INTRODUCTION This 17 a directory of Tyrnnc~cusromers who offer computrr and data servlccs throuph thcTYMNET" puhlicdata communications nctwork. It ~nclude~only sr~bscrlherrwho choow to he l~~tcdfor public rercrcncc. Customers whose facilbtier are solely lor intcrnal use are not included. The first qection, TYMNET Suhrcr~hers.'Fislscustomers in alphlihetical order. wtlh hnef dcscriplions ofthcbr orpanlratlonr and nfCcrinps. Each entry tncludes an address, telephone number, and contact person, and the computer%rhrouph whlch thc cu~tomcr'rservice< arc provided. The iecnnd and zhlrd section<, 'f1:tta Raws Avallahle Through TYMNET'and 'Major Appltcatlons :Software Facilit~e~Avallahle Throuph TYMN FT.'cenc US quick rderencc puidcs to the k~nd\of ~nforrnationnnd serviccf ofkrcd hy TY MVF't suhscrihets. Further ~nlorrnat~rmabout specific computcr scrviccr and data base'; may bc obtained from thc rcspectlve orptni7a1inns that provlrlc them. These compurer-based senice? can be acccssed w~tha local telephone call in huntlrcd\ of metropolltan area5 in he United State\ and morc than 60Corergn countries In almost all other counrricr, accers 1s available viaTclcx Acces~lo a \vcific ~ubscribcr5systcm must be authori~edhy thar wb$crrber. TYMNET A McOunnell Douglas Company 2710 Orchard Parkway ;,?'YMNET, Inc . 1984 L~thorn U S A San Jose. Calrfornla 95134 The 2400 bpsDifference ---- . lnmrn! nn-Pnc de:rbnam a! nunin-s nm- MORE FOR LmS. AWD 15H7Mbf WHAT lo~lt-ra.And tr10leogsr Ikr auslaan, the m'9 4LL ABOI1T7 qm+tsr lhe p~Mlorol*dllg'l In tlrnc- Go1 gr urr,!? for Snlrn lmn mon?v pr;7:!TFD ir,lqKECT mnrn lt>fo-~tW~nrng:,r!l,nrl F;\lrvFA YPEv::.I: :YMW ?40ohp- DIRAID b?-~:r An-! 1b:~I,7 13t1.1 ?1M b.'rrtnrn.: TYWVCi W ~lll-fly.lyh=%:;t.~~P O~::LI<~~FL< ..,,- ,,,., ,.: rprl!r IIPW w,,rb. -- I Puarlc Dam Heburks :ES AVAl JET i/DATANI!TWORK ADVAF TA GROUl', INC. Embassy S'quare (ADG) Louisville. Kentucky 4029 20370 1'own Center Lane, Suite 255 Cunertino, tan.-..-..tornia 95014 Con1dLL. --r---. Kent Salmon Contact Don Smith Joyce Engberg (4081446-4 CUS! lomer Servi ADG p~rovides a c()mplete spertrum of ti DATANETWORK is a full service tetie- sharing services, in cluding management c processing utility providing timeshari ng, sultinp, customizedl programrrling. and transaction processing, and remote batch facilirier, managemient. Langu:age%suppol - -... and interactive remote job entry throughout are BASK, FORTRAN, COBOL, RPG Nor ~h America via direct ;access to la and SPl- in an intemractive or 1latch envirl scalc: DPS/R Hs onegwell Oomputer S) ment. The data ba:3e language IMAGE- and a Prime 750. QUERI'/3000 is al SO providerj. ... - -- .. .- . In add~tionlo a cornprehens~velibrar 2 -- Yottware systems ottered include mnancl,. language processors. convlersion aids, utility planning (SFLOW). field service reporting, programs, application packagcs. and data and electronic mail (Jenny/3000). and Arti- base systcms, u sers are of1rered total !solu- ficial Intelligence Information Managemolt. * +-I- n I.... .."-...,.m tion approaches ,. lIunt~beror key .,CI *,LC Additional services include the One P~in'"~ problems. The service is available 24 hours Electron~icCataIog previewing more than a day. 7 days a week, with HOTLIN E sup- 5,500 m icrosoft war'e packages port through Customer Service. Nati~3nwide Cornputer(s): HP :3000 Series 3 -.A IOIl+" free access is provided at 30 and I LU cps ;and from 2400 ta WM ) baud. Standard and guaranteed volume diFCOUR~Sare AIRLINE TARIFF avaiEable, COMPANY (ATPI Ioneywell I arge-scale I P.O. Box 17415 System Dulles 11nternalions Washinj 'rime 750 !ton, D.C. Contact James Taggart AD1 COLLISI ' ATPCO offers a di3ta base of all current SERVICES and futtIre airline f ares. Cova-age include3 , r West Winton AVenUt . ~ 2380 domestic ano. ~ntrrnatlonal,..local and joint ward. Calif'ornia 9454 Hay fares. ATPCO is tkle source fc,r the latest ContaM: fare infc~rmation. Lothchild Bol; Cornpur 3083 I On-linecollisioi. uvlllubc r~timatings,~.~,,. and other comtIWICTservices for insut corn panics. AMHEFIST RSSOt 510 Old Farm Roat Corr~puter(s):I BM compatible .- . Amh~r--r,Massachusetts OlIXl2 Contact. Director of Corpors Market i~ng Offers an interactive time-shared Financial educational computing network for col modelling system for the health care indurtry. and high schools. In addition, TYMNEI Cost and management reporting. budgeting, provides researchers access to Battelle c:om- rate setting, forecasting and analysis, long- puters from locations throughout the Mrorld. range planning, payroll simulation. and Computer(s): CDC Cyber 73 cash manapement are alro available. CDC Cyber 74 Computer(s): DEC VAX-11/7RO CDC Cyber 180-855 CDC Cyber 180-815 BTI COMPUTER SYSTEMS (BTF) DEC VAX-I I /J80 (4) 870 West Maude Avcnve Sunnyvale. California 94086 BlBLlOGRAPHlC RETRIEVAL Contact: SERVICES (BRS) (408)733-1I22 Jon Nickerson 1200 Route 7 Telex239548 Latham. New York 12110 Manufacturers of the ET1 5000 medium- Contact: scale interactive timesharing SyAem {over BRS Customer Service (518) 783-1 161 4,000 installed a5 OF June I, 1984) and of (am, 833-4707 the new RTI 8000, a 32-bit multiprocessor BRS is a major data base vendor offering system that introduces Variable Resource 60 g from jects of Architecture and stare-of-the-art system more than files, rangin sub 1;"-I general inrerest to business and tecbn >..,..c software. The BTI service computer per- powerful forms on-line system diagnosis from BTJ's information. Using BRS/SWLRCH national service center. TYMNET service software. BRS offers services which include provides demonstration and pre-delivery electronic mail. Special services for ilhe home market also available. Off-I:-_ customer a1 ccess. are high-speed printing iz available with : c): BTI 500 over-night delivery service BTI ROC Cornputer(s): NAS 9050 BAITELLE MEMORIAL INSTITUTE Columbus Laboratorin BLOODSTOCK RESEARCH 505 King Avenue INFORMATION SERVICE, INC. 4097 Colurnbus, Ohio 43201 P.O. Box 801 Corporate Drivc Contact: Lexington. Kentucky 4050 Raymond \:Vhyde (614) 424-7 169 Contact: brneral.------, purpose r~rnesharing,batch pro- R.H. Gillespie 23-4444 cessing. and information services to meet a TI '6-886-3 variety or research, development, and A general timesharing conlpany speci alizinp educational needs. Battellc is rhe world's .. .. Iarpest non-profit research institute pro- in accounting, rnanufacturrng, dlstnbution, viding a widc variety of technical and data base management. Specific rxper- capabilities to government and industry. tise in the area of lar~edata baxs suprmrtins Services include: DM, a three-schema pure-breed registrations. including a idata --"-a relational-data bast management system; bast of over YOO,OOO thoroughbred h~ BASIS, an informarion retrieval and foaled since 1920 and race records. analysis scrvicc; NUCLEUS,an economic FORTRAN-BASIC-PLUSsupported I analysis modelling system; and BECUN, an Computerls): DEC VAX-780 I 4 BI: !ADEORD NATION! 1L COMPI Contact: D xrrrrc SEA\ v 1C.L.a Julie Farrell (212)752-0831 I5133 PaIisade Avenue Gcneral timesharing service specializing in Te aneck, Ncvi Jersey Wt the development and support of customized Ca soRware systems. V~JI*.CIII.. IUL ,."I,'," lLu,, 833-1020 Computer(s): DECSystern 2n BNCS is a fulII service in formation process- ing center wh ich provides on-line atrd batch CCS P 'ION SYSTEMS,INC processing, ti1nesharing s~ndprofess -1.. ional 101 Cunr~nrnrainlvu., aulre" ... 200 services, including computer replacr :men[ El Segundo, Calii 5 and systems design and developmen1. Conta~ Disaster backup 15alqo offered. Thc:com- JeFFerj (213)4I7 pany serves engineering firms. hcaIth care agr:ncies, manufacturcrs, retailers. tbroad- CCS Automation Systems, lnc., a who1 cas,ling firms,and rhe financial servi ces owned subsidiary of Texas Piir CO~~O~E inclustry. offers fully automated infor1mat ion-. sen .-- -" to the Airlinc and Air Transport I!IQUStry. 115 orters tnc t~rstvraeofex syqtem In a CCS provides stalte-of-the-ar t automated vice bureath environmt:nl. reservations and mssenger precessing, Inight mputer(s): IBN Swer n 3033 MV: (I, s/os planning. avialior I, weather, communic;8- IRM 350/115R VM/CP4s (1) .rmrnn nnrl r.,..-.nm:=.A tions. business s~L~L,,,.PllY CU41VIIII..CU soft- .A* - .. m+. ,-.- ,.. Amdahl 5hnu M v.wr. ware development to over 85 airlines worldwide, through SHARES (Shard IDGE DA'TA COMP.ANY Airline Reservation System). 150 Manchr:rter Road - . .-. .-.- 51. Louis, Mlssourl bJlL Daigned to meet the growing needs of .,., airline industry, we Focus on enhancing our contact: programs 10 keep our products ahead of the Jarncs M. Yatc demands of the indu~try.CCS offers -.-,I---' a11 11t1r:,worldwide a cost effective alter- Bridge Darn C:ompany pr,ovides real time native to the high cost of opcrating an 'In- on-line stock, I mark8 lptions and mmmodity House system. Timesharing 1r~nderthe information. z1s well as n ; ews recall ind VM/CMS operating system iIS also offelred, -I,, nnr;nnF n-A --A:,:** . hi=!ory on sto~,,. ,.." ,-,.--,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. ana available services include data base T-the-counrer domestic and Forei En management, spreadsheet package, full- urities information is available al SO. color graphics, and most major programm- dge provides portfolio evaluation ing Ian guages. capabilities and an on-line mail facility. Ser- ~ter(s):AW IDAHL V7 and V8 viccs include information securities proccsqing, and securities : technical analysis. Bridge also provi~-_ CHEMIlCAZ ABI$TRACTSISERVICE data base, The Bridge 3111 Formation ! (CAS) BROKERAGE SYSTEM 2540 Olentangy River Road Computer($): DEC PDP. P.O. Box 3012 Columbus, Ohio 43210 Contac L. BU EMS, Richan T. Kaser 36W) IN( ,profit organization an n of 747 3rd Avenu PL",-:-"I C*"!, the h*c~lcnll.*-:""-Lllzrulcel OULIFLJ ~IIFLIIIIL~~~ New York, New York 101 in abstracting and indcxing information ClTISHARE from around the world, relating to Box 1127 chemistry and chemical engineering. A Staff New York, New York 10343 of 12M1 scientists and supporting personnel Contact: prepare abstracrs of more than 400.W Seymour Brooks (212) 572-9605 scientific articles.
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