)HEUXDU\0DUFKZZZDOOHJKHQ\ZHVWPDJD]LQHFRP )URPWKH PUBLISHER & EDITORS 7KURXJK'LIIHUHQW(\HV My New Year’s Day started off in a rather Going into public bathrooms was often difficult. Some bathroom doors unusual fashion. I spent the morning at the are so heavy; it is next to impossible to open them with one hand while hospital having x-rays of my foot. Much to trying to navigate one’s balance and keeping two crutches under the arms. my chagrin, I learned I had broken it the night Some bathrooms for the handicapped are not equipped as they should be, before in a freak twist of my ankle. with doors in some instances opening inward (how do those with a Thus began a two-month journey of using wheelchair manage that?), or lack of paper supplies, leaving one with crutches, wearing an air boot, and staying off difficulty in maneuvering without the necessary materials to get the job my foot for what most people consider daily done. living activities, such as walking, driving, and There were other situations I discovered, too. Some public places do standing. not have ramps or flat access to their venues. Someone with a broken foot To be sure, this experience opened my eyes or leg can’t access these places. We learned that we had to carefully plot in ways I would never have considered. out our moves before we went anywhere. Getting up stairs was a challenge. Getting showered posed I am finally back on two feet and walking fine. This experience, difficulties. Getting up in the middle of the night to use the facilities however, showed me how much more we have to do to help those with meant all hands on deck, literally, while shuffling carefully to the physical handicaps. As for myself, I will be more aware of helping bathroom on crutches. someone with a walker, cane, or crutches in the future, and suggesting to Our Florida trip was put on hold; changes to reservations had to be public facilities, when I see a lack of handicap options, some improve- made. When we finally began our trek down south, we confronted ments they may consider making. major transmission problems in the middle of a cold winter night in I can fully grasp, now, this Chinese proverb, “Tell me, I’ll forget. Show Virginia. Thanks to AAA, they were there for us. However, getting me, I’ll remember. Involve me, I’ll understand.” out of the truck and into a much larger tow truck with a broken foot was daunting. Getting to the hotel for the night, we had to request a room near the elevator so I did not have to go so far down the hall with crutches. Pat Jennette, Publisher & Editor :ULWLQJ$ERXWWKH9RLFHVRIWKH&RPPXQLW\ There's good writing and there's bad writing, and then there's bad writing that sounds good and good writing that sounds bad. Just because a piece of writing is grammatically correct doesn't mean it makes a point, and a piece of writing that comes off as jumbled and hard to read just might be formulating a higher thought. For some reason, people have this idea that writing is something that's supposed to be perfect on the first try. College students in freshman writing classes tend to emulate established writers, in part because they feel they lack authority. Little do they know the long hours an established writer puts into their craft. A professor I knew once described the writing process, done right, as a glass blower smashing their pieces and crafting new ones over and over again. Writing is a process of constant revision, refinement, and self examination, through which we learn to inform and persuade. Scholar David Bartholomae, who observed college freshmen writers at the University of Pittsburgh before writing about them in his essay "Inventing the University," describes writing is an act of aggression disguised as an act of charity. There are people in this world who would benefit from fewer voices. Think of that next time you hear a public figure bash higher education. The magazine you're reading is made up of voices in the communities we cover. This month, we feature a number of unique individuals, including a pastor, a new state Senator, a performer, a domestic violence counselor, and a family whose lives have evolved around race car driving. Each of these individuals are defined by their beliefs and struggles, by the significant impact their voices and actions are making on the people around them. I hope you enjoy learning about them as much as we have. Doug Hughey, Assistant Editor $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH$SULO0D\ TO REACH US :DOQXW6WUHHW6XLWH,PSHULDO3$ 3KRQH)D[ (0DLODOOHJKHQ\ZHVWPDJD]LQH#FRPFDVWQHW ZZZDOOHJKHQ\ZHVWPDJD]LQHFRP “GOOD NEWS ALWAYS, MAILED & DELIVERED FREE, EVERY TIME”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·V3$0RWRU 3XEOLVKHU 'LFN*ORYLHU-RFHO\Q*UHFNR (GLWRU·V1RWHV 'RXJ+XJKH\+HDWKHU6FKLHIHU0XUUD\ 6SHHGZD\&HOHEUDWHV<HDUV 2QWKH+RUL]RQ -HVVLFD:DVLN *5$3+,& '(6,*1 &OLQWRQ:HVOH\DQ·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est Allegheny Findlay Township resident, Kiersten MEMBER: School District Newsletter Kelly, does something unusual with her singing abilities. And that’s not Airport Authority News all. Read her story on page 64. 3+272%<6(5*(,/$7$&+(9 Celebrate Spring! :( 3528'/< 6321625 $1' 6833257 MORE INFO $YDULHW\RIFRPPXQLW\VFKRRODQGQRQSURILWRUJDQL]DWLRQVLQRXU FRYHUDJHDUHDVRI0RRQ0RQWRXUDQG:HVW$OOHJKHQ\ $OOHJKHQ\:HVW0DJD]LQH:HVW$OOHJKHQ\(GLWLRQLVSXEOLVKHGLQ)HEUXDU\$SULO-XQH$XJXVW2FWREHUDQG'HFHPEHUVL[LVVXHVD\HDUE\-HQQHWWH &RPPXQLFDWLRQV*URXS:DOQXW6WUHHW6XLWH,PSHULDO3$0DLOHGDQGGLVWULEXWHGIUHHWRUHVLGHQWVDQGEXVLQHVVHVLQ)LQGOD\1RUWK)D\HWWH :HVXEVFULEHWRWKH%HWWHU%XVLQHVV%XUHDX¶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s with every issue, your community businesses are the reason for the publication of Allegheny West Magazine. Please support these businesses. Their support allows us to mail this magazine, free, into the households of Findlay, North Fayette, Oakdale, Sturgeon, and portions of McDonald as a community service. $HVWKHWLFV :HOOQHVVS /D6WRQH7KHUDS\E\0LFKHOOHS ZZZYHQXVIUHH]HSLWWVEXUJKFRP /LHFKWL)UHG(-'&3$S $IIRUGDEOH7HQW $ZQLQJVS /LQFROQ$YHQXH$UWVSKWWSOLQFROQDYHQXHDUWVFRP ZZZDIIRUGDEOHWHQWDQGDZQLQJVFRP /XWKHU'HQWLVWU\SZZZSLWWVEXUJKODVHUGHQWLVWFRP $LUSRUW$XWKRULW\SZZZIO\SLWWVEXUJKFRP 0DF·V/DQGVFDSLQJS $OOHJKHQ\0HGLFDOSZZZDOOHJKHQ\PHGLFDOFRP 0HGLFDO*URXS5RELQVRQSZZZPHGLFDOJURXSURELQVRQFRP $OOHJKHQ\:HVW(\H&DUHS 0H\HUV7RP3OXPELQJSZZZWRPPH\HUVSOXPELQJFRP ZZZDOOHJKHQ\ZHVWH\HFDUHFRP 0RQWRXUV3UHVE\WHULDQ&KXUFKSZZZPRQWRXUVFKXUFKRUJ $OOVWDWH0\HUVSKWWSZZZDOOVWDWHDJHQFLHV-HII0\HUV 0RRG\)XQHUDO+RPHS %RE·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