Vol. XXXXV No. 6 COfficialhickasaw publication of the Chickasaw Nation Twww.chickasawtimes.netimes June 2010 Marathon man Gov. Bill Anoatubby joins Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon winner Josh Stewart as Mr. Stewart shares his experience with the Chickasaw Nation leadership team of administrators. ADA, Okla. - Chickasaw 100 miles each week. runner Josh Stewart says he “We’ll go in the weight room – doesn’t like to waste time in everyone will be in there work- the gym. He spends quite a bit ing on their ‘glory muscles’ of time there, but that time is – curl and bench and all that,” definitely not wasted. Mr. Stewart said with a grin. Mr. Stewart is doing hun- “I’m in there sweating, kill- Gov. Bill Anoatubby, center, is joined by tribal officials in a ribbon cutting ceremony dedicating the new compressed dreds of pull ups, followed ing myself. No rest. Just max- natural gas (CNG) fueling station May 11 in Ada. From left, Chickasaw Nation Division of Commerce Chief Strategic by hundreds of pushups and ing out on whatever it is. I get Development Officer Brian Campbell; Division of Commerce Administrator Bill Lance; Pontotoc District legislator thousands of turns of the jump after it usually, wherever I’m Nancy Elliott; former Assistant U.S. Secretary of Interior and Oklahoma Secretary of Transportation Neal McCaleb; rope. He also runs more than SEE JOSH STEWART, page 2 Gov. Anoatubby; Lt. Gov. Jefferson Keel; Pontotoc District legislator Mary Jo Green; and special assistant to the Governor Kennedy Brown. Mike McKee Overton ‘Buck’ Cheadle dies at 91 Tribe dedicates CNG station Overton Martin Cheadle, a M r. C h e a d l e former Chickasaw tribal coun- served on the ADA, Okla. - Governor Bill and privately-owned vehicles. gas,” said Gov Anoatubby. cil member and legislator, and Chickasaw tribal Anoatubby was joined May The station is part of the “CNG not only lowers the cost a man who had profound ef- council from 1975 11 by more than 100 tribal tribe’s effort to conserve en- of fuel and maintenance, it is fect on young people, died May to 1979, and as officials, citizens, employees ergy. Conversion of the tribal better for the environment, 13, 2010 at age 91. Funeral ser- a member of the and guests during dedication fleet to CNG-fueled vehicles is boosts the Oklahoma econo- vices were May 21, 2010 at the Chickasaw Tribal of the new tribal compressed being phased in. my and moves the U.S. closer Chickasaw Community Cen- Legislature until natural gas (CNG) fueling sta- Gov. Anoatubby described to energy independence.” ter, Ada, Okla. Burial followed 1986. He served as tion. The station is located at the station as a “milestone” With much lower fuel costs, in Condon Grove Cemetery, legislative chair- Overton “Buck” the Ada Travel Plaza, 201 Latta for the tribe.” lower emissions, decreased between Tishomingo and Mil- man for three Cheadle Road. “This is a significant step maintenance costs and an burn, Okla. years. The first tribally-owned toward realizing the many abundant supply of natural The Chickasaw Honor Guard Mr. Cheadle was a gradu- CNG station in Oklahoma is benefits which will result from served as pall bearers and be- open to the public for fleet the widespread use of natural SEE CNG STATION, page 2 stowed military honors. SEE BUCK CHEADLE, page 5 INSIDE caMPS 14 Chickasaw EDUcatION 22 GOVERNOR’S coLUMN 3 High School HeaLth 34 Graduates, LEGISLatIVE coLUMNS 6 LegISLatIVE IteMS 37 Ada, OK 74821 OK Ada, Page 34 OBITUARIES 39 Post Office Box 1548 Box Office Post PeopLe 18 The Chickasaw Times Chickasaw The 2 chIckaSAW TIMES June 2010 From page 1 coNTINUED JOSH STEWART | FRom pagE 1 at – running or in the weight “This kind of accomplishment (OK) University. room. If I do it, I’m at my best, not only shows incredible tal- He graduated from Cameron because I don’t want to waste ent, it is great evidence of his University in May and will be- my time. “ tenacity, perseverance and gin work on his master’s de- All that time and sweat is strong work ethic.” gree in sports administration spent in pursuit of faster mara- Even more impressive, per- at East Central University while thon times. And the work has haps, is the fact that Mr. Stew- also working as a graduate as- paid off. art ran most of the race on an sistant coach for the cross Mr. Stewart, 22, averaged injured knee. country team. slightly less than six minutes He injured his knee about If he recovers sufficiently per mile for 26.2 miles on his four weeks prior to the race, from his injury, he will com- way to winning the 2010 Okla- which forced him to cut back pete in his third marathon this homa City Memorial Marathon on training. The injury started fall. He plans to begin training in April. causing pain about a third of soon for the Nov. 21 Williams His winning time was 2 the way into the race. Route 66 Marathon in Tulsa. hours, 34 minutes, 26 seconds. “By mile eight it got to hurt- “If I stay healthy, this sum- Over 19,000 runners competed ing really bad,” he said. “But, mer I plan to do 120 miles in the race. I already had my mind made a week,” Mr. Stewart said. It was only the second mara- up I was going to try to do this “Around September, if I can thon for Stewart. He took sec- even if it fell off.” get some 140s, that would be ond place in the Oklahoma City Mr. Stewart has competed in pretty ideal, but I have a hard Memorial Marathon in 2009. track and cross country at Byng time staying healthy.” Chickasaw runner Josh Stewart as he wins the OKC Memorial Marathon. Photo courtesy of John Clanton, The Oklahoman “Josh is a remarkable ath- (OK) High School, East Central A strong finish in Tulsa lete,” said Gov. Bill Anoatubby. (OK) University and Cameron would put him on track to a If so, Mr. Stewart plans to until about 30.” major goal - qualifying for the compete in Olympic time trials Josh Stewart is the son of | coNTINUED Olympic time trials. Jan. 14, 2012 in Houston. The Robbie Shumard, of Ada, and CNG STATION FRom pagE 1 “You have to hit 2:19 flat (two top three finishers there will the grandson of Douglas Hat- gas in U.S., CNG is gaining Assistant U.S. Secretary of Inte- hours, 19 minutes), to qualify qualify for the 2012 Olympics ton. His great-grandmother is popularity. However, a spar- rior and Oklahoma Secretary of for the trials,” he said. “We’re in London. the late Lena Hatton and his sity of CNG fueling stations is Transportation, demonstrated hoping to break 2:25 at Tulsa. If Mr. Stewart said he believed great-great-grandmother is the a concern. Prior to the opening the fueling. that happens, we’ll be perfectly he had a better chance of mak- late Nanny Wade. of the station in Ada, the near- “The bottom line is the on track and ready to go.” ing the 2016 Olympics, because est CNG fueling stations were Chickasaw Nation is on the If things go as planned in “usually people don’t start run- CONTRIBUTED BY Tony Choate, tribal media in Pauls Valley and Shawnee. cutting edge of leadership,” Mr. Tulsa, Mr. Stewart plans to cut ning really good marathons relations. The “fast fill” station enables McCaleb said. “CNG is good for back on the number of miles drivers to fuel vehicles in about the nation, it’s good for Okla- to focus on shorter distances. the same amount of time re- homa and it’s good for the This type of training regimen Summer Film Series scheduled quired to fuel a gasoline-pow- Chickasaws.” will enable him to strive for ered vehicle. personal records in the 5-ki- TISHOMINGO, Okla. - The in the Mountains,” “Spirit,” During the event, Chickasaw CONTRIBUTED BY Sharmina Manandhar, tribal lometer and 10-kilometer dis- Chickasaw Nation Council “The Treasure of Manhattan citizen Neal McCaleb, a former media relations. tances, while allowing his body House Museum is presenting Island” and “Indian in the Cup- to recuperate. its Summer Film Series for chil- board.” About Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) By May 2011, he plans to be- dren. Native American-themed Shows will begin at 1 p.m. gin training for another mara- films are scheduled for June each day and popcorn and Compressed Natural Gas The fuel can be used in a thon. 18, July 23 and August 13. drinks will be served. fuel burns clean with very dedicated natural gas vehicle He and his coach are consid- “This series is intended to The movies will be presented low CO2 and NO2 emissions. or a conventional gasoline or ering the Boston, New York or give the children a glimpse into in the gallery of the Council It is also very economical with diesel vehicle retro-fitted for Chicago marathons. Native American history,” said House Museum, located at 209 fuel costs about one-half or CNG. CNG-powered vehicles “We haven’t decided yet, real- Flora Fink, curator manager at N. Fisher in Tishomingo. less that of gasoline-powered have lower maintenance costs ly,” he said. “But depending on the museum. “It also familiar- For more information, con- vehicles. There is an abundant due to the cleaner combus- how healthy my training goes, izes them with the museum tact Flora Fink at (580) 371- natural gas supply in the U.S., tion.
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