E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 117 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 167 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2021 No. 33 House of Representatives The House met at 11:30 a.m. and was APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO 4(f) of House Resolution 8, 117th Con- called to order by the Speaker. SELECT COMMITTEE ON THE gress, and the order of the House of f CLIMATE CRISIS January 4, 2021, of the following Mem- bers to the Select Subcommittee on PRAYER The SPEAKER. The Chair announces her appointment, pursuant to section the Coronavirus Crisis: The Chaplain, Reverend Margaret 4(d) of House Resolution 8, 117th Con- Mr. CLYBURN, South Carolina, Chair Grun Kibben, offered the following Ms. WATERS, California gress, and the order of the House of prayer: Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY, New York In honor of the birthday of our first January 4, 2021, of the following Mem- Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ, New York President, George Washington, I offer bers to the Select Committee on the Mr. FOSTER, Illinois his own words as our prayer: Climate Crisis: Mr. RASKIN, Maryland Almighty God, we make our earnest Ms. CASTOR, Florida, Chair Mr. KRISHNAMOORTHI, Illinois prayer that Thou wilt keep the United Ms. BONAMICI, Oregon Mr. SCALISE, Louisiana Mr. JORDAN, Ohio States in Thy holy protection; that Ms. BROWNLEY, California Mr. HUFFMAN, California Mr. GREEN, Tennessee Thou wilt incline the hearts of the citi- Ms. MALLIOTAKIS, New York zens to cultivate a spirit of subordina- Mr. MCEACHIN, Virginia f tion and obedience to government; and Mr. LEVIN, California entertain a brotherly affection and Mr. CASTEN, Illinois APPOINTMENT OF INDIVIDUALS love for one another and for their fel- Mr. NEGUSE, Colorado TO GOVERNING BOARD OF OF- low citizens of the United States at Ms. ESCOBAR, Texas FICE OF CONGRESSIONAL ETH- large. Mr. GRAVES, Louisiana ICS And finally, that Thou wilt most gra- f The SPEAKER. The Chair announces ciously be pleased to dispose us all to APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO her appointment, pursuant to section do justice, to love mercy, and to de- 4(c) of House Resolution 8, 117th Con- mean ourselves with that charity, hu- SELECT COMMITTEE ON THE MODERNIZATION OF CONGRESS gress, and the order of the House of mility, and pacific temper of mind January 4, 2021, of the following indi- which were the characteristics of the The SPEAKER. The Chair announces viduals to serve as the Governing Divine Author of our blessed religion, her appointment, pursuant to section Board of the Office of Congressional and without a humble imitation of 4(e) of House Resolution 8, 117th Con- Ethics: whose example in these things we can gress, and the order of the House of Nominated by the Speaker after con- never hope to be a happy Nation. January 4, 2021, of the following Mem- sultation with the minority leader: Grant our supplication, we beseech bers to the Select Committee on the Mr. David Skaggs, Colorado, Chair Thee. Modernization of Congress: Brigadier General (retired) Belinda Amen. Mr. KILMER, Washington, Chair Pinckney, Virginia f Ms. LOFGREN, California Ms. Karan English, Arizona Mr. CLEAVER, Missouri Mr. Mike Barnes, Maryland, alter- THE JOURNAL Mr. PERLMUTTER, Colorado nate The SPEAKER. Pursuant to section Mr. PHILLIPS, Minnesota Nominated by the minority leader 5(a)(1)(A) of House Resolution 8, the Ms. WILLIAMS, Georgia after consultation with the Speaker: Journal of the last day’s proceedings is Mr. TIMMONS, South Carolina Mr. Paul D. Vinovich, District of Co- approved. Mr. RODNEY DAVIS, Illinois lumbia, Co-Chair Mr. Leon Acton Westmoreland, Geor- f Mr. LATTA, Ohio gia Mr. RESCHENTHALER, Pennsylvania PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Ms. Karen L. Haas, Maryland Ms. VAN DUYNE, Texas The SPEAKER. The Chair will lead Mr. Robert Hurt, Virginia, alternate the House in the Pledge of Allegiance. f f The SPEAKER led the Pledge of Alle- APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO MOMENT OF SILENCE IN REMEM- giance as follows: SELECT SUBCOMMITTEE ON THE BRANCE OF 500,000 AMERICANS I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the CORONAVIRUS CRISIS LOST TO THE COVID–19 VIRUS United States of America, and to the Repub- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, The SPEAKER. The Chair announces The SPEAKER. The Chair asks all indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. her appointment, pursuant to section Members in the Chamber, as well as b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H541 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:42 Feb 23, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A22FE7.000 H22FEPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H542 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 22, 2021 Members and staff throughout the Cap- sidered by the Committee unless the text of by motion, may permit an equal number of itol, to rise for a moment of silence in the matter, together with an explanation, majority and minority members to question remembrance of more than 500,000 has been available to members of the Com- a witness for a specified, total period that is Americans who passed away from the mittee for three days (or 24 hours in the case equal for each side and not longer than 30 of a substitute for introduced legislation). minutes for each side. The chair, with the COVID–19 virus. Such explanation shall include a summary of concurrence of the ranking minority mem- f the major provisions of the legislation, an ber, or the Committee by motion, may also PUBLICATION OF COMMITTEE explanation of the relationship of the matter permit committee staff of the majority and to present law, and a summary of the need minority to question a witness for a speci- RULES for the legislation. fied, total period that is equal for each side RULES OF THE COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND (f) Waiver. The requirements of subsections and not longer than 30 minutes for each side. COMMMERCE FOR THE 117TH CONGRESS (c), (d), and (e) may be waived by a majority (3) Each member may submit to the chair of those present and voting (a majority being HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, of the Committee additional questions for present) of the Committee or by the chair COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND COMMERCE, the record, to be answered by the witnesses with the concurrence of the ranking mem- Washington, DC, February 22, 2021. who have appeared. Each member shall pro- ber, as the case may be. Hon. NANCY PELOSI, vide a copy of the questions in an electronic Speaker, House of Representatives, RULE 3. HEARINGS format to the clerk of the Committee no Washington, DC. (a) Notice. The date, time, place, and sub- later than 10 business days following a hear- DEAR MADAM SPEAKER: Pursuant to Rule ject matter of any hearing of the Committee ing. The chair shall transmit all questions XI, Clause 2(a) of the Rules of the House of shall be announced at least one week in ad- received from members of the Committee to Representatives, I respectfully submit the vance of the commencement of such hearing, the appropriate witnesses and include the rules of the 117th Congress for the Com- unless a determination is made in accord- transmittal letter and the responses from mittee on Energy and Commerce for publica- ance with clause 2(g)(3) of Rule XI of the the witnesses in the hearing record. After tion in the Congressional Record. The Com- Rules of the House that there is good cause consultation with the ranking minority mittee adopted these rules by a voice vote, a to begin the hearing sooner. member, the chair is authorized to close the quorum being present, at our organizational (b) Memorandum. Each member of the Com- hearing record no earlier than 120 days from meeting on Thursday, January 28, 2021. mittee shall be provided, except in the case the date the questions were transmitted to Sincerely, of unusual circumstances, with a memo- the appropriate witnesses. FRANK PALLONE, JR., randum at least 48 hours before each hearing RULE 4. VICE CHAIR; PRESIDING MEMBER explaining (1) the purpose of the hearing and Chairman, The chair shall designate a member of the Committee on Energy and Commerce. (2) the names of any witnesses. (c) Witnesses. (1) Each witness who is to ap- majority party to serve as vice chair of the (Adopted January 28, 2021) pear before the Committee shall file with the Committee, and shall designate a majority RULE 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS clerk of the Committee, at least two working member of each subcommittee to serve as (a) Rules of the Committee. The Rules of the days in advance of his or her appearance, suf- vice chair of each subcommittee. The vice House are the rules of the Committee on En- ficient copies, as determined by the chair of chair of the Committee or subcommittee, as ergy and Commerce (the ‘‘Committee’’) and the Committee of a written statement of his the case may be, shall preside at any meet- its subcommittees so far as is applicable. or her proposed testimony to provide to ing or hearing during the temporary absence (b) Rules of the Subcommittees. Each sub- members and staff of the Committee, the of the chair. If the chair and vice chair of the committee of the Committee is part of the news media, and the general public. Each Committee or subcommittee are not present Committee and is subject to the authority witness shall, to the greatest extent prac- at any meeting or hearing, the most senior and direction of the Committee and to its ticable, also provide a copy of such written ranking member of the majority party who rules so far as is applicable.
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