May/June 2000 /$5.00 Magazine A m essage from the American T FP Where Is Elian’s Journey Leading Us? This statement was he steady stream of photos of a smiling Cuban people. 2 Even the United Nations Human also published in The Elian Gonzalez reunited with his father Rights Commission has again condemned Cuba Tcould well foster the impression of a for its human rights violations. 3 Washington Times and happy ending to the sad story of this young There is no freedom in that island prison, The Wanderer. Cuban refugee. Were one naive enough to where the most basic civil liberties — the free - believe this, one might well conclude that the dom to practice one’s faith, to own property, to entire matter was a tempest in a Miami teapot. associate with friends of one’s choosing, to Moreover, one would think that Bernard Cardi - express one’s opinions openly, to travel in safety nal Law of Boston was quite right when he said — are routinely denied. the whole thing was nothing but a circus with a Elian’s return to Cuba — forced or simple solution: returning the boy to his father. 1 voluntary — cannot alter that fundamental With possession regarded as nine points of reality. By holding on to him, the Cuban-Ameri - the law, Elian’s is a closed case for many Ameri - can community was fighting to defend him cans. All too soon, this family affair will be yes - from a police state whose constitution decrees terday’s news. Father knows best, and Fidel — that the government must see to “the formation who in a candid moment described himself as of the communist personality of youths and the true father of all Cubans — will have won children”. 4 more than meets the eye for his “new look.” Cuba’s baseball team has already come to the Let justice be restored in Cuba United States to play the Orioles, and American and we will restore friendly ties tourists, in turn, are visiting the prison island in growing numbers. All’s well that ends well. If, like Cuban-Americans, all Americans In this prevalent — if perverse — mindset, had a family member languishing in a Cuban the valiant fight for Elian’s freedom is reduced prison (well out of sight of free-spending to three elements: a nonsensical case of tourists), we would soon join the anti-Castro parental rights, an emotional group of aging chorus of our Cuban-American brothers and anticommunist Cubans, and a government that sisters. And instead of inviting Castro’s baseball overreacted by using armed force to solve the team to come and play in our cities, we would problem. demand that Castro liberate our kinfolk before Is that its real meaning? Is that how we will any improvement in relations. We would settle see it when we look back years from now? Does for nothing less. the fact that Elian appears to be happy with his If, like Cuban-Americans, all Americans father and stepmother end the story? We’re not had relatives subjected to the stifling oppres - so sure. Before the final chapter is written and sion in Cuba, earning a pittance for their hard the camera lights go out, we have a few words to labors, eating whatever rations are distributed, say. while being forced to proclaim their allegiance to Marxist doctrine and policies, would we tol - 1. Cf. Bernard Cardinal Law, “End What is the real issue? Returning a erate any cozying up to Castro? the Circus: Let Elian Rejoin His child to his father, or dealing with Of course not. Rather, the American people Father,” The Boston Globe , April 19, Cuba’s stark reality? would rise up as one to demand that the regime 2000. 2. “Cuba, su pueblo y su Iglesia de branded by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger as the 5 cara al comienzo del tercer milenio,” Of course, if the Elian case really concerned “shame of our time” be overthrown, and that El Nuevo Herald, Miami, September only the father’s rights, there would have been freedom, private property, free enterprise, and 27, 1999. no case — and no story to consume so much family life be restored. 3. Pablo Alfonso, “Condena por dere - printer’s ink and radio and television airtime. If every American family had a relative in chos humanos aisla a Cuba en la such demeaning and unnatural conditions, ONU,” El Nuevo Herald , Miami, April Behind the question of the father looms the 19, 2000. larger problem of the fatherland, or rather, the would anyone dare raise the question of 4. Chapters IV (“Family”) and V unrepentant communist dictatorship. That loosening — much less lifting — the embargo (“Education and Culture”), and the decrepit despotism lies at the heart of the against so cruel a regime? Obviously, no. The Code on Childhood and Youth, II. matter — and everyone knows it. only acceptable option would be the total 5. Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, restoration of a free society under the rule of law. “Instruction on Certain Aspects of the A courageous group of priests on the island ‘Theology of Liberation,’” Congrega - recently declared that Castro’s regime shows tion for the Doctrine of the Faith, “diabolical efficacy” in its domination of the August 6, 1984, no. XI, 10. Continued on page 29 ii crusade may/June 2000 Contents May-June 2000 Cover : Frederic Baraga as a EDITORIAL 2 young bishop Reacting to the Dilemma of Self-effacement IN BRIEF 3 w Social status for beasts w Six thousand e-mails FORGOTTEN TRUTHS 3 Outside the Church there is No Salvation TFP IN ACTION 4 Our Latest Campaigns CATHOLIC APOLOGETICS 5 Jesus Christ claimed to be God INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION 8 Page 17 Beyond the Digital Divide In defense of Pius XII, in defense of the Church — a COVER STORY 10 counter-thesis The Snowshoe Priest COMMENTARY 17 Pius XII and Totalitarianism COMMENTARY 26 A Civilization Modeled on Christ RELIGION 25 “Thank you, Jacinta!” TEACHING OUR CHILDREN 30 The Preventive System Page 4 BASIC HISTORY COURSE 31 The Divine institution of the family is under constant attack, so it The Advent of Feudalism must be constantly defended and upheld. Call us now to see how you and the Feudal Monarchies can help — 1-888-317-5571. FAMILY SERIES 35 The Flower Wreaths Crusade Magazine is a publication of The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP). Subscrip - tions in the United States and Canada, $30.00. Foreign sub - scriptions, $42.00. List of other TFP publications available upon request. Direct all subscription requests and inquiries to: Cru - sade Magazine, P.O. Box 341, Hanover, PA 17331 or e-mail to: [email protected] Tel.: 888-317-5571, Fax: (717) 225-1675, Copyright 2000 by The Foundation for a Christian Civilization, Inc. This publication includes images from Dynamic Graphics, Corel, Corbis, and Art Today which are protected by Copyright laws of the U.S. and elsewhere. ISSN 1096-3782 LCCN 98-641433 M-45 Editor: C. Preston Noell III Associate Editors: Earl Appleby, Thomas Becket, Eugenia Guzman, Gary Isbell, Thomas J. Reacting to the Dilemma of McKenna Photography: Gary J. Isbell Editor’s Circulation: Jack Burnham Corner Foreign Correspondents: Self-effacement Raymond de Souza, Aus - tralia; Charles E. Schaffer, Austria; Jose Carlos Sepul - veda, Brazil; Paul Foley, England; Benoit Bemel - mans, France; Beno Hof - schulte, Germany; Antonio de Azeredo, Portugal; Juan M. Montes, Italy; Edward Urban, South Africa; Felipe ince the Second Vatican Council, rap - the Church by anti-Catholic British author John Barandiarán, Spain prochement with other religions, dia - Cornwell. In his book Hitler’s Pope: the Secret Slogue, and gestures of repentance for the History of Pius XII , Cornwell argues that Pius past deeds of Catholics and the Church Herself XII did not do everything he could have done The American TFP have become increasingly fashionable. to save the Jews during World War II. The American Society Traditional liturgical prayers on Good Friday It has become commonplace, even in some for the Defense of Tradi - for the Jews had already been suppressed by Catholic circles, to believe the myth that Pius XII tion, Family and Property Pope John XXIII. The terms “schismatic” and was an accomplice of the Nazis. As the Vicar of (TFP) was founded in 1973 to confront the pro - “heretic” had been replaced with “separated Our Lord Jesus Christ, he symbolized tradition found crisis shaking the brethren” to stress the unity of Christians as and Catholic militancy. The name Pius harkened modern world. It is a opposed to their differences. As a gesture back to the great Saint Pius X, who had blasted civic, cultural and non - toward the Greek Orthodox Church, Paul VI lift - the modernists and put the Church on a secure partisan organization ed the sentence of excommunication against footing at the beginning of the century. which, inspired by the Michael Cerularius, the Patriarch of Constan - By accusing Pius XII of complicity with traditional teachings of the Supreme Magisteri - tinople who had been excommunicated in 1054. the Nazis, liberals achieve two goals: They dis - um of the Roman Later came the celebrated overtures toward the credit the Church, and they perpetuate the Catholic Church, works Lutherans and other Protestant groups. With myth that conservatism and orthodoxy tended in a legal and peaceful the inter-religious meetings at Assisi the term to support the horrors of the Nazis. manner in the realm of “ecumenical” seemed to take on a whole new What Professor de Mattei does is a service ideas to defend and pro - meaning, now indicating a convergence of all to truth.
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