Document:- A/CN.4/3080 Summary record of the 3080th meeting Topic: <multiple topics> Extract from the Yearbook of the International Law Commission:- 2011, vol. I Downloaded from the web site of the International Law Commission (http://legal.un.org/ilc/) Copyright © United Nations INTERNATIONAL LAW COMMISSION SUMMARY RECORDS OF THE FIRST PART OF THE SIXTY-THIRD SESSION Held at Geneva from 26 April to 3 June 2011 3080th MEETING session,1 a topical summary of which had been prepared by the secretariat and published in document A/CN.4/638. Tuesday, 26 April 2011, at 10.05 a.m. In order to enhance exchanges between the Commission and the Sixth Committee, delegations, encouraged by Outgoing Chairperson: Mr. Nugroho WISNUMURTI paragraph 12 of General Assembly resolution 59/313 of 12 September 2005, had made it their practice to Chairperson: Mr. Maurice KAMTO complement their discussions by holding a dialogue with some of the members and special rapporteurs of the Present: Mr. Al-Marri, Mr. Candioti, Mr. Comissário Commission who were present in New York. That dialogue Afonso, Mr. Dugard, Mr. Gaja, Mr. Galicki, Mr. Huang, had become an integral feature of International Law Week, Ms. Jacobsson, Mr. McRae, Mr. Melescanu, Mr. Murase, which had been established by the General Assembly in Mr. Niehaus, Mr. Nolte, Mr. Pellet, Mr. Perera, Mr. Petrič, its resolution 58/77 of 9 December 2003 and had focused Mr. Valencia-Ospina, Mr. Vázquez-Bermúdez, Mr. Wako, in 2010 on the topics of reservations to treaties, the effects Sir Michael Wood. of armed conflicts on treaties and on the future of the codification and progressive development of international law. Emphasis had been placed on the Commission’s future role and mandate and on its relationship and interaction with Member States in the Sixth Committee. The dialogue Opening of the session had been pursued at meetings with legal advisers. As a consequence of the Sixth Committee’s consideration of the 1. The OUTGOING CHAIRPERSON declared open the Commission’s report, the General Assembly had adopted sixty-third session of the International Law Commission. resolution 65/26 of 6 December 2010, paragraph 4 of which had invited Governments to submit to the secretariat of the Tribute to the memory of Ms. Paula Escarameia, Commission, by 31 January 2011, any further observations former member of the Commission on the entire set of draft guidelines constituting the Guide to Practice on Reservations to Treaties, provisionally 2. The OUTGOING CHAIRPERSON said that the adopted by the Commission at its sixty-second session, session was beginning on a sad note owing to the death with a view to finalizing the Guide at the sixty-third of Ms. Paula Escarameia, of which he had informed the session; paragraph 5 of the resolution had again drawn Commission members in October 2010. Ms. Escarameia the attention of Governments to the importance of the had contributed immensely to the Commission’s work Commission receiving by 1 January 2011 their comments as a keen advocate of respect for and the progressive and observations on the draft articles and commentaries on development of international law, especially with a view the topic “Responsibility of international organizations” to ensuring the protection of the most vulnerable. Her adopted by the Commission on first reading at its sixty- friendly, positive and charming disposition would be first session (2009). In paragraph 6, the General Assembly deeply missed. had invited the International Law Commission to give priority to its consideration of the topics “Immunity of At the invitation of the Outgoing Chairperson, the State officials from foreign criminal jurisdiction” and members of the Commission observed a minute of silence “The obligation to extradite or prosecute (aut dedere in memory of Ms. Paula Escarameia. aut judicare)”. In paragraph 7, it had taken note of the report of the Secretary-General on assistance to special Statement by the Outgoing Chairperson rapporteurs of the International Law Commission2 and of paragraphs 396 to 398 of the report of the Commission on 3. The OUTGOING CHAIRPERSON provided a brief overview of the Sixth Committee’s debates on the 1 Yearbook … 2010, vol. II (Part Two). Commission’s report on the work of its sixty-second 2 A/65/186. 1 2 Summary records of the first part of the sixty-third session the work of its sixty-second session,3 and had requested adopted the Guide to Practice on Reservations to Treaties. the Secretary-General to continue his efforts to identify It had been understood that, in view of the particular concrete options for support for the work of special nature of the text, which was not destined to become a rapporteurs, additional to those provided under General convention, the Commission would follow a special Assembly resolution 56/272 of 27 March 2002. procedure. The document that had been adopted was therefore a provisional text which should be finalized at Election of officers the current session, once States’ comments had been taken into account. It had been questionable whether the General Mr. Kamto was elected Chairperson by acclamation. Assembly would agree with the Commission’s approach, since the Sixth Committee was a creature of habit, but Mr. Kamto took the Chair. those fears had proved to be unfounded, since the General Assembly had asked the Commission to complete the 4. The CHAIRPERSON thanked the members of the drafting of the Guide to Practice in 2011. That had been Commission for the honour they had conferred upon made clear in paragraph 4 of resolution 65/26 in which the him and paid tribute to Ms. Xue and Mr. Wisnumurti, the General Assembly had invited “Governments to submit to successive Chairpersons of the sixty-second session, and the secretariat of the Commission, by 31 January 2011, any to the other officers of the sixty-second session for their further observations on the entire set of draft guidelines outstanding work. He also thanked the members of the constituting the Guide to Practice on Reservations to Group of African States for proposing his candidature, in Treaties, provisionally adopted by the Commission at its particular Mr. Dugard who had refrained from standing in sixty-second session, with a view to finalizing the Guide his favour. at the sixty-third session”. Ms. Jacobsson was elected first Vice-Chairperson by 6. That was no mean task, since the Commission must acclamation. definitively adopt a Guide to Practice comprising no less Mr. Niehaus was elected second Vice-Chairperson by than 199 guidelines together with their commentaries acclamation. which formed part and parcel of the Guide. Fifteen States—Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, El Salvador, Mr. Melescanu was elected Chairperson of the Drafting Finland, France, Germany, Malaysia, Norway, Committee by acclamation. New Zealand, Portugal, the Republic of Korea, Switzerland, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Mr. Perera was elected Rapporteur by acclamation. Northern Ireland, and the United States of America— which constituted a fairly representative cross section, Adoption of the agenda (A/CN.4/634) had submitted written comments within the time limit set by the General Assembly (A/CN.4/639 and Add.1). It The agenda was adopted. would have been inadvisable to consider no more than those written comments; it had also been necessary to The meeting was suspended at 10.30 a.m. and resumed take account of all the comments made by States since at 11.10 a.m. work had begun on the topic of reservations to treaties. All the comments submitted since 1995 had been collected On a proposal from the Bureau, after consultation and collated in files, most of them in French, but a few in with Mr. Pellet, a Working Group on reservations English, on the basis of which he had modified the draft to treaties was constituted. It would be chaired by guidelines. In doing so, he had also recorded whether or Mr. Vázquez-Bermúdez. not he endorsed States’ proposals. In that connection, he drew attention to the meagre resources the Secretariat Reservations to treaties4 (A/CN.4/638,5 sect. A, A/ made available to special rapporteurs. It was not right that CN.4/639 and Add.1,6 A/CN.4/647 and Add.1,7 A/ a special rapporteur should have to collect and distribute CN.4/L.779,8 A/CN.4/L.793,9 A/CN.4/L.79510) States’ comments and that session documents were not published in at least two working languages. [Agenda item 2] 7. At that stage in its labours, the Commission had at 5. Mr. PELLET (Special Rapporteur) said that, at its its disposal written comments from Governments, files previous session, the Commission had provisionally summarizing the comments made by States on each of the guidelines which had been provisionally adopted 3 Yearbook … 2010, vol. II (Part Two), pp. 203–204. at the previous session, amendments proposed on that 4 At its sixty-second session (2010), the Commission completed basis and explanations in support of those proposals. the provisional adoption of the Guide to Practice on Reservations to The Working Group would propose to the Commission Treaties, which comprises 199 draft guidelines and the commentary thereto (Yearbook … 2010, vol. II (Part Two), chap. IV, pp. 31 et seq., meeting in plenary session the final text of the draft paras. 105–106) and indicated that it intended to adopt the final version guidelines of the Guide to Practice (A/CN.4/L.779). They of the Guide to Practice at the current session (ibid., p. 19, para. 45). would have to be adopted before the end of the first part of 5 Mimeographed; available from the Commission’s website. the session in order for him to finalize the commentaries 6 Reproduced in Yearbook … 2011, vol.
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