Probing Supersymmetry with Neutral Current Scattering Experiments † A. Kurylov∗, M.J. Ramsey-Musolf∗ and S.Su∗ ∗California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 USA †Department of Physics, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269 USA Abstract. We compute the supersymmetric contributions to the weak charges of the electron e p (QW ) and proton (QW ) in the framework of Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. We also consider the ratio of neutral current to charged current cross sections, Rν and Rν¯ at ν (ν¯ )-nucleus deep inelastic scattering, and compare the supersymmetric corrections with the deviations of these quantities from the Standard Model predictions implied by the recent NuTeV measurement. INTRODUCTION 2 In the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics, the predicted running of sin θW from 2 2 Z-pole to low energy: sin θW (0) sin θW (MZ) = 0.007, has never been established − 2 experimentally to a high precision. sin θW (MZ) can be obtained through the Z-pole 2 precision measurements with very small error. However, no determination of sin θW at low energy with similar precision is available. More recently, the results of cesium atomic parity-violation (APV) [1] and ν- (ν¯ -) nucleus deep inelastic scattering (DIS)[2] 2 have been interpreted as determinations of the scale-dependence of sin θW . The cesium APV result appears to be consistent with the SM prediction for q2 0, whereas the neutrino DIS measurement implies a +3σ deviation at q2 100 GeV≈2. If conventional hadron structure effects are ultimately unable to account| f|or ≈ the NuTeV “anomaly", the results of this precision measurement would point to new physics. arXiv:hep-ph/0309027v1 2 Sep 2003 In light of this situation, two new measurements involving polarized electron scat- tering have taken on added interest: parity-violating (PV) Möller (ee) scattering at SLAC[3] and elastic, PV ep scattering at the Jefferson Lab (JLab)[4]. In the absence of 2 new physics, both measurements could be used to determine sin θW at the same scale: 2 2 2 q 0.03 GeV , with comparable precision in each case: δ sin θW = 0.0007. Further- more,| | ≈ the precision needed to probe new physics effects, e.g. supersymmetry (SUSY), is roughly an order of magnitude less stringent, owing to a fortuitous suppression of the p e 2 θ SM electron and proton weak charge: QW = QW = 1 4sin W 0.1 at tree-level. Consequently, experimental precision of order− a few percen− t, rather than≈ a few tenths of a percent, is needed to probe new physics corrections. The goal of our study is to developconsistency check for theories of new physics using the low energy neutral current scattering measurements. In particular, we will consider the Minimal Supersymmetric Extension of SM (MSSM)[5], which is the most promis- ing candidate for new physics beyond SM. For R-parity conserved MSSM, low-energy precision observables experience SUSY only via loop effects involving virtual super- symmetric particles. Tree level corrections appear once R-parity is broken explicitly. We studies both the PV electron scattering (PVES) and ν (ν¯ )-nucleus DIS processes. Details of the calculations presented here can be found in Ref. [6] and [7]. RADIATIVE CONTRIBUTION TO WEAK CHARGE The weak charge of a particle f is defined as the strength of the effective A(e) V( f ) ef Gµ f × interaction: L = Q e¯γµ γ5e f¯γµ f . With higher-order corrections included, the EFF − 2√2 W f ρ f κ 2 θ λ weak charge can be written as QW = PV 2T3 4Q f PV sin W + f . The quantities h − i ρPV and κPV are universal, while the correction λ f , on the other hand, does depend on the fermion species. At tree-level, one has ρPV = 1 = κPV and λ f = 0, while at one-loop ρ δρSM δρSUSY κ λ order PV = 1 + PV + PV , and similar formulae apply to PV and f . The counterterm δGˆ µ determined by muon life time and the Z0 boson self-energy are combined into ρPV (expressed in terms of the oblique parameters S, T [8]): δGˆ µ Πˆ (0) Πˆ (0) Πˆ (0) µ µ ρ ZZ WW ZZ δˆ αˆ δˆ PV = 1 + + 2 = 1 2 + 2 VB = 1 + T VB. (1) Gµ MZ − MW MZ − − δˆ µ The quantity VB denotes the the electroweak vertex, external leg, and box graph correc- tions to the muon decay amplitude. e Z γ mixing and parity-violating electron-photon coupling F (0) contribute to κPV : − A Πˆ 2 δ 2 2 α cˆ γZ(q ) 2 e sˆnew cˆ ˆ ˆ µ κPV = 1 + + 4c ˆ F (0) + = 1 + S αˆ T + δ sˆ q2 A sˆ2 cˆ2 sˆ2 4s ˆ2cˆ2 − VB 2 2 2 2 − cˆ Πˆ Zγ(q ) Πˆ Zγ(M ) cˆ Πˆ γγ (M ) ∆αˆ + Z + Z + + 4c ˆ2Fe(q2) (2) sˆ q2 − M2 cˆ2 sˆ2 − M2 α A h Z i − h Z i δ 2 2 2 α The shift sˆnew ins ˆ follows from the definition ofs ˆ in terms of , Gµ , and MZ[6]. The non-universal contribution λ f to the weak charge is determined by the sum of the the renormalized vertex corrections and the box graphs. SUSY CORRECTION TO WEAK CHARGES In order to evaluate the potential size of SUSY loop corrections, a set of about 3000 different combinations of SUSY-breaking parameters was generated. Fig. 1(a) shows the δ p δ u δ d shift in the weak charge of the proton, QW = 2 QW + QW , versus the corresponding shift in the electron’s weak charge, δQe , normalized to the respective SM values. The W p corrections in the MSSM (with R-parity conserved) can be as large as 4% (QW ) and e ∼ 8% (QW ) – roughly the size of the proposed experimental errors for the two PVES ∼ δ e,p δκSUSY measurements. The shifts QW are dominated by PV , which is nearly always −4 x 10 20 0.1 15 SM ) p W 10 | ν /(Q R 0 δ SUSY ) 5 p W (Q δ 0 −0.1 (b) −0.2 −0.15 −0.1 e−0.05 e0 0.05 0.1 −1 0 1 2 δ (Q ) /(Q ) δ R −3 W SUSY W SM ν x 10 FIGURE 1. Plot(a) shows the relative shifts in electron and proton weak charges due to SUSY effects. Plot(b) shows the MSSM contribution to Rν and Rν¯ . Dots indicate MSSM loop corrections for 3000 randomly-generatedSUSY-breaking parameters. Interior of truncated elliptical region gives possible∼ shifts due to RPV SUSY interactions (95% confidence). 2 θ eff 2 κ 2 2 θ negative,corresponding to a reduction in the value of sin W (q ) = PV (q )sin W for e p the PVES experiments. Since this effect is identical for both QW and QW , the dominant effect of δκPV produces a linear correlation between the two weak charges. p As evident from Fig. 1 (a), the relative sign of the loop corrections to both QW and e QW is nearly always the same and positive. This correlation is significant, since the effects of other new physics scenarios can display different signatures. For example, for the general class of theories based on E6 gauge group, with neutral gauge bosons Z′ p e δ e,p e,p having mass < 1000 GeV, the effects on QW and QW also correlate, but QW /QW can have either sign in this case[9, 10]. In contrast, leptoquark interactions would not lead to e p discernible effects in QW but could induce sizable shifts in QW [9, 10]. As a corollary, we also find that SUSY loop corrections to the weak charge of cesium δ Cs Cs is suppressed: QW /QW < 0.2% and is equally likely to have either sign, which is smaller than the presently quoted uncertainty for the cesium nuclear weak charge of about 0.6% [11]. Therefore, the present agreement of QCs with the SM prediction e,p W does not preclude significant shifts in QW arising from SUSY. The situation is rather e,p different, for example, in the E6 Z′ scenario, where sizable shifts in QW would also Cs imply observable deviations of QW from the SM prediction. New tree-level SUSY contributions to the weak charges can be generated when the R parity in MSSM is not conserved. The effects of R-parity violating (RPV) contribution can be parametrized by positive, semi-definite, dimensionless quantities ∆i jk( f˜) and ∆ ˜ i′ jk( f )[12], which are constrained from the existing precision data [12]. The 95% CL δ p p δ e e region allowed in the QW /QW vs. QW /QW plane is shown by the closed curve in Fig. 1 (a). We observe that the prospective effects of RPV are quite distinct from SUSY δ e e loops. The value of QW /QW is never positive in contrast to the situation for SUSY loop δ p p effects, whereas QW /QW can have either sign. Thus, a comparison of the two PVES measurements could help determine which extension of the MSSM is to be favored over other new physics scenarios [10]. NUTEV MEASUREMENT Recently, the NuTeV collaboration has performed a precise determination of the ratio Rν (Rν¯ ) of neutral and charged current deep-inelastic νµ (ν¯µ )-nucleus cross sections[2], which can be expressed in terms of the effective ν q hadronic couplings (geff )2: − L,R σ ν ν ν ν ( ( ¯ )N ( ¯ )X) eff 2 ( 1) eff 2 Rν ν¯ = → =(g ) + r − (g ) , (3) ( ) σ(ν(ν¯)N l (+)X) L R → − σCC σCC eff 2 where r = ν¯ N / νN .
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