4 ~ ....I' M A Y , 1950 * COVER STORY You'll see plenty of Johnny and Penny Olsen in this issue of The Dial. so it's appropriate that you should meet them on Vol. IX N o. 10 the cover of the magazine they 're in the very act of admiring. Dia l Photographer Reuel Haymes took this picture of them in $1 per year 10c per copy the Dial booth at the Traveling Men"s Paid circulation during 1949 averaged over Booster Club Exposition at the Shrine 12,000 monthly. notarized. Mosque, where Johnny and Penny and their Ladies Be Seated gang played to 15,000 The Dial is published the first of every Ozarkians the week of April 10. The month and serves radio fans in more than booth was lined w ith pictures of KWTO 100 counties in Missouri, Kansas. Arkansas executives and personalities- some of whom and Oklahoma. as well as former Ozarkians you can glimpse in the picture: Ralph Fos­ in other states who are old friends of Radio ter, Les Kennon, Art Johnson, Slim Wilson, Station KWTO. Dale Parker. Penny could be exclaiming If the numbers 5-50 appear after your name over the picture of Johnny on page two of on the address label at the top of page 20, the April issue, (or she could be looking your subscription expires with this issue. for a picture of the KWTO-er she most Address correspondence and renewals to enjoyed, Slim Wilson). Editor of The Dial, care of KWTO, Springfield, Missouri. The Editor will be HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO : happy to answer your inquiries about past Al Stone.. .................... .... .............. .. May 2 and present KWTO personalities and fill Hollis W arren ...... .... .. ........ ........... ..... May 6 your requests for pictures you· d like to see Ruth Sherwood .. .. .......... .. ............. .. .......May 7 in The Dial. Junior Haworth ......... ........ ................... May 16 * CONG RA TULA TIONS FOR MRS. C. H. DOTSON , DIAL CONTEST WINNER Not all the activity on the stage at the is introduced to the $240 Maytag range she Shrine Mosque on T uesday, April 11, had won in the Dial Contest, and to its donor, to do with the Johnny Olsen show. H ere George Wise of Maytag Sales and Service. Mrs. C. H. (Cora) Dotson of West P lains, A t left, Jean Kappell, Dial Editor. MAY, 1950 Page 3 THEY'RE ALL OUR THE OLSENS & CO. .• . KIND OF PEOPLE! As we glance back over that happy, chilly days; Penny in dark, feminine, full­ h~ctic, hurried second week in April when skirted frocks, often flower-sprigged, gay nobody had time to be "Seated" except hats, a dark mink cape, fingertip-length. the "Ladies," there are many glistening mo­ But you are never conscious of their smart­ ments during the Olsens' Ozarks visit. ness, nor of Bob "Silverlips" Maurer's natty Would you like to .know that 15,000 sport shirts, nor of writer-director Bill Red-. people saw their afternoon programs at the field's homburg and pince-nez. You notice, Traveling Men's Booster Club Exposition instead, Johnny's twinkle, his grin, his sym- at the Shrine Mosque in Springfield? That . pathetic voice (and how he hates to shave) the whole -cast drew deep, relaxed breaths ... Penny's glowing eyes, the dimples in for the first time that week during the drive . her quick and almost constant smile, her through our rolling, smokey hills, clouded vitality and smallness (and the relief with with first blossoming, to Rockaway Beach which she kicks off her shoes after a hard on Thursday evening? That they were day's work) ... Bob's obliging, friendly guests, there, of the Ralph and Bud Coughen­ way of looking after every one ... Bill's ours, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor McMasters, enthusiasm for friendly people and friendly Ernie Williams, Laban Patterson, Harold countryside . The clowning good nature Smith and Cap'n Bill for an out-of-this-world of Jack Field and Ray McNulty . the chicken dinner at Hotel Rockaway, and that courtesy and considerateness of Ron Cor­ each one ate five and six pieces of chicken? bett and Jimmy Duane of Philip Morris, and Perhaps you'd like to know that the Dave McAnany of the agency. cast stayed an hour longer, after each Some top-bracket entertainers (it's no exhausting broadcast at the Mosque, to shake Secret) turn one face · to the public and hands with new-found "neighbors" from another, less shining face to their co-workers. many states, and to give them warm thanks Certainly the truest and finest thing that for such assorted gifts as "drinkin' gourds," can be said of Johnny and Penny Olsen wild strawberry preserves, bits of embroidery & Co. is that each of them· has one bright, wo.rk, and even-from Mr. Smith of the honest face apiece-no more. Johnny doesn't Duchess Company-gold-plated spark plugs? do his "Johnny Crooner" act just because Would you like to know that they gave it's entertaining; he loves kids. So does hours and hours of their miraculously rub­ Penny, and they fill their New York TV berized time to do shows at O'Reilly Vet­ shoW- with them. Johnny and Penny weren't erans' Hospital and Burge Hospital Polio having an old-fashioned good time with Ward; to share their sunny personalities Mrs. C. H. Dotson, Dial Contest winner, with business men at Rotary and Chamber the day they awarded her Maytag Range of Commerce luncheons; to square dance on their program, just because they hap­ with Springfield youngsters; to sign auto­ pened to be on the air coast-to-coast. The graphs; to pay courtesy visits to many whole Olsen crew loved her, and "ganged" KWTO programs? her for a dozen kisses on the cheek that same That besides keeping five and six ap­ night in the lobby of the Kentwood Arms. pointments each day and evening and work­ And we hope they'll all come back next ing like lumberjacks for two-and-a-half year not just because they've given the hours every afternoon at the Mosque, they Ozarks a million dollars' worth of adve·rtis­ still had to begin the next day at 10 p. m. ing over their ABC-KWTO program-but each evening, with two and three hours' because they're our kind of people! work on the .following afternoon's show? That Johnny and Penny and the rest gave * NEW . RING PROGRAM of their time, their smiles and their energies until, by plane-time Saturday night, they Your cards, your letters and your fond­ were in a state of pallid exhaustion? (All, ness for our old friend Bill Ring have that is, except big, shaggy-haired pianist returned him to KWTO, by transcription, for Al Greiner, former Nebraska All-American, Taystee ' Bread at the same old time- who has the architecture of a Firpo and 8:15 a. m. Sorry we couldn't " bring him the temperament and touch of an angel.) • back alive," but Bill is too valuable to the What were they really like? Like small Taystee organization in his present capacity town folks-which most of them a~e. Johnny as entertainer-sales-builder in Texas. and Penny, for instance, are always bec1u­ The program you will hear is also heard tifully-although quietly-dressed, Johnny on stations in Houston, Beaumont, Dallas, usually in blues and grays with a camel­ Fort Worth and Wichita Falls, Texas, Mus­ hair overcoat and _yell,ow yarn gloves on kogee, Okla., and Sedalia. MAY, 1950 NEWS AND DOINGS OF INSIDE AT THE STUDIO • • KWTO PERSONALITIES Two new babies are due in the KWTO f.rom Saline County sent him 5 lbs. of sliced family next fall. Want to guess whose? ... hickory-smoked ham the next! Those of you asking for more Bob White . solos will want to know that he often sings The occasional rivalry between Lonnie lead on the 7:45 Prairie Playboys show for and Eatherham Hobbs came to a head last Springfield Grocer Co., and that he alter­ month at Pittsburg, Mo., at a pie supper nates solos at 4:40, for Allied Chicks, with that followed the Robertsons' p_rogram. Lon­ Zed Tennis, Junior Haworth, Slim Wilson nie sold pie wedges with fair success until and Lexie White . .. B.M.O.C. (Big Man · somebody in the back of the hall cried, on Campus) would be Don Dailey's unof­ "Let Eatherham try!" Eatherham went to ficial title at SMS, where he graduates in work and tripled the price the ·next slice May. Don is president of the senio.r class sold for! . A helpful sciul who signed and an outstanding student . An even himself "Tooterin' John" of Hermitage sent closer knitting-together of the KWTO fam­ George Earle a whole can of motor oil with ily has come with increasing activity by the request: "Please oil those swinging doors Aunt Martha and Everett Baty and Junior at Heer' s so we can hear something beside and Wanna Fay Haworth in the High Street 'squeak! squeak!' on your Man-on-the-Street Fundamental Baptist Church of the Rev. W. program!" • • • E. Dowell ... Marge and Zed Tennis are The pockets of James Turner, handsome also deeply interested in Baptist Church young KWTO engineer, bulged with candy work. bars and cigars in late April when a girl­ Of all the "playlets" featuring Eatherham baby, Rebecca Louise arrived, weighing in Hobbs on the Fa.rm Hour, the story about at over seven pounds . June Carter re­ the "widder Abernathy" drew the most ports: "There's lots to be said about livin' laughs from KWTO-ers.
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