![1918-10-19, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
?'?fv -••..... •• 'r-_,r 'TlflpiWT V Saturday, OCTOBER 19, 1918 THE IRISH STANDARD Stephen H. Horgan is a Southerner State of Minnesota by the Legislature (1530), Napoleon I, Milan, (1805), and RANKS OF THE WORKERS. who finds much philosophy in t^e col­ of 1917, and which, is to be submitted finally Ferdinand I. of Austria, Milan, Whenever a man or woman drops ored brother. He tells of a . olored to the electors of said State at the (1S3S). Ireland Had Food General Election In 191S. out of the ranks of the workers in man who was a sailor on a United On two occasions the Crown was in low or high places, not for disability, M States transport bound for France and PROPOSED AMENDMENT. danger of being lost. In 1273 the Tor- but' because of needless discourage­ % who was taken seriously ill. The doc­ Chapter 515 of the Session Lavs of regiani. the lords of Milan, being in ment or the seeming unfairness of Control In The tor found him to be a Catholic, so the Minnesota l'ur the year 1917, proposes need of money, pledged part of the the world, everyone suffers a bit from Catholic chaplain was sent for to learn an amendment of Article 15 of the Con­ treasury of Monza, and with it the the consequences of that desertion. u this: stitution of said State by adding there« Crown of Iron. But in 1319 it was re­ Middle Ages to a new section to read as follows: Many say they have not the cour­ "You look pretty sick, Sam," said the deemed by Ottone Visconti. Five age. Let them dig for it! Let them chaplain. ""Section 6. The manufacture, years later it was sent to Avignon to sa'c. iwr.fr. sift. d:sj osUion, or the go into the deeps of their souls where •1 "Well, cap, I certainly does feel fu: lii.-hin:,. or transportation, or save it from the fury of the factions. they will find grit' and resolution of The system of food control, put into mighty disagreeable." keeping or h:»vi:i.;- in '^...-.session for It was restored to Monza in 1345 by which they never dreamed. No disease practice throughout a large part of "The doctor tells me you are a TO THE sale, barter, 'iifi. >l;>'i>o;'itirn. or the Europe, parts of Asia, and in some f\ i 5vs. nr tratvportation of in­ Clement VI. of the will is incurable. Some of the of Catholic." to Vi;\:.>r of any U;r..l. it: :tny worst failures in the history of the the American countries, have for their "Well, cap, it"s dis way. I was bap­ quantity whatever, except for sae- purpose the observance of a mandate raniontal. mechanical, sk untile, or ONLY IN JEST. world, the most degraded of mankind, tized a Cat'lic an' if 1's gwine to die I v-'s iru1" "vs rhr.".; * c forever the men and women who have borne observed in many places during the wants to die a Cat'lic, but if I's gwine 1 . .".l. It:.I vi'Jiin this s:-\te from Middle Ages, providing "the common rv i. :* fi " t1-- Irst day o'" .lui.v, "Madame," said the man in the unspeakable suffering, have found out to live I don't want no 'ligion." ihis amendment shall he self- street car, "I know I ought to get up this truth when they summoned first food of poor and rich alike." e T:.e le.-jiol.vt :ro i '.i.ill The long period of the reign of In­ "And," Mr. Horgan adds, "is not that p,, .. j f .I,,, n-v:H of and give you my seat but unfortu­ strength to vitalize the last hope. No OF THE s dividualism is thus being interrupted the way the world is living?" tVIs .-i-cuon aiul shall provide svtit- nately I've recently joined the Sit matter how they did it, whether by aM? p nalt;es for th^ >kluJo-i religion, encouragement or hard think­ by the recognition of the common weal tl.errof." Still Club." ing, they did it. It is a reminder that on the ono hand and by Government i "That's all right, sir," replied the r:::: riin .;.r. »f t'.:. r„ should be on every man's door, and in interference in the matter of the food n: 1» <:> f:»rrv?r woman. "And you must excuse me STATE OF MINNESOTA every man's heart. It is a duly never supply in the same interest on the !•' |V« S'nli" of Mltinrsi:tn after .'«ly ' for staring at you so hard; I am a <'•«* •.!•..n" itv I'nrtrr. to be forgotten. Good work in liveli­ other. Such recognition was one of the By the Legislature at »•>.- tjc fu «r t.'ai'-!- member of the Stand and Stare Club." hood. in education, in service to others, basic thoughts which inspired the tii:<>r :!ie ko?;'.'«K or It;•v!:!^ : She proved herself so active and and in duty to God, consists in homely philosophy and the social order of | r :>v; of stifh iiir-m: • the Middle Ages, and food control, Its General Session, i>* iiit"-'- • t'ns Mi«v«>r of niiy kind !:• conscientious a member that the man words in "being on the job." ;:.i..::y for rnc- Many sneer and call it a platitude, the control of the essential requisites- nny <ji rxc«'|it began to feel uncomfortable under her 1917, to be Submitted r:i.;K tr.ct ..! selentllu' or :»! but you will never hear this opinion for the physical wellbeing of the peo­ .;vjtunc\ gaze. Finally he rose and said: from any man or woman who uses ple. was considered not only a right / T",-f"!ov He commands It. 12 to the People of Said T-:v. ''"'I'y.rT of the |»r<'|i«m«Ml a:-irj» ' "Take my seat, madame; I guess I'll it as a life-motto, from any one who but even a duty by society, and its Vilmot, R. Pale.. Atiprust, 1917. mm;, .a'o;: .o.). *«vi'I 'if to tiutkt' li.* r iiii It :) yeir oUl kir1 had what resign from my club and join yours." succeeded, whether sinner or saint. cliiefest administrative organ, the v •-••".•>d epileptic 11 ts several State at the General 1.. • ;'i:t a:::! fo-ov -r p~ol!'.i»lt >-v:: State. .Many interesting cases might s •> o.iy and also at nlg'ht. We f - ?!ro, Wr.rter. *! I . t:iin«r, bat nothing helped, 1918 Election, To­ fttrrifx.! ins tr.-nspoi taiion or f be cited from the history of Italy and li: 11 i > i'' "iir-tor recommended Pastor Germany to illustrate this point. A K • i l.oi viae. Since she took 6 1 eeiiiiiA 4>r lit iiusnonnio:! £KH- «>l .N-.uii :'ii- ••ises, of iiuoviftu':!';' !li;uo RE LETTERS SHOWING LE SUEUR'S b. ,.K, no more attacks gether with a State­ highly instructive illustration to the ct: , well and hearty now. We there- « :;!iy Uh.ii ia s:n> n n!r'.(cvc same, effect is offered from the his­ f'>io cons I dor the Nervine a blessing c (..it fur lacrninrotn!. iuf<haiii<':i> £u'.' ail au:' :-ers of nervous diseases. ment of Its f 'emi.io (.r lueiiW'iimi |»nr;:«)s«'<, CONNECTION WITH THE I. W. W. GANG tory of Ireland by a contributor to the A. F. Schllesman. Mr- T JTcCord, in Cheyenne, Wy., >.t ::le til'Sor .luiy 1, I'.t.O, mid 1t Irish Theological Quarterly. 112 "West 8th Street, believes that her She j o'vor «»r nil ' lo'iiv- Sean Gall tells us, iir the article rh;i,l would be in the grave if Pastor I:, ivo si rflto:'{.I' t» i.-rvi't the <lu Koc:-ifr'f Nervine had not saved it. Secretary of Nonpartisan League Answers Haywood's Request to mentioned, that in the Ages of Faith because it was bo severely afllicted it y Mil li !'»•<». If iii.'ottli'd. the tloi.t. with fits since about a year, but now o' iny i y «i.e profit'o'lecl at is at Defend Accused I. W. W.—Charges Government tlio primary duty of the Irish cor­ the la well and strong again, (•:!..i Iti'oonios i:i;::nvinl utter July 1 poration was "to control all corn com­ lit'., t'iiio-i; ii :y -n o-i t!:e v:'"* "5 With Making War on "Workers." ing into the town, whether by set or pn ipn A Valuable Book on Ner> fJ-«> lev.!' In'iii-e or ot'.er !«»»f*l!i1ive ImmIv. LiiLL VOU3 Diseases and a Sample iiuietuiitt«'iitf In nuatle Neii-e\t land, to provide daily bread for all r J* ™ Jp bottle to any addreti. Poor pa- A «ii!iy i.-<. Iniweve.-, u;;;'.> it- inhabitants alike." Not merely food­ I tiiiaa tientt alto tfet the medicine free. The letters printed below are a second installment of the Prepared by R*v. Father Kosnio, :i:ro to e >.:r( law? for -!i«' o:>. stuffs liuL practically all imports were M Fort Wayne. IncL. linos 1876, and now by the f(i-< orie.s' jr.". ttor?. If :: <!«j: t correspondence which passed between Arthur LeSueur and put beyond the power of traders not to |i*-o\i<Ie ;t< mtllUn for KOENIG MED. CO, Chicago, I1L Wm. D. Haywood, convicted leader of the I.
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