MIL-STD-12D29 May 1981 SUPERSEDING MIL-STD-l2C 15 June 1968 MILITARY STANDARD ABBREVIATIONS FOR USE ON DRAWINGS, AND IN SPECIFICATiONS, STANDARDS AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS NO DELIVERABLE DATA REQUIRED BY THIS DOCUMENT naD■ r u .. , .. I I www.ExpressCorp.com HIL-STD-12D 29 Hay 1981 Uf,;t"AKTM.t.NT UI'- DE.l'�NSE Washington, D. C. 20301 Abbreviations for use on Drawings, and in Speciiications, Standards and Tech­ aical Documents. MIL-STD-12D 1. This Miiitary Standard is approved for use by all Depar�men�s and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 2. Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to: Cotn1nander, US Army Armament Research and Develapiiiei'it Coiiiiiiand, ATTN: DRDAR-TST-S, Dover, New Jersey 07801, by using the self-addressed Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426).appearing at the end of this document or by letter. 11 MIL-STD-12D 29 May 1981 CONTENTS Paragraph Page 1 SCOPE----------------------------­--------------------------­ 1 1.1 ---r-s�nne 1 1.2 Application --------------------­ 1 1. 2 .1 Shortwo rds--------------------- l 1.2.2 Field of u se-�------------------ l 1.2. 3 Combining fonn ------------------ l REFERENCED DOCUMENTS-------------- 1 2. 1 General ------------------------­ 1 2.2 Standards ----------------------- l 2.3 Other publications-------------- 2 3 DEFINITIONS ----------------------­ 2 3. i Abbreviations -------=-=====e===- 2 4 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS-------------- 2 4.1 Clarity ------------------------- 2 4.2 Word combinations --------------- 2 4.3 Syntax ---------------------�---- 2 4.4 Capitalization------------------ 4.5" ,:. Punctuation --------------------- 2 ...o ·Revised abbreviations ----------- 2 4.7 Syrrt,ols ------------------------- 3 4.8 Abbreviations used in existing technical documents----------­ 3 5 DETAIL REQUIREMENTS--------------­ 3 5. i List of termS and their abbreviations ----------------­ 5 5.2 Cross reference list of abbreviations -------------- 81 iii MIL-Sr'u-l2D 29 May 1981 MILITARY STANDARD. ABBREVIATIONS FOR USE ON DRAWINGS, AND IN SPECIFICATIONS, STANDARDS AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. The tenns and abbreviations in this standard are limited to those co111110nly used on drawings, and in specifications, standards, and technical documents. 1.2 Aepl1cation. This standard provides a list of abbreviations authorized for use on drawings, and in specifications, standards, and other technical documents. 1.2.1 Short words. Abbreviations of words having five or fewer letters are not included except those established by longstanding practice. 1.2.2 Field of use. Where an abbreviation is intended primarily for a particular field of application, that field is indicated in parentheses following the term, eg, fast operate (relay). 1.2.3 Combining form. Where two abbreviations are listed for the same word, the first applies to the word used alone, while the one designated (comb fonn) is to be used only in combination with abbreviations of other words to fonn an abbreviation for a word combination. ...__ 2. REFERENCED DOCUMENTS 2.1 General. The issue of the following documents in effect on the date of inv1tat1on for bids fonn a part of this standard to the extent specified herein.· 2.2 Standards ANSI Yl0.3-1968 QuantitieJ Used in Mechanics of Solids, Letter Symbols for ANSrYlO� s--i.968 Quantities Used in Electrical Science and Electrical Engineering, Letter Symbols for ANSI Yl0.20-1975 Mathematical Signs and Symbols for use in including Physical Sciences and.Technology ANSI Yl0.20a 1975 ANSI/IEEE STD 260-1978 Letter Symbols for SI Units, and Certain Other Units of Measurement ASTM £380-1979 ���nnA�d for Metric Practice MIL-STD•l2D 29 May 1981 2.3 Other publications. Webster's Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged. Copies of listed Industry Association Standards are available to Military activities through the 000 Single Stock Point, US Naval Supply Depot {NSD 103), 5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19120. Nonmilitary activities may obtain copies from: (ANS I) American National Standards Institute 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018 (ASTM) American Societv for Testinq and Materials 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103 (IEEE) The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. 345 E. 47th Street, New York, NY 10017 3. DEFINITIONS 3.1 Abbreviations. An abbreviation is a shortened fonn or abridgment of a word, expression or phase used to conserve space and time. 4. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 4. l Clarity. Abbreviations shall be used only when their meanings are unquestionably clear to the intended reader. WHEN IN DOUBT, SPELL IT OUT. Abbreviations that are not in conman use and are to be used frequently in a document or where thereis doubt that the reader will understand their meanings, should be clarified when first used: by spelling out the word or complete phrase, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. 4.2 Word combinations. Portions of an abbreviation for a word combination shall not be separated for use singly. Single abbreviations may be combined when necessary if there is no abbreviation listed for the combination. 4.3 Syntax. Unless otherwise indicated herein, the same abbreviation shall be used for all tenses, the possessive case, participle endings, the singular or plural, and the noun and modifying fonns of a tenn. 4.4 Capitalization. Abbreviations included in the left-hand column provide the fonn for use on drawings and documents produced in upper- case characters. The abbr�viations in the right-hand column provide the form required for documents produced in lower-case characters; howP.ver, these abbreviations may be capitalized when required for emphasis. Abbreviations that are capitalized in the right-hand column are a contin­ uation of prior usage and in general are abbreviations for major systems or are recognized as having significant application when used in text. Abbreviations are not listed in the right-hand column for many short words. ,�-•�����"� T�..... ��n�A .at'U"-.., ..,_.,,u,....,sa-nwA ir "•�oaa��v ._.._�•&.,,;;, 161�5"'._..,_••-�...,-....,.,... J rn �hhr�vi�t� �uch terms. the abbre- viation which appears in the left-hand column shall be used except for the s1Jbstitution of lover-case letters. 2 MIL-STD-12D 29 May 1981 4.5 Punctuation. 4.5.l Punctuation marks which do not aooear in this standard shall not be used with the abbreviation of a technical term; however, an abbrevia­ tion spelling a whole word should inc1ude a period if the abbreviation is not obvious to its intended reader. An exception is made for abbrevia­ tions used in computer applications wherein a hyphen(-) may be sub­ stituted for a blank space which appears in an abbreviation. eg. 'seq­ chk' in lieu of 'seq chk'. 4.5.2 Hyphens should be used with adjectival forms of abbreviations and symbols, eg, a 35-mm film. 4.6 Revised abbreviations. Abbreviations in this standard reflect recent changes in the state-of-the-art. 4.7 Symbols. The distinction between abbreviations and symbols is tricky, because it depends upon context, rather thanII form. For example, "the current is 5 amps" and pressure is 3 psi uses of "the 11 are allowable abbreviations, whereas writing "I= 5 amp and "p = 3 psi" are incorrect. Whenever a mathematical operation or sign is involved, such as the equality sign(=) or the division sign(/)� abbreviations cannot be used. a h t l e a e l s m � � ;� !�� po� ; f��/�n'� ����;i;e�h�� �P���; �:i�! }ofZ�wi�; ����- ments are preferred (for example, "the current is 5 A") in lieu of abbrevi­ ations that appear in this standard and shall be used in lieu of abbrev­ iations for terms that do not appear here in: · · a. Chemical Symbols: Webster's Unabridged Dictionary (Tnt��n�tinn�l Tables of Chemical Elements) b. Mathematical Symbols: ANSI Yl0.20 and Yl0.20a 1"1 ..... -+.:+.. � ..-�,.,.,... APJ�T v,n ., .:an.-1 .llNC::T v,n � C. 4ua II L, I '-J JJIIIUU I;;) • nn..,... I I u • .., �IIW �11..,. I I�. 'W d. Unit Symbols: ANSI/IEEE STD 260 e. Metric Practices: ASTM E380 4.8 Abbreviations used in existing technical documents. Unless otherwise specified, any changes or revisions to an existing dr�wing, �p�cificati?n, standard, or technical document prepared under a previous ed1t1on of this standard, may use the latest abbreviations, although the superseded abbreviations may appear elsewhere in the document. 5. DETAILED REQUIREMENTS 3 MIL-STD-12D 29 May 1981 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENnONALLY MIL-STJ>--12.D: 2� May 19�1 �.l L1st of terms and their abbreviations. TER\1 ABBRE\'1.-\TION TER� ABBREVfATION a prop-alfllltng Ianguag9 APL Al'L act1on ti­ A/T ait alJandon ship AaDNSHP abdntl"P acttvate ACTVT ��ac:nnan• ..,..... ABXL ab,cl acttv■tton ana11sts ACTVNANAL t abbMtvtate AHR abbr- activator ACTVT• �,-. aano,...1 AIINL abnl act1ve counteM11easur-es ACM ACM ABT abt acttve eletnent group AEG aeg. aDout aav -�··�� ·�·�-·'--·-ft-­ above AiV ......, .... ,,.,-�. -· ............. �� A!D ate! ■bov• base I tne ASL abl acttve rapeater satelltte ARS ...-s aDove ground level AGL agl acthtty ACT ac:t above -•n sea l•v•I AMSL aasl actual ACTL actl above swa lev•I ASL asl actual ground zero AGZ 89 aat,ov• wAter AV aw actual time over target ATOT atat AIRSV abrsv actuate ACTE .-:ta attrAstve resistant AeRSV RES abrsv r-es actuating ACTG actg absolute ABS albS actuator ACTR actr absolute calling AIS CLC abs c1g adaptation ADAPT -�t .a,solutely essential AH AU adapter AOPTR adptr 9Cll'tpaet1t adapter boost�r AB ao absori,tton ABSORI at,sof"b Adaptive F1tght Control AFCS MCS abstract A8STR abstr Syst... .e.::tod.. tc ACAD acad addencaa ADO add acceler■t• ACCEL accel adder AoOii amr accaler•tor ACLTR acltr addttton ADO add accelerCffleter ACCLRM ■cclra addtttonar ADDL adCSI accept AQ»T ac:pt addittve AOOT ad&tt accept•bt• q,Jal1ty level AQL AQ\. address ADRS acrs acc9')t�bte qualtty test AQT AOT ....,.
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