Revised Cover:Revised Cover 10/20/09 11:12 AM Page 3 Province House Part One:Province House Part One 10/20/09 10:52 AM Page 1 “The circumstance of meeting you for the first time in this place, leads me to congratulate you on now occupying this splendid building—erected for the reception of the Legislature, the Courts of Justice, and all the Public offices. It stands, and will stand, I hope, to the latest posterity, a proud record of the Public Spirit, at this period of our History: And as I do consider this magnificant work equally honourable and useful to the Province, I recommend it to your continued protection.” Lord Dalhousie, 1819 Province House Part One:Province House Part One 10/20/09 10:52 AM Page 2 ©Copyright 2009, Province of Nova Scotia Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data Main entry under title: Province House, Halifax, Nova Scotia ISBN 0-88871-442-4 1. Province House (Halifax, Nova Scotia) 2. Halifax (N.S.)—Buildings, structures, etc. I. Eve, Elizabeth. II. Nova Scotia. FC2312.P76 1997 971.6'22 C97-966003-3 F1037.8P76 1997 Text: Text prepared by Elizabeth Eve, parts of which are directly drawn from Province House by Shirley B. Elliott, Legislative Librarian (1954-82) and Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada/Parks Canada, Agenda Paper on Province House, by Fern Graham, 1993. Graphic Design: Chris Cairns, Communications Nova Scotia Illustration: Front Cover and Page 5. Province House, 1819. J.E.Woolford. Courtesy of the Nova Scotia Museum. Photography: Page 3, 7, 10, 12, 14, 15, Doug Ives, Communications Nova Scotia. Back cover, Chris Reardon Page 11, 19 bottom, Shirley Robb, Communications Nova Scotia. Province House Part One:Province House Part One 10/20/09 10:52 AM Page 3 Province House rovince House, in which the As a landmark in the constitu- Nova Scotia Legislature has met tional evolution of Canada, it has been Pevery year since February 1819, said that more histo ry has been made is Canada’s oldest seat of government. within these four walls than in all This architectural gem is one of the other legislatures combined. In 1948 finest examples of Palladian style in the Historic Sites and Monuments North America. The lofty halls and Board of Canada erected a centenary bold stature of other provincial capi- plaque commemorating the establish- tols might dwarf Province House but ment here of the first responsible gov- none can compete with it for classic ernment in the Empire outside Great proportion and elegance of design. Britain. Confederation debates, the Photo Crest above the throne chairs in the Red Chamber. Province House Part One:Province House Part One 10/20/09 10:52 AM Page 4 PROVINCEHOUSE 18th Century Map of Halifax History of the site creation of freedom of the press, the alifax was founded in 1749 as the swearing-in of governors general, and British stronghold on the east coast many royal visits — all these have taken Hof North America, countering the place in these stately rooms. ominous French presence at Fortress Occupying a site in the heart of Louisbourg. During the first summer of the downtown Halifax, part way up the town’s construction, a one-storey wooden steep rise from the waterfront to the top building was hastily thrown up on the site of of Citadel Hill, Province House has an the present legislature, to provide shelter for unmistakable air of quiet authority. Governor Cornwallis and his staff. A few While its three storeys may be diminu- years later it was replaced by a more preten- tive beside the neighbouring glass and tious building which served as the governor’s steel towers, its altogether human scale residence for another fifty years. is a symbol of past and present activity The story of how the legislature within its walls. came to be built on this site reveals 4 Province House Part One:Province House Part One 10/20/09 10:52 AM Page 5 much about the power struggles in the make way for a Legislature. Cooled by young colony. When Governor Sir John the unexpectedcost of the vice-regal Wentworth and his wife, Lady Frances, dwelling, the Members of the Assembly complained that their residence was had little heart for a new project, and so falling down, the Legislature willingly it was not until 1811 that any definite agreed to vote £10,500 to build a action was taken. replacement on a site, three blocks to The Speech from the Throne, the south, that had been obtained origi- which Sir George Prevost delivered in nally for the purpose of building a per- February 1811, made specific reference manent legislature. With much pomp to the necessity of a government build- and ceremony, the cornerstone was laid, ing in line with “the prosperous state of on a fine September day in 1800, for the Province.” Finally fed up with their Government House. As sometimes hap- dilapidated rented quarters on the east pens with such projects, more money side of Hollis Street, the Members took was needed, bringing the final cost to action: an appro priation was passed in £30,000. During the seven years that it March and, on August 12, 1811, the took to complete the house, relations cornerstone was laid. between the Wentworths and the Legislature became severely strained. The colony of only 60,000 inhabitants valiantly strove to collect sufficient rev- Building the enue to finance this splendid home for new legislature the King’s representative. Meanwhile, the Legislature was short time prior to the laying without permanent quarters. The first of the cornerstone, three representative governmen t met initially A Commissioners were appoint- in 1758 in the Court House, at the cor- ed, one of whom, John Merrick, was ner of Argyle and Buckingham streets. probably asked to prepare the plan and In 1765, it moved to a building situated elevation of the proposed building, the on the corner of Barrington and Sackville streets, and then to rented quarters in the Cochran Building, on Hollis Street. When Sir John Wentworth some- what impatiently took possession of Government House in late 1805, he pronounced that his old residence might be torn down at any time to Province House, 1819. Illustration by J. E. Woolford Province House Part One:Province House Part One 10/20/09 10:52 AM Page 6 PROVINCEHOUSE work itself was to be conducted by an Main architectural architect builder, Richard Scott. features Eight years passed before Province House was finally completed, at a cost of he symmetry, regularity and £52,000. The final result was a building uniformity in Province House, designed in perfect proportions, Ttogether with the full expression endowed with fine architectural detail. It of classical vocabulary, root it firmly in stands today as a high tribute to the the British Palladian tradition. This builders and artisans of another era who, style dominated English taste through with their painstaking efforts and native most of the 18th century and had its talent, created an edifice of enduring greatest impact in British North beauty. On opening day, crowds pressed America during the first quarter of the through the building from early morning 19th century. It is typical to see a central until dark to admire the splendid new door with a triangular pediment or a legislature. They were astonished by the Venetian window, which is flanked on large areas of window glass, and stared in eitherside by symmetrical wings. The fascination and awe at the delicately use of classical orders and a hierarchy of wrought plaster work on the ceiling and storeys on a rusticated, or rough stone, the bas-relief figures on the mantelpieces basement are also characteristic features and around the doors. of this style. When the Legislature met for the This three-storey building, 43 first time in Province House on February metres (140 feet) in length and 21.5 11, 1819, the Earl of Dalhousie read the metres (70 feet) deep, is constructed of Speech from the Throne, saying, “The sandstone from Wallace, Nova Scotia. circumstance of meeting you for the The roof is hipped, intersected by pedi- first time in this place, leads me to con- ment gables. The principal east façade gratulate you on now occupying this fronts on Hollis Street, the west façade splendid building—erected for the faces Granville Street. The two are reception of the Legislature, the Courts almost identical but due to the steep of Justice, and all the Public offices. It slope of the site, the basement on Hollis stands, and will stand, I hope, to the lat- Street is visible above grade, giving this est posterity, a proud record of the side of the building a more imposing Public Spirit, at this period of our appearance. With the royal coat of arms History: And as I do consider this mag- in the tympanum, it is clearly the prin- nificant work equally honourable and cipal entrance. useful to the Province, I recommend it The lowest storey is constructed of to your continued protection.” rough stone, forming a solid base for the main storey. The upper storeys are more 6 Province House Part One:Province House Part One 10/20/09 10:52 AM Page 7 Province House, Hollis Street refined, characterized by smooth ashlar the features of the Palladian style, with a masonry. The tall windows of the sec- pedimented central bay, framed by ond floor indicate the significance of Ionic pilasters. The entrances, now this storey and the lofty halls within. closed off, and centre windows are all Another feature which reflects the inte- variations on the Palladian window and, rior spaces is the use of niches and blind respecting the classical laws of symme- openings in the fourth and twelfth bays, try, the third storey windows at the indicating the solid walls with chim- south end of the building, where the neys.
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