Pulaski Saranac Lake Saratoga Springs

Pulaski Saranac Lake Saratoga Springs

New York Radio Jay Martin, prog dir: Jeff Howlett, opns mgr & news Moran, gen & gen sls mgr. mus dir: Rob Davis, prog dir; Craig Kingcaid, chief engr. dir; John Bunkfelt, chief engr. Rates: $10; 8; 8; -. WVOR -FM-Co -owned with WHAM(AM). 1962: 100.5 WUUU(FM)-Co-owned with WRNY(AM). May 1,1983: mhz; 50 kw. Ant 480 ft. Stereo. 1700 Midtown Tower, 102.5 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 645 ft. Stereo. Prog sep from Inc. 7- 1 -77). Net: MBS. Rep: PRO, Meeker. (acq Box 40340 (14604). (716) 454 -3942. Net: AP. Rep: AM. Net: CBS R /R. Format: Adult contemp. John Format: C &W. Larry Manuel. pres & gen mgr; David McGavren Guild. Format: Adult contemp. Edgar Carruci, mus dir. Rates: $29; 26. 29: 22. Engle, prog dir; David Van Wir, news dir. Rates: Musicus. cor i & loc sls mgr; Craig Kincaid, chief engr. $9.75: 8.75; 8.75; -. VIRQ(FM)- January 1960: 93.3 mhz; 37.2 kw. Ant. -owned with WADR(AM). Dec 1, 1982: WISO-FM-Co 104 ft. 260 Cooper Rd. (14617). (716) 342 -6461. Board mhz; kw. Ant 300 ft. Prog sep from AM. Rotterdam 93.5 3 Stereo. of Education, Irondequoit Central School District. Net: 9579 Main St. (13438). (acq 12- 1 -82). Format: MOR. ABC /FM. Format: Progrsv mus. Mark Andrus, gen WNYQ(FM 15, 1986: 98.3 mhz. 3 kw. Ant 328 Larry Manuel, pres Rates: $7.75; 7; 7.75; 7. )-Dec mgr; Ken Lu, chief engr. ft. Stereo. Box 1490, Greenwich, Conn. (06836 -1490). WKLX(FM) -1939: 98.9 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 340 ft. (203) 869 -1490. River Valley Broadcasting Co. Inc. Stereo. 259 Monroe Ave. (14607). (713) 454 -3040. Format: Adult contemp. Dennis Jackson, pres; Eric Rensselaer Ontario Shore Communications Inc. (acq 3- 19-85). W. Reid, VP Format: C &W. James H. Meltzer, gen mgr; Michael WQBK(AM) -Dec 3, 1961: 1300 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -2. S. Cambers, gen sls mgr; Bobby Hatfield, prog dir; Box 1300 Albany (12201). (518) 462 -5555 WQBK Inc. Cary Paul, mus dir; Bill Schleinitz, chief engr. Rates: Sag Harbor (acq 10- 29 -84). Net: CBS, ABC TalkRadio, NBC $60; 50: 50: 40. Talknet. Rep: Hillier, Newmark, Wechsler & Howard. WLMO(AM)-See Geneseo. WLNG(AM) -Aug 13, 1963: 1600 khz; 500 w-D. Box Format: Talk, news. Spec prog: Farm 2 hrs wkly, auto 2000 (11963). 725-2300. Broadcast- WLRY(FM) (516) East Coast repair 1 hr, money mgmt 3 hrs, real estate 1 hr wkly. -Listing follows WBBF(AM). ing Corp. (acq 1- 1 -68). Net: MBS. Rep: Market 4. Richard Berkson, pres & gen mgr; Amy Colodny. WNYR(AM) -1947: 990 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 w -N. (CP: 5 Format: Contemp, oldies, top -40. Paul Sidney, pres, news dir; Mary Ann Cooper, Icl sls mgr; James Esch, Kw -D. 2 5 kw -N). 360 East Ave. (14604). (716) gen mgr & prog dir; Miles Anderson, chief engr. prom mgr; Richard Balbec, chief engr. 325 -7260. Wezo Inc. Net: ABC /E. Rep: Katz. Format: Rates: $25: 22; 25; 18. C &W. Spec prog: Pub affrs 3 hrs wkly. Len Hart, gen WQBK -FM-Dec 1, 1972: 103.9 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 WLNG -FM -April 13, 1969: 92.1 mhz: 2.1 kw. (CP: mgr; Hatfield, mus Patricia - ft. Stereo. Prog sep from AM. Net: CBS R/R. Format: Bobby prog & dir; Dobro 2.63 kw. Ant 350 ft.). Dups AM 70 %. Adult rock. John Cooper, prog dir; Peggy Apple. witz. prom mgr; Randy Orbaker, chief engr. Rates: mus dir. $46; 46; 46; 18. WEZO(FM) -Co -owned with WNYR(AM). Nov 14, St. Bonaventure 1966: 101.3 mhz; 27 kw. Ant 640 ft. Stereo. Prog sep from AM. Wezo Inc. Format: Btfl mus. Jerry Warner, Riverhead *WSBU(FM)-April 13, 1975: 88.3 mhz; 165 w. Ant prog dir. Rates: $100; 100; 100: 35. 90 ft. Stereo. Box 0, St. Bonaventure U. (14778). (716) WRHD(AM) -Aug 8, 1963: 1570 khz: 1 kw -D, DA. Box WPXY(AM) -Nov 22, 1947: 1280 khz; 5 kw -U, DA -N. 375 -2307. St. Bonaventure University. Net: ABC /I. 666 (11901). (516) 727 -1570. East Shore Broadcast- 55 St. Paul (14604). (716) 325 -5300. Kiss Ltd. Format: AOR, prog. Spec prog: Black 3 hrs, jazz 3 ing Corp. (acq 8 -71). Net: ABC /D. Format: Big band. Partnership (acq 7- 15 -86). Rep: Christal. Format: hrs. Mathias Doyle, pres; Nancy Stickevers, stn mgr; Spec prog: Pol 3 hrs wkly. Richard I. Adrian, own; Top -40. Myles Berkman, pres; Bill Cusack, gen mgr; Andrew Bates, chief engr. Allen Kronzek, gen mgr; Elliott Schneider, gen sls Louis Ignatti, sis mgr; Tom Mitchell, prog & mus dir; mgr; Bob Clifford. prog & news dir; Bob Anderson, Orest Hrywnak. prom mgr; Diane Banks, news dir; chief engr. Paul Shulins, chief engr. Rates: $20; 17; 20; 13. Salamanca WRCN -FM-Co -owned with WRHD(AM). Aug 14, WPXY -FM-Sept 14, 1959: 97.9 mhz: 50 kw. Ant 456 ft. 1.52 ft. 1962: 103.9 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 466 (CP: kw). Stereo. Dups AM 25 %. Format: Top -40. Rates: WGGO(AM)-June 18, 1957: 1590 khz; 5 kw -D. Star Stereo. Prog sep from AM. Format: AOR. Lenny $24: 20; 24: 14. Route (14779). (716) 945 -1515. Altair Communications Bloch, prog dir; Wayne Summers, mus dir. WVRUR -FM -March 6, 1966: 88.5 mhz; 970 w. Ant Inc. (acq 11- 1 -74). Net: ABC /I. Format: Adult contemp. WRIV(AM)-June 1955: 1390 khz; 1 kw -D. Box 1089 120 ft. Stereo. Box 29068, River Station (14627). (716) Spec prog: C &W 5 hrs wkly. Gary Livingston. pres (11901). (516) 727 -1200. East End Communications 461 -1450. U. of Rochester Broadcasting Corp. Net: & gen mgr, prog & mus dir; Ken Parsons, gen sis mgr; Inc. (acq 2 -81). Group owner: Sky Corp. Net: ABC /E. AP. Format: Class, new music, jazz. Spec prog: Black Terry Livingston, prom mgr; Eric Bryant, news dir; Rep: Roslin. Format: MOR. Spec prog: Farm 8 hrs, Pol 13 hrs, folk 15 hrs, Sp 3 hrs wkly. Charlie Henneman, Steve Arrowsmith, chief engr. Rates: $7.50; 7.50; 4 hrs, big band 4 hrs wkly. Dennis R. Israel, pres; gen mgr: Dan Luna. chief engr. 7.50; 7.50. Jeffrey Kauffman, gen mgr; Helen Foote, gen sls mgr; WVOR -FM- Listing follows WHAM(AM). Jim Saunders. prog dir; Richard Brown, news dir: -Sep 11, 1925: 1460 khz; 5 kw -U, -N. Walter Watmuff, chief engr. Rates: $26; 26: 26; -. WWWG(AM) DA 1850 S. Winton (14618). (716) 461-9212. Brandon Sandy Creek -Pulaski Radio Inc. (acq 1977). Format: Relg. Spec prog: Black 8 hrs, Ger 2 hrs, It 4 hrs, Sp 3 hrs, Vietnamese 1 hr WSCP(AM) -Aug 8, 1974: 1070 khz; 2.5 kw -D. Rochester wkly. Anthony Brandon, pres; Sue Bahner, gen & Jefferson St. Pulaski (13142). (315) 298 -6505. Wheat coml mgr; Chuck Salvia, opns mgr; Don Stepica, chief Hill Broadcasting Inc. (acq 7- 11 -86). Net: MBS. WBBF(AM) -1947: 950 khz; 1 kw -U, DA -2. 500 engr. Rates: $16; 12; 16; 12. Format: C &W. Spec prog: Farm 6 hrs wkly. Jeff Forman Bldg., Midtown Plaza (14604). (716) 232- Zufelt, gen mgr; Dan Denny, prog dir: James Foederer, 'WXXI(AM) -1936: 1370 khz: 5 kw -U, DA -N. 280 State LIN VP & coral mgr; Stephen Long, news dir; Doreen 7550. WBBF Inc. (acq 1966). Group owner: St. Box 21 (14601). (716) 325 -7500. Rochester Area Hanson, chief engr. Rates: $7.41; 6.76: 7.41; 6.76. Broadcasting Corp. Net: NBC, NBC Talknet, US1, UPI. Educ TV Assoc Inc. Net: Am Pub, NPR. Format: News, Format: Eastman. Oldies. Hal Deutsch, pres & gen talk, Jazz. William J. Pearce, pres & gen mgr; loc mgr; Brent Millar, gen sls mgr; Peter Spitalnick, sls Gregory J. Hunt. asst gen mgr; John Proffitt, prog mgr; Jay Stevens. prog dir; Brad Cupples, news dir; mgr; Chet Tomczyk, dev mgr: Bud Lowell, news dir; Saranac Lake Herb Petrie, chief engr. John Bell. chief engr. WLRY(FM) -Co-owned with WBBF(AM). February WXXI -FM- December 1974: 91.5 mhz: 45 kw. Ant WDGE(FM)-Not on air, target date unknown: 101.7 1961: 92.5 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 500 ft. Stereo. Prog sep 440 ft. Stereo. Prog sep from AM. Net: AP, Am Pub. mhz. 514 Mannakee St. Rockville Md. (20850). DGR from AM. Net: ABC /C. Format: Top -40. Jay Stevens, Format: Class. Marianne Carberry, opns mgr. Communications Inc. prog dir; Brent Millar, loc sls mgr. WXXI -TV affil. WNBZ(AM) -Sep 11. 1927: 1240 khz; 1 kw -U. Box WCMF(FM )-June 9, 1960: 96.5 mhz: 50 kw. Ant 457 WZSH(FM) -See South Bristol Township. 211 (12983). (518) 891 -1544. WNBZ Inc. (acq 3- 1 -63). ft. Stereo. 259 Monroe Ave. (14607). (716) 262 -4330. Net: ABC /I. Rep: Regional, New England. Format: Stoner Broadcasting System Inc. (group owner: acq Adult contemp. James Rogers III, pres, gen & coml 8- 1 -83). Torbet. Format: AOR. Peter L. Coughlin, VP mgr; Roy Kristofferson, mus dir; Christopher Brescia & gen mgr; Linda F. Brush, sls mgr; Greg Ausham, Rome chief engr. Rates: $6.60: 6.60; 6.60; 6.60. prog dir; Dave Kane, mus dir; Duane Doherty. prom mgr; Joan Brandenburg, news dir; Nick Rozanov. chief WKAL(AM)-September 1946: 1450 khz; 1 kw -U, engr. Rates: $150; 125; 125; 70. DA -1. South Jay St. (13440 -9605). (315) 336 -7700. Saratoga Springs WENY Inc. 4- 1 WDKX(FM) -April 6, 1974: 103.9 mhz; 800 w.

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