of the Intra-Code Agreement. knowledge and experience have been of great assistance to the The new Code of Conduct has been implemented and new Board of Racing NSW. preparation of the Strategic Plan and the Intra-Code Agreement I would also like to thank you, your staff and your Departmental Review are underway and will be finalised during the 2009/10 Officers for the assistance and support provided to me, my Board financial year. and Management during the year. The Board has also formalised the structure and timing of its Yours Sincerely statutory meetings with the Racing Industry Consultation Group (RICG) with the first such meeting held on 20 January 2009. One of the most contentious and divisive issues within the NSW Thoroughbred Racing Industry relates to programming and handicapping. In the circumstances the Board resolved that this matter should be addressed as a major priority. Alan Brown Accordingly, the Board consulted extensively with industry stakeholders and developed a new Benchmark Programming and Handicapping System which was introducted on 1 October 2009. [ 2 ] C H 25 year period. Further, a 20% prudential margin of $6.06 I million has been added to the liability of the claims as a contingency. Despite the above setbacks the Fund continues to offer NSW trainers lower premiums than was E the case in 2004 and substantially reduced premiums than those paid by their interstate counterparts. F BOARD APPOINTMENTS Following the enactment of the Thoroughbred Racing Amendment Act 2008 and the Thoroughbred Racing Further Amendment Act 2008, a process was put in place to select and appoint a new independent Board of Racing NSW. E Peter V’landys In accordance with the legislation, a panel of 3 persons Chief Executive appointed by the Minister for Gaming and Racing undertook the The year 2008/09 saw racing return to normal after the severe selection process and the following persons were appointed as X outbreak of Equine Influenza which crippled the industry during members of the Board on 19 December 2008: the previous financial year. Mr Alan Brown Mr Ken Brown AM E The year also saw the commencement of the Thoroughbred Mr Alan Bell Ms Kim Harding Racing Amendment Act 2008 which resulted in the appointment Mr Arthur Inglis of a new Board of Racing NSW and an extension of its functions At the Board’s inaugural meeting Mr Alan Brown was appointed C and powers. as Chairman and Mr Alan Bell was appointed Deputy Chairman. In addition we were finally able to implement the Race Fields In addition, Mr Alan Brown was appointed as Racing NSW’s Legislation fee regime which is covered in detail below. representative on the Boards of Australian Racing Board and U During the year Racing NSW also introduced a number of other Racingcorp, of which he is now the Chairman.
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