Hm jrtt ibraUi Vol. 13. No. 47 WALDWICK. N. J.. JULY 19, 1962 5 CENTS Truesdale To Run For Council Meetings Next Week Carnival Opens Monday The Borough Republican Coun­ j The Board of Education will The Waldwick Lions Club Car­ ty Committee last week unanim­ four years, he is a member of the j meet Monday July 23 at 8 p.m. nival will open Monday July 23 burgers. hot dogs, corn on the ously selected Lawrence Trues­ Methodist Church. Prior to his | in the all-purpose room of the at 7 pun. on the Prospect Street ! cob and hot sausage. dale to be the GOP Borough appointment to the Planning ! Traphagen School. Board Presi­ School grounds. Ed Baldi. general All proceeds will be used for Council candidate in the Novem­ Board, he was a member of the dent Albert Tice has extended a 1 the support of youth type activi­ ber election. chairman, announced the com­ Board of Health for one year. He cordial invitation for the public mittee for the week long event: ties such as the scholarship fund. to attend. Truesdale, a member of the attended the University of Mass­ j Rides. Bernie Kaplan: Booths. Little League and Babe Ruth Planning Board the past two achusetts. The Borough Council will meet Bob Olden; Refreshments, Dave League, Scouts, orphans, blind years, is replacing Councilman S. He and his v. ffe, Clare, live al Kaplan: Manpower. Dom La Por­ and needy families in town. In William Henderson who with­ Tuesday July 24 at 8 p.m. in the 44 Sheridan Ave. They have two | municipal building. During July ta: Publicity. Bob Glynn and the words of the chairman. “The drew his candidacy for re-elec­ children, Debbie, 12, and David, ■ and August the Council will con- Fred Zaugg: Ways and Means, Ed more we make, the more we tion because of business demands. 7. 1 vene on the fourth Tuesday of Holden, Ron Weinert, Chuck Beir. give." Truesdale, 35, is employed by Truesdale’s running mate for a j each month. The public is invited Dennis O'Sullivan, Lee Riffe. and The swimming meet which is the Goodyear Tire and Rubber 3-year council term is Robert I to attend. j George Zumbano: Public Rela- , usually held during family days Company. A borough resident for Martin, 30, of 9 Dante Place. j tions. Bob Cottrell. will not take place until some­ time in August. Prizes will be awarded to the j The climax of the affair will be Snow White Presented first three hundred children at- a Free Fireworks display Satur­ Waldwick Team Wins Championship i tending each night. The carnival day evening under the chairman­ The children on Grove Street | will feature rides, including the ship of Anthony and Dominick j presented Snow White and the ferris wheel, scrambler, merry go Scafuro. The Lions will be asisl- The Waldwick Baseball Asso­ j Seven Dwarfs Friday, July 13, round, kiddie rides, games, and ed by the Police. Fire and am­ ciation is very pleased to an­ wick Borough Park. Their op­ under the direction of Mrs. Ri­ refreshments consisting of ham­ bulance corps members. nounce, that it extends it’s con­ ponent, Hillsdale, stifled Wald- chard Kozell, assisted by Sheri gratulations to the Waldwick wieks’ bid two years ago in the Henderson. Babe Ruth All-Star team, for opening round, and this year, it is hoped the tables will be turn­ j Cast: Snow White, Sheri Hen­ the very fine showing it gave, in derson; Prince, Liz Canton; All Stars Play Saturday winning the Area 2 Division D ed. According to Ben Sfraga, and Hal Williams, the manager and Queen and Witch, Brenda Berg­ The whole town is urged to championship. In the Division D strom; Seven Dwarfs, Patty Rip- Babe Ruth Tournament finale last coach, respectively, they too, are , support the local Babe Ruth team Waldwick All-Stars, has furnish­ fielding an extremely strong pon, Frances Daly Mary Ellen ed the following directors for Sunday at Allendale, the local Daly, Pat Cooke, Kathleen Rip- when they travel to Rutherford nine defeated Ridgewood, 7-5, to team. All they need at this time ! those who wish to attend the is the staunch support of all pon, Barbara Severs, Leslie Pope. Saturday to vie for the area title | game. Take Route 17 to Wood­ gain the crown. Bob Smith, ace Huntsmen, Janie De Wan, Ke- against East Rutherford at the Waldwick pitcher, was credited Waldwick residents, and of land Avenue (which is the first ; vin Pope; Guard, Ricky Kozell; j Gerry Tamblyn Field at 1 p.m. with his second win of the tour­ course, this holds true in the case [traffic light past Paterson Plank of the Babe Ruth team. Every­ 'Mirror Voice, Roxane Quinones; ] The local nine aroused the en­ Road) turn right. At the next in- nament. Although Bob held Narrator, Janine Henderson. Set thusiasm of Waldwick residents Ridgewood scoreless for four in­ one is cordially invited to attend | tersection turn left. Continue for the coming Tournament games, J Design, Janine Henderson. when they won the district title about one block, make a sharp nings, the Ridgewoodites manag­ tby beating Ridgewood 7-5 Sun- ed to score four runs on him in and to lend their vocal support. [right under the railroad trestle. Play was attended by about ! day. Bear right until reaching Park the 5th inning with none out. Babe Ruth All-Star Roster: 50 children and over a dozen FINAL Avenue (Rutherford’s main He came roaring back to get the adults. WALDWICK (7) first out on a pop fly, and then William Branagh, Thomas Gil­ street) continue through two traf- lespie, James Colianni, Robert ab r h struck out the next two batters From the sale of tickets and re­ fic lights and make a left turn on Smith, David Coomber, John Am- freshments $10.80 was collected Foran, ss 3 2 to retire the side. o Woodland Avenue to the field. rhein, Edgar Devine, Joseph Bo- and will be donated to Red Cross. Colianni, If 2 3 1 (The Laird-Johnson Chevrolet In last Saturday’s Division relli, Anthony Barchetto, James Craig, 3b 3 . 1 l Co. can be used as a landmark for semi-final against Washington Feury, Robert Haase, Richard Borrelli, cf 3 0 1 the left turn into Woodland Ave- Township, Tony Pavia turned in Craig, Anthony Pavia, Robert Pavia, rf 2 l 2 nue). a sparkling relief performance, Foran Jr., Donald Pfleger. Mana­ Swim Night Barcatto, lb 2 0 0 after Rich Craig had been bomb­ ger, John Cervati. Coach, Harold Pfleger, c 2 0 1 ed for eight runs in the first two Sharp. Feury, 2b 2 0 0 innings. With Pavia holding the Little League All-Star Roster: For Scouts Smith, p 3 0 0 Free Ice Cream! Totals 22 7 8 Washington Township All-Stars All Brownie, Intermediate and to a few scattered hits, and an Richard Maloney, David Aup- RIDGEWOOD (5) The Special Saturday Matinee perlee, William Stagg, Alfred Pa- Senior Girl Scouts are eligible to ab r h Event of the week-long Lions additional run in the later in­ i participate in a Tuesday night nings, his Waldwick teammates voni, Robert Perino, John Mc- Ilchisin, ss 2 0 0 carnival will feature a free gift Manemin, Thomas Dunne, Don­ [swim at the municipal pool from combined men on bases with key a - McCoy 0 1 0 of Ice Cream to all the kiddies, ald Brown, James Williams, 16:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. during July Bastek, 2b 4 0 1 according to Lion Ed. Baldi, gen- hits, to overcome and bypass j and August. Mrs. D. Frank Work­ Charles Pavia, James Guernsey, Pfeiffer, Ib-p 2 1 1 eral chairman of this annual Mid- their opponents. The final score man and Mrs. R. W. Brachold are John Shriver, Stephen Lillis, Mangan, c 4 l 2 Summer Family Funfest of Wald- in that game was 11-9, with the in charge of the program. The Gary Aiello. Manager, Ben Sfra­ Schneider, If 3 l 1 wick’s only Service Club. Waldwick nine the victors. leaders are interested in working ga. Coach, Hal Williams. McCull’gh, 3b 1 0 0 The final details of this affair with girls who wish to attain the At the conclusion of Sundays’ Abele, 3b *> 1 1 which runs from July 23 through championship game, a thirty-five Girl Scout Swim Badge and urge Durvett, p 0 0 July 28 were discussed at the reg- those who partially completed 0 car motorcade carried the team Lagos, lb 3 0 0 ular meeting of the organization and their overjoyed rooters on a 37 County S&L’s the course last year to return. Broderick, cf 2 Swimmers are urged to wear 0 0 presided over by Robert Olden, victory parade, through Wald­ Bauer, p l white caps and non swimmers 0 0 new King Lion at Club 17, Ram- wick and neighboring communi­ Funds Increased Keating, rf 3 0 0 sey, last Wednesday evening. A 1 red caps. ties. John Cervati and Becky HACKENSACK — With total Totals 27 s 8 large number of rides appealing Sharp, the manager and coach assets of $590,000,000, the 37 mu­ a—Batted for Ilchisin in 7th to ail ages plus many fabulous respectively, of the champs, re­ tual thrift institutions in Bergen inning. games and prizes will be avail- ceived the congratulations of j County had a growth for the first Score By Innings able during the six nights, and well-wishers everywhere.
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