QUARTERLY SPRING 2007: VOLUME 6: ISSUE 3 Scott Ciafullo is marching with other concerned citizens at a People for Public Schools protest December 15 in St. Louis, Missouri. Features: Special Features: Know Your Rights Part 2: AFT Missouri Letter from the President & Editorial- Involved in Missouri Supreme Court Page 2 Collective Bargaining- Page 6 Time Line of St Louis Public School System Local 691 Member Elected to Missouri Takeover- Page 3 House of Representatives- Page 8 Member News: Teacher Unions are Good for Teachers and good for the Public- Page 5 Holley Smothers Named Regional Art Educator of the Year- Page 4 Intellectual Diversity Debate Comes to American Radio Relay League Grant Awarded Missouri- Page 7 to Don E. Long- Page 3 AFT + Member Benefits: Quarterly is the official newsletter of AFT Missouri, AFL-CIO and published in the spring, summer, fall, and winter. Quarterly is distributed to Education Loans for AFT Families members of AFT Missouri and is available online at www.aftmissouri.org. The Community Advantage—See Ad on Page 4 QUARTERLY: 2 They Care about Elections, Legislative Session An We Care about Children Emotional Rollercoaster By: Joni Smith, Editor By: Scott Ciafullo, President We have heard the anti-public education groups attack AFT If there ever was a year to forget, 2007 may be that year. The Missouri as part of the “education establishment” for many years. legislature started its vicious attacks on public education from They say we fear change. They say we are the problem. the opening bell. Bills ranging from teacher tenure revocation to tuition tax credits/vouchers were introduced with lightening I am always amazed at this rhetoric. Whether the issue is vouchers speed. (or whatever name they give it), breaking up large school districts, consolidating small school districts, merit pay, or any other One such bill, House Bill 808, passed out of committee on the fast type of scheme to dismantle public education, the “education track. This bill was yet another tuition tax credit/ voucher bill that establishment” is always to blame for any type of problem they would take money away from public education. All Children can possibly relate to teachers and staff. Matter had spent a lot of money in Missouri and they needed a vote this year. Well, they got one: a 96- The other side frequently says that the “education establishment” 62 vote against the bill sent it down in thinks they have all the answers to education problems. Perhaps flames. A similar bill has been brought that is because the “education establishment” is composed up in the Senate and I will keep you of teachers and staff who work in the schools and work with posted through the Capitol Report on the students. They are not politicians who need campaign the chances of this bill passing. contributions and who worry about re-election. I I would like to thank all our members Perhaps the most disappointing and blasphemous diatribe I who made phone calls, sent emails, or have heard is that pubic school students follow a straight path to came to Jefferson City to oppose these prison. This propaganda not only underestimates the potential bills that weaken public schools. So of our children, but it also devalues the hard work public school much for the good news… employees put in everyday. In addition, there is absolutely no statistical evidence that could lead a rational person to St. Louis Public Schools have been under attack for several this conclusion. In turn, we must only guess that campaign years. The latest attack is from the State Board of Education. On contributions are the main vehicle that has lead some to reach March 22nd at its regularly scheduled meeting, the State Board this assumption. of Education announced that St. Louis Public Schools would be stripped of its accreditation and governed by a three-member I cannot imagine telling a surgeon how to operate on someone’s transitional board, beginning on June 15th. This move paved the heart. I certainly would never tell a general how to command his way for the state to takeover the district. army. I would be out of line to suggest to an engineer that I have the best method of designing skyscrapers. Because I have no A special committee report suggested removing politics from the training in these areas, I would not attempt to prescribe solutions governance of the school district. With that in mind, why would to correct problems within those fields. the state have the Governor, Board of Aldermen, and the Mayor of St. Louis make recommendations for appointments to the So why would politicians who have no training in the field of transitional board. Career politicians making appointments that education think that they have the answers to problems within the will have a lasting effect on our children cannot equal a positive education system? Why are the legislators who do have training in outcome. education kept off of important committees related to education? Is it because former educators might side with the “education Stanly Archie, the newest member of the State Board of Education, establishment” rather than All Children Matter, the out-of-state stressed that an educational plan must be in place as well as interest group who funnels money to pro-voucher legislators? an exit strategy before the transitional board takes control. His comments were ignored and the vote passed. Governor Blunt has The “education establishment” has frequently suggested already appointed Richard Sullivan, a contractor from Frontenac, research-based education programs such as early childhood to the transitional board (Sullivan must be confirmed by the education, alternative schools for disruptive students, and quality Senate). professional development in addition to restoring Medicaid cuts (since sick children don’t learn as easily as healthy children) and During this entire ill-conceived process, the individuals who work knocking down gender and racial barriers that still persist in our with our children everyday have been shunned from the process. society. The teachers and support staff of Local 420 have never been asked for input. From management teams to a state takeover, The other side has said that they will not support anything our dedicated professionals have continued to educate and care that requires more money. It looks like they are the ones who for our children. It seems to me that if there is a problem in fear change and that obstinate approach to governance is the our schools, we should turn to the trained educators to find the problem. appropriate solution, not a three-member board appointed by politicians. QUARTERLY: 3 Saint Louis Public Schools- Long Receives The Real Story American Radio By: Abdul-Rahiim Ali, Field Representative for the Saint Louis Teachers and School- Related Personnel Union, Local 420 Relay League This timeline of events preceding the March 22nd government takeover of the Saint Louis Grant Public Schools (SLPS) highlights the great strides made by the district to improve the education of its students. Unfortunately, despite these strides the Missouri State Board Don E. Long, an AFT Missouri Member- of Education voted to strip the accreditation of the district and approved a three-person at-Large, has been awarded a grant transitional board to run the district for six years, effectively disenfranchising voters through the American Radio Relay and tying the hands of educators. At the time this issue went to the press, Local 420 was League supplying new amateur radio exploring political and legal options to challenge this takeover. Please continue to visit equipment for the Fort Osage School www.aftmissouri.org and http://mo.aft.org/local420 for updated information. Amateur Radio Club. Mr. Long serves as the Director of Bands at Fire Prairie On the Move - Destination Accreditation (Late 1990’s-2002) Middle School (Fort Osage School District), District Music Coordinator, and In the late 1900’s, the Saint Louis Public Schools (SLPS) moved from a low of 23 accreditation as the Faculty Trustee for the school’s points to only 2 points away from full accreditation. During this period, members of the amateur radio club. Missouri State Board of Education described the SLPS as the “Gold Standard” of how to turn a failing school district around. Downward Spiral-Mayor Slay’s School Board Majority (2003-2006) This time period saw a lack of focus on accreditation. The district suffered a loss of nearly 30 accreditation points. In July of 2006 more than 30% of principals, teachers, and support personnel were not in place. According to a 2006 study by DESE consultant Robert Virgil titled, “Lack of Trusteeship,” millions of dollars of the district’s resources have been wasted. Furthermore, no monies are allocated for Federal/State/Local education mandates (professional development, transportation, etc.) in the 2006-2007 budget. In addition, maintenance backlog mushrooms from $60 million to over $300 million. Photo Provided by: Don Long Stabilization- Course Correction (2006) School board elections in 2005 & 2006 reject the Mayor’s Candidates. In April of 2006, This Education in Technology Program Mayor Slay loses school board majority. Since the appointment of Dr. Diane Bourisaw as Grant provides for not only new amateur superintendent, the district’s downward spiral has stabilized and many indicators are in radio equipment for the school’s amateur a positive direction. The focus of the district has returned to reaching full accreditation. radio station, but also creates an Also the school board adopted a performance-based evaluation process for classroom opportunity for instructors throughout teachers. the building to schedule the use of the station as a wireless communications Regarding financial concerns, the district begins enjoying responsible trusteeship.
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