THE LONDON GAZETTE, 26TH MARCH 1987 4135 Road, Huddersfield, aforesaid as a GROCER and CAFE Regent Street, Stockton-on-Tees, Cleveland TS18 IDF. PROPRIETOR and at 899-901 Manchester Road, Date of Release—3rd March 1987. Huddersfield aforesaid as FISH & CHIP SHOP PROP- RIETOR. Court—HUDDERSFIELD. No. of Matter— HEWLETT, Madeline, Barmaid, of 38 Barnard Road, 18 of 1985. Trustee's Name, Address and Description— Easfflgtan, formerly residing at 2 Railway Terrace, North Official Receiver, 2nd Floor, Savile House, Trinity Skelton in the county of Cleveland, lately residing and Street Arcade, Leeds LSI 6QP. Date of Release—2nd carrying on business as a PUBLICAN at The Angel, 76 March 1987. High Street, Ramsey, Huntington, Cambridgeshire. Court —MIDDLESBROUGH (by transfer from High Court JACKSON, Leslie, Pensioner, residing at The Caravan, of Justice). No. of Matter— 25* of 1985. Trustee's Moorlands Farm, Slaithwaite, Huddersfield HD7 5UZ Name, Address and Description—Official Receiver, Bay- in the county of West Yorkshire. Court—HUDDERS- heath House, Prince Regent Street, Stockton-on-Tees, FIELD. No. of Matter—8 of 1985. Trustee's Name, Ad- Cleveland TS18 IDF. Date of Release—3rd March 1987. dress and Description—Official Receiver, 2nd Floor, Savile House, Trinity Street Arcade, Leeds LSI 6QP. HOARE, David Colin (described in the Receiving Order Date of Release—2nd March 1987. as D. C. Hoare (male)), unemployed of 58 Queen's Road, Linthorpe, Middlesbrough in the county of Cleve- ARMSTRONG, Bryan, 114 Princess Drive, Grantham, Lin- land. Court—MIDDLESBROUGH. No. of Matter—20 colnshire, GENERAL MANAGER. Court—LINCOLN. of 1985. Trustee's Name, Address and Description— No. of Matter—27 of 1984. Trustee'. Name, Address and Official Receiver, Bayheath House, Prince Regent Street, Description—Official Receiver, Sevcms House, 20 Middle Stockton-on-Tees, Cleveland TS18 IDF. Date of Re- Pavement, Nottingham. Date of Release—3rd March lease—3rd March 1987. 1987. JACOBS, Pauline residing at Elton House, Glaisdale, North GRANTHAM, Neil, 115 Fifth Avenue, Grantham in the Yorkshire and lately carrying on business at 168 High county of Lincoln, formerly trading as an ICE CREAM Street, Redcar, Cleveland under the style of "Greens" SALESMAN. Court—LINCOLN. No. of Matter—24 of as a RETAILER of TOBACCO and CONFECTION- 1982. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Official ERY. Court—MIDDLESBROUGH. No. of Matter—17 Receiver, Severns House, 20 Middle Pavement, Notting- of 1986. Trustee's Name, Address and Description.— ham. Date of Release—2nd March 1987. Official Receiver, Bayheath House, Prince Regent Street, Stockton-on-Tees, Cleveland TS18 IDF. Date of Re- LANE, Paul Arthur of 132 Roman Bank, Skegness, pre- lease—3rd March 1987. viously of 12 Aldergrove Crescent, Birchwood Estate, Lincoln, lately trading as Birchwood Car and Cycle MITCHELL Leslie, unemployed, residing at 8 Bulmers Centre, Unit 8, Birchwood Shopping. Centre, Lincoln Buildings, Park Lane, formerly carrying on business at all in Lincolnshire as a CAR SPARES, CYCLE and Hunters Hill Farm both in Guisborough, Cleveland, ACCESSORIES RETAILER. Court—LINCOLN. No. of as a SMALL HOLDER. Court—MIDDLESBROUGH Matter—29 of 1986. Trustee's Name, Address and De- (by transfer from High Court of Justice). No. of Matter scription—Official Receiver, Severns House, 20 Middle —2lA of 1986. Trustee's Name, Address and Descrip- Pavement, Nottngham. Date of Release—3rd March tion—Official Receiver, Bayheath House, Prince Regent 1987. Street, Stockton-on-Tees, Cleveland. Date of Release— 3rd March 1987. WABY, Steven John, of 8 Beck Side, Nettleham, Lincoln, lately residing at 30 Church Street, Ruskington, FARM BUILDING ERECTOR, now unemployed. Court—LIN- SPENCE, Leonard Kelvin residing and lately carrying on COLN. No .of Matter—37 of 1986. Trustee's Name, Ad- business from 26 Pirbright Grove, Hemlington, Middles- dress and Description—Official Receiver, Sevems House. brough in the county of Cleveland, previously carrying 20 Middle Pavement, Nottingham NG1 7EP. Date of on business from 222 Linthorpe Road, Middlesbrough Release—2nd March 1987. aforesaid, as a DENTAL TECHNICIAN. Court—MID- DLESBROUGH. No. of Matter—34 of 1985. Trus- WILKINSON, Peter, of and trading at 27 Redwood Drive, tee's Name, Address and Description—Official Receiver, Cliffs Garden Estate; Brant Road, Lincoln, Lincolnshire Bayheath House, Prince Regent Street, Stockton-on-Tees, LN5 9BN as a SALESMAN. Court—LINCOLN (by Cleveland TS18 IDF. Date of Release—3rd March 1987. transfer from High Court of Justice). No. of Matter— 15A of 1986. Trustee's Name, Address and Description BOOTH, Julian David, unemployed, of 4 Langley Close, —Official Receiver. Sevems House, 20 Middle Pave- Oxclose, Washington in the county of Tyne and Wear ment, Nottingham. Date of Release—3rd March 1987. and lately of 4 Gill Crescent North, Fencehouses, Houghton le Spring, in the county of Durham. Court— WRIGHT, Paul James, Lorry Driver of 19 Charles Ave- NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE. No. of Matter—75 of nue, Scotter, previously residing at 5 Nelson Street. 1986. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Official Gainsborough, lately carrying on business in the name Receiver, 3rd Floor, Westgate House, Westgate Road, or style of Wrights Haulage as a HAULAGE CON- Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE1 ITU. Date of Release—4th TRACTOR from Sands Lane, Scotter. all in the county March 1987. of Lincoln. Court—LINCOLN. No. of Malter—2 of 1986. Trustee's Name. Address and Description—Official Re- BRYCE. Olga Florence, of 210 Garth, 3 Killingworth, ceiver. Severns House, 20 Middle Pavement. Nottingham Newcastle-upon-Tyne in the county of Tyne and Wear NG1 7EP. Date of Release—3rd March 1987. carrying on business under the style of K and W Kit- chens and Windows at 406-410 Westgate Road, Newcastie- CONWAY, Alan, residing and carrying on business at upon-Tyne aforesaid as a KITCHEN RETAILER. Court 67 AJnswor»h Wav. Spencerbeck. North Ormesby. pre- —NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE. No. of Matter—85 of viously residing and carrying on business at 7 West Row, 1985. Trustee's Name, Address and Description—Official Whinney Banks and prior thereto residing and carrying Receiver. 3rd Floor, Westgate House, Westgate Road, on business at 21 Kildare Street, all in Middlesbrough Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE1 ITU. Date of Release—4th in the county of Cleveland under the stvle of "A. C. March 1987. Decorators ". as a PAINTER and DECORATOR. Court —MIDDLESBROUGH (bv transfer frim High Court of COATES, Mervyn Druggan and COATES. Margaret Justice). No. of Matter—11B of 1986. Trustee's Name, Thompson, both unemployed residing at 154 Eastcliff, Address and Description—Official Receiver. Bayheath Spittal, Berwick-upon-Tweed in the county of North- House. Prince Resent Street. Stockton-on-Tees. Cleve- umberland, lately carrying on business: in partnership as land TS18 IDF. Date of Release—3rd March 1987. RETAILERS of FRUIT, VEGETABLES and FLOW- ERS, both at The Market, Berwick-upon-Tweed afore- DA VIES. Gle^n Pe'er. RAMP STOREMAN. residing at said acd at 78A High Street Coldstream, Berwickshire. 4 Hawbeck W?v. Soencerbeck. Middlesbrough and lately Court—NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE. No. of Matter— residing at 2 Lincoln Road, Guisboroueh. both in the 77 "f 1985. Trustee's Name, Address and Description— countv of Cleveland. Cour*—MIDDLESBROUGH. No. Official Receiver, 3rd Floor, Westgate House, Westgate of Matter—13 of 1986. Trustee's Name, Address and Road, Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE1 ITU. Date of Re- Description—Official Receiver, Bayheath House, Prince lease—4th March 1987..
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