■*sv ' f, ‘ MvrA•TOtm L r,pi;ANUAEf • Jd:- AYungn Dally Net 1 The Wealher *~y-. Far toe Week Itoft tenary 8,1686 Fair, colder tonlgtat, Itm 18- 20; aome eloadtoeae, lathiMr aalR wm%. '•'B m MMMktM. aM ra OC'iM. SeawMtiial R iig Bflddbo^ jSdw^.nj&iirA^ 14,577 tamorrow, blgb araimtf 89, ibi lUsyofls Deocribc^l^ fl|a todd<j " - I 4K ttUt 1^ S»**® ■ ManehaUar • A City of ViUaga Charm i^.«fk^ ■«iiL«i»>BKhT- jnf Sfchiidfcw, i o < it # !M ., TtmioA. ■ IT ^W ^ MW. mchMl -Mto «f» «rve Jobte^ Qaioto (Ctoaaittod Adverttoing 00 Page 18) PRICE SEVEN CENT! ia im M IT-'.*. ( EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRTOAY, JANUARY 14, 1966 «^«n «*.' '«h* ■•• ■■ V WnanuleyniiBilt* oowpiaialdion; *TMm a fMetesIty 8»’8'd90»- YDL.LXXXV,N0.88 Wert in Maacliaatar but radva art ia tha prtifNaa ;ef H(SUt«aSudan ndaa<^ ' MSihbsn'' -tlie '. weak wee atoaonalty by 20 iWr tqg litahtog.” Mbs Jkhatto 1*. at h ^^ortaJu. Maa. MaM WlaWlla, ftar- pite ehtondtba 49^ tw% ooaat>to* ■ marigr .at MaiWiaataf, M n^' cent, aecordtos to a nBotC la- PVasar o f M m ebe4ter . t0ld .an lutnbad laidtt ttajortnc in Uant a* : ahed by the SWte ijJbor Xh-, aodiaaoa of about 80 yesleeday. What Happened aOimdlan, lOaa R miiMbI and napaeta to at .tba'-T’W«dmndey--.Daasaft portoMnt.>^to4W cd:1^ pad|im s&nsssjpfi................... mamber ot Caaeor^ then thWagfc n « t week. • Berifto;’ a t'tba ' OttoimawWy ;T J . la WASHINOTON (AP) — Chturdi Cbtitx be- v-— m ed . -wtaitna.. durtojr' ■ ■ rWato Whatever happened to Hu­ Lindsay Defends Pact GnMln^ up boBUf t o h ^ ^dtaBb* m a y 4M)|HUst coUatti. v r w AnxUtnry ndS aponaor ended jian 8, an inenMne a t nig lioiol^ and bnUftof wit bert H. Humphrey's acbed- — _ a card paity tomdmnr at 8 ' IM over tM totala tor the pro- a major aedvity,- the madk- uled speech cn “Whatever vtoua week. OiSbSrSSS^ pjn, at the poet honet er saM aha tought sgnkMt in-' :8jim iV,_:...,....j„............ Happened to Hubert Hum- Durhif the ootveapoodins pa- Ohuieh WM ' meet . ^-i-. volvsment, but lost 'filie' to A IdireyT’’ rtod ittt:mt year, looal daima to- the Robbina <}ailM«e and reWae pldny. toU-thfis entfto, artist and tsa- Wen, the 'Vice president weh. ASen taled 1.8M. had to go to New DeUii, In- cemplaMa totaled «MiIy' 86 *»f XAat week's Manftliestor ctasr sflth'dlasse4'6f se)kiM [onieii amjiaemmt edttor tor shidtaito n(I;!adul|s'to diA to attend the funeral of In Strike Settlement the weA ended ilfult Saturday, crease, as weO w a teoWespoad- ' Thnea, will apeak India’s Prime Minister Lai iwwwyung' to B/ rdpoit Usued by iiig inrarehse tlirougbout 'the bury, Vast Outlord, t o Flotatea^ Myto or PUbUc Wbiha ©Irector Waltor Wtadsor'and Itenaliester.. - - ■ Bahadur Shastri, and could state, vtoS Attributed to ooo- u m not make it to the Winnen’s • meeting ia op*B ‘ FUas. O* the total caHa, ,26 were Drive Chaimum G Spe^iker When ba radred her fattasr, UAuad layodfli to tkd oousUwo- . *tl!8jRied.,.'Otofi^ 'WopFB-: National Press Club dtoner a of the ctmrcb. tor aklpa, aeveh tor cans hot re­ ThrBeiir^ . Kenneth tU Guetad^ B etiy FriUMr, niiii^s am Atty. John S. O. Rottner is tton industry gnd'.to IRW^-cnd, Thursday. turned to back yarda, and three s ^ pastor at Calvary Chtnxdt,' w Ih jieiHisn; A g r e e m e n t oo-ohairmiyi of a Mancbeator tootosy toventocy4alriBf -sl|ut> cuttte hiiid^ to'.totod’ bi'^ <Mt So the pres club put a big Chd> at mtfand- ware tor mtaceOaneous reaaona. .Aiispn»mB,d< God, la atatod to^ s t i ^ wtMrit'bkilh^'iiWd'in meeil ^ eaniinlttea for S t ^ W Xfenyll 01 ^ question mark on his empty Dncna meeta to- appewr art the second meeting rug miaktog. Her'mother then the Maaonio Boiids formed to' laundi the CMatoow filed sfeatowMe rtoe of the series ‘V eet Tour Ohunch seat at the head table, and Called Best by 8,i02Jast wsek to a total at became interested to mskby bualtiam meet- 19M larael Bond drive in this Nelgli|bony* on Sunday firom 7 Mioiiday ad 8 p m . ia> the rs-' a number of pinch-hlt speak­ Pillilic Record SOAdd^ far bekwr the 40,486 nigi sod. I^esigi^' rag . pat­ ers filled in for him. gtven ooM a- area. Rabbi I-eon Wind of Teiti- to 8 pm. at Community Bap- terns. The funU^ now oonAiisto .cipttdnjMiH'.-af'lht .olhKtK.'’ . , F o r P u b lic riakna reported tor llto corres- ust Oburcb. Their topic: "Whatever be­ Qnltolaim Deede ple Beth Sholom is honorary pcodtog period kuit year. a thriving bpaipw at. their aim ' (i6aalllb6ri'‘'^'''W came of Hubert Humphrey?” Hie guest pastor wU dls- NEW YORK (AP) — C*«ertM J. Schaub to NelUe chairman of the committee. New Haven led the Mate hut' dio workabc^ ,ae^;Harttord CWitoM o f United O ton to -A dupUoate bttdge game w _ cuSB ttie origto and progresa of ‘ih the poorly, h e a ^ jh^ea en gdk present-, the ' prdgtam. 2« HOUk SiRVl^ The wage package that got b a p la y ^ tom orrew n t8pm .In Schaubj two parcels, off HlUs- His. George R. Sandals Is co- week w l^ 4,855 . rietans, and was fottowed by Watetbuty Ms church as a new chmoh to of the p a ^ 'mRa; were needed BarttoipMtlfig'niMldMto ato^Kia^ AlitdMATIC New York’s transit system the upetaim' dining room at ^^n RA, chairman with Atty. Rottner. iMOnchester. The church was or­ to keep the laet'Ws^.,Ti>dayt DoitoTtorrelit,’Mto;Rs|ito iFtiSnlc,- back on the track is de­ Oommuidty T , TO N. School .Robert ty. Zaaut to lioma H. The Israel Bond Dttoe will 1m ' wMh 4AU , Bridgeport iaUb 4,- ganised to 1964, two years af­ Excise Tax 136, and Hhritord wMh 2,766. ruga m ay be purely decoiadve M rk Hcrirand {iitoinsnid. K m - scribed by President John­ a t RegiatradioBa w « be-taken Zeaut, property at 41 Dougber- opend Simday, Jan. 28'at 8 pm. ter the estahHaiinient of Com­ 9wiV|NHFfl9 at Temple Beth Sholom with a IbuMhester Tanked 16th or m iy oemMne funedOns," Thomas Bfiita sn d Nios. Abram son as inflationary, but TdS. Ihe game la aponeored ty St- munity Baptiist Church in the the speaker said. She alao ex- Sangroy. ' 4 4 3 . 2 4 4 4 - by the Mhneheater YVUOK and Idin dessert aupper. The Informal among the statoa 20-otftoSa. It same area of town. Attacked by Mayor John V. Lindsay supper will have. as Its theme bad been 14tfa tba week betore. plainM that the use at modem A ' jBlm.’ '^^#|»dV ’'*Tlbtto«. II open to the ixM to., fDaaM Brduia agataut Gaorge -------- . —■ |. .1 I r ' A coffee hour to scheduled equipment for holdtog riig says settlement of tha w— K. Convdtae, pmperty at 52 the 1066 marking, of larael’a OInnph W cfi^ .Ak Wbek" wV 18th year of independence, the after the program. bmTdS' or hurtoy tor booktog also be'.showB. , G M , A T & T strike was in the public in­ ■be. Sadrtek Stmugban, past Wadsworth S t, $1,191A6. BPROra MANiarVERS 18 being identified by the He­ HALIFAX, N A. (AP) — Four-r and Jlor turahs edgw .;q^ fabric HoHM CtoMb wfiTlM t o d b i m te re st. dWtitot deputy prealdent of Sun- Manlage UMnee brew word “chai,” which also teen Canadian navy ataipB from men wiH take prt in the assmal strips, produces far joMm dur­ of fSHonahip and Sdgar CU^ NEW YORK (AP) — The Johnson crltiiclzled the settle Heibeloali luidge, is financial Vincent Jason Villa Jr., 140 ment os exceeding the vohm- igt means life. the east and west ooaata, pat- spring exerciaee to the Carib­ able tiige ftoex. cie wM be to charge « tans- world’s two bdggeet corpora­ aacretaxyof aninataUattonteam Loomla S t, and Patricia Rob­ 10 tary national wage-^wlce guide rri planea and, more Ihiin KhOO bean area. Mias Firaaw.gavB,iA;'demon- pkaJIty. 3 5 7 BROAD STREET tions, General Motors and ot past nOUe grende tor Dla- erta, 583 Hartford Rd. Members of a bond drive ex­ lines recommended by govern­ tikt 18 of the Rebehnh ecutive committee are Atty. American Telephone & Tele­ ment economic adviserB to pre BnlldiBg Pecmlts Philip Bayer, Mrs. Julius Fra- graph, expressed displeasure apmldy at Ooonectiaat. To Frederick N. Knofla for vent an inflationary i^lral. dln, Dr. Robert Kama, Atty. Detectives Hold Wonld-Be Kidnapers’ Guns and Masks today with President Johnson’s Cleon Chapman, alternations to Arnold Klau, Gerald Okrant, proposal to restore excise taxes ‘T do not believe that any eeb> dwelling at 52 Strickland St, Mrs. Jay B. Robinson, Dr. Mer­ on automobiles and telephone tlemenit (hat vlolatea (he gu ide 6900. posita to (his extent Is in the na­ rill Rublnow, Jacob Sandals, service. BIKE - TRIKE To D ft K Demolition, for Saul SUveratein, Mrs. Sanol L. K . Firestone Target GM said restoration would be tional interest,” he said at a Charles Schnler et al, demolish Solomon and Mrs. Robert Stoiie. “unfortunate.” AT&T said it news conference Thursday in REPAIR SHOP a 2-car garage, a 5-car garage, State of Israel Bonds are the “regretted” the President’s Washington. 88 WIndaor Ave., Rockville and a dwelling at 1127 Tolland Jewish state’s main source of proposals but recognized the Mayor Lindsay—the man wtw New Bicydee—'Veed l^ke., 8200. investment capitol and are sold nation’s need for additional rev­ had been in the middle during Td.
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