r ^ - va I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~esman ---- -A 1 - 16 Year-Old Raped On Campus\ Non-Student Attacked In Lower Level of Gym During Concert By Glenn L Greenberg folk County Police Department, said the twelve officers were on duty throughout the A sixteen year-old girl was raped in the rape occurred at approximately 10:30 p.m. main campus." lower level of the gymnasium Saturday night Saturday night The Suffolk County police are declining to while a concert was being perfonred Forbush said the victim who fives in the make public a more detailed description of upstairs. According to Suffolk County Police, area, went home after the rape and was the suspect at this point. According to For- the rape is believed to have been costed taken to the University Hospital at 5 am. bush, the police are being cautious in releas- by a white male in his early twenties. yesterday. ing information that may interfere with the Dan Forbush, Associate Vice President for investigation. The identity of the victim is By Glenn L Greenberg University News Service, informed States- "University News was informed of the inci- also being kept confidential. Much of the student body of SUNY man that the victim, who is not a student at dent at 10 am. (Sunday)," said Forbush. at Stony Brook share feelings of sur- Stony Brook, was raped while a concert held Forbush also said 'it is not known Forbush further commented that Public prise and vulnerability as a result of by the band The Psychedelic Furs was in whether the suspect is an SUSB student." Safety is cooperating with the Suffolk the rape of a sixteen year old girl on progress. In terms of security for that night, Forbush County police in the investigation. Kaspro- Saturday night. John Kasprowicz, a police officer involved explained, "A lieutenant and five officers wicz said, "Four detectives are actively "I couldn't believe it," said Sherry with the public information office of the Suf- were assigned to the gym. An additional investigating the case." Nathan, a junior. "I don't feel safe walking here alone at night" Sophomore Susannah Blum and DAKA Beefs Are junior DawnMarie Santo both believe "there should have been more secur- Told by Students ity" at the gymnasium, which was By Peter Parldes holding a Psychedelic Furs concert at With DAKA's present contract due to the time of the rape. expire a year from now, the future of the "'All levels of the gym should be meal plan has been given serious considera- covered (by security)," Blum stated. tion in the past few weeks. One of these "Six officers are not enough.""Accord- issues, which was discussed at length during ing to the most recent reports, six last week's Polity Senate meeting, involved Public Safety officers were assigned to the quality of food. the gym for the concert. Nancy Willis of the Faculty Student Asso- Santo, who was at the concert, ciation opened the discussion by stating, remarked, 'Mere were so many peo- 'We have changed the menus. The change ple, you'd have no idea what's going has been in effect for ten days now. We have on. Public Safety was mostly standing definitely made advances in vegetarian at the doors."' entrees."* Santo further commented, "I don't There were many questions directed to feel safe around campus walking by DAKA representatives Michael Gottlieb, myself after dark. Public Safety should Charlie Thrasher and Pat Spinau be all over campus. You never see "On the weekends, the quality is not good. them patrolling the walkways on foot The food (in the cafeterias) is lame,"*said patrols, where something like this is Senator Steve Davidson. Responding to this bound to occur." statement, Gottlieb asked Davidson, "Do The Roth Cup Regatta Commenting on the fact that there you think the product is different between were students working security at the Friday and Saturday?" concert, sophomore Jessie Ferrara "Me hot meals are not as good. The qual- Students Set Sail Across SB Pond said, "I don't think student security is a good idea at a concert. They don't ity is not there," replied Davidson. Gottlieb By Ben Katz heats with four boats in each and one heat of take it seriously enough." then proceeded to state that this situation The Roth Quad Yacht Club held its six boats. Jean Binda, also a sophomore, cow- should not be the case because all meals are Second Annual Regatta on Friday afternoon. Two $100 pzes were given, for the curred 'Tbey are just there to get prepared on a daily basis using the same Many spectators were on hand to view the owners of the best-looking and fastest paid and to watch the concert." standard of quality. event. boats. The winner of the best-looking boat Karin Rohde, another sophomore, Senator Basil Muler commented that hav- The Regatta was started last year by was the Viking, from the Commuter College. said, "I feel, even in a building with 24 ing carpets in dining areas is improper. Got- members of the Yacht Club as "a crazy idea 'Me winner of the race was Menidia, Meni- hour security, I still have to lock my tlieb responded by saying, 'There, I agree from three people from Roth Quad who dia from Cardozo College. door all the time." with you totally." Spina added, "It is difficult were affected by the sight of a full moon Professor Hechtel, last year's starter and Binda also remarked, "I don't even in terms of acoustics to put tile down. It reflecting off Roth Pond one night," accord- one of this year's judges said, "It's fantastic, like walking from Ammann to O0Neill, I shouldn't be a problem because they are ing to the Yacht Club's program for the Stony Brook needs more cheerful, sillytradi- get paranoid" vaccumed after every meal." Regatta. The Regatta has "already become a tions and I hope we continue to have them. Polity Vice President Dan Slepian "I eat cereal a lot, sometimes for dinner. Stony Brook tradition, as ridiculous as it may It's a glorious day and it sure beats grading said he was "very concerned that it Why are they removed after breakfast?" seem. It might even be comparable to the exams.** happened at all, and I'm very con- asked Senator Loral Apel. "We had to move America'a Cup Challenge or the Henley cemned that it happened at a Polity- them back for space. 'Mere is no problem Regatta," said judge and official starter, Pro- Curtis Epstein, President of the Roth funded event. Safety has to be with moving them back up," replied fessor John Pratt.'he only obstacle I can Yacht Club said he, "always thought the increased and improved campus Gottlieb. see is the rapid aging of Roth Pond," he pond should be used for something." He wide," Slepian declared. Apel also commented on the condition of continued. stated, "I'm incredibly pleased with the He also announced Polity would the sihware. "Sometimes I spend five min- The Regatta had 26 enmies, for the boat refinement of the boats. The diversity and make an effort to work with Public utes to look for clean silverware," she said race, and Roth Pond was surrounded by a creativity of the boats astounded me and I Safety to increase security on Senator Chris Savino addedL "Somelmes I sea of spectato. The was very pleased with the crowd." boats were made out campus, pick up a bowl for soup and there Is food of c o ,syrofoawaxandducktape. interviewed for People are already being 'GVe need to take a new initiate.III fnom the last dme on it." h styrofoamwaheldinseaedcoi next year's Regatta. According to Epstein, do erything I can to increase stu- -When Senator Heaher Pketers made a so as not to polhite the pand Boats were they are expecting Fred Preston, Vice Presi- dent security." judged on i See DAKA Page 5 , _ and dent of Student Affair, to enter a boat in appearance_ The entries were split Into five Roth Regatta 111. LState Report___ SU N Yn/'TBy Al - -F.-- ---- o- SASU Delegates Bill Minuich, John Hkrni and M[aria Ot/T~r / rustees mlnost a We V. Coppolblo Greco; and Student Assembly Delegates Neeoja SuriL Com plete After Years eVur York StateStdt ^ Aaer Sandli Cross and David Segal. WththeStateSenate'scanfimationcrfeightnewSt State of New York, a powerful corporate lobby group Former Sp u Gaftoont University Trustees m late Mach. the boad will epe- which e sents New York State's largest corporations.UWIrt Pulitze Pi slt rience somethig of a novelty; being almost complete. Cuomo re-appointed Trustee Judith Lasher-Duken,¥Vn i e ,UWi € The sixteen seat board. which has operated for years whose term officially expired in 1985. Under state law, So much for the theory that student journalism asn't with numerous seats vacant, will now have fifteen trustees may serve on the board until they are re- god career experience. members. Meetings at which the board just barely made appointed or replaced, regardless of whether their term Tom Toles, 38, whocartooning began his at 77ex »ec- quorum - such as one that occured late last year where has expired rTm student newspaper at the University at BuffaekD in one board member leaving would have forced the meet- t the 1970's was recently awarded a Pulcr Patze for his ing to an end - will hopefully be a thing of the past. Pr Athletics Ticke editoral cartoon, TomwTole's view, which is nationPally As trustee after trustee resigned or retiredGov.
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