.' 1932 TIle Studelils' Voke for OYer 50 Yeaa * * * 19M * Vol. 54 No.3 September 30, 1986 Dean Golub School of Education Resigns. Reorganized By NEERAJ VOHRA By. ANDREA E. BENT Lester Golub, dean of the School of Education since 1983, resigned Baruch College has established a Previously, the School of Educa­ from his' position effective June newly organized School of Educa­ tion consisted of two departments 3Oth,- 1986, according· ·to .. Paul tion and Educational Services by and 28 faculty members. Now, LeClerc, provost and vice-president .. administratively grouping· the there are five departments, 87 facul­ for academic affairs. Baruch College Library, the ty members and one unit. Patricia M. Kay, Golub's Department of Compensatory Pro­ academic assistant, took over as the grams, the Department of Student Patricia M. Kay, who was ap­ acting dean on July Ist, Personnel Services and the Conti­ pointed acting dean of the new School of Education and Educa­ Golub has since "requested a one nuing Studies Program with the ex­ ..., year leave of absence" from isting School of Education. tional Services in July, said that one Baruch, said LeClerc, and is cur- . The move to incorporate these of the factors influencing the rently the dean of the Institute for departments into the School of change was the increasing attention Teaching and Educational Studies Education was first discussed in on education across the country. at Adelphi University in Long 1984, said Provost Paul Le Clerc. "We will see in a few years more Island. He said the decision for the move students developing interest in Neither LeOerc nor Kay would M.B.A. INTERIM was approved by the Board of education as a course of study," speculate on Golub's reasons for Trustees in the spring of this year and she said. According to Kay, there resignation, and Golub could not be Offered at BUDGETS that the respective departments has already been recruitment in reached for comment. knew about the change .before the conjunction with the Department According to LeClerc, a seasch Farm!ngdale ALLOCATED summer break. of Education. She said that incom- committee will-be fOimed soon to According to Le Clerc, the pro­ By CAITLIN MOLLISON B)' USDA DYAL posal to form the newly organized school was initiated by the Depart­ Baruch is offering an M.B.A. The Day Session Student ment of Education. "The problem degree in conjunction with SUNY Government sent out annual letters Farmingdale, according to Francis we faced was that Baruch had two to student club presidents inform­ giant schools and one tiny school. CotmeDy, dean of the School of ing them of their interim budget for We wanted the Department of Baasiness and Pubic Administtabon. the current semester. The amount Education to be a real school. A &lThe program is broken- down decided upon by the Finance Com­ department that has compatible Comu~llL ure--i-~~~~~~~~~~l&JlQ...J.ujm+-~~~~LQQ~aA....iJWL:~UI.lalC...to " said 1 __....._ ·-quired OOUF5eS·wbicb WilLbe.taken ··T9Fres,-DSSG tl-easW'er... 4iRQ..~ot ~ems- .as....the ... other ._. at Baruch, and major and elective Torres said that the interim schools." courses to be completed at Farm­ budget is always a fixed amount Before the change, the Baruch ingdale." which is deducted from the regular College Library, Department of The degree is being offered in budget allocated to each club. Compensatory Programs and the trimesters as either a full-time two­ Department of Student Personnel ~I year program, or a part-time four­ "The 5200 is automatic." he said. ''Once the budgets are approv­ Services were administratively year program. Students opting for located in Baruch's School of Patricia M. Kay, ........ of die the two-year program will be carry­ ed it is- substracted from that - amount." Liberal Arts and Sciences. , School of EcbIcatioa aDd EdacatIoIIaI ., ing 6 credits- a trimester for a total According to Martin Stevens, '. According to Torres, clubs are \p' Senkes. of 18 credits a year. dean of the School of Liberal Arts The program was initiated by generally satisfied with the amounts fmd a neW dean for the School of allocated to them, although he add­ and Sciences. the purpose of the and Connelly who contacted CUNY change was twofold: "It will Education Educational Ser­ ed that there are always some com­ -, vices. LeClerc will chair the com­ Farmingdale, and SUNY Old give the School of Education a i plaints. ing freshmen who were given a Westbury with this idea. larger constituency, which is mittee and hopes to have candidates form to fill out checked off a box for the position by "early spring." "We chose Farmingdale because desirable and ofneed if it is to be of which indicated that they were in­ The committee will give Joel it is located tnree miles from the equal weight as the other schools," terested in the School of Education. Segall, president of Baruch College, population center of Long Island, and the School of Education should which is a commercial area, so there the names of three candidates. be involved with educational SCI'­ "A committee has been put are more office and technical ac­ Segall will meet with the candidates vices such as the library and together to address transfer tivities available for the students and make the final appointment. Student Personnel Services. students about the benefits of the nearby." Kay said that she would "pro­ Stevens said it was conceivable new School of Education and bably" make a formal application Currently, there is a total of 60 that some people in the departments students, all from Long Island, Educational Services." said Kay. for the job. ~ might have preferred to remain with She said the change would help enrolled in the program which "Insiders can have advantages or the School of Liberal Arts. Some began this semester. The program serve students better and that the disadvantages" in applying for the departments might have "preferred was conducted through the Baruch school would have more input into job, said LeClerc. "If they're doing to stay because they feel they are Office of Admissions and students instructional programs. a good job, it would help their more directly related to the School were accepted if they met the admis­ case." LeClerc added that he was of Liberal Arts and SCiences, " sions criteria. "pleased" with Kay's performance he said. (Continued on Page 4. Co/.J) so far. Connelly said that Baruch faculty Kay was chosen as the acting such as management Professor J_ T....., •••reI' of tile DSSG. Richard Kopelman and accounting ...---...,.,----~-----~ dean because "she was by far the Indian International Club presi­ Professor Martin Mellman are be­ strongest candidate," said LeClerc. dent, Shri Ramesh Lildharie, said ing used for the program. Kay has been at Baruch since that the interim budget sum was not According to Connelly, "One of 1973 as a professor in the depart­ a sufficient amount, and that 5300 the reasons we've started this pro­ ment of education. She was also the would have been more appropriate school's affirmative action coor­ gram isbecause this way we have for his club. dinator. Although she became the more students on the front end Lildharie said that the club had a academic assistant to Golub in because the required courses are "welcome back party" which 1984, she continued teaching. She is taken here." In other words, the •CWnited (their) spendiq severely.·' not teaching this semester because program opens up another market to fill the places in the M.B.A. Anna Baide, vice president of the "there is no time. The job is very Foreign Trade Society, said, "What program. exciting and there are so many pro­ (Continued on Ptlge 4. Co/.J) (Continu«J on Ptlg~ 6; Co/.3) blems to be solved." INSIDE: WHAT'S ONG WITH RABUrn?.. ----_.__ ._... - .._ .. ...~_._--_ .._- . -_ .. ~.. .... ---- --"-'-'''~..,..-. ..z • ._--~. ...- -. ... ~---., --~ ~ ~ ~ -:-~-.- '. ---........_- .. .......... - .. - - -- -- ----_..... ... ...... TheTieker September 30, 1916 . September 30, 1986 Page 3 EDITORIALS ··LETTERS The Tkker OP-ED ,;. Better Safe than Sorry The Lasher Michael Lsshin,sky To The Editor: It could have been me, or it could I know that many of the Baruch have been my friend. students are tired of hearing about It also could have been anyone Painting An Ugly Picture Stick to the Facts the sexual assault that took place in of the females at Baruch. Wear This space was intended to contain the It's also scary to imagine what would have Give Us Some the 24th street building, and they your ID cards. It will save you a lot trials and tribulations of a Baruch student happened if the incident took place during are complaining about the new of time, instead of wasting time by who has managed to survive a less than Monday through Thursday when the study By VICKI. DRAKE Times add words of condemnation to sub­ system of checking ID s. However, searching through your bag. You friendly system. That is until Baruch turned lounges and cafeteria were occupied. There It seems that Abraham Goldstein ad- jects of which they do not approve? What I feel it is important that we all . ' may not like the new system but it into a pseudo insance asylum on Friday would have been people running for cover junct professor of law, needs a quick type of free society's free press would that cooperate. is there for our protection.'Don't September 19, between the hours of 3:30 and only God knows how many others refresher course in the ethics and practices leave us with? I knew the woman who was make security's job any harder than and 4:30.
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