March 10, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1367 62 percent, and it is not indexed for in- should strive with every fiber of our Emergency Medical Services Memorial, the flation. So we know what the expo- beings to help these longtime beacons annual National Emergency Medical Serv- nential growth in that tax will become of our economy, which is going to give ices Memorial Service, and the families of for small businesses. That is an exam- hope to all Americans. What they de- our fallen EMS personnel; Whereas ‘‘Flight for Life’’ in Colorado was ple. Ten months does not make a pol- serve is to see action that will create founded in 1972 as the first civilian-based hel- icy of certainty with respect to tax re- the kind of certainty, give them the icopter medical evacuation system estab- lief. kinds of resources that they deserve, lished in the United States; We need to provide continuity of that and do it in a fiscally responsible man- Whereas ambulance systems in Colorado policy with respect to tax relief, and ner. provide care and transport to approximately small business expensing is certainly 375,000 residents and visitors each year; f part of it. We can expand the loan lim- Whereas approximately 60 percent of the li- its under the SBA’s programs, and 7(a) SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS censed ambulance services in Colorado are staffed by volunteers that serve the vast and 504 already demonstrated they can rural and frontier communities of Colorado; work. They did work in the year in and which we expanded those programs. It SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLU- Whereas the life of every person in the has been demonstrated nationwide and TION 53—RECOGNIZING AND CON- United States will be affected, directly or in- certainly conclusively in my State. So GRATULATING THE CITY OF directly, by the uniquely skilled and dedi- why not move expeditiously to address COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO, cated efforts of EMS personnel who work those issues? AS THE NEW OFFICIAL SITE OF bravely and tirelessly to preserve the great- Finally, we can pay for it. We can re- THE NATIONAL EMERGENCY est resource in the United States, the people: MEDICAL SERVICES MEMORIAL Now, therefore, be it direct the stimulus. I think that is the Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- most conservative, effective approach SERVICE AND THE NATIONAL resentatives concurring), That the Congress to paying for this legislation because, EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES recognizes and congratulates the City of Col- after all, if we have only spent 30 per- MEMORIAL orado Springs, Colorado, as the new official cent of the appropriated funds under Mr. BENNET (for himself and Mr. site of the National Emergency Medical stimulus and only 37 percent overall of Services Memorial Service and the National UDALL of Colorado) submitted the fol- Emergency Services Memorial. the stimulus, we may not even spend lowing concurrent resolution; which f $600 billion at the end of this year; we was referred to the Committee on the need to spend it now. That is the point, Judiciary: SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLU- is spending it now. What are we wait- S. CON. RES. 53 TION 54—RECOGNIZING THE LIFE ing for? OF ORLANDO ZAPATA TAMAYO, There is no question that there is a Whereas in 1928, Julian Stanley Wise founded the first volunteer rescue squad in WHO DIED ON FEBRUARY 23, 2010, sense of despair across the landscape in the United States, the Roanoke Life Saving IN THE CUSTODY OF THE GOV- looking at the unemployment numbers. and First Aid Crew, and Virginia subse- ERNMENT OF CUBA, AND CALL- We are not creating jobs; we are losing quently took the lead in honoring the thou- ING FOR A CONTINUED FOCUS jobs every month. Albeit it has im- sands of people nationwide who give their ON THE PROMOTION OF INTER- proved in terms of the number of jobs time and energy to community rescue NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED lost, the fact is, we need to create mil- squads; HUMAN RIGHTS, LISTED IN THE Whereas in 1993, to further recognize the lions and millions of jobs in addition to UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF offsetting the new entrants into the selfless contributions of emergency medical service (referred to in this preamble as HUMAN RIGHTS, IN CUBA market every month. We have a 9.7- ‘‘EMS’’) personnel nationwide, the Virginia Mr. NELSON of Florida (for himself, percent unemployment rate. That Association of Volunteer Rescue Squads, Mr. MCCAIN, Mr. KERRY, Mr. MENEN- means we have to get to work, and the Inc., and the Julian Stanley Wise Founda- DEZ, Mr. DODD, and Mr. LEMIEUX) sub- only way we can do that is helping tion organized the first annual National mitted the following concurrent resolu- small businesses, and the only way we Emergency Medical Services Memorial Serv- tion; which was referred to the Com- ice in Roanoke, Virginia, to honor EMS per- can do that is to put these initiatives mittee on Foreign Relations: to work before the Easter recess. Let’s sonnel from across the country who died in S. CON. RES. 54 not delay and defer. We have time to do the line of duty; Whereas the National Emergency Medical Whereas Orlando Zapata Tamayo (referred it now. It has broad unanimous support Services Memorial Service is the annual me- to in this preamble as ‘‘Zapata’’), a 42-year- in the Small Business Committee. morial service to honor all air and ground old plumber and bricklayer and a member of There is no reason we cannot accom- EMS providers, including first responders, the Alternative Republican Movement and plish this goal now. search and rescue personnel, emergency the National Civic Resistance Committee, I appreciate the majority leader’s in- medical technicians, paramedics, nurses, and died on February 23, 2010, in the custody of dication and commitment that he will pilots; the Government of Cuba after conducting a bring a small business package to the Whereas the annual National Emergency hunger strike for more than 80 days; floor. I urge the leader and I urge all Medical Services Memorial Service captures Whereas on February 24, 2010, the Foreign Members of the Senate to support national attention by annually honoring and Ministry of Cuba issued a rare statement on remembering EMS personnel who have given the death of Zapata, stating, ‘‘Raul Castro doing that before the Easter recess be- their lives in the line of duty; laments the death of Cuban prisoner Orlando cause we need to adopt it now, not Whereas the annual National Emergency Zapata Tamayo, who died after conducting a months from now, because people de- Medical Services Memorial Service is de- hunger strike.’’; pend on these jobs. There is uncer- voted to the families, colleagues, and loved Whereas Reina Luisa Tamayo has asserted tainty, and people are looking on their ones of those EMS personnel; that her son Orlando Zapata Tamayo was Main Streets in their communities, and Whereas the singular devotion of EMS per- tortured and denied water during his incar- what are they seeing is trouble. They sonnel to the safety and welfare of their fel- ceration and has called ‘‘on the world to de- are wondering whether the hardware low citizens is worthy of the highest praise; mand the freedom of the other prisoners and Whereas the annual National Emergency brothers unfairly sentenced so that what store is going to stay open, or the bar- Medical Services Memorial Service is a fit- happened to my boy, my second child, who bershop. That creates either certainty ting reminder of the bravery and sacrifice of leaves behind no physical legacy, no child or or uncertainty; that is what creates ei- EMS personnel nationwide; wife, does not happen again’’; ther despair or hope. Whereas EMS personnel stand ready 24 Whereas Zapata began a hunger strike on So I hope we would move and that we hours a day, every day, to assist and serve December 9, 2009, to demand respect for his would move with a sense of urgency people in the United States with life-saving personal safety and to protest his inhumane with respect to small businesses. If we medical attention and compassionate care; treatment by the prison authorities in Cuba; are depending on them, then we have Whereas the National Emergency Medical Whereas according to his supporters, Za- to get to work now. There is no reason, Services Memorial Service Board sought and pata was denied water during stages of his selected a new city to host the annual Na- hunger strike at Kilo 8 Prison in Camagu¨ ey, no rationale, no excuse for not taking tional Emergency Medical Services Memo- was then transferred to Havana’s Combinado action in this Chamber in this Congress rial Service; del Este prison, and was finally admitted to that can be signed by the President and Whereas the city of Colorado Springs, Col- the Hermanos Ameijeiras Hospital on Feb- that we can move forward on. So we orado, was chosen to host the National ruary 23, 2010, in critical condition, where he VerDate Nov 24 2008 02:29 Mar 11, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G10MR6.048 S10MRPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with SENATE S1368 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE March 10, 2010 was administered fluids intravenously and (4) supports freedom of speech and the According to Human Rights Watch, died hours later; rights of journalists and bloggers in Cuba to ‘‘Cuba remains the one country in Whereas on February 25, 2010, Freedom express their views without repression by Latin America that represses virtually House condemned the Government of Cuba government authorities and denounces the all forms of political dissent.
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