V The Prince Rupert Optimist Daily Edition. iOL. I, NO. 7 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, MAY 9, 1910. PRICE. FIVE CENTS If that be true, then, he who waited hearts of the people. And what more i upon his people must have at the same than thisspeaks more strongly the assur- THE ROCKS LAID BARE ING GEORGE V. ; time waited upon the Lord, and if such anceof peace to the world!. ; reasoning holds good may we hope and An eloquent tribute to the place he This Is the Season for Low Tides— j believe that he was often among those occupied in the hearts of the people who waited upon his God. And may we is given in the fact that he alone of Foreshores and Rocks That See jl'he New Monarch Commences Official Duties To-day— not be mistaken in our hopes when we the sovereigns of the world, could the Air for the First Time in The World's Peace—Funeral Will Be Friday, believe in the closing scenes of life travel abroad in safety without an armed Seven Years. he was.not only borne on eagle's wings, escort. May 20—Carrington is Lord but clear, when he said "I think I The uncertainty of the hour may bring have.done my duty." And since the to many privation and suffering; but This is a year of extreme low tides. High Chancellor. Lord of all the earth makes no mis­ years ago the present crisis would have And the particular season when old Nep­ takes, may this dispensation of his plunged the nation into civil war. tune will reveal some seldom seen providence so affect the internal How devoutly we ought to thank God stretches of his habitat is pretty nearly condition of the Empire and the gen­ for the changed conditions !. The easy due.. London, May 9,—The spirit of his favour and the British are already eral weal of the world that we, as iitish fair play towards the King optimistic that the reins are in another passing of the present crisis may large­ Last year was one of the freak tides, British subjects, and representatives ly account for the more remote parts but this summer there will be a laying tout to ascend the throne has brought firm hand. King George is thoroughly of the outside world as our sympathizing ilout a truce between the political English, much more so than his father, of the Empire being less deeply affect­ bare of mud flats and foreshore such as brethren may be able to say "Not ed; this, however, is a greater reason there will not be seen again to quite such ^ders of all parties. The House of which fact is thoroughly appreciated my will but Thine be done: the Lord Ads issue has been shelved for a year. by his subjects. for a truer expression of grief. And to­ a marked degree for another seven years. hath given, the Lord hath taken away, night the Methodist church in Prince For tides on this coast run in cycles of ipg George was proclaimed King this blessed be the name of the Lord." (jrning when he rode with heralds, The Funeral Arrangements. Rupert unites with her sister churches seven years—and even at that no two Iteuivants and knights of the Garter, in rendering this reward of tribute to years are quite the same. The body of the late king was Viewed Rev. Father Bunoz. the great and beloved. Commencing to-day and continuing w>rted by Lifeguards, all in a gorgeous by the old servants on Saturday, and iftoply, to Temple Bar, where they Very Rev. E. M. Bunoz, O. M. J., At St. Andrew's Hall for several days alter that there will be is probably closed from mortal eyes in the Catholic Church on Sunday morn­ some low tides that will show many a are received by the Lord Mayor in Owing to the absence of Bishop Du by this time. There will be no lying ing during his sermon said among other bare spot seldom uncovered. These will 8 robes of office. Vernet, who was in Metlakatla, the in state. things, "We are lamenting the death not be the lowest tides of the year, how­ expected report of the pulpit comments The proclomation was read by the King George and his court have of our king. The king, for us, is the ever. They will go about six inches be­ in St. Andrew's Hall cannot be given (frd Mayor. A herald reads the pro- moved to Windsor. embodiment of the temporal power low extreme low springs—and that is to-day. amation at Temple Bar and rising It will be awkward if ex-president of that special system of government pretty low. his saddle challenges an opponent of Roosevelt turns up for the funeral. which rules over the destinies of that But the real low ones will start about ^ng George to declare himself. It As a private citizen he cannot appear Empire of which Canada is a part. Our OFFICIAL PROCLAMATION. Monday, June 6, and for about a y/pr'a B custom of a thousand years which in the procession amoung royalties, loyalty is all the more firm because it after that there will be occasions when s been faithfully carried out. and as an |ex-president he cannot be rests, not in blood or sentiment, but George V. Proclaimed King This as much as approximately two feet be­ relegated to the tail end. In the event The Funeral. on principle, on conscience and faith. Morning. low extreme low springs will be laid bare. of his coming he will probably not We p,iy obedience and respect to the Early in August again there will be appear in the procession, but go straight I King George is anxious not to spoil king, for such is the command of God London, May 9,—George V was more receding of the waters that cover to a seat in the building. i'hit Monday, a holiday of the lower and when a king is fair to all, and proclaimed king at nine this morning. the face of the earth in this particular Most of the crown heads of Europe passes, and wants the funeral to take endeavours to give a just government Seven thousand troops lined the route. corner of the globe. They will not go •ijiace on Saturday instead of the follow- are likely to attend the obsequies. to all his subjects, we add to our loyal­ Funeral May 20. quite as low as in June, but on a couple ijjjjg Tuesday, but the date is still un- Queen Sends Thanks. ty in this regard, feelings of gratitude of days they will go several inches be­ iijartain. and love. King Edward, whose death London, May 9,—The., funeral of low the level of low springs. Vancouver, May 9,—Knollys cables we are lamenting, was one of those. We King Edward has been fixed for Friday, Along in September, and also late || The burial will be at Frogmore, where Queen Alexandra's thanks for the con­ ; must, therefore, unite with the wave of May 20. in October there will be a few more ;: !irince Albert and Queen Victoria are dolences from the Presbyterian Synod jpterred. sympathy in mourning that sover­ six-inch tides which will cause practically of British Columbia, now in session eign of the British Empire and applaud Lord Carrington, who was mention­ The coronation will probably take no current on those occasions. But here. to the high tributes and praises that ed as the possible Governor General •'• lace six months hence. otherwise the tides will behave them­ The Mayor and Japanese consul are paid to his dear memory." of Canada, has been appointed Lord selves fairly regular for the balance of The World's Peace. have sent messages of sympathy per the High Chamberlain. the year. Dominion authorities. Rev. C F. Connor. This morning between 7 and 8 the Kaiser William of Germany says he The criminal assize court adjourned The British nation has, this week, DEVELOPMENT WORK. tide was almost zero. To-morrow it id his late uncle, King Edward, here in the middle of a murder trial. been called upon to pass through an will be lower. inpe to a perfect understanding The jury was discharged. experience which has both startled fcis life to maintain the peace of the A public memorial service day has Coal Mine Owners Went Up Morris and stunned it. aild. King George has made a declara- been declared by Mayor Taylor. It will River to Develop Coal Mines. The Ellis Lumber Co. Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, to follow in his father's footsteps. It be held in Recreation park on the day ascended the throne left vacant by Mr. E. W. Chandler of Vancouver, produced a strong impression in of the funeral. f the death of his mother the late, much Messrs. F. M. Dockrell of Vancouver, arrived on the Princess Royal and left beloved, Queen Victoria, in 1901, as T. E. & Mrs. Jefferson of New York, to-day on the Port Simpson for the Ellis Lumber Co's camps at Kitselas and SPECIAL PRAYERS SAID people that his good old mother Queen Edward VII. At that time unpleasant H. L. Hawkins of Seattle, C. D. Sellers vicinity. It is rumored that Mr. ("hand­ Victoria did. Different reasons could I rumors were circulated about his manner of Black Diamond, Wash., and Howard le r has purchased Mr Ellis' interests be given, reasons which need not be of life and the nation feared, in silence, Sanford of Los Angelos, arrived on the in the lumber company and will con­ all the Churches for the Royal remembered or mentioned now.
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