, . • • , . ..... ' '\l~~~:.:~~~::l~~fl Summer terrace for dining i , .' ~, , .,., ,. 'al fresco' ." ' ~ 20 Sicilian Avenue Wct ~.' Tel: 405 5215 I Villa Carloita I" The freshneSs ofa L~ , garden setting ,ii( Pasta, central to an Italian's 33/41'Charlolle Street Wl. ..' diet has become staple fare Tel: 636 6011 . in England too; but few here ,Duke Street <ti Between Grosvenor Sq. realise the variety ofregional and Oxford Street . 74-76 Duke Street Wl. dishes which have developed Tel: 629 6097 in Italy's long history. , Spaghetti House, I , -. ; ~ KnightsbridO'e~ .. ~i~ .. Of;ur amous I ocallon ~ 77 Knightsbridge SW~. ',i.Ili:,' Tel: 235 8141 '12, ;.;' ,:.!,. •i1:! High Holborn ~ Our newest ristorante ;~i 216 High Holborn WCl. Our Menu's ~''', Tel:, 8317718 ~ 11::[ have, ,been Cranbpurn Street i' compiled to encourage In the heart oftheatreland i 24 Cranbourn Street WC2. ~ you to try some of the Tel: 836 8168 ~i variations; each pasta type being Zia Teresa ~ se~ved with an appropriate sauce Neighbour to Harrods ~ 6 Hans Road SW3. ~ or condiinimt. 0ld,favourites have been Tel: 589 7634 , ~ , included for ' " the diehards. Vecchia Milano ~ Elegant Old Milan, !~ 74 Welbeck Street Wl. l;l; Tel: 935 2371 ; , ~. Pizza House, ~~ ,f' Goodge Street ' l~ " London's first pizzeria ' .. 54-56 Goodge Street W~. ~ Tel: 636 9590 ~I ,fit! Goodge Street , ~, Our original Spaghetti ~ House .~~ 15-17 Goodge Street Wl. Tel: 636 6582 2 ~ .'. -,~ - - ~-",-._. -.- --- - - --_. ~~~~ • c. ~ -, .~~. -~~'F-~ • Sommario Contents, Readers will recall that on the cover of the March 1982 edition we printed a photograph of the ice men who..were believed to have worked Front for Carlo Gatti. The photograph on this month's cover is of ALBERTO RAPACIOLI, born Cover in 1905, who was an ice delivery man for the £irm of Carlo Gatti, Stevenson and Slaters. Our sincere thanks to Mrs. Christina Rapacioli for the loan of the , < photograph. " , , . 'I' SERVIZI SPECIALI NOTICES-AVVISI • • AUTOSTOP - Alfa 90 p. 5 ISTITUTO DI CULTURA p.l8 L • V~~LA SCALABRINI (continua) p. 6 CIIIESA DI SAN PIETRO p.20 PAUSA POETICA p.26 INFORMAZIONI UTILI p.25 , lTALIAN 1I0SPITAL p.l2 ,, REGULAR FEATURES , j DUE PAROLE p. 4 I THE HILL p. 8 REVIEWS &LEISURE I CRONACA DELLA COMUNITA' p. 7 <, EUROFOCUS p.16 HAVE, YOU BEEN TIIERE? p.28 , NEWS FROM ITALY p.19 MUSIC SCENE, p.29 ! CINEMA p.30 , ARENA MUSICALE, p.3l ,, , COPYRIGHT 1984 BACKHILL, SPORTLIGIIT, p.32 136 Clerkenwell Road, London E.C.l. ITALSPORT p.33 Printed by Sterling Printing Co. Ltd. CIIILDREN'S PAGE p.34 78 Bounds Green Road, London NIl 2EU. RICETTA p.38 , 1, ,I bbonamento L'abbonamento annuale (10 edizioni) con The annual subscription (10 issues) inc­ le spese postali, solo nella GB, costa lUding postage, UK only, is £5.00. Rem­ £5.00. Ricordatevi che BACKHILL viene ember BACKHILL is voluntary and non-profit I prodotto da volontari e non a scopo di making and any additional donation you ·profitto. Qualunque vostro dorio ci aiu­ make will help us to continue this service tera a continuare a servire la comunita to the Italian commUnity. Italiana. •• BACKHILL Subscriptions , ,, ' , 136 Clerkenwell Road I, , London Eel --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, Name Date Name. •... .. .. ..... .. ......•... .. .. .. .. .. Data . Address subs/Abbonamento [:] Please Indi rizzo . Dona t ionlDono [:] tick ........................................................ Total enclosed • • ••••• • • • ••••••• • • • •••• • ••• • •••••• • •• • • Somma acclusa £ . Cheques payable to: 'BACKHILL' Vaglie intestati a: 'BACKHILL' 3 , ,. .. - I ue Parole di Don Roberto' Russo• CARI AMICI desidero ancora tornare a parIare della FAIE. Proprio oggi, giorno in cui esce il nostro giornale, e la giornata della FAIE. Comin­ ciamo, come ho gia spiegato nel numero passato, il nuovo Anno Sociale della Coinunita "' Italiana proprio con la Messa e con la preghiera. Anzi e un giorno dedicato anche alIa Madonna perche nelle Chiese si recita la Supplica alIa Vergine di Pompei. Con questa preghiera noi affidiamo a Dio tutti noi stessi; il nostro lavoro e it nostro riposo, la nostra gioia e il no.st:r? dqlore.ktntti JnostrLcarL•..E' .tutta._una-,preghiera -- -~ che sale verso -a-nia,che c.i trasforma e che, purificata dal dolore, ci aiuta· a incon­ trare gliuomini nell'amore di Dio. Non cred6checisianopensieri che valgono di piu nella vita. La ricerca affettuosa di una via comune che ci guida verso Dio attraverso il lavoro sociale, matura nella preghiera e nel dolore. I nostri occhi, la nostra mente, la nostra bocca ci devono servire per scoprire il bene che e nel nostro prossimo, per scoprire che quello che Dio fa, e fatto bene. 11 desiderio profondo di vedere il bene ovunque nasce dal nostro 1 umile desi~erio di avere la fede. Fede in Dio, fede negli uomini, fede in me stesso • perche sono fig1io di Dio. Per questo dobbiamo cercare di superare 10 scoglio del nostro egoismo; questa barriera che si pone tra noi e Dio e che ci spinge non a vedere ma addirittura a creare il male nel nostro prossimo. Tante volte io ci penso ed alcune volte e una cosa veramente desolante. Viviamo pochi anni, che passano pure in fretta e male; ma perche non ci aiutiamo, non allarghiamo il modo di vedere, di capire, di vivere. Quando saremO morti,.dopo un poco di tempo, a nessuno piu interessera se S1amo vissuti; quanto e molto piu importante quindi, in • certo senso, combattere per il bene, perche il bene da una spinta ~l mondo in avanti, mentre il male frena il cammino del mondo verso Dio. Quindi uno degli atteggiamenti, e forse il principale, che dobbiamo eliminare, e quello rappresentato dalla frase che spesso diciamo - "Con quello 11: non si PUQ lavorare", il che PUQ essere vero inizial­ mente, ma ci porta ad una maturita reciproca di accettazione e poi ·addiritura almeno di sostegno reciproco morale; perche e molto meglio trovare prima un comune desiderio di pace e poi passare all'azione. • • Sono questi i pensieri che mi sono venuti in testa per l~ Messa della FAIE e che 10 V1 done con tanto affetto, sperando che possono fare del bene .a~tu~t~. DEAR YOUNG FRIENDS in the last edition I chose the subject of the FAIE, created by your parents. This 1I'0nth I have·chosell to return to· that subject again. The birth of the FAIE. came about to help us older ones 'to get together and keep alive not only our traditions but alsq our culture. You youngsters have been' invited many times to .the various events staged by the FAIE, so that you can bring to these events and to us your culture and english education •. This would enable both the Italian traditions instilled in you through your parents, and your English culture which is also a part of you to mix. Together thruogh the rAIE, and even on a spiritual level, they will enrich us, making us thus able 'to discover the true values of life, and help us to understand the true meaning -ana' signif'icance of -fraternity·. 4 utosto • : Alfa 90 .' -. ". The Alfa 90 is a new model developed on leaf have been chosen so that maximum the basic. Alfetta platform and in which speed (over 124 mph) is reached in fourth, Alfa Romeo sets out to combine the best while fifth is high enough, giving 25.4 features of that model, in particular, mph per 1000rpm, to allow relaxed and its standard of road behaviour - but economical cruising (70mph in fifth gear with many ehanges to broaden its appeal corresponds to only 2,750rpm). The lower and overcome certain points of criticism gears are well spaced for sporting driving, - such as the driving position and the allowing 36, 64, and 99 mph to be reached gearchange. at the red line. ,! l'. The Alfa 90 has therefore been designed The car is equipped with an on-board to SLt••Ln the market between the Alfetta computer which is simple in appearance and the Alfa 60 However, as part of its but extremely versatile in operation, I design, the car has been made to accept showing such things as average speed • a wider variety of power units, including and fuel consumption, it also serves as a the very powerful 2.5-1itre V6 which digital clock and stopwatch, and even shows equips the top-line Alfa 90 Gold Clover­ the outside air temperature. leaf. This is the only version which will be imported for the British market, Standard equipment on the Alfa 90 Gold "I The Alfa 90 Gold Cloverleaf is intended Cloverleaf includes the power-assisted i to offer drivers a compact saloon car steering already referred to, and other whose very high performance is matched items such as centralised locking, not only by its excellent road behaviour, electric. windows, tinted glass, front but also by its excepiional standard of foglights, alloy wheels, headlamp wash, ,II equipment and finish 0' . front arid rear headrests, leather steering ! l •• wheel and interior boot release by drivers ,• seat. I In Italy,. the Alfa 90 ,is being sold with I, a wLde range of engines, from a 1.8 litre , carburettor, unit, through a 2-litre with It is expected that this new model, which fully electronic fuel injection, and a will be shown at the British Motor Show 204-litre turbodiesel, to the much-admired will go on sale in the United Kingdom 2. 5-litre V6 which also powers the GTV6 in January 1985 and the price will be and the Alfa 6 executive saloon. announced closer to the sale date. , The gear ratios ~EXT MONTH: Fiat Panda 4x4 I 1 • r ,• • ,, ' , • ~ 1 ",'::j.- - .,", . , . ...~ -"-- J .'~. = .... _~~. , • , .. 5 VILL BRI (Considerazioni e diversi commenti suI Quindi per coloro'~he, hanno deciso di grande progetto "Villa Scalabrini'".
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