. 1876. CONGI-tESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE .. 1843 ing a motion to go into executive session. We cannot get through ative to the protection of the Nez Perce Indian agent in the posses­ with this subject to-day, and it may as well be disposed of hereafter. sion of his agency; which was refer.~:ed to the Committee on Private The PRESIDENT p~·o tempm:e. Does the Sena.tor :from Indiana Ln.nd Claims. ~ield for that -purpose T . WATER LOTS ON EAJ'IT BANK OF THE POTOMAC • . 1\Ir. MORTON. I yield for that purpose. The SPEAKER also laid befure the House a letter from the Secre­ The PRESIDENT p·ro tempm·e. Pending the motion, the Senator tary of W n.r, transmitting the report of the Chief of Engineers on the n·om Texas [1\Ir. :MAxEY] desires to present an amendment. privileges on water lots on the east bank of the Potomac River; Mr. MORTON. Let it be read for information. I desire to hear it. which was referred to the Committee on Expenditures in the War Mr. MAXEY. I move to insert at the end of section 2 the follow­ Department. ing: . DR. D. M. ALLEN. But, if the two Houses fail to agree as to which of the returns shall be counted, then the President of the Senate, as presiding officer of the two Houses, shall The SPEAKER also laid before the House a letter n·om the Secr~­ decide which is the true and valid return; and the same shall then be counted. tary of War, transmitting copies of the papers in the case of Dr. D. M. Allen, arrested in 1862 and held at Camp Chase upon a charge of Mr. MERRIMON. · I ask leave to submit an amendment which I disloyalty; which was referred to the Committee on War Claims. send to the Clerk's desk, and which I ask to have read for infor­ mation. FORTIFICATIONS ON GALVESTON ISLAND, TEXAS. The PRESIDENT p1·o tempore. The amendment will be reported. The ·sPEAKER also laid before the House a letter froi:n the Secre­ The CHIEF CLERIC It is proposed to insert after the word "which" tary of War, transmitting the report of the Chief of Engineers oa in section 2, line 7, the words: House bill No. 2089, to provide for the erection of Ihilita.ry fortifica­ Shall be d11ly authenticated by the State authorities, recognized by and in har- tions on Galveston Island, Texas; which was referred to the Com­ mony with the United States, as provided by the Constitution. mittee on .Military Affairs. So that, if amended, that portion of the section will read: DISPOSITION OF INDIAN FU.I\-r>S. · And that return from such State shall be countoo which shall be llnly authenti­ The SPEAKER also L.'l..id before the House a letter from the Secre­ cate~ hy the State authorities, recognized by and in harmony with the United tary of the Int erior, transmitting the draug_ht of a bill authorizing him States, as provided by the Constitution. as t ru tee of various Indian tribes to deposit certain funds in the The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator from North Carolina Treasury of the United States in lieu of their investment; which proposes to offer this amendment when it shall be in order. was referred to the Uommittee on Indian Affairs. ·Mr. ~IERRIMON. As I wish to submit some remarks upon it, I ask EMPLOYES OF INTERIOR DEPA.RTIIENT. that the amendment be printed. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The amendment will be printed. The SPEAKER also laid before the House a letter from the Secre. tary of the Interior, transmitting, in compliance with section 194 of EXECUTIVE SESSION. the Revised Statutes, the names of clerks and others employed in his Mr. CAMERON, of Pennsylvania. I move that the Senate proceed Department or in any of its Bureaus during the year lt!75, the time to the consideration of executive business. tlley were employed, aud the sums paid to each; which was referred The motion was agreP.d to; and the Senate proceeded to the con­ to the Committee on Reform in the Civil Service. sideration of executive business. After ten minutes spent in execu­ COMMITTEE ON EXPENDITURES IN TREASURY DEPARTMENT. tive session, the doors were re-opened, and (at four o'clock and eight minutes p.m.) tho Senate adjourned. Mr. BRIGHT, by unanimous consent, submitted the following reso­ .. lution; which was read, considered, and agreed to: Resolved, That the Committee on Expenditures in the Treasury Department be instructed to inquire into the management and dispoi!ition of captured and aban­ doned property ; and that said committee be increased to nine members, be au­ thorized to send for persons and papers, and report to this House by bill or other­ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. wise. NATIONAL HO::\fE FOR DISABLED VOLUNTEER SOLDIERS. TUESDAY, ~March 21, 1876. Mr. TERRY, by unanimous consent, from the Committee on Mili­ The House met at twelve o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. tary Affairs, reported back the annual report of the board of man­ I. L. TOWNSEND. agers of the National Home for disabled volunteer soldiers for 18i5, '!'he Journal of yesterday was read, corrected, and approved. and moved that it be printed and r~committed; which motion wa.s agreed to. ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED. YOSEl\llTE TURNPIKE-ROAD COMPAN'f. :Mr. HARRIS, of Georgia, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, 1\Ir. PAGE, by unauimou::s consent, introduced a bill (H. R. No. 27~7) reported t hat the committee had examined ancl found t rnly enrolled grantin.g to the Yosemit~ Turnpike-Road Company right of way bills of the following titles; when the Speaker signed the same : through the public lands for a wagon-road;. which was read a first and An act (S. No. 386) approving an act of the Legi lative Assembly second time, referred to the Committee on Public Lands, and ordered of Colorado T erritory; Au act (S. No.4 9) for the relief of G. B. Tyler and E. H. Luckett, to be printed. assignees of William T. Cheatham; WASffiNGTON, CINCINNATI AND SA.Th'T LOUIS RAILROAD COMPANY. An act (S. No. 490) for the relief of Hibben & Co., of Chicago, Illi­ Mr. JONES, of Kentucky, by unanimous consent, from the Com­ nois; mittee on Roads and Canals, reported a substitute (H. R. No. 2798) An a.ot (H. R. No. 80) granting a pension to Elizabeth B. Dyer, for the bill (H. R. No. 181) to authorize the Washingtou, Cincinnati widow of Alexander B. Dyer, late brigadier-general and Chief of and Saint Louis Railroad Company to construct a narrow-gauge rail­ Ordnance, United States Army; way from tide-water to the cities of Saint Louis and Chicago,-with · An act (H. R. No. 1596) granting a pension to Ruth Ellen Gree- amendments ; which were ordered to be printed and recommitteci. laud; and · THE POTTAWATOl\llE INDIANS. Au act (H. R. No.19 ) to relieve the political disabilities of Robert Tansill, of Virginia. 1\Ir. VAN VORHES, by unanimous consent, from the Committee on Indin.n Affairs, reported back a bill (H. R. No. 160) to make certain DISTRICT JUDGE FOR COLORADO TERRITORY. payments to the Pottawatomie Indians, with a report in writing; The SPEAKER, by unanimous consent, laid before the House a lot­ which was ordered to be printed, and the bill and report recommitted. ter from the Attorney-General, transmitting the original papers in the case of Judge Belford, late district judge of the Territory of Col­ REGULATION OF STEAl\f·VESSELS, ETC. orado, and also in the case of Judge Stoue, of the same district; Mr. REAGAN. I am directed by the Committee on Commerce to which were referred to the Committee on the ~udiciary. report back a bill (H. R. No. 1190) to amend certain sections of titles 48 ancl 52, regulation of comme~ce n.nd navigation and regulation of IMPROVEME.l~T OF ALLEGHANY RIVER, PENNSYLVANIA. steam-vessels, Revised Statutes of the United States, pages 800 and The SPEAKER also laid before the House a letter n·om the Secre- 857, with a substitute, and to move that the substitute (H. R. No . tary of War, transmitting, in compliance with the requirements of 2799) be printed and recommitted. the river and harbor act of l\Iai·ch 3, 1875, a report of the Chief of There was no objection, and it was ordered n.ccordingly. Engineers on the examination of the Alleghany River near Freeport, 1\fr. REAGAN. I now ask that the consideration of the substitute Pennsylvania; which was referred to the Committee on Commerce. be 3et for Tuesday of n ext week and from day to day until disposed of. WAGONS, ETC., -HIRED BY QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTME~T. Mr. HURLBUT. I do not object, if it is not to interfere with the The SPEAKER also laid before the House a letter from the Secre­ appropriation bills; . Mr. REAGAN. We do not ask that it shall interfere with appro­ tary of \Var, tran :; ~uitting a report of the Acting Quartermaster-Gen­ priation bills. eral and accompanying statements relative to clothing, wago~s, &c., hired by the Acting Quartermaster-General; which was referred to The SPEAKER. That is understood. 1\lr. FRYE. There has been an assignment of an important billre· the Committee on Appropriations. ported from the Committee on the Judiciary for Wednesc:lay of next NEZ PERCE INDIAN AGENT. week, and this should not interfere with an assignment already ma.clo. The SPEA.KER also laid before the House a letter from the Secre­ :Mr.
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